The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4 - Cover

The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4

Copyright© 2024 by Luke Ozvik

S04E06: Samantha Gough (52), from Dudley

Erotica Sex Story: S04E06: Samantha Gough (52), from Dudley - EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   DomSub   Rough   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  


We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re in a large carpark ... Hundreds of cars, shoppers pushing trolleys back and forth ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags.

Now we’re looking at the large entrance gates of a zoo ... Large letters spell out ‘DUDLEY ZOO’. A small line has formed at the entrance, but it’s nothing spectacular – a bit like the zoo beyond – just a couple of families.

A familiar figure is walking toward us, alongside the customers (who almost all look into camera, the children even wave to camera) – it’s Charley of course. She’s wearing a tight, buttoned up blouse, with the top buttons unfastened to show off her firm cleavage, and a tight mid-thigh skirt that shows off her legs – slim and strong rather than shapely. One of the men in the line of customers keeps his head down, making an effort NOT to look at Charley, his wife checking on him to make sure he’s not looking.

Charley speaks directly to camera as she approaches, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Ozvik, and I’m travelling from this wonderful country looking for zoo lovers ... And giving them a close up experience the likes of which most will never dare have...” She looks at the wife, locking eyes for a moment, figuring out if the wife has a clue what she is talking about ... It looks like she doesn’t.

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ve either visited, or will be visiting in our fourth series. One of the pins, right in the middle of England, is flashing on and off to indicate that this week we’re in the midlands.

We fade back in on the entrance to the zoo, and now Charley is standing with a guest ... Dusty blonde hair, a narrow face, thin lips – she’s not bad for an older lady. Neat semi-formal summer dress, tight enough to show off a good body with a decent measure of cleavage and a good pair of hips.

Charley talks to camera, “This week we’re in the midlands, and we’re about to introduce a long-time fan to the wild world of bestiality...”

The people in the line to enter the zoo can clearly hear the narration – and they do everything they can to look like they can’t hear a word.

The woman takes a look over at the entrance to the zoo and gives a little smile and head shake as if even she thinks the intro is corny. Then looks up into camera and smiles again. She speaks with an accent that’s hard to place, she’s obviously travelled around a lot. “I’m Samantha Gough, I’m 52 years old, and I live in Dudley in the west midlands – and this...”, she nods sideways toward the zoo, “ ... Is my never-ending torment!”

We cut to the front of a four-story building with a large sign that reads “STATION HOTEL”.

Inside, we find Samantha sitting at the bar, enjoying a drink or three, crossing and uncrossing her legs throughout the interview. The cameras don’t quite catch it, but when we were filming we caught site of her panties several times up that long skirt. That was quite deliberate on her part.

There’s a man behind the bar with a name tag that reads, “PETER, MANAGER” – other than that the room is deserted.

Charley starts the interview, “So, Samantha, how long have you wanted to have sex with a dog?”

Samantha tells her story, “I’d always fantasized about it, I can’t remember not thinking it was sexy - but I never had the nerve to go through with it. Right back to when I was a teenager - every time I got a new boyfriend I would hope he had a dog ... Then I met Peter, and he had one ... And just my luck, his dog was bloody de-sexed. So I couldn’t go through with it even if I had the nerve to try.”

The man behind the bar, Peter, her husband, chips in, his accent is pure Dudley. Or ‘Dud-laaaaayyyyyy’. “You used to let him lick your pussy though, didn’t you?”

Samantha blushes a little, “Yes. He was good at it too!” She’s lost in thought for a moment, one hand stroking her chest, fingertips around where her nipple would be.

Peter picks up on the story. “She’s been at me for years. ‘Peter, do you think we could get a dog I could fuck?’, ‘Peter, maybe we could go on holiday to Europe and find a dog where it’s legal?’, ‘Peter, I really really want to have sex with a dog!’”

Samantha chips in again, “I spend a lot of time on bestiality forums, trying to meet people with dogs, but I’ve never been able to find someone I feel confident with ... I even saw your advert on the forums there when you were just starting out, but I thought it was too good to be true ... When the show actually come on tv, and I realised that the advert was real ... I wanted to kill myself for not applying!” She shakes her head, reliving the disbelief. Then adds, “But Peter told me I should apply for the second series ... And I did, and I kept applying until you called back. And here we are.”

