The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4
Copyright© 2024 by Luke Ozvik
S04E018: Rachael Chambers (35)
Erotica Sex Story: S04E018: Rachael Chambers (35) - EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Fiction DomSub Rough Bestiality Cream Pie Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new...
A large sewage treatment plant. A mini montage of big circular pools of household waste, being chewed up and cleaned by large rotating mechanical arms ... It looks like it smells terrible. The occasional member of staff, checking equipment, wearing full overalls and masks. Everything is concrete and steel – everything grey and old (including the staff), then...
Charley, our hostess, in her spotless white mini-dress (the strapless front low and showing off the huge chest tattoo that declares her as the ‘World’s Greatest Dogwhore’), her long black hair tied back in a tight-ponytail.
Her stack heels (she’s avoided the stilettos this week as most of the walkways are steel mesh) clang on the metal floor as she walks confidently toward us. She soldiers on without a mask, clearly affected by the smell, but – well, we all know that virtually nothing disgusts Charley!
She speaks directly to camera as she approaches, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo... (deep breath) I’m Charley Ozvik, and I’m going from one side of the country to the other, and top to bottom, searching for lovely ladies who need my help to make their depraved sexual fantasies into depraved sexual realities...”
The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing each location we’ve visited throughout the series. Right now, a pin is flashing toward the south-west, indicating that...
We cut back to Charley as she enters a small office complex, closing the door behind her. The look on her face suggests that she’s shut the smell out.
“This week we’re in Swindon in the south-west of England, to meet a lady who has a fantasy that even dirtier than her dirty job...”
We meet our next subject in the small kitchen of the little office block, making a cup of tea.
She’s a slim, pale skinned, woman with stringy hair and the kind of mouth that is extremely animated when talking. She’s quite pleasant without being particularly attractive.
Wearing a heavy turtle-neck sweater that highlights her slim frame and a decent but not large pair of boobs, and a tight knee length skirt that shows off slim thighs and what appears to be a quite shapely little bottom. The head might disappoint, but it looks like the body could compensate.
She speaks with an almost indecipherable west-country accent, “My name is Rachael Chambers, I’m 35, I’m a single mother, and I work at the Sewage Treatment Plant here in Swindon.”
Charley leans casually against the wall of the small kitchen area, holding a mug of tea, whilst she talks to Rachael, who perches her pert behind on the little kitchen counter as they talk. Just a couple of girls having a chat in the kitchen. We occasionally cut to a male worker’s reaction at the conversation.
Charley jumps right into the interview. “So, tell us a little bit about yourself, and why we’re here today...”
Rachael takes a breath so that she can just blow the words out, and there are plenty of them. “What can I say? I was born and raised in Highworth, which is just outside Swindon. Had a really good childhood. Good parents, always very loving. I got pregnant from a one night stand just before I was supposed to go to uni, and I just stayed at home. So I was 19 and I had a little girl. Like I said, I just stayed home and looked after her until she went to school, so I basically didn’t meet anyone, like ‘romantically’, so I was basically celebate except for my fingers!” She laughs a little too much. “When Millie went to school I realised I had to get out of the house, and I got a job here ... Not a great place to meet men...”
We cut to her two co-workers, neither of whom look particularly put out at her last comment.
Back to Rachael, “So here I am, very single, a little frustrated ... The only person who seems to understand me is my little girl – and she’s not so little anymore...”
Charley asks something off camera – Rachael replies, “She’s 16 ... And she knows so much more about the world than I do!”
Charley interrupts, “What does she think about you being here today?”
Rachael is very animated, looking a little wild (but in a fun way), “She’s the bloody reason I’m here! We watched the show together, you know, two girls having a giggle together ... We’re more like best friends rather than mother and daughter ... We’re watching all these women having sex with dogs, and we’re both just laughing and laughing ... And I wasn’t really turned on or anything – I don’t know if she was – I never asked ... But one day she says to me, ‘One of us has to go on the show’ ... I said, ‘Bloody hell girl you’re only 16 ... It’s 2 years before you can do that!’ And she says ‘I can’t wait that long – it’s gonna have to be you!’ Then she says, ‘You know you want to!’ And I’m thinking, I don’t, but then I’m thinking, I bloody do, you know ... Honestly, it had never, ever, turned me on before, but the second she suggested it I was, like, ‘I want to do that!’” She looks incredulous.
Charley laughs a little then asks, “So what is it about bestiality that turns you on all of a sudden?”
“I have absolutely no idea ... I don’t like dogs. Not even to play with. I don’t NOT LIKE them, but I don’t LIKE them. I don’t see them and think, I wish I had a pet dog ... But there’s something about watching them on your show. I used to think I was laughing at the girls on the receiving end – like they were cheap and desperate, and I wasn’t ... Then I realised I was actually a bit jealous of them for doing something wild and dirty ... Then, when Millie said one of us should go on the show, and said I had to do it ... I suddenly realised, I WAS jealous of the girls ... And it WAS because they seemed to be having so much bloody fun!”
“What turns you on about having sex with a dog?” Asks Charley.
“Well, like I said, it wasn’t so much about being turned on, it was more about being jealous – and I really don’t know why I feel jealous. It’s a horrible, dirty, disgusting thing. It doesn’t look good on tv, and the girls almost never look good doing it ... But they just seem so ... I don’t know ... Free, maybe? They’re just doing what they want to do, and they’re getting off on it. And, I suppose, I think it’s also a little bit about Millie. Like, when she said one of us should do it, and when she said I should do it ... I felt like she wanted to share that moment ... And I just wanted to do it for her, as much as for me.”
