The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4
Copyright© 2024 by Luke Ozvik
S04E020: Tina Goldie (28)
Erotica Sex Story: S04E020: Tina Goldie (28) - EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Fiction DomSub Rough Bestiality Cream Pie Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures...
Now we’re looking at a sandy beach on a perfect summer’s day – small waves rolling in, children paddling and building sandcastles, adults sunbathing. A long pier juts out into the sea in the background ... But we’re not looking at that – we’re looking at the familiar figure of our hostess, Charley, as she walks toward us. It’s a little disappointing for the viewers that Charley is just about the only woman on this beach who is not wearing a bikini, but her summer dress is sheer enough that we get a pretty good idea of her shape.
She talks direct to camera through a confident smile as she walks, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Ozvik, and this week I’m in Blackpool, enjoying the beach as I continue to travel the country on my quest to make dirty ladies, dirty fantasies become dirty realities...”
The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ve either visited, or will be visiting in this series.
Then we’re back on the beach with Charley. “This week we’ve come to the seaside, to the classic British resort town of Blackpool...”
We have a quick montage look around the beach seeing various women. “ ... Always popular with holiday makers and beach goers, especially on a beautiful summer’s day like today.”
We see chunky grannies, and skinny children; bored mothers fussing over annoying children, to overweight teens spilling out of their bathing suits ... Charley continues her narration in voice-over.
“We’ve said it before, but there are some truly stunning women around the UK who have some of the ugliest sexual fantasies, and this week we’re meeting with one of the most stunning yet...”
Our camera comes to rest on a bikini clad woman – with a body made for a bikini - walking among the tourists and enjoying both the fine weather, and the appreciative eyeballing she’s getting from most of the men, and the jealous looks from plenty of the women. She’s certainly very pretty - with long red hair which is tied up to show off a long neck – her face is dominated by full red lips and high cheekbones.
Pale skin and red hair - we know she won’t be on the beach for long – but her long, slim body, flat stomach and almost perfectly round, but natural looking 36D breasts, all glisten from the sunscreen she’s slathered all over her flesh.
She approaches camera, and in hearing range of a fair portion of the beach, she introduces herself to us. Her accent is not local, almost lyrical, cheery, upbeat.
“My name is Tina Goldie. I’m 28 years old, and I’m a dancer and part-time model originally from Glasgow in Scotland, and I’m here in my ex-boyfriend’s home town of Blackpool, to fuck a dog just to mess with his little head!” The smile that accompanies this statement is as white and bright as you’ll ever see.
Cut to Tina and Charley standing together on the beach, interview mode. They look spectacular side by side. Tina’s body is the natural version of what Charley has spent all that money to attain. It’s almost unfair how well nature has put her together. Families sunbath and eat ice-creams in the background, kids hang around behind the hot girls, pulling faces and trying to been seen by the viewers at home...
Based on some of the faces they pull and the miming they do, they appear to recognize Charley and know exactly what’s going on with this interview.
There’s a near permanent smile on Tina’s face - and everything she says seems to be right off the top of her head - and delivered with a surprisingly light accent.
Charley seems to be enjoying talking to her too – as she does with all of our best-looking guests. “Is this something you’ve been thinking about for a long time?”
“Not really...” Starts Tina. “I’ve always had a healthy sex life ... Adventurous even. I’ve had quite a few threesomes – me and two guys, or me and another girl with a guy ... There has to be a guy because there MUST be a big cock or why bother...? Ha ha ... I use to do so much of that when I was working on the cruise ships, with the other dancers, you know...” She pauses just long enough for us to think about her having a threesome with other perfect bodies... “But I never thought about dogs, or anything like that ... Then I met James, and he started taking advantage from day one ... He started talking me into threesome with his friends – they weren’t dancers, just average bodies ... Sometimes less ... I love a bit of perfection!” She giggles at the memory of all those dancers she had fun with ... Then continues, “Sometimes it was with him and a friend, other times he was just watching whilst two of them had me ... Then he tried to talk me into making adult films, so he could earn a living from my body ... Then I found out that his ‘friends’ were actually paying him to let them have sex with me...” She looks incredulous – but it’s easy for us to believe that men would pay, she is a very well put together woman...