“And how do you feel about all of this, Peter?” Asks Charley.

He speaks slowly, drawing out every word. “Sammi has followed me all around the country for, like, a quarter of a century, different hotels ... Then the last 6 years running this place ... With the bloody zoo over the road, taunting her the whole time ... Having sex with a dog is the only thing she’s ever asked me for ... How could I possibly refuse her that?”

“Does it turn you on?”

Samantha looks at Peter, and Peter looks back at her. “It turns me on to think about her fulfilling her dream ... Not so much seeing her with a dog ... Just her dream ... If her dream was to go up the road to the mosque and gangbang a bunch of Muslims, I’d be just as turned on.”

“What is it about bestiality that actually turns you on, Samantha?” Asks Charley, putting on her serious investigative reporter face.

“I think it’s just that it’s very dirty ... It’s something that everyone frowns at. Even with your show – all I ever hear is people talking about how disgusting it is, or sick those women must be, how it should be banned ... Everyone looking down at all the women ... All that shit you took for your gangbang...”

Charley nods, she remembers the controversy – and how much she loved the attention!

Samantha continues. “I want to be the one everyone looks at and says ‘disgusting’ ... And I want to look back at them and put two fingers up at them ... Because ‘fuck you, this is my fantasy and I’ll do what I want!’...” She laughs at her own anger. “And, I, you know, I don’t want EVERYONE to think it’s disgusting, I want some people to enjoy it...”

“And who are those people?” Asks Charley, well aware of who they are.

As Samantha answers we cut to shots of Peter checking clients into the hotel, signing them into their rooms, taking credit card details, etc. Smiling and joking with them all. We may even recognise a couple of them from previous shows.

“Yes, because this is my special moment, my first time, I want it to be the most intense experience of all time ... So we’ve made sure the function room is available...” We see a sign infront of the function room entrance that just reads “PRIVATE FUNCTION”...

Samantha continues her voice over as we watch more ‘friends’ checking in – men, couples, even single women. All shapes and sizes. “ ... And, like I mentioned the bestiality forums before ... I’ve been on the forums and I’ve invited a bunch of members down for the weekend, and they’re all booking in for a short stay, and to watch me in action ... And I can’t wait.”

“How are you feeling right now?”

We cut back to Samantha with a slightly distant look on her face. She snaps back into the moment as soon as Charley asks her question. “Erm ... I actually feel very relaxed and happy ... A little bit nervous ... Just because I’ve been waiting so long for this ... With the audience there’s a bit of pressure on ... But I’m relaxed ... And ready...”

“What are you most looking forward to today?”

“I’m looking forward to having all those horny dogsex fans waiting to see me in action ... Then stripping off an letting that dog at me ... And then having them all watching me in action...” She nods and smiles, clearly thinking about that cock in her pussy and that cum in her belly.

“If this all goes well, do you think it will change your life?”

Samantha exchanges looks with Peter... “Well, if I enjoy it, and I think I will ... And if he enjoys it ... I have this little plan to make friends with some more dog-owners ... And offer them free rooms for the night whenever they want to come down and visit us for some ... Fun...”

Peter chips in again. “We were actually thinking we could make it a bit of a regular weekend special ... For the ladies ... Check in, get shagged by a dog, sleep it off and go home the next day ... We could make a nice bit of money off it ... And gentlemen could check in to watch them...”

“And me...” Adds Samantha.

Then we cut to a line of people – all the guests who we saw checking in – filing into the function room. Smiling, thumbs up to the cameras. Some faces blanked out, others wearing masks, a few brave souls completely open about their identities.

In the function room itself is a fairly plane, open space. A bar on one side (currently closed and unlit), access to a large kitchen near-by, a large open room with a deep red carpet around the outside, and a central tiled area – nominally a dancefloor for the many wedding receptions and parties that have been hosted here over the years.

Chairs have been arranged in a circle around the dance floor section of the room, under a pretty ornate chandelier, and are rapidly filling with our guests – plus a few crew members who have decided to operate their equipment from a distance to give the paying customers a better view.