“Of course, Millie is underage, so she can’t be here today – but would you be comfortable with her watching on if she was old enough?” Probes Charley.
“I probably should say this, but she’s watched me having sex before ... She was very curious about sex a couple of years ago, so I picked up a guy in the pub and brought him home. She watched from the cupboard. Poor bugger would probably have a heart attack if he knew there was a 14 year old girl watching from the shadows ... Maybe he would have liked it.”
Charley can’t resist asking, “What if she wanted to join in?”
Rachael pulls a face – a very twisted, half disgusted, half never-thought-of-that face... “I suppose, if she was ‘of age’, and she wanted to, and he didn’t mind ... I wouldn’t want to stop her.”
Charley goes for the kill, “And what if HE was a dog?”
Rachael smiles a little, lopsided, nervous smile... “‘Ave you been talking to her?” She laughs. “She just said to me this morning – ‘If it’s fun, I want to try it too, we’ll have to get a dog and share him... ‘“
“And what do you think about that idea?”
“You know what? If I was to buy a dog to be my lover ... What right would I have to say no to my daughter? And what right would anyone have to think that was weird?”
Charley pauses for a moment, taking in the idea of a mother-daughter-dog threesome. “So ... I usually ask the question, ‘If this goes well, do you think it will change your life?’, but I suppose we’ve already answered that one...” She pauses, thinking of another question... “Now ... Because home is off limits ... You’re going to have sex with the dog, right here, at work ... Infront of your workmates ... Does everyone here know about your fantasy already?”
Rachael looks over at the other workers. “Yeah, I told a couple in the office when you accepted my application – then word got around, and I think just about everyone knows now.”
“And what reaction have you had to that?”
“Not much to be honest. I think everyone is too embarrassed to say anything. I was embarrassed at first, but over the last week I’ve just realised that this is going to be on the tele, and I’m going to have to come in the day after anyway, so why be shy?”
Charley winds the interview up, “I suppose all that’s left for me to do, is to ask you to get ready before our four legged friend arrives...”
Rachael nods, and begins to peel off that tight sweater. As she pulls it up her body the first thing we notice is that she is very slim – not skinny, not muscular, just slim. And pale. The next thing is that she’s wearing nothing beneath the sweater – and her boobs are in pretty good shape for a mother in her mid-thirties. Not particularly large, but firm and still winning the war with gravity.
She unzips her skirt at the side and lets it drop to reveal a firm, pert bottom and slim but firm thighs. She’s wearing a g-string that’s virtually not there.
She stands in the middle of the room, completely comfortable with being almost naked despite the presence of a couple of co-workers. Someone has said something to her off-camera and she is responding. “It’s okay if they want to stay – just don’t spoil anything, okay? And don’t laugh at me...”
The co-workers laugh among themselves and give her the thumbs up. One of them asks, “Can we wank?” Rachael flashes them a look – not angry, more like a teacher looking at naughty children. “You can wank, but just don’t cum on me, okay!” The guys laugh again.
She poses for a few seconds, looking a little awkward with having nothing to do as much as anything. Raising an arm over her chest, for warmth. “It’s a bit bloody cold in here though ... Where’s this dog I’ve been waiting for?”
We cut to the outside of the sewage plant. Two familiar faces – one human and female, the other canine and male. She’s in a red minidress that’s almost too tight for comfort, and he’s covered in long black hair. She introduces them in voice-over. “I’m Carol, and this is my special friend Rebel.” She says as they approach a building. Her face suggests that the air stinks around here, his tongue is hanging out, suggesting that he can’t get enough of the local atmosphere.
She continues her voice-over, “The United Kingdom of Zoo gave me the chance to fulfil my slutty desires, now it’s our turn to return the favour!”
They enter the building and we immediately cut back to the staff room as they enter. Rebel sees the almost naked, very pale and slight, Rachael standing, waiting for him, and immediately pulls against the chain in Carol’s hand, almost pulling her off her feet.
Rachael smiles and opens her arms, bending forward to welcome the beast.
Carol quickly unhooks Rebel’s chain and lets him head over to say hello to his new bitch before he can dislocate her shoulder.
Our guest squats down and lets the dog push up close against her – licking at her. Licking her chest, her boobs, her nipples. She puts a hand on the back of his head and holds him in place, letting him lick her tits a little more, concentrating on having him lick her nipple.
She looks up at the camera and comments that, “It feels nice ... He’s got a lovely soft tongue ... Warm too...”
Carol speaks, off camera, but we hear her clearly, “You should feel it on your pussy ... It’s pretty fucking special...”
Rachael looks up at her, “Yeah?” She smiles. “I think I will...”, and she flops back on her backside, her knees up and wide apart – then leans back on her elbows so she can sit upright and watch the dog at work.
He digs deep, his big snout pushing right up to her hot snatch. His tongue sweeping between her pussy lips, working into her slot. He doesn’t care about her clit, he’s all about the taste of the wetness – but his tongue still runs over it on most strokes – and that tongue is long and warm and wet, giving her an amazing sensation as it slops over her.
She throws her head back and smiles, gasping out loud, as the licking begins to get good to her. She catches her breath, then looks up again, then over to her workmates with a little extra grin... “How do I look?” She says.
They both give her the thumbs up as they drink their coffees and smoke their cigarettes.
She looks back down at the dog as he continues to lick her cunt. Watches him with her mouth a little open, lost in the moment ... Sighing slightly ... Then more ... Her mouth opening wider, then her opening her thighs a little wider to let him work her deeper. Then his head is on its side as he pushes even deeper ... And his tongue is sliding deeper ... And then she’s shaking, and her eyes are closed, and her head is back ... And she’s cumming, hard.
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