“So how does this get from your ex to bestiality?” Charley asks.
Tina launches into another very wordy answer, but we’re happy to listen because that gentle Scottish accent is so pleasant. “When I found out that he was charging his friends to fuck me, that was the final straw ... I started thinking about all the things I could do that he would hate ... I left him, but I kept fucking his friends – and I charged them and kept the money for myself ... And I let him know all about it...”
As she speaks a series of Snapchat images pop up on screen, her in compromising positions with various men. A caption written across the image of her between two fat white guys, “NOW I CAN AFFORD NEW SHOES”, another written over a picture of her holding a man’s cock, he has a heavily tattooed belly – across the frame it reads “RECOGNIZE STEVIE’S TATTS?” It’s sexy, but it’s also sad, she’s way too sexy to be a such a cheap slut.
She continues. “I kept on thinking – what can I really do to torture him? And that’s when I thought about going with an animal ... We’d watched your show ... I think it’s the only time I’ve ever heard him say something sexual was disgusting ... So it was perfect, really.”
“What did he think was disgusting?”
“Everything. He thought the dogs were ugly. He thought their cocks were ugly. He didn’t like how rough and messy it was. He thought the ladies looked cheap and desperate. The one we were watching the woman was pretty old, and the owner was an older woman too ... He didn’t like it at all...”
“And what did you think?”
“I wasn’t turned on ... But I wasn’t turned off either ... There was a moment, right in the middle of the show, when the dog was going really hard into her ... The woman let out this moan and her eyes rolled back, and I thought – you can’t fake that, she’s REALLY enjoying that ... And I found myself thinking, ‘lucky bitch!’, but that was all ... It wasn’t until I wanted to piss him off, and I remembered how much he hated the show...”
“How are you feeling right now?”
Tina thinks about it for a second. “I feel empowered. Like I’m taking control. I’m doing something really really bad, but I’m doing it for really really good reasons ... I’m looking forward to it!”
“Have you told your ex about this plan?”
Tina smiles, “No ... The first thing he will know is when I SMS him a link to the show...”
Charley wraps up with her regular final question, “If all goes well today, will this change your life?”
Tina doesn’t seem to have considered the future... “I don’t think so ... I don’t plan to keep doing it. This is one time to freak him out. Hopefully it won’t be too disgusting, and I’ll have a little fun with it ... But no, I can’t see myself becoming a, erm ... What would it be? A full-time dog-slut?”
We cut to Charley on that comment, our implication being that Charley IS a full-time dog-slut.
“In that case, I suppose we should get right to the action...” Says Charley. “And to do that ... We’re going to need a doggy...”
She turns around and looks down the beach.
We look down through the crowds, and then we see him. Treading carefully, light-footed through the sand, is a decidedly effeminate man, Gay Eddie, and alongside him, pulling along on his leash, a big red Irish Setter named Paddy. The hairy beast looks from side-to-side, baffled by the proliferation of semi-naked people all around him.
Charley speaks in voice-over, “It’s Paddy ... A 5 year old Irish Setter from Birmingham ... He’s a dog who’s known all kinds of love...”
We cut away from the beach walk to see a fast montage – this dog fucking a beautiful long-haired teenage slut (Hope, from series 2), the dog fucking a fat man (Eddie, from their home movies), the dog being sucked off by a large breasted middle-aged lady (Rosie, from earlier in this series), and finally being fucked from behind by a fat man (Eddie, from home movies again).
And then we’re back to Paddy and Gay Eddie as they approach us on the beach, and to Charley’s narration. “ ... And never fails to satisfy...”
We cut to a wide shot to show them arriving at the interview site. We can see our camera and sound crew, Charley, and the bikini clad redhead beauty. It’s a brief shot with lots of smiles, cheek kisses and handshakes ... Then Charley points up the beach and the trio of on-screen stars (Charley, Tina and Paddy) set-off toward the pier.