Charley steps into the circle of chairs, her microphone in hand, still wearing that tight blouse and skirt, possibly having flicked another button open at the front to reveal even more of the curve of her fake boobs.

She speaks, partly to the camera, partly to the live audience. “And now, for your entertainment, please welcome ... A very brave lady ... Samantha Gough...”

Samantha enters the room to a polite smattering of applause. She’s wearing a black evening dress that clings to her slim body, highlighting her chest and hips. Her walk gives away her nerves, not quite even, long stiletto heel almost turning over at one point. She’s trying to keep a straight face but can’t suppress a smile of excitement.

She walks to Charley, who takes her hand and leads her into the centre of the ring of fans. Charley parades Samantha around the circle, making sure everyone gets a good look. This week’s guest might not be the most attractive woman we’ve had on the show, but she’s being given the full beauty queen treatment.

Charley leads her to the middle of the dance-floor and they pause, Charley asking one last question, “Before we get started, is there anything you’d like to say to these lovely people, and to the viewers at home...?” She points the microphone toward Samantha, who can barely speak due to the width of the smile on her face.

“I’d just like to say...” She pauses to smile again. “I hope you enjoy watching me do this, as much as I’m going to enjoy you watching me do it!” She’s out of breath from excitement, but the smile is wide again.

Charley points the microphone back to her own mouth and says, “Then let’s get started...” before handing it off to a crewmember. She steps back to Samantha, behind her, very close and whispers in her ear. Samantha raises her hands up, lifting her hair out of the way of the back of her dress, and Charley slowly unzips it ... She slips it off her guest’s shoulders, pausing to give her tanned shoulder a little kiss, then lowers it down her pale body revealing the rear of a red and black lacey basque, tight to her slim body, and cut high over her hips, and matching red and black French-knickers wrapped tightly around a slightly sagging bottom that suggests she doesn’t live in the gym. Her legs, above average and quite slim, in elasticated hold-up stockings.

Samantha steps out of the dress, her high-heels clicking on the dancefloor with each move.

Her boobs may not be the biggest, but they are filling the cups out nicely all the same to create a good tight curve of cleavage. The French knickers are sheer enough for us to see that she’s shaven down below.

“On or off?” She asks over her shoulder, but Charley isn’t waiting for an answer. Shee’s unfastened the rear of the basque already. Samantha brings her hands up to catch it as it comes loose, clasping it to her breasts with a mock show of modesty. Then she smiles to the live viewers as much as the camera and takes her hands away, letting it drop and exposing a very pleasant pair of 34B breasts, and as it drops away a pleasantly tight stomach. Not bad for a woman of her age! Her cheeky broad grin reveals how much she’s enjoying showing her body off.

Charley pushes up close behind Samantha, and most of our viewers, whilst here for the bestiality, are probably wishing the younger woman was undressing as well as the older one. Charley’s dressed body presses up against Samantha’s back as she whispers something in her ear. None of our mics pick up what it was, but it makes Samantha smile all the same ... Then Charley slips her hands down the sides of her guest’s French knickers and slides them down her legs. Charley dropping into a deep crouch as she removes those panties, ending with her face right behind Samantha’s slightly less than pert bottom. Charley gives one butt cheek a friendly little kiss with her big injection swelled lips. Just enough to say hello without turning this into a lesbian show...

Samantha reacts with mock indignation, turning around and looking down at Samantha. “How dare you, madam!” She says in a barely convincing tone. “I didn’t come here to put on a lesbian show!”

Charley looks up at Samantha – a slightly hurt look on her face. She’s a better actor than her guest ... Just about. “I suppose you’d rather have sex with a doggy...”

There’s a pause, suggesting that the timing was just off, and then the door from the kitchen to the function room opens, and a familiar pair step into view ... Him young and a bit scruffy, although neater than in the previous series, the dog sleek and powerful ... It’s Greg and Samson the German Pointer. He walks the dog as if still listening to the Bee Gees, smiling to the side to where we notice that one of the audience members we recognised earlier is his girlfriend, and former UK of Zoo guest, 23 year old Caitlyn, her spectacles reflecting the lights, her round belly showing that she’s very pregnant.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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