Thinking Outside the Box - Cover

Thinking Outside the Box

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 2: And Vicki Makes Two

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: And Vicki Makes Two - Synopsis; Older college Math Professor, who writes anonymous adult fiction, is offered a DVD disk by a fan, (Evil Mind Controllers Are Us). According to the fan the DISK will enslave any woman that watches it. Not really taking it seriously the Professor orders one. At that point Murphy's Law and the Law of Unintended Consequences kicks in full force when his nextdoor neighbor's young 19 year old daughter gets it and watches the DISK by mistake. What can possibly go wrong after that?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Harem   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

“Hi, Mister Smith.” Vicki greeted Edward the next morning in her short high school cheerleading outfit while sitting at his breakfast table eating his corn flakes out of one of his cereal bowls.

“Don’t tell me Vicki let me guess you watched Ashley’s DVD too?” Edward asked.

“How did you guess Mister Smith?” Vicki answered, seeming impressed with his astute observation and deductive reasoning.

“OH, lets just say that it just follows Murphy’s Law and the Law of Unintended Consequences Vicki. You didn’t happen to show it to anybody else did you Vicki?” Edward, Mister Smith, answered her despondently, but then asked her the question he dreaded to ask anyway.

“OH, no Sir, its wrong to take someone else’s property even if it is your older sister’s property. I just burned two more copies of it. One copy for me, and one copy for Patty, our Saint Michael’s Catholic School for Girls cheerleading coach and gymnastics teacher Mister Smith.” Vicki answered him seeming proud of herself for some reason Edward thought fearing the worst.

“Let me guess again Vicki. You gave it to Patty because she could ... should ... show it to all the cheerleaders ... all the high school cheerleaders?” Edward asked, fearing the worst.

“Why, yes, Mister Smith, how did you guess?” Vicki seemed happy.

“Murphy’s Law and the Law of Unintended Consequences.” Mister Smith mumbled back to her deep in thought.

“Do you think that Patty will show it to all the cheerleaders Vicki?” Edward had to ask for some reason, but he honestly feared what he would hear.

“OH, no Mister Smith, I’m sure Patty will only show it to the prettiest cheerleaders and gymnasts after she watched my DISK with me Mister Smith. Only those over the age of consent 18, the unattached ones anyway, no need to be greedy. Patty is a very responsible 26 year old person Mister Smith. Though the age of consent does not always match sexual maturity, Big Sister is a prime example of that. We wouldn’t want to break up families, or something like that would we Mister Smith.” She explained, looking contrite for some reason Edward thought.

“I take it that the DISK worked better on you than on your older sister Vicki?” Edward questioned her as he sat down on the other side of the breakfast table.

“Yes, for some reason all women are not the same the DISK explained. Some women for various reasons don’t all ... all ... internalize ... the instructions on the DISK as fast as other women do Mister Smith. Age appears to play some role in it, but not all that much. Personally I just think that Ashley is a slow learner Mister Smith. Well developed physically as I’m sure you have found out by now, but a little retarded mentally.” Ashley’s little sister explained to Mister Smith without looking up from her cereal bowl to make eye contact.

“Oh, I’m retarded, am I you slut.” Ashley shot back as she paraded in from his bedroom still completely naked and sat down possessively on Edward’s lap.

“Nothing personal Sis, just facts.” Vicki told her as she continued to eat her cereal calmly.

“He’s mine.” Was the next thing Ashley said, as she aggressively threw down the gauntlet to her little sister.

“You know the DISK wont let you take control of him Big Sister. Well, not sole control anyway. You are just a little confused right now Sis, after you watch the DISK a few more time you’ll understand that you belong to Edward, Mister Smith. You’ll understand that we all belong to Mister Smith, and its share and share alike Big Sister.” Vicki explained condescendingly to Ashley her older sister.

“This isn’t right I saw him first.” Ashley was actually whining now.

“Think of it this way Sis, you was his first so you’ll always be first in line.” Vicki told her.

