The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4 - Cover

The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4

Copyright© 2024 by Luke Ozvik

S04E017: Penelope Wright (58)

Erotica Sex Story: S04E017: Penelope Wright (58) - EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   DomSub   Rough   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  


We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something familiar...

A narrow single car width country road, leading through an area of barren, rolling, grassy hills. Dry stone walls rise about 3 feet on either side of the narrow road. A few cows chewing slowly. We’ve used this as the opening shot on every show so far. We felt it beautiful summed up the English countryside.

As we roll back along this road, a woman steps into frame behind us and walks along talking to camera. It’s Charley, of course, and she’s looking as filthy as ever. Knee length boots, tight jeans, and a tight sweater that once again highlights those fantastic fakes of hers. Her long black hair hangs down her back, there’s very little wind to blow it around.

“Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Ozvik, and I’ve travelled the length and breadth of the nation, helping our bravest women fulfil their darkest fantasies...”

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up on screen over a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ve visited during this series. Right now, there’s a pin flashing right up in the north of England.

We cut back to Charley on the country lane as she approaches a little old stone cottage. She continues to talk to us as she pushes through a little wooden gate and approaches the building.

“This week, we’re in Yorkshire, to meet a lady who has dedicated her life to living as close to nature as she can ... And wants to get even closer to the animal world than she’s ever been...”

The door of the cottage opens and an older lady, 58 to be precise, appears. She’s healthy, tall and rustic-looking, with big boobs and blonde (almost white), long, wild hair flowing over her shoulders. She’s wearing something that was probably once a fairly pretty summer dress – but is now a fairly tired collection of rags with a vaguely summery feel. She’s not a tramp you understand, she clean and healthy, just a bit scruffy. She speaks with a strong Yorkshire accent and, frequently, a raspy little chuckle.

“‘Ello.” She says, looking directly into camera. Almost completely oblivious to how many people are probably watching, “Me name is Penelope Wright, I’m 58, and I want to have sex wi’ a great big dog!”

We cut to a shot of a little white walled cottage in the middle of the countryside. From the outside it looks barely large enough to live in. Inside it seems almost smaller. Two rooms, living room with kitchenette, bedroom with a little bathroom off it. Several cats wonder around.

Penelope takes a seat at the head of the table, Charley is sitting to the side, both of them nicely framed in the same shot.

“It’s not much but the rent’s dirt cheap. Ah’ve got my savings, and my pension coming in soon ... It’s home and it’s all I need.” She chuckles. “Almost all I need.”

“Do you ever get lonely all the way out here?” Asks Charley.

“I don’t really like people, to be frank ... I don’t want to have guests here ... Present company excluded, of course.” The chuckle again.

Penelope sips from a big mug of tea, collecting her thoughts. “I’ve been married twice, and neither of them worked out. It wasn’t that they done owt wrong, it were just that I were miserable with them both. I used to think maybe I was a lesbian, but the idea of spending time with another lady does absolutely nothing for me...” She reaches out and puts a skinny old hand on Charley’s... “Nowt personal, you know.” Charley smiles, not at all concerned that this strange lady doesn’t want to sleep with her.

She continues, “Back in the, like, the nineties, I saw one of those old Animal Farm videos ... I was more turned on watching the bloke fucking the chicken than I was being fucked by my husband ... And when the women got fucked by the dogs ... Bloody hell ... I was done. I’ve thought about it ever since. That’s like 25 years of thinking about it...”

“Did you ever tell anybody else about your fantasy?” Asks Charley.

“I told my second husband about it ... I think that’s probably why he’s not my husband anymore!” She chuckles, sips her tea. “He couldn’t handle the thought that everytime we ‘ad sex I was thinking about a dog!”

“What is it about bestiality that turns you on?”

Penelope leans forward, very earnest, as if she’s revealing a secret that’s never been revealed before. “It’s honest ... Animals don’t lie. If they don’t like you, they don’t want anything to do with you. They growl and they bark ... If they do like you, they want to be right on top of you ... RIGHT on top ... And they love you, and they lick you ... I’m looking forward to being licked!!”

“So it’s just about being loved?”

Penelope cracks a smile. “No ... It’s about doing the deed, isn’t it? You know, animal passion. Really dirty rough animal passion.”

“So, what are you looking forward to most today?”

“I haven’t had sex for over two years, so to be honest, dog or not, I’m just looking forward to having a nice big cock inside me again...” She smiles. “And if that’s attached to a dog, and it’s a big hairy dog on my back ... I think that’s a lovely thing to look forward to.”

“If today goes well, will this change your life?”

Penelope barely pauses, a big smile flashing over her face. “Well I’ll be getting rid of these bloody cats and buying a couple of dogs for a start...”

