The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4 - Cover

The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 4

Copyright© 2024 by Luke Ozvik

S04E01: Elizabeth Stimpson (48), from London

Erotica Sex Story: S04E01: Elizabeth Stimpson (48), from London - EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   DomSub   Rough   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  


We’re in a large carpark ... Hundreds of cars, shoppers pushing trolleys back and forth ... Then a familiar figure walking between the cars toward us. We know her, but she looks ‘different’ to how we remember her. It’s Charley – the surprise winner of last year’s television award for best host, who will actually be hosting our show for real from now on. Since she was last on camera she’s had “a bit of work done” – the tabloids were full of it of course. Her boob job, the chin and cheek implants, the derma-peels and the nose job. She’s still Charley, but no longer the girl-next-door Charley that we grew accustomed to, she’s now released the extra slutty Charley who always was inside ... And with the slutty exterior comes a new level of confidence, and a certain style too.

She’s wearing a low cut top that shows off her newly purchased cleavage, and a pair of tight jeans that suggest she’s spent quite a bit of time in the gym as well as the surgery.

Her long hair, now dyed black instead of its natural brunette, has been swept behind her head so that as it blows in the wind it stay out of her face. She walks toward camera with a deliberate, confident stride. Not fast, she’s in no hurry, but clearly someone without a fear in the world. Fucking eleven dogs in a row will do that to a girl!

She speaks directly to camera as she walks, “Welcome to the United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m Charley Ozvik, and over the next 20 episodes I’ll be travelling the length and breadth of the country, helping some lucky ladies fulfil their dreams ... For this series, we’ve had more applications than we’ve ever had before, and we’ve added a couple of new dogs to our talent list to give us more dogs than we’ve ever had before, to show that we truly live in...”

The title, “THE UNITED KINGDOM OF ZOO” flashes up, and our opening credits run over shots of various women reacting to the arrival of various dogs – some of the dogs are familiar, others are new ... There are brief shots of women laughing as they undress ... Of Charley helping dog’s mount them, and of them twisting their faces up, or smiling, or crying out/moaning in reaction to being fucked ... Then we fade up a graphic showing the UK, with little pins appearing, each pin representing a location we’ll be visiting in the new series. One of the pins is flashing on and off in the London area of the map.

We fade back in, this time we’re inside a large clothing store. Plenty of customers looking for a bargain, staff helping where they can. We watch a montage of typical activity in the store as Charley continues her narration. “We’re at the Gallion’s Reach shopping park in East London to meet our first guest of the year...”

We watch as a dark haired, middle-aged woman walks the floor talking to her staff, directing the occasional customer to the correct part of the store. She’s wearing a neat knee length dark skirt, tight enough around the hips and thighs to show she has a reasonable figure, and a white blouse that again shows that she’s trim and has a decent chest too ... There’s a name badge on her left breast pocket that reads “ELIZABETH STIMPSON – MANAGER”. She appears to be full of life and very comfortable with her staff and the cameras. We hear her speak in voice-over, a slight Cockney twang to her pleasant voice. Clearly separate parts of an interview stitched together to form an intro. “My name is Elizabeth Stimpson ... I’m 48, and I’m the manager of a popular clothing store here at Gallion’s Reach. I’ve been married for 29 years, I’ve got 3 children, and believe it or not, 2 grandchildren...”

And now we’re looking at Elizabeth standing with Charley, they’re in a small office – Elizabeth’s office – because she doesn’t want to be seen with us on the shop floor.

We’re making an effort to include Charley as an on-camera host now – but to be honest her interview technique isn’t great. She never seems sure whether she should be looking at the camera or the guest, so ends up flipping back and forth. “Tell us why you’re here today...”

Elizabeth looks a little thoughtful, then opens up. “I had my kids young, in my teens, and never really had any ‘wild years’ to experiment. Then I was a grandmother before I turned 40 ... I live with a sense of dread that I could be a bloody great grandmother before I’m 60 if my grand-daughter keeps up the family tradition! Life feels like it’s moving by way too fast ... And I’ve always had these fantasies about animals – I don’t know where they came from, and I don’t really care to be honest – and I suddenly realised I’m almost fifty, and I’m responsible for so much, and I’ve no idea why I’ve never acted on them ... So ... Here I am...”

“What is it about bestiality that turns you on?”

Elizabeth smiles, “Oh, that’s easy ... I don’t know if I should admit it, but I just love the look of a dog’s cock ... They look so ugly. Just these big fat ugly little clubs ... Sometimes not so little ... Ha ha...”