“It still isn’t right Vicki.” Ashley complained.

“You’ll always be first with me Ashley.” Mister Smith consoled her and muzzled into her exposed shoulder.

“You know that you are our Master now don’t you Mister Smith, Edward.” Vicki told him and Ashley.

“I am?” Mister Smith questioned Vicki in surprise.

“Yes, the DISK made all of us your slaves ... sex slaves ... I guess you would have to say. I guess you could even consider us a harem of sorts.” Vicki explained.

“What would I want with a harem Vicki?” Mister Smith questioned.

“Well, technically speaking we would take over the University one professor at a time first Professor Smith, ha, ha, ha.” Vicki laughed.

“Sure, sure and then the world, ha, ha, ha? Like in those old 60s, James Bond movies Vicki, ha, ha, ha?” Professor Smith questioned Vicki and laughed.

“No, no, like the James Coburn, Our Man Flint movie and the sequel, In Like Flint, Edward. In the first movie Derek Flint who’s retired is living with his four live-in “playmates” - Leslie, Anna, Gina, and Sakito. He was able to foil Galaxy’s brilliant plan by wooing Gila away from Galaxy in the first movie. In the second 1967 movie, In Like Flint, Flint has cut back to three new live-in “playmates”, and is up against an international feminist conspiracy to depose the ruling American patriarchy with a feminist matriarchy. To achieve and establish their insidious plan, they kidnap and replace the US President, discredit the head of the Z.O.W.I.E. (Zonal Organization World Intelligence Espionage) intelligence agency, and commandeer a nuclear-armed space platform, all directed from Fabulous Face, a women’s beauty resort in the Virgin Islands. Circumstances compel ex-secret agent Derek Flint to help his ex-boss, and so he uncovers and foils the conspiracy with the help of the women he woos once again.” Vicki explains the plots to Edward.

“OH, you think I can be this Z.O.W.I.E. super agent Derek Flint? I remind you that even he had to cut back to just three live-in “playmates” because his original four live-in “playmates” plus presumably Gila had proven too much for even him.” Professor Smith complained to his girls.

“That is absolutely true Professor, but we are going to cheat, ha, ha, ha.” Vicki told him and laughed cutely.

“And how are we going to “cheat” at satisfy a harem of ... of ... what ... a hundred or so sex slaves, pray tell Vicki.” The Professor demanded.

“With hypnosis and mind control of course Professor. After we have shown them the DISK it will be quite easy to hypnotize ... re-hypnotize ... them actually. Once they are hypnotized you will question them about their expectations from their male sex partners and their female sex partners... “ The Professor broke in with a question.

“Male and female sex partners Vicki?” The Professor questioned.

“Yes, Professor. all you macho men seem to assume that all girls can only be sexually satisfied by a male. Most of you males ... heterosexual males ... are even a little homophobic we find. While most young girls nowadays learn about sex from another girl or woman, and most of you men enjoy watching a bisexual, girl on girl sex show. It seems that all males expect a girl to suck their dick, give them a blow job, it’s demeaning for a male to return the favor and eat pussy. It’s quite common for girls to be naturally bisexual Professor, not a lesbian ... bisexual.” Vicki explained to the confused Professor.

“And how would a girl satisfy this other girl Vicki?” The Professor asked showing some interest or maybe surprise.

“You have a lot to learn about satisfying a girl ... or real women ... for that matter Professor. In it’s simplest terms they invented strap on dicks a long time ago. In fact, they have found pictograms and hieroglyphs in the Egyptian Pyramids. True they were crude unimaginative dicks, but they worked fine and achieved their intended purpose. Today those original crude dicks have been replaced with battery power articulated dildos that honestly outperform any natural male equipment in both quality and quantity Professor Smith. And it’s so much easier to just replace the battery in our toys when the energy runs low, ha, ha, ha. As I’m sure you are also aware there is always the added fingers and tongue to help out Professor.” Vicki explained to Professor Smith...

