Abducting Heidi - Cover

Abducting Heidi

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 6

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Edward Pembroke, a notorious dealer in the trade of female flesh, arrives in Munich, hunting for fresh victims. The beautiful eighteen-year-old Heidi Weber-Hasanov and her mother, Frieda, find themselves in the crosshairs of this ruthless sex trafficker. This story is a further exploration of the world created in "Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader," which offers deeper insights into the backgrounds of many of the characters detailed here.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Horror   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Violence  

Barazan Sherhad’s life had disintegrated over the past few months. He had spent his entire life hiding his sexuality, carefully guarding his secret from everyone around him. But that fragile facade shattered when he was confronted online with videos of his encounters with a male prostitute, who was allegedly underage. The revelation tore his world apart. He knew that if the truth came out, his wife and children would leave him, his family would disown him, or worse—given their ultra-conservative and criminal nature—they might even kill him. The police were no option; they could not only refuse to help but might also prosecute him if the young man was indeed underage.

The shame and fear had driven him to the brink of suicide, but the vile bastards who held his secret threatened to send the footage to his family even if he died. The thought of his children growing up with that video haunting them, circulating among his relatives for years, made him so ill that he developed an ulcer.

At first, he complied with their demands for money, depleting his own savings before turning to his extended family’s funds. But the demands kept growing, escalating until he found himself an unwilling accessory to a kidnapping—the wife and daughter of Eldar Hasamov, the wealthy Azeri oil baron.

Today, however, the three men who had ensnared him in their web of blackmail made him realize this situation was far worse than just a kidnapping. As he stood before them, their true nature became terrifyingly clear. All three exuded an aura of thuggish violence, but it was the ringleader, suave and handsome on the surface, who had shown his brutal side earlier with a sudden blow to Barazan’s stomach. The attack had left him gasping for breath and filled with the sickening certainty that these men were far more dangerous than he had ever imagined—and that this might be the end for him.

He had closed then opened the restaurant just for this small time window when the pretty young blonde girl would come in. He prayed she would not be hurt, but he had already seen what had become of her mother.

Heidi’s heart stopped when she caught sight of her mother, naked and restrained on the ground. Her blonde hair was matted and disheveled, a stark contrast to the shock in her eyes as she looked up at her own daughter.

Loud Kurdish music was playing in the back room, empty but for a carpet, as if to drown out some horrible events about to unfurl.

“Well, Heidi, here is your mother, and it certainly is a surprise, don’t you think?” Pembroke smiled coldly, his hand gently stroking her wispy blonde hair as she stood frozen in shock.

“What have you done to my mother? You bastards! Let her go!” Heidi finally snapped out of her trance, anger and fear flaring up inside her. She lunged forward, desperate to reach her mother.

But as she moved, Pembroke’s grip on her hair tightened, yanking her back with a chilling ease. Her momentum was abruptly halted, and as she struggled to bring her arms up to fight him off, a flash of light seared across her vision. His other hand had come up swiftly, slapping her hard across the face. The force of the blow sent her reeling, and before she knew it, she was flat on her back, the world spinning.

Pembroke’s expression remained disturbingly calm, the charm returning to his face as he looked down at her, now dazed and vulnerable, her legs splayed and her thighs exposed beneath the hem of her dress. “What pretty pink panties I can see there,” he remarked with a chilling smile. “Perhaps I shall soon be better acquainted with them. But for now, let me help you up, as a gentleman should.”

He extended his hand, and in her dazed state, Heidi instinctively took it, allowing herself to be pulled to her feet. Her head was still ringing from the blow, her vision blurry as she tried to steady herself.

“Please forgive us Heidi this must seem very confusing. I am afraid your mother was rather naughty just now, I have just been fucking her...” Pembroke moved so that his face was centimetres from the terrified girl’s face. “Do you know what ‘fucking’ means?” he bared a wolfish grin, and his fingers trailed up the front of her thighs, under her skirt and under the elastic of her knickers around her hips.

