Thinking Outside the Box - Cover

Thinking Outside the Box

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 1: Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Ashley - Synopsis; Older college Math Professor, who writes anonymous adult fiction, is offered a DVD disk by a fan, (Evil Mind Controllers Are Us). According to the fan the DISK will enslave any woman that watches it. Not really taking it seriously the Professor orders one. At that point Murphy's Law and the Law of Unintended Consequences kicks in full force when his nextdoor neighbor's young 19 year old daughter gets it and watches the DISK by mistake. What can possibly go wrong after that?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Harem   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

“Hello, Mister Smith.” Ashley Green, his neighbor’s young high school cheerleader daughter greeted Mister Smith, as she stepped out of his dark bedroom in nothing but a skimpy little white pushup bra and sheer white cotton panties.

“Holy Shit Ashley!” He exclaimed in shock as he took in Ashley’s lack of clothes. Well to be honest he had caught himself more than once admiring her and her fellow cheerleader girlfriends in their skimpy little string bikinis out by the pool when they would have their pool parties, and no those pool parties were not just in the summer in San Diego. Those pool parties had given him cause to start up the old outdoor BBQ pit more than once and invite the Green’s over he would admit to himself. All to where he could use the pool too and not feel like he was taking advantage of Jim and Bette.

He would even admit to himself that he thought that Ashley looked a whole lot like the 23 year old American model, social media star and YouTuber Ashley Trevort that he followed on Facebook and Twitter. He also speculated that the two Ashley’s had the same measurements; 5’ 10”, 120 pounds, 38-24-35. with bra size 32H. If he was honest with himself he would even admit that resemblance was why he followed Ashley Trevort on social media now, though it was more on a subcounscious level than a conscious level.

“What are you doing in my house?” Was the next obvious question that popped out of his mouth next.

When Mister Smith and his wife ... ex-wife now ... had first moved into the neighborhood twenty three years ago Ashley and her younger sister Vicki hadn’t even been born yet. All the houses in the rural suburban subdivision of Alabaster were single family residence homes with at least five bedrooms, plus a separate two car garage on a nice 2.5 acre track of land. The lots were separated by chain link fences, but all of them had gates.

Of course the Green’s, Ashley’s parents, were the only ones in the community to install an inground 30 by 60 foot swimming pool that in some ways became the community swimming pool. Jim her father was an electrical engineer working for Sothern Energy, and their mother Bette was the CEO’s Executive Secretary at Southern Energy. Mister Smith, Edward, was 23 and a young college professor of mathematics, and Mary, his new wife was 19 at that time, and was still going to the nearby state college and still working on her Ph.D. doctoral degree in sociology at that time.

That first year of there marriage Edward and Mary had normal ... great ... unprotected sex after they moved in their new house. When she didn’t become pregnant they finally checked with the doctors and it was discovered that he was the problem not her. He was just producing slow swimmers and pinheads the specialist all agreed. They had intended to have a large family, but three years later Mary divorced Edward and moved out of state to take a higher paying civil service job in another state after she got her sociology degree.

Now, Jim Green was the head of the engineering department, and his wife Bette, was still the CEO’s Executive Secretary at Southern Energy. Professor Smith was the head of the math department at the college, USD. It used to be that him and Jim played a round or two of golf and swam in Jim’s pool when they came home. He, Edward, had even enjoyed watching Jim’s daughters Ashley and Vicki grow up. But over the last few years they had grown apart for some reason and they hardly even spoke today.

Nowadays, Edward still did a round or two of golf at the country club’s private Par 5 course where he had a membership. Golf is a sport played on a course with typically 18 holes of varying lengths. The objective is to hit a small ball into each hole using a golf club, with the fewest number of strokes being the winner. Golf is played by people of all ages and abilities, and it is a popular recreational activity as well as a competitive sport. A Par 5 courses offers a lot of exercise so Edward remained relatively fit and in good shape.

Edward had kept the house after his wife left him and soon became the only single bachelor in the community. At 6 foot 2, and a 190 pounds, with wavy brown hair and green eyes he still managed to catch some women’s attention. He was also pretty much a loner, though he did occasionally use online dating apps and sites to find a date for a one night stand at some charity or college event. Over the last 20 something years he had brought home plenty of women that had scandalously cohabited with him for awhile, but they had all soon moved on because nothing ever seemed to click with Edward. He was never willing to make the necessary commitment for another committed relationship or marriage. There were also rumors in the community that some of the bored neighborhood housewives, even some widowed, or divorced wives, had tried to interest him, but it appeared that he had a firm rule against dating married women in the community.