We cut to the inside of a public toilet by the beach. More than that, it’s the men’s room. It’s deserted (because we locked it off from the public before the shoot began), but it’s still a dirty dirty place to end our 4th series. Despite being a regularly cleaned toilet, the council here makes sure the tourists are never disgusted ... However, since we got the keys this morning our whole crew has been using the room – pissing on the walls and the doors of the toilet stalls, shitting without flushing, blocking the toilets up with paper. It’s currently a wet-floored mess...
Charley walks Tina into the room, leading her by the hand. Their footsteps splashing in a millimetre of piss and toilet water that covers the tiled floor. Paddy is lead in behind them ahead of Gay Eddie. “I hope you like the room we got for you...” Jokes Charley.
“It seems ... Suitable!” Nods Tina, accepting that a filthy room is the perfect place for a filthy act.
“Takes me back to my youth!” Says Eddie, wistfully.
Tina turns to face Eddie and his dog, side on to the camera, “Let’s see if you remember anything like this...” she jokes as she reaches up to pull the string loose on her bikini top, letting it fall off from the neck and drop down, freeing her magnificent boobs, showing off small pink nipples that are already as hard as they can get.
Eddie smiles, “No, that’s not ringing any bells at all...” He looks down at Paddy, pulling on his leash. “Someone likes what he sees though...”
Tina smiles again as she pulls the string on her bikini briefs, and lets them fall away to reveal a small tuft of ginger pubic hair – quite thin and whispy, above a very tidy little pussy.
Cut to a few seconds later, she’s already down on her knees on the pissy tiles, and is play wrestling with Paddy, apparently completely unphased by the wet floor.
Every time she pushes him, he jumps back at her – and every time he jumps at her, she pushes him away ... She makes playful barking noises that sound nothing like a dog but are very cute none-the-less.
The camera lingers on her as she plays with the dog – focusing mainly on her beautiful face, but also her near perfect boobs, as she pushes and shoves the animal. There are close-ups of her hands every time they hit the wet floor...
She looked good during her intro on the beach, and during her interview – but now, smiling, laughing and playing with the dog, she is displaying a natural beauty we’ve rarely seen on the show.
She pats him, strokes him, pushes him around and generally rough-houses with him – and he is enjoying it as much as she is. “Come on you ... Come on...” She repeats as he jumps at her.
Then she’s crawling around, with him following, occasionally she turns her back on him and he tries to mount her, but she keeps moving ... She’s not ready yet. She wants to play!
Then they are wrestling again, and she ends up on her back on the wet floor with him standing over her, and her giggling. Looking up, she’s looking right at his semi-erect cock. She flashes a tremendous smile, then slides further under him, two hands flat on the wet tiles to her sides, and lifts the top half of her body up, straining to reach his cock with her mouth.
No hands, she brings her mouth up, her tongue out, letting the tip of the dog’s cock slide along it, over her bottom lip, and into her mouth. Letting it sit there on her tongue, letting the camera get close to see it in a graphic close-up. The corners of her mouth turn up a little as she waits before sucking ... The she closes her lips around it, sucking hard on the shaft, letting out a slow moan to confirm that she’s been looking forward to this for some time.
She bounces her head up toward the belly of the beast enthusiastically, sucking on the shaft, swallowing between breaths ... Smiling around the shaft. Obviously enjoying it. Pausing after one suck, cock still in mouth, and moaning, “I love it” (which comes out more like “Ah luv ee”).
Charley’s GoPro tracks along Tina’s body – from a needlessly graphic close up on her ginger haired twat, over her flat belly, straining from the work it’s doing to support her upper body, over her firm round tits, up to her mouth, still wrapping around the dog’s cock, bobbing up toward his body, swallowing six inches of shaft to the back of her throat.
A wide shot shows Charley on her knees next to the action, kneeling in the piss, the hem of her summer dress beginning to soak – her stunning guest on the floor sucking the big dog’s cock from beneath. The dog standing over her, angling his backside just a little toward her, his head up looking at his master to make sure he’s doing a good job.
Tina brings her hands up from the floor at her sides, runs them over her belly and tits, spreading the wetness over her flesh, then begins to stroke the dog’s sides as she sucks on his cock. Her fingers through his rough hair as her face bounces up toward his belly. She’s a very capable and skilled cocksucker – but most importantly, she’s enthusiastic!