“P---pl-please don’t hurt me ... d-don’t’”

“How do you think I would hurt you, my little one?” leered Pembroke. She felt his fingers pressed firmly against her bare hips, under her knicker elastic. She weakly brought her hands up in balled fists in front of her chin, but was shaking too much to do anything to defend herself.

“Are you a virgin?” Pembroke asked, his voice dripping with fake tenderness, his lips so close to hers that she could feel his breath.

Heidi avoided his eyes, her body trembling as she sobbed, her head bowed in shame and fear, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Pembroke wiped away her tears with a disturbingly gentle touch. “Don’t worry, you will still be a virgin while you’re with me,” he murmured. “But you will need to be educated. I love your innocence; it’s very attractive. Unfortunately for you, a little ... too attractive.” He placed his hand under her chin and tipped her face up, forcing her to meet his gaze. Her eyes, red and swollen from crying, locked onto his, filled with terror.

“We’re going to play a few little games now,” Pembroke continued, his voice low and menacing, “and then we’ll be on our way. OK?”

Heidi could only nod, blinking away her tears, desperately praying that she might not be raped and that somehow they would let her and her mother go.

“You! Barazan!” Pembroke suddenly turned to the terrified Kurd, his voice sharp and commanding. “Take off all your clothes!”

“What? What?” Barazan stammered, his mind reeling with confusion and fear. But before he could react further, Dmitri and Nadim stepped forward, large knives glinting in their hands as they approached menacingly.

“It’s not as if we haven’t seen you naked before anyway,” Pembroke laughed cruelly. “Get your fucking clothes off, or we’ll start cutting your fingers.”

Barazan’s eyes darted frantically between the blades and the cold, merciless faces of the men closing in on him. With shaking hands, he began to remove his clothes, his dignity stripped away along with the fabric, as the room closed in on him, filled with the oppressive presence of those who held his life—and the lives of Heidi and her mother—in their cruel grip.

Heidi and her mother watched in horror as the naked man stood before them. The upbeat music playing in the background felt grotesquely out of place, amplifying the nightmarish scene unfolding before their eyes. Heidi, who had never seen a penis in real life before, recoiled at the sight of his scrawny body and flaccid cock, a wave of nausea rising in her stomach.

Meanwhile, Pembroke turned his attention to Freida, adjusting her hogtie on the ground. He finally freed her ankles from her wrists, allowing her aching back to relax. With her body no longer arched in painful restraint, Frieda was able to let her face rest on the floor, her breathing labored but slightly eased as her breasts pressed against the ground, and her legs stretched out behind her.

“Now, Frieda,” Pembroke said coldly, “I’m going to take this gag out. But listen carefully—any nonsense out of you, and I will hurt you and your daughter. No one will hear a thing anyway.”

With a calculated calmness, he removed the gag from her mouth. The moment she was free, a torrent of invective burst from Frieda, directed at the man she had been so captivated by, the man she had nearly left her husband for just over an hour ago. The bitterness in her voice was laced with shock and betrayal, her words tumbling out in a mix of fury and disbelief.

Pembroke responded with brutal force, kicking Frieda hard in the ribs, causing her to gasp in pain. Heidi screamed in panic, her voice breaking as terror gripped her. Without missing a beat, Pembroke strode over to her and slapped her across the face, sending her crashing to the ground again. He then yanked Frieda up by the hair, her body limp like a rag doll in his grasp.

“No more fucking screaming. Be quiet and do as I say. That goes for BOTH of you!” he snarled, his voice dripping with menace.

Heidi, dazed and trembling, began to pick herself up on all fours. Her skirt had ridden up, exposing the curve of her ass, drawing the leering eyes of the men in the room.

“Let my daughter go, please,” Frieda gasped, barely able to get the words out as she struggled for breath. The pain in her scalp, sides, and the agony of being tied up in such a cruel position made speaking almost impossible.

Pembroke’s response was swift and merciless. He delivered a moderate punch to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. “You will not tell me to do anything, you fucking bitch,” he rasped, his voice dripping with venom.