“Too Shay, Vicki, Too Shay, men are not as indispensable to an imaginative woman as some men would like to believe.” The Professor saluted her on her feminist argument.

“Anyway you will question the girl and learn what she expects, and then you will deliver those expectation to her. I will admit that the girl’s actual sexual experience actually helps with the hypnosis. It’s hard to imagine being fucked if you have never been physically fucked Professor. The same goes for her sex partner who we want to morph into the image of you in her vivid hypnotized subcounscious. After you have all that mapped out you will deliver the actual physical performance, it’s so crude to just say “fuck”, using the triggers you implanted to amplify... “ Once again the Professor broke in.

“Triggers to amplify?” He asked questionably.

“The beauty of hypnosis Professor is that you can pull up and amplify any experience they have experienced, or can imagine. Besides the intensity of the experience itself you can make it larger or smaller, longer or shorter. I guess you would have to say subjective rather than objective. This will allow you to deliver a virtuoso performance to her by just uttering that trigger any time you want.” Vicki explained to him.

“So that’s how we are going to “cheat”?” He asked.

“Yes, just give them the post hypnotic suggestions that we will work out together, and they will swear that it was the best sex they ever had every time you use the trigger on them. You will ruin them for any other man they have sex with Edward. Of course actual sex without those added triggers will be ... be ... lackluster ... depressing for them Professor.” Vicki explained to the Professor.

“OH, the DISK is going to do this to every woman I control.” He questioned.

“Yes, Professor, the DISK is going to do all that for us, ha, ha, ha.” Vicki laughed.

“What if I do not want to rule anything.” Edward demanded.

“That’s what we,,, well, the DISK anyway ... is counting on Professor. We certainly do not want to replace you with an ambitious out of work actor suffering from delusions of grandeur Professor.” Vicki told him seriously.

“Well, as long as it’s understood I don’t want to take over the world Vicki.” Edward told everybody.

“OK, Professor are you ready for your first three-way.” Vicki asked the now shocked Professor.

“Why would I want a three-way Vicki?” Edward questioned Vicki.

“Doesn’t every male ... man ... fantasize about having a three-way Edward, ha, ha ha?” Vicki laughed.

“Well, this male certainly has not Vicki.” Edward told her and Ashley who was still sitting on his lap and waiting.

“You mean you don’t know what a three-way is Edward?” Ashley asked in shock.

“I didn’t say that I don’t know what a three-way is Ashley, I just said I don’t particularly want one. Yes, while cruising ... browsing ... the different Internet porn sites it is literally impossible not to be exposed to the so-called three-way. Of course you two are assuming that’s one man and two girls, but it can also refer to two men and only one girl. I personally don’t think that is very pleasant for the girl involved. Plus I’m sure now that we have the gay community involved in these things there are probably more combinations, ha, ha, ha.” The Professor told the girls and laughed.

“Yes, you’re right Professor the LGBT community, also known as the LGBTQ+ community, LGBTQIA+ community, GLBT community, or queer community, is a loosely defined grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals united by a common culture and social movement has changed things.” Vicki conceded.

“There’s an old saying girls: “Just because something can be done doesn’t necessarily mean it should be done.” I’m very surprised that they don’t have a category of sexual gymnastics at the Olympics by now. I’m positive the Greeks and Romans would have had one at their orgies. I’m of the opinion that anything worth doing is worth doing right and these “sexual gymnastics” don’t allow for that girls. I can even argue that at some point during sex, pleasure can become pain, and/or vice versa, pain can become pleasure. Personally I’m a plain vanilla sort of guy myself. I think you will find that I can adequately satisfy either one of you, but not both at the same time, ha, ha, ha.” Edward told them both.

“Spoil sport,” Ashley told him and stuck out her tongue.