A side angle camera catches Charley in the same shot as Tina – and Charley looks into camera briefly with a big smile. “She’s a bit good, isn’t she?” She watches a little more sucking action, then smiles into camera again. “She’s sexy as fuck!”
Tina pulls the cock from her mouth – leaving her lips on it until the very last second. Her lips smacking together as the cock pops free, then she’s smiling broadly – with a ‘what now?’ look on her face.
Charley smirks, taking control... “Get onto your hands and knees like the bitch you are...” She instructs.
Tina does as she’s told – rolling onto her hands and knees. A side angle camera picks her position up perfectly. Her toned arms legs supporting a very slim, flat-bellied body, with those near perfect orbs hanging from her ribs. Her hair hangs down like a curtain, already semi-soaked from laying back on the wet floor. She lifts one hand from the floor and uses it to swish the hair to the other side of her head, making it even wetter, and leaving us an unobstructed view of her face.
She leans back a little and arches her back, giving a high angle from her shoulders up to her backside.
Charley shuffles closer and runs a hand over her guest’s peach of an arse. She does this for just a little too long, lingering ... Then snaps out of a daydream and gives it a sharp smack. “Come on, boy!” She calls to Paddy – and the dog, who has been standing to the side watching Tina get ready, waiting patiently for his instructions, makes his move...
He hurries up behind Tina and mounts her without pausing for a second. We can’t blame him for being in a rush, she’s gorgeous, and her backside looks extremely inviting in this position.
He’s already jabbing his cock at her pussy, in a hurry to get inside her – and she’s pushing herself back at him, clearly keen to do the same. Charley decides to help them both out, reaching under the dog’s balls, between his hindlegs, and taking hold of his cock ... Then steers it home into Tina’s perfect pussy.
Paddy’s cock slides in immediately – he’s so hard, and she’s so wet, there’s nothing to stop it. He starts fucking her as soon as he’s inside her – and she starts gasping and moaning as soon as he starts fucking her... “Oh God ... Oh yes ... Yes ... Oh yes ... Oh...” A non-stop chorus of approval.
As he continues to fuck her, she looks right into the camera, head tilted slightly down so she can look up ... Even at the height of passion, in the depth of depravity, the beauty still knows how to play to the camera.
As pretty as her face is, we cut away from it to get a close-up on her pussy as that big shaft slides in and out of her – fast and slippy. Her moans heighten the quality of the shot.
We cut back to a wide angle and drop into slow motion to take in the full beauty of the scene. This big hairy Irish Setter all over Tina’s white body, pumping into her from behind, his cock driving deep into her. Charley beyond them, reaching under the redhead’s chest to fondle those beautiful round boobs. The look on Charley’s face matches the one on Tina’s. Pure joy.
One pump of the dog’s hips, Tina rocking forward, her boobs wobbling, her head turning to the side, big smile on her face ... Another pump, boobs wobbling again, Tina continuing to turn her head, a smile on her face ... Charley leaning in, big smile, an impressed look on her face.
Then, as Tina gasps, we drop out of the slow-motion and back into regular speed to show off the power and the passion of the scene. Charley shifting in position to get a better angle of the penetration. “Ohhh yeeesssss!” She says with a touch of awe in her voice. “He’s going to give you his knot ... I can see it beginning to swell up...” She gasps.
A low angle close-up shows the big, ugly knot at the bottom end of the dog’s cock shaft bumping up against the lips of Tina’s perfect pussy. It’s pushing just inside her lips, spreading them a little apart, almost popping inside on each stroke. Tina gasps on every stroke, the tone of her voice rising – excited and afraid at the same time.
Then she screams from surprise and pleasure as the knot is suddenly inside her. Paddy is still fucking, but now it’s very short strokes, not wanting to pull his knot out, but still trying to pump it deeper.
The shorter, faster strokes, coupled with that big knot stretching her cunt out, send Tina to a sudden and intense orgasm – and she’s very vocal about it. Her squeals of “Oh my fucking God!”, echoing off the bricks and porcelain of the toilet block.