The sudden shift in Pembroke’s demeanor—from a charming gentleman to a violent, feral thug—left both women paralyzed with terror. The shock of his brutality struck them into silence, their minds reeling as they tried to comprehend the nightmare they had fallen into.

Pembroke let Frieda fall to the ground, her body crumpling as she landed on her knees before collapsing face-first with a series of sickening thuds. Ignoring her groans of pain, he turned his attention to Heidi, who was still breathless and vulnerable on all fours. Without warning, he delivered a hard spank to her exposed buttock, the sharp sound echoing through the room.

“I apologize again, Heidi,” he said with mock sincerity, “but I’m afraid I must insist on obedience. It’s the only way you girls learn. Your mother isn’t taking this too well, I’m afraid.” His hand lingered on her ass, tracing the curve of her perfectly toned cheeks, parted by the slim line of pink cloth from her thong that barely concealed her most private areas.

“A thong was an excellent choice for a lovely dress like this. No visible panty lines,” Pembroke remarked, his tone disturbingly casual as he admired the fit. “You and your mother have excellent taste in underwear.”

His smile returned, the cold charm resurfacing as he left Heidi and moved back to Frieda. With a sickeningly gentle touch, he cradled her bruised face, brushing her hair away from her eyes as if he hadn’t just brutalized her moments before.

“Now, Frieda, you are much more experienced than your daughter, so I expect you to lead the way in these little games. Do you understand?”

Frieda tried to protest but was silenced by a sharp slap from Pembroke. She could taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth.

Pembroke turned to Barazan and commanded him kneel down by her face. Despite his fear, Barazan complied and knelt before the blonde woman. “Pull her face up and force yourself into her mouth! Frieda, make sure he gets hard and suck on him!” He ordered.

Frieda wanted to throw up at the piss smelling penis was pushed against her lips, although she knew the man was forced into it. She tried to turn away. “Barazan you need to learn to control women, force her mouth open!”

Panicking Barazan pushed her jaws together squashing her face opening her mouth up and forced himself inside her wet mouth. He got zero pleasure but soon was erect inside her, conscious of the laughs from the men gloating at him.

“That is enough, Barazan well done, Now, flip her over, and get between her legs, under the loop around her ankles, yes that is it, that’s a nice hard cock you have there, good, now you to start fucking her, in the pussy, yes, that’s it!”

Heidi remained fixated, watching her mother’s rape as the older woman sobbed. Barazan’s tears dripped from his face onto hers as he pushed in and out of her.

“Frieda, sorry to distract you, my dear, but I have a question,” Pembroke said with disturbing politeness, his voice almost casual as if discussing something mundane. “I am going to remove an item of clothing from Heidi.” He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. “Shall it be her exquisite dress, or that cute little pink thong? Which one? You choose. Or, if you prefer not to decide, I’ll simply take both.”

Frieda’s mind was a blur of fear and desperation. She wanted to curse him, to scream at him, but the memory of his boot slamming into her ribs kept her silent. Her thoughts spun, trying to find a way to protect her daughter from the unbearable choices before her. She knew that whatever decision she made would only lead to further humiliation and suffering for Heidi.

Finally, with a voice barely above a whisper, she forced the words out. “Her underwear ... take off her underwear.”

The words tasted bitter on her tongue, but in her frantic reasoning, she hoped that at least Heidi would still have her dress to cover her, to cling to some semblance of dignity as she would if she were on the street.

“You heard your mother, Heidi. Come on, give me that little pink thong,” Pembroke said, gesturing playfully with his fingers as if it were a game. His tone was light, almost mocking, which only made the situation more unbearable.

Heidi looked around, her eyes wide with fear and shame, taking in the leering faces and the horror of what was happening. Trembling, she tried to maintain some shred of dignity. She reached under her dress, carefully sliding her tiny panties down her legs without exposing herself any more than she had to. The flimsy fabric slipped past her knees, and she stepped out of them, her hands shaking as she picked them