“Yes, spoil sport, you’re no fun at all Edward. BDSM is erotic practices and/or mainly roleplaying that involves bondage, discipline, and sadomasochism. Then add in a little dominance and/or submission roleplaying, and a few other related interpersonal dynamics, and you have the BDSM scene of today Edward. Inclusion in the BDSM community, or subculture, is said to depend on self-identification and shared experience because of the wide range of things people do but do not consider themselves to be practicing BDSM.” Vicki pouted and tried to explain to Edward, the Professor.

“Yes, Edward we have a whole box of toys we were hoping you would help us play with, and anyway everybody knows girls ... women ... females are just made differently than males Mister Smith ... everybody knows that Edward.” Ashley eagerly told him.

“OH, now your saying women enjoy being tied up and tortured Ashley?” The Professor questioned her.

“Well, yes, Professor, in my psychology class at college we studied childbirth. Though childbirth is spoken of in terms of pain and punishment, some women experience what are known as orgasmic or ecstatic childbirth. A new study, conducted by psychologist Thierry Postel of Blainville-sur-Mer, France, is among the first to try to put hard numbers on how many women experience moments of ecstasy in childbirth. Postel contacted 956 French midwives, asking them to complete an online questionnaire about orgasmic childbirth. He got 109 complete responses from midwives, who, combined, had assisted in 206,000 childbirth in their careers.”

“Postel focused on midwives rather than doctors or nurses, mainly because midwives witness many births firsthand in natural settings and are reliable observers. Whereas women in America give birth in settings where they aren’t able or allowed to move around freely because of fetal monitoring devices around the bed, they recieve little or no labor support during the birthing, and they aren’t even allowed water to drink in case a C-section has to be done, food and beverages aren’t permitted before surgery. All of these limitations make a pleasurable birth experience less likely and less imaginable for women who’ve had babies in those settings.”

“He also asked the midwives to forward the surveys to recent mothers if they saw fit. The results “established the fact that obstetrical pleasure exists,” Postel wrote. Midwives reported 668 cases in which mothers told midwives they’d felt orgasmic sensations in birth. In another 868 cases, midwives said they’d seen mothers demonstrate signs of pleasure during childbirth. Finally, nine mothers completed questionnaires confirming they’d experienced an orgasm during birth.”

“Anatomically, orgasmic childbirth should be no surprise as I’m sure God didn’t mean it to be a punishment. In fact, the intense stimulation of the vaginal canal in childbirth may work to block pain ... whether that stimulation is felt as sexual or not is not relevant. We know that vaginal stimulation in rats, blocks the release of a pain transmitter called Substance P, it’s a vasoactive intestinal peptide, right at the spinal cord. In other words, the sensory neurons tasked with transmitting their message of “ouch!” to the central nervous system is blocked from the very start. It’s an actual physiological, very primordial system of the genital system blocking pain input, In addition to that, two regions of the brain that become active during orgasm, the anterior cingulate cortex and the insula, are also active during painful experiences.”

“People are often skeptical of the concept of pleasure during childbirth. Some see the idea of sexual feelings during childbirth as unacceptable. Anecdotal reports of orgasm during childbirth have long circulated in the natural childbirth community for years. An obstetrician said he’d never witnessed anything remotely orgasmic in his years of delivering babies at a medical symposium. Three rows behind him a woman jumped up and said, “Doctor, I gave birth with you three years ago, and I had a very orgasmic birth, with an orgasm, but what makes you think I would tell you?” We have a culture where some women actually feel shamed that they have pleasure, because the expectation is supposed to be pain,”

“Every woman’s anatomy is different, so some women may experience pleasure during childbirth while others feel only the pain. Different people have different pain thresholds. Different people have different attitudes. If a woman has a fear of sexuality, and she starts having pleasurable sensations during childbirth she may feel this is completely inappropriate psychologically, and that in and of itself could be an aversive effect. In other words: she would feel pressure to deny her pleasure.”