Her body jerks and heaves, back arching up then bending down, hips bucking forward as the dog grabs tighter around her midriff, his paws digging into her belly and thighs. The strength of his grip around her, and the pain of his nails digging into her flesh only serving to make the experience more intense. Somewhere in this moment, the dog has stopped moving, no longer pumping his cock into her, now just pumping his seed into her.
Her head is back, and her face is almost as red as her hair, her mouth open – she’s trying to suck air in, but her lungs aren’t co-operating...
And then, she’s breathing again, and smiling, and looking as happy as can be – and the whole time she’s still impaled on the dog’s cock, locked to him by the fat knot in her pussy. His arse twitching, his balls pulsing ... We fade out.
After a second of blackness, we fade back in.
The scene is much the same – Tina on her hands and knees on the wet floor, arse in the air, flat belly and round boobs covered in sweat and God-knows-what from the floor. Her head is down low, her hair hanging down to the floor, the ends soaked. She’s breathing hard, working through the pain of a huge knot in the pussy. Her flesh tested like it’s never been before, and it’s been this way for nearly ten minutes.
As usual, we’ve cut back to the tied bitch just in time to see the dog pull loose – and once again, we manage to catch the crucial moment in close-up...
Big, fat, ugly knot ... White, distended, pretty pussy ... The knot slipping and twisting to the side, at an angle – each move making Tina squeal ... Then half of the knot popping out sideways, the pussy half popping back into shape. Cum dribbling from around the cock...
Then the second half slipping out – this time Tina moans as a wave of relief washes over her. Her body freed from the delicious pain of knotting.
She stays in position, on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth even though the dog is now standing a few feet away from her. She’s looking over her shoulder at the dog, smiling, then turning to look into camera... “Can I suck it again?” She asks, almost playfully, like she hasn’t had enough fun yet...
We cut to an image of Paddy being backed up to Tina. She’s still in the same position, hands and knees – Charley has swung his cock out backwards between his hind-legs and is holding it in position for her guest.
Tina begins sucking and licking at the ugly tip. Smiling the whole time – this is a girl who loves what she’s doing.
As Tina sucks, Charley lets go of the cock, leaving her guest to keep it in position with her mouth alone. Charley plays with Tina’s wet hair throughout the sequence – keeping it clear of the action, but mainly just playing with it because she appears to like the redhead.
She turns her face slightly toward the camera, getting a little behind the cock, making sure we can get a really clear image of her at work. Running her tongue along the shaft of the dog’s cock, kissing and slurping on it. Eyes to camera as we move closer and closer to her. Her moving her mouth back toward the end of the cock, then winking into camera as she wraps her head around and takes the shaft in her mouth.
She sucks hard, her cheeks pulling it, her lips tight to the shaft. Taking it all – then releasing the suction, but keeping that big tool deep in her pretty mouth. Catching her breath around the cock ... Then back to sucking, bobbing her head up and down the shaft behind the dog. Pausing to let the cum dribble out of her mouth and down to the wet floor. Long strands of cum and saliva merging.
Charley takes one hand and puts it under the strands, gathering a couple up and bringing them back up to Tina’s face, rubbing them on her chin and cheeks and nose, all around the cock in her mouth. Tina doesn’t resist, in fact she seems to enjoy it.
Then more sucking ... Working that shaft slowly. Up and down, in and out. Charley hands in her hair and smearing cum, saliva and piss-water from the floor all over her face as she sucks.
Eventually it’s Paddy who loses interest and walks away. He’s had enough. He’s as exhausted but doesn’t want to lay down on the wet floor so he just stands a few feet away from his bitch.
She rolls over so that she is sitting on the wet floor again. Bringing her hands up to wipe her hair back from her face, wet and heavy behind her head. Her face and her whole body glistening from the combination of cum, saliva, sweat and piss-water from the floor. She relaxes and smiles into the camera again. “Did you get all of that? How did I look?” She asks brightly.
Covered in piss and fucked by a dog - she still looks good.
As Paddy stands by them with a hard-on still on view, Charley moves in beside her guest, sitting on the floor beside her, summer dress getting soaked ... Microphone at the ready – time for her post-fuck interview.