“So you’ve seen a lot of dog cocks?”

Elizabeth nods. “I’ve been watching videos for quite a while ... Like I said, I’ve always had this ‘interest’, but when I started finding pictures on the internet I couldn’t stop searching for more. Pictures, videos, whatever I could find. I don’t really care what the women look like, or if the sex was any good ... I was only interested in the dogs with the biggest cocks. I like the really ugly, deformed looking ones. The ones that bend, or have great fat swollen shafts ... I love to see women take them in their mouths, especially when they barely fit ... Drooling ... And cum spilling...” She almost seems to shudder. “Oooh, shivers down my spine...” And she smiles again.

“What are you most looking forward to today?”

Elizabeth cracks another smile... “Erm ... You know, I’m really just looking forward to seeing one up close – holding it in my hand ... Putting it in my mouth ... The sex, obviously ... But mainly just touching one. I hope it’s big...”

“If today goes well, will this change your life?”

“I think whether it goes well or not, my life will change – because once everyone knows what I am ... Well ... They’re never going to look at me the same way again, are they?” She looks a little worried.

Charley gets the tone of final question just right, leaning in a little, showing her concern, “Are you sure you want to go through with it?”

Elizabeth crosses her arms over her body, considers her options. “Well, that all depends on one thing...”

“And what’s that...?” Asks Charley with genuine interest/concern.

Elizabeth cracks another smile, filling with anticipation and a new lease of confidence... “How big his cock is!”

Cut to the car park outside of the store. It’s dark now and the place appears to be deserted save for a couple of vehicles. One belonging to Elizabeth, the others belonging to our crew, and then there’s a Ford Transit van. A sign on the side reads, “United Kingdom of Zoo” with our famous logo of a happy dog mounting a comic book woman. There are few secrets now when UK of Zoo comes to town!

Charley is standing by the van, microphone in hand, ready to introduce our main talent for the show...

“Tonight we’ll be introducing a new dog to our viewers at home – and in a few minutes, to our guest inside ... And wow ... All I can say is that he’s a very big boy indeed...” She opens the rear door of the van and a heavy, hairy, dark furred monster jumps out.

It’s a St Bernard with a huge head and saggy but powerful flesh. St Bernards can look sad, but he clearly knows what’s in store for him and he seems to be smiling ... St Bernards are also famous for bringing brandy to stranded skiiers in the mountains ... This beast isn’t bringing alcohol, he’s got something altogether more refreshing...

“This,” Charley says, taking the beast by the leash, “is Goliath ... And I can tell you that he’s a dog that lives up to his name ... I ‘auditioned’ him myself, and he is a very talented puppy!” When she says ‘auditioned’ we know exactly what she means, and watching them side-by-side it’s a frightening thought to imagine his bulk on her little back.

She continues talking as she walks the huge dog back toward the shops. “Goliath is 4 years old, and he’s been intimate with his owner for a couple of years now ... She’s agreed to him being on the show so long as she doesn’t have to appear on camera. Apparently, I’m the only other woman he’s ever had, so this big boy is in for a real treat now that he’s one of our crew ... And I can assure you, our guests are in for a real treat one’s they meet him too...”

We cut back inside to the shop floor. Deserted. Most of the lights off. No staff. No customers. Then to the manager’s office, where Elizabeth has begun to unbutton her white blouse.

Elizabeth is already half-naked slut – stripped down to her underwear, which is a nice matching set in red lace. Her boobs look even bigger out of the blouse, plenty of cleavage and the material of that bra is strained. Her flesh is soft without being fat or loose, a hint of belly, but certainly not enough to be considered flabby.

She looks a little self-conscious as she pulls the shoulder straps off, then reaches behind her back to unhook it, the boobs immediately pushing it out and away from her as they are freed. She holds the bra infront of her chest for a moment – not teasing, just a little shy ... Then allows it to fall away, letting us see her big boobs in all their glory. They hold up well for a grandmother...

Panties next, dropped down her legs and slipped off her shoeless feet. As she straightens up we see her pussy – dark and neatly trimmed. Very tidy ... And she’s naked, hands almost covering her belly, which she seems more concerned about than either her boobs or her pussy.

Our camera sweeps from her face, down over her chest, her belly, pussy, legs, to her feet as she shifts a little uncomfortably in her place – then back up to her face.

Nervous, but not scared.