“The goal of the study was to see that women are given the full range of options for childbirth and the support they need to experience moments of joy and bliss during the process. They found that sexual stimulation and orgasm reduce sensitivity to pain. Sex can even cure migraines. When women stimulated their vaginas. and/or clitorises, and/or nipples, they became less sensitive to painful stimulation ... but not to other tactile stimulation. Women in labor had reduced pain sensitivity during labor compared with before and after.” Ashley finished.

“That’s quite a speech Ashley. So now you’re saying I should tie you up and torture you because you get a perverse pleasure from it Ashley?” The Professor asked her sarcastically.

“Well, not exactly Professor, I don’t think anyone enjoys being tortured Professor, we’re talking about roleplaying.” She explained.

“And what kind of roleplaying game would this be Ashley.” Edward questioned.

“Master and Slave.” Ashley and Vicki said together in stereo.

“Master and Slave? You girls have quite an imagination. How would I explain both of you being over here girls. Sooner or later somebody in the community is going to notice that you are both hanging out here a lot, and then that rumor will get back to your parents, and... “ Ashley broke in.

“I’m 19, almost 20, and Vicki is over 18, we are adults... “ Mister Smith over talked her at that point.

“Yes, adults in the eyes of the law girls, well as to the age of consent anyway, but you still live at home with your parents. Parents that are still paying for your education and everything else.” He reminded them.

“We can move out and come over here... “ Ashley started, but he broke in again.

“And be the talk of the neighborhood in no time at all?” He told them both.

“Why do you care Edward? You’re not really part of the community anyway. You never even show up at the Homeowner Association’s meeting every month.” They both demanded.

“True girls we live in an enlightened age, in an enlightened society, but even though I have tenure at the University, and San Diego is enlightened, there is still all these rules about teachers dating students. Though neither of you is one of my students that would not keep some people from making a stink at the University using the old tried and true axiom: “Where there smoke there’s fire.”. That stink would probably get me fired and blackballed form the other colleges and universities in the area because they would want to avoid the notoriety.” He told both girls.

“That’s unfair Professor we are old enough to make our own decisions.” Vicki complained.

“In most universities, professors are not allowed and/or encouraged to date students Vicki. While some institutions may allow romantic relationships between professors and older graduate students who are outside the professor’s supervision and/or authority, romantic relationships with undergraduate students are generally banned. When it comes to college relationships, there are no actual laws that I know of that make a consensual relationship between consenting adults who are both available to be in the relationship illegal. Instead, the employee handbook, the employee’s contract, any rules or policies of the university, and the student’s handbook of rules and conduct governs whether a relationship with a student will cause trouble for the involved individuals.” The Professor explained it to the girls further.

“Well, that only leaves: “If you can’t raise the bridge lower the river”, just give the DISK to Mom and have her watch it, tee, hee, hee.” Ashley said and giggled cutely.

“Problem solved and you have your new sex slave divorce Daddy and kick his ass out of our house. Then you can move in, marry Mom, become our new Daddy, and we can be one big happy family.” Vicki and Ashley told Edward matter-of-factly and seemed pleased with themselves for some reason.

“Technically that would bring in incest Big Sister.” Vicki told Ashley.

“How do you get that Little Sister?” Ashley questioned Vicki.

“Well technically incest is sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. The crime of having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild. Besides the legal prohibitions, at least some forms of incest are also socially taboo, or at least frowned upon in most cultures. When incest involves an adult and a child it is considered to be a form of child abuse. Though Mister Smith is not related to us by DNA it would still be socially taboo, and our bisexual sibling relationship would be taboo too Big Sister.” Vicki explained to Ashley.

“Socially taboo, but not illegal.” Ashley told Vicki.

“So I marry your Mom, and you both become my stepdaughters? Well, that’s certainly possible, I know who he’s having the affair with.” Mister Smith told both girls.

“OH, Mom’s known about it for years. I don’t know why they haven’t gotten a divorce long before now. Daddy calls Mother a frigid bitch, and she calls him a two-timing-bastard.” Vicki told them both.

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