“Ashley? What!?! ... what are you doing in my bedroom? In my house for that matter Ashley!?!” Mister Smith demanded to know again after he calmed down from the shock of finding her in his house half naked.

“I’m not sure Mister Smith ... I just ... I just felt ... compelled ... to come over here for some reason.” She answered him after some initial hesitation.

“How did you even get in? I know the door was locked!” He questioned her after he thought about of it for a few minutes.

“I have to admit ... I ... I spied on you some times Mister Smith ... One time I saw you come home drunk late one night... “ She owned up, but Mister Smith broke in at that point.

“Spying on your neighbors is wrong Ashley. You should know better!” Mister Smith scolded her.

“I’m sorry Mister Smith. I really am! I should have said you woke me up one night when you came home drunk, and I ... I saw you take your spare key out from under the flower pot.” Ashley said, almost in tears he could clearly see.

“Regardless Ashley ... what the hell are you doing over here in my house in your underwear?” He demanded to know and pressed her angrily anyway.

“I ... well ... I ... don’t you want to see me in my underwear Mister Smith all my boyfriends do?” Ashley asked Mister Smith shyly, and he could tell that she was very close to breaking down and crying. All he needed right now to make this perfect was a probably underage school girl going hysterical on him. Not a good thing in the current situation he realized.

“Well ... huh ... sure I do ... but... “ Mister Smith started and Ashley perked back up immediately and broke into a happy smile with that admission.

“Oh goodie ... I was debating if I should wear my school uniform, or just my underwear ... I’m glad you like to see me in my undies Mister Smith.” She told Mister Smith happily beaming all over now.

“What do you mean, you debated with yourself young lady about wearing your school uniform over here Ashley?” Mister Smith questioned her somewhat intrigued now that she wasn’t about to bust out crying.

“I ... we ... me and my little sister ... go ... went to Saint Michael’s Catholic School for Girls Mister Smith. Our official school uniform and dress code is a red plaid pleated skirt, not over 3” above the knee, a white oxford button downed long or short sleeve dress shirt, and our school tie of course. The shirt was to be fully buttoned up, and tucked into the skirt at all times. We also wore a monogrammed long sleeve or sleeveless navy blue sweater or vest. Of course like Britney Spears herself, we learned that we could roll the skirt’s waist band up and make the skirt shorter, and the dress shirt’s tails could be tied together to bare our belly button and expose a little breast. You can’t get more slutty that a Catholic school girl uniform Mister Smith, ha, ha, ha.” Ashley actually bragged to Mister Smith and laughed.

“I guess that’s good to know Ashley. Oh, never mind Ashley ... now why do you say you felt compelled to come over here Ashley?” He started questioning her again to get to the bottom of why she was here in his house half naked.

“I’m not real sure Mister Smith ... I just sort of just knew I should come over and ... and meet you?” She said, though there appeared to be some question in her mind about the “meet you” part as she looked down at the ground nervously now.

“In your underwear?” He questioned her again.

“Yes... “ Was her short innocent answer. As he tried to make sense of why his young and very attractive next-door neighbor’s daughter was standing in his bedroom doorway half naked, it suddenly dawned on him that he might know exactly what had happened. Not WHY, but “WHAT” had happened anyway. Well it was the start of unraveling the very confused situation he found himself and Ashley in at the moment.

“Tell me Ashley did you by any chance receive a package recently? “ He asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

“Why yes, Mister Smith! How, did you know? I was about to go out when I stumbled on a box laying on our porch yesterday. It was about 7”x7”x7”, wrapped in this plain brown paper ... what Mom calls butcher paper, There wasn’t any markings on it, no address, no return address, not even postage stamps, nothing at all Mister Smith, just a plain brown paper box. I took it inside and opened it to find out what it was. Inside was a lot of those little Styrofoam peanut thingies that UPS uses. and a unmarked DVD disk in a plain white paper DVD sleeve. I was curious as to what it was so I popped it in my DVD player in my room and watched it from my bed. Was that yours Mister Smith?” Ashley explained and then questioned Mister Smith innocently.