“So, now you are officially a dogslut ... Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo...” Says Charley. She flips the microphone over to Tina, who smiles and says, “Thank you very much.” As she’s talking she’s casually stroking the floor with the palms of her hands, then letting the piss-water drip off them onto her lovely tits.
“What did you think of that, then?” Asks Charley.
“Well, it was better than I thought it would be, to be honest...” Says Tina. “Actually, quite a lot of fun. It’s not going to replace going with men, but it’s not a bad second place!” Charley follows up, “So you will be doing it again?”
Tina smiles again, unable to hide how much she’s enjoying saying this, “Oh yes ... I’ll do this again. I hope my ex hears that ... I hope he knows I’ll be sucking and fucking dogs for fun now that he’s long gone!” She laughs.
Charley hands over the standard end of episode gift – a limited edition show t-shirt, and a Rocky the Rottie dog cock Dildo – noting that, “I think you’ve thoroughly deserved this ... You been one of our dirtiest sluts this year ... You’ve certainly enjoyed yourself more than most!”
Tina unfolds the shirt, admires it, then quickly slips it over her head and on. Any disappointment we may have about her putting clothes on is immediately cancelled out as the thin material clings to the piss-water and sweat that’s all over her chest. Other than the logo, the shirt becomes almost instantly transparent over her chest.
Charley turns to face the camera and sign off with, “That’s the end of this series – we’ll be away for a while now to charge our batteries and find some new girls to join our ever growing kingdom ... In the meantime, I need to find someone to keep my occupied...” She turns back to Tina. “Apologies for a moment of selfishness ... But I have to say this ... You are as hot as fuck ... And I’d like to spend a lot of time with you!”
Tina smiles, a self-confident smile. “I told you before – I’m only interested if you’ve got a cock!” She half-laughs.
“I’ve got a Labrador...” Responds Charley with a cheeky smile.
Tina pauses, raising an eyebrow and smiling again, “That’ll do!” And she puts her arm around Charley, her virtually naked, wet body against our host’s side.
We cut to a wide shot and watch as the pair of them walk away, arms around each other’s shoulders, their shoes clicking and splashing in the piss, as they exit the toilet together. Charley in her mini-dress, Tina wearing that wet t-shirt as a mini-mini-dress. God knows what anyone outside will think.
We’re on a pretty grimy old terraced street in the grim northern city of Gateshead. The houses are wall-to-wall, narrow and double story. Brick walled, with a front door and a single window on the ground level, two windows on the upper level, and an almost pointless one-meter front ‘yard’, before a low brick wall and then the pavement. The side of the road is nose-to-tail with parked cars.
Walking toward us, the familiar figure of our hostess, Charley. It’s a lovely day (by the standards of Gateshead), and she is dressed very nicely in a strapless white mini-dress, the tops of her fake boobs curving perfectly, not jiggling too much as she walks (partly because the dress is holding them in place, partly because they are filled with pretty solid saline bags). Her chest tattoo, baring the words “WORLD’S GREATEST DOGWHORE”, and the chain of little dog’s paws running up her leg and disappearing into her skirt mid-thigh, leave little to the imagination about this woman.
She speaks as she approaches. “Four years ago, we introduced the world to a new star ... A star who with his first television appearance changed entertainment, and sexual depravity forever ... I’m talking, of course, about a very special Rottweiler, named Rocky...”
We cut away from Charley, to a selection of images ... A big black Rottweiler, all powerful and scary, approaching various woman – being welcomed with hugs and smiles; those women on hands and knees being mounted by this magnificent beast; a series of shots of him fucking women hard; a series of shots of them holding him afterward – posing for post-fuck pictures. We note that in the later clips he looks a little heavier, and a little slower.
Charley continues speaking over the top of this montage. “Men dream of watching him fuck their girlfriends and wives, and women dream of being fucked by him ... He was the first dog ever to have sex with a woman on television ... And he was the first dog I ever had sex with as part of my legendary doggy-gang-bang ... But – having made eight appearances on the show over the years, and having spawned one of the best dildos on the market, it’s time for our beloved Rocky to retire ... All good things must come to an end...”