She receives an instruction from behind the camera, not audible on the show, and moves over to her desk, sitting down in her chair and leaning back, getting comfortable as she spreads her legs a little – then bringing one hand to one of those bigs boobs, and the other between her thighs to her pussy – she begins fingering herself slowly.

She looks into the camera, relaxing a little into her self-pleasuring, and says, “I’m so wet just thinking about the bloody dog ... I think when he comes here, I’ll probably cum before he touches me...” She smiles and keeps working her slit, running a finger up and down then inside, then over her clit before repeating the movement, her other hand squeezing her boob at the same time.

We cut back to the shop floor, to see Charley walking down a long aisle of perfectly stacked shelves, the big St Bernard padding along beside her.

Back in the office and Elizabeth’s head is hanging back, one hand squeezing a tit hard, the other pumping two fingers into her pussy – and those fingers look very wet. It’s quiet and we can hear the wet squelch everytime she pushes them in ... Schmik, schmik, schmik ... Fast.

The door to her office opens and she sits upright with a start – as if she’s worried she’s been caught masturbating. We cut to the door and see the smirking face of Charley, and by her side, the huge hairy beast.

Elizabeth reacts to the sight of Goliath by sitting upright, bringing her knees together and leaning forward, her eyes opening wide. “My God, he’s huuuuuggggeeeeee!” And she smiles – a smile that’s somewhere between shock and awe.

Charley leads the huge dog into the small office, then over toward Elizabeth. “Elizabeth, I’d like you to meet Goliath ... Goliath, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth!” She says. “Elizabeth, would very much like to fuck you, Goliath!”

The dog moves toward the older lady, who slowly allows her knees to part again, sitting back and angling her body so that her pussy is available to him. “Hello boy ... Good boy ... Do you want to be my friend?” She asks, a nervous quiver in her voice. More excitement than fear.

She looks to Charley and asks, “If I sit back, will he lick my cunt? He won’t bite me will he?”

Charley responds, “He’s not the best – he’s a bit sloppy...”

Elizabeth leans back, spreading her legs wider, and says “Oh, I don’t mind a bit of a mess...”

Goliath steps forward and sniffs at her pussy, then slops his tongue over it. Elizabeth gasps. The dog slops again, and she gasps again, one hand resting on top of the big animal’s head.

Charley attempts to add commentary. “A dog’s tongue is so much stronger, and can reach so much deeper, and provides so much more pleasure, than anything a man, or woman, can manage...”

Goliath appears to lose interest and backs away from the woman, lifting one of his big front paws up and slapping it down on her thigh.

Charley continues. “Unfortunately, Goliath here isn’t particularly interested in the taste of pussy ... Some dogs do, some dogs don’t ... Goliath ... Don’t.”

Elizabeth sits up, runs a hand between her legs. Soaked. Slobber and pussy juice. She holds it up and shows her glistening palm to camera.

Cut to – a few moments later, Elizabeth has moved off the seat and is on her knees beside the big dog.

She slips her hand under his belly and cups his sheath and the big cock within it ... Then hefts it for weight and gasps. “Oh, he IS a big boy...”

“Give it a little wank.” Suggests Charley from off camera.

Elizabeth picks up on her suggestion and gently grips the heavy shaft inside the beast’s sheath. There’s a look of mild amazement on her face as she grips and jerks it. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this... “ She says, half to herself. “I’ve fantasized about it so much!”

“How does it feel?” Asks Charley.

Elizabeth looks up at the camera with stopping her firm wanking of the dog. “It’s very big ... And ... Hard ... And it feels ... Hot.” She almost says this as a question.

The end of Goliath’s cock is now poking out of his sheath, and Elizabeth is bent forward looking under him, pulling the furry pocket of flesh backward to reveal more of the engorged purple club of a cock. “Oh God, it’s bigger than I thought...” She says, spelling out what we’re already seen. She continues wanking him, watching more of his shaft poke out.

“Do that look better in real life than on video?” Asks Charley.

Elizabeth smiles, not breaking eye contact with that ugly fat cock as she squeezes and pumps it. “It’s much sexier seeing it up close ... Maybe it’s a better looking one than I’ve seen before ... Or maybe it’s just being up close ... Knowing I can do anything I want to it...”

“And what would you like to do to it?” Asks Charley, already knowing the answer. Elizabeth responds with a cheeky smile that shows off her teeth.

We cut to a shot of her positioning herself under the dog’s belly. He stands over her, looking around and panting, but appearing disinterested in the fact that a woman has her mouth six inches from the tip of his cock...

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