Mister Smith just shook his head in disbelief, how the Hell had this happened? Did he ... did they ... make a mistake on the mailing address? Or was it a blunder made by the delivery guy? Regardless of who’s fault it was, Ashley had opened his package by mistake and watched the DVD. Which meant ... Fuck ... he swallowed hard as he tried to stay calm.

“Damn the Law of Unintended Consequences has reared it’s ugly head again Ashley.” Mister Smith said out loud to the room as much as to Ashley.

“The “Law of Unintended Consequences”, Mister Smith?” Ashley questioned him innocently.

“Yes, Ashley, you will find that there are two Universal Laws that primarily govern our life’s Ashley. The first Law is “Murphy’s Law”, which is typically stated as: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, if it can’t possibly go wrong it will anyway, and at the worst possible time.” The second is the “Law of Unintended Consequences”. It is a principle that states that the actions of people, and governments too, have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. The law applies to any intervention that may have multiple effects, which may distort or disrupt the behavior of consumers or producers in unexpected ways. The law warns against overconfidence and the illusion of control when making decisions.

“So I’m an, “unintended consequence”, Mister Smith?” Ashley questioned Mister Smith with concern in her voice and didn’t seem very happy anymore Mister Smith noted.

“Yes, Ashley, you are the outcome of a purposeful action on my part, with an outcome that I didn’t foresee, and was certainly not intended or foreseen by me. The term was popularized in the early 20th century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton. They generally fall into three types Ashley. Unexpected benefit: A positive unexpected benefit, also referred to as luck, serendipity, or a windfall. Unexpected drawback: An unexpected detriment occurring in addition to the desired effect of the policy. And last, but not least a Perverse result: A perverse effect is a result contrary to what was originally intended. When an intended solution only makes a problem worse. So ... you watched my DVD Ashley? Did you like it?” He explained and then cautiously asked her about the DVD.

“The DVD? It was yours Mister Smith? Oh gosh Mister Smith I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have opened it if I had known it was yours Mister Smith, honest, but I have to say I think it was broken, or didn’t burn right when they made it. Maybe you can get your money back Mister Smith because it was ... what’s that word? ... defective. Yes, Mister Smith it was defective. There wasn’t anything on it. Well, nothing interesting anyway. Just a bunch of many colored flashing lights and weird light streaks running across the TV screen. My boyfriend has a psychedelic screen saver on his computer that is much better Mister Smith.” Ashley started explaining to Mister Smith.

“Was that all Ashley?” Mister Smith questioned her. Surely the actual program would contain some sort of sound.

“Well Mister Smith, there was some scratchy sounds, noises really, like somebody scratching on a blackboard with their fingernails that raised my hackle’s and such. Like the DVD was scratched up or something Mister Smith.” Ashley earnestly explained to Mister Smith.

“Yes, definitely the Law of Unintended Consequences Ashley. Every action has a predicted consequence - along with side-effects to the actor, me in this case Ashley, never dreamed of.” Mister Smith mumbled to himself as well as Ashley.

“Honest Mister Smith I didn’t break it.” Ashley told Mister Smith earnestly.

“Really Ashley? That’s a shame Ashley, but you did watch it until the end?” He asked her another question cautiously.

“I ... I’m ... not sure Mister Smith ... I kind of zoned out like I do in boring classes at school sometimes and went to sleep ... sorry. I can go get it if you want?” She explained sheepishly, but then perked up again when she offered to go get it for Mister Smith.

“Yes, Ashley, that’s a fine ideal. Go get it, even the box it came in, and we will both sit down and watch it again.” Mister Smith told her as he looked her up and down.

“But it’s broken Mister Smith.” Ashley complained.

“Maybe it’s like a different format Ashley. Like maybe it’s a CD, or a DVD-2, or even a Blue Ray format Ashley. You just need another app or something to play it Ashley.” Mister Smith explained to Ashley. Actually what he had just told her was absolute BS, but he needed the DVD. He also needed to be sure Ashley watched it again with him, while he watched her closely this time he figured.

“Well, OK, Mister Smith if you think so I’ll go and get it.” Ashley agreed happily.