Charley smiles at Penelope’s clear thinking. “Two dogs ... You’ve thought this through.”

“Two dogs ... For a start ... It’s all I ever think about these days, yes ... I’d like to spend my final decade or two just being pounded by one dog after another. Every day. In the cottage, out in the garden, out in the fields ... I just need to know that I like it before I commit to it...” There’s a look in her eyes – pure lust or pure insanity, it’s hard to tell.
“If you don’t mind me asking ... You’re obviously a very sexual lady ... All the way out here, with no one else around – what do you do for sex?” Asks Charley, genuinely curious. She’s never quite got used to the fact that old ladies masturbate too.

“Well, obviously I play with myself quite a bit. I don’t have a vibrator, I prefer the natural energy of nature ... I like to use natural items – smooth stones from a riverbed and feel lovely and cold against your clit ... I use them a bit like love eggs ... If I find one the right shape and size, I like to push it inside my pussy – right from the river whilst it’s still cold ... If they are smooth enough it feels very good ... And trees – I like to wrap myself around a tree trunk, or a branch, and just rub against it. Not like those hippy tree-huggers, I really like to grind my pussy against them – the rougher the bark the better ... I’ve actually given myself quite a few cuts and scratches – but I don’t mind, it all adds to the sensation!”

The look on Charley’s face says it all. This is a strange lady!

We cut to the outside ... A black van approaching along a narrow country lane – it’s almost ominous...

Inside, Penelope stands from her chair, looking a little uncertain – not so much about her situation and what she’s about to do, more about whether it’s time to do it or not. She’s encouraged to continue by someone behind the camera.

She unbuttons the front of her dress, letting it fall open to reveal a slightly sagging boobs in a white half-cup bra, a soft but not fat belly, and a pair of fairly white briefs. As she slips the dress off we note that she’s not in bad shape for an older woman – not great, but certainly not a wrinkly old prune!

Outside, the black van gets closer...

In the cottage, Penelope reaches up behind her back and unhooks her bra, letting it fall away, pushed down by the boobs as they sag down under their own weight. They don’t go too low – it’s not droopy-tit time, but their size and age have a fair effect.

Outside, the van pulls up infront of her cottage, behind our two crew vehicles. The side door opens and a man appears ... Before we get a chance to identify him, we cut to the rear of the van as he opens the doors – and we see a large, wide, black Rottweiler jump down onto the road side. Look up at his own with his tail stump wagging. It’s Rocky, with his owner Pablo.

The front door of the cottage opens, and we see the nearly naked form of Penelope standing there, waiting to receive visitors ... Rocky sees her, looks up at Pablo, then looks back to her and begins to wonder into the cottage, Pablo follows.

In the kitchen, Penelope welcomes Rocky with a wide, happy smile, bending forward to rub his shoulders and back, then his neck and head ... Making a fuss of him.

Rocky sniffs the air – closing in on Penelope’s pussy. To look at her you’d imagine she gives off a bit of a smell, but in the room she’s actually not too hard on the nose. She’s hygienic even if she isn’t overly clean. She waits as he gets closer, watching with interest as he stops to sniff at various items of furniture.

She looks around and selects a wooden kitchen chair to sit on, scraping it over the floor to get it in position, then sitting on the edge of the seat and spreading her thighs. Her pussy fully exposed – hairy and a little loose looking, pock-marked with a few small scars and grazes. It looks like she’s fucked herself with half the trees in Yorkshire! It’s not the prettiest we’ve ever seen ... Rocky doesn’t seem to be bothered though.

“Come and have a sniff of this, Rocky...” She says, reaching down to spread the loose lips open. The inside is pink, clean and wet. Rocky stuffs his nose in there and snorts like a cocaine addict – then he starts licking and Penelope almost doubles over, smiling and laughing, her hands resting on the dog’s head, holding him gently.

“Oh, he’s a good boy...” She leans back to look down at him as he continues licking, “Who’s a good boy? You’re a gooooooooooood boy!” She says, her voice rising as his tongue finds a particularly pleasurable spot.

He keeps licking – occasionally stopping, licking his lips, and looking up at her. Each time he stops, she angles her hips toward him, spreads her skinny legs a little wider, and pats the top of her pussy – encouraging him to get back to the job.

She keeps one hand on his head, and raises the other to hers, stroking the hair back from her face and over her head, holding it in place as she takes more pleasure from his wet tongue.

She looks like she’s headed toward an orgasm – her breath speeding up, the open mouthed smile getting broader, her hands going from her head to the dog’s head, to her own saggy boobs ... Then she suddenly stops – pushing the beast away and closing her legs. Pretty much crossing them and holding that pose as she regains her composure.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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