“On another note Ashley dear, I think you look incredible in your underwear. In fact Ashley, do you still have that little red string bikini number you wore around the pool last summer Ashley?” Mister Smith asked hopefully as she was about to leave.

“OH, sure, Mister Smith.” She answered back innocently.

“Don’t you think it would be more appropriate ... proper ... than your undies Ashley?” Mister Smith questioned her. Well the other neighbors ... nosey neighbors ... probably ... might not ... think it was too strange to see Ashley running around in her string bikini, but they definitely would find it strange if she was running around in her underwear he reasoned.

“I don’t know Mister Smith I’ll have to think about it.” She told Mister Smith honestly and then left to get the DISK.

“OK, Ashley you think about it.” He told her back and cute little swaying ass as she left.

“Thanks Mister Smith! I feel so relieved for some reason.” She called back over her shoulder with a big smile on her face as she actually skipped out of his house to go get the DVD at her house.

“I bet you do Ashley. I just bet you do.” He said to himself, but part of him was relieved ... excited even. The DVD Ashley had mistakenly opened and watched was ... was ... well, according to the Dark Web site,, where he had ordered ... requested ... it from, a mind control brainwashing video. He had been halfway expecting it to be a hoax, or a con, maybe even a joke of some sort. It had all started when he had just innocently opened his Facebook account a few weeks ago.

That was when ... the advertisement ... message ... notification ... whatever it was popped up as a message and notification on his Facebook page, and then a little while later on his Twitter page too. The ad read: “You too can be an evil mind controller. Master of all the women you ever wanted with the DISK (copyright pending). Just pop it in your DVD player and have your love interest watch it and she’s yours for life. Warning: only effective on females. Contact for your free copy of the DISK today Doctor Smith.”

At first he tried to ignore it, but it wouldn’t go away just popping right back up a few minutes latter. Then he had tried to delete and block it with his ad blocker antivirus software, but it refused to be deleted or blocked. By this time he was considering contacting Admin., which is never a good thing from his past experiences with Admin ... Then he considered the possibility that some governmental law enforcement agency was trying to entrap him, well the adult fiction writer anyway. After all he was an older male college professor still teaching young impressionable college students, but after some serious investigation and research he had to rule that out. So on the off chance that (Evil Mind Controllers Are Us) was real, and far more importantly it was free, he had ordered one just to see what a DISK looked like he alibied to himself.

The whole thing was a long story. Mister Smith was not only a 48 year old boring single bachelor college mathematics professor with his PhD., which technically made him a Doctor. He was also an author ... a published author ... of adult erotic fiction under an assumed anonymous pen name, thedocisin, on the Internet site He actually had a following of sorts for his erotic adult fiction stories under the tags, heterosexual/bisexual, incest/taboo, mind control/hypnosis, and nonconsensual/reluctant. The fan,, that his research/investigation discovered stood for, “Evil Mind Controllers Are Us”, had managed to hack through his publisher’s fire-walls and contacted him directly through his site Email.

The fan, EMCAS, claimed that he had gotten Mister Smith’s ideal to work. Of course Mister Smith had no real ideal which ideal the fan was talking about. According to EMCAS his DVD, the “DISK”, would turn any woman that watched it into his slave ... sex slave ... for life. His fan also explained that for some reason males were immune to the DISK’s effects. Mister Smith was a realist and did not believe his fan, but EMCAS offered him a DISK, a free DISK.

Honestly, Mister Smith tried to trace EMCAS and Web site, but it was well protected by a good VPN which lead him to countries around the world that had no reciprocity and/or extradition agreements with the UN and/or anybody else for that matter. Places that existed by specific, but tacit agreements, with the “World Powers That Be”. They were allowed to exist for the express purpose of moving large sums of illegal money around to buy and/or sell illegal goods like drugs, arms and ammunition, human trafficing, and even certain types knowledge and information. Things that everybody knows go on, but nobody really officially wants to put a stop to.

VPN, which stands for virtual private network, is a type of online service that allows you to hide your browsing activity, identity, and location while browsing the Internet anonymously. Mister Smith had become curious about the DISK and finally answered YES, Send Me A Copy. The return reply from the fan was, “In The Mail Dude”. To make a long story short he ordered one, and now Ashley, his next-door neighbor’s college age kid had evidently gotten and watched it accidentally.

When she got back with the DVD, and the box it came in, his hungry eyes traveled up and down her luscious 5 foot 10, 38-24-35, blond hair and blue eyed body once again, Staring at her he felt his cock stir at the sight of her in her skimpy little red string bikini. This was most definitely not the conservative red bikini she had worn last summer. The two red postage stamp sized nipple protectors on a string and the piece of thin red ribbon between her legs would probably be banned on most public beaches here in the States. It wasn’t like this was the French Riviera or Monaco.

True Ashley might not have been his intended target, but she certainly was an exquisite replacement he congratulated himself on his good luck. Or was it luck a small voice in the back of his mind whispered. If EMCAU was able to hack into his publisher’s web site to find out his real identity and address, then they might also have known about Ashley. So Ashley might not be an accident at all. This only went to prove that all unintended consequences aren’t always negative, ha, ha, ha, Mister Smith laughed to himself.

But did the DISK really work he had to ask himself again? Sure she had decided to come over to his house in her underwear. Sure she had actually broken into his house. Sure she decided to patently wait in the dark in her underwear to greet him if and when he came home. And now she had taken his ... his ... his suggestion and was back in the ... a ... little red string bikini. Which all meant that on some level, it had worked exactly as advertised.

“Ashley come stand over here please.” He said, as he managed to pull his eyes off her breasts and they came back up to her face level. She smiled and instantly moved in front of him. She looked up to him and showed no trace of fear or confusion. He was 6 foot 2 inches tall, at 190 pounds, with short brown hair and green eyes. He was in reasonable shape and played a round of golf once a week with some of his buddies or alone. She seemed genuinely relaxed and happy to be standing in front of him in nothing but her underwear and now this bikini.

“Like this Mister Smith?” She asked innocently as she stood in front of him.

“Yes, so ... so ... you really don’t know why you suddenly decided to come break into my house, in your undies, and wait in my bedroom for me to get home Ashley? Surely you have some idea?” He questioned her looking down at her ... her ... assets.

“To be honest Mister Smith ... I don’t know why, but I ... I felt this urge ... like I didn’t know what I wanted to do exactly, but once I was doing it, I knew I was doing the right thing. You know? Like my actions told me more about what I wanted to do than my head. Like I didn’t have to think about it, just do it. Like maybe it was ... was instinct ... Mister Smith. It’s silly really ... I apologize if my presence in your home disturbs you Mister Smith.” She said, looking down at the floor dejectedly. She then looked up at him and he could see a hint of worry in her pretty blue eyes.

“You sure as hell surprised me Ashley, but no it doesn’t disturb me Ashley.” He told her with a warm smile, and she smiled back.

“Since you are here and wearing such a beautiful red bikini, would you mind it terribly if I looked you over Ashley? Isn’t the term “check you out” Ashley.” Mister Smith asked. With that she looked down at herself, then back up into his green eyes.

“I ... I ... No. Not at all Mister Smith. Be my guest!” She told him innocently and actually preened for Mister Smith by thrusting her large breasts out even further with a big smile on her lips.

He smiled back as he proceeded to walk around her. She stayed very still and didn’t follow him with her eyes as he slowly walked all the way around her. Part of him was reluctant to be too obvious, mainly because he had no way of knowing how much of the programming had actually worked on her. He guessed it was time to have her watch the DVD again with him this time. If the “DISK” followed the usual theme of Evil Villain invents mind control DISK, innocent victim watches DISK and gets mind controlled, at the end the DISK hands off control of victim to Evil Villain.

“OK, Ashley we are going into the den and watch the DVD again now.” He told her as he took her hand and lead her into the den.

“Here Ashley we are going to sit on the coach and watch the DISK again together.” He told her as he sat her down on the coach beside himself and then got up to put the DVD in the player and find the remote for the home theater. Soon the 64 inch wide screen TV was turned on and the DVD was ready to play. As he pushed play he got up to stand behind the monitor’s screen to feel safe. Once there he put on a pair of polarized sunglasses, and the two ear plugs he had found earlier. Standing behind the screen he figured he was safe from the direct effects of the DISK, but why take chances, ergo the sunglasses and ear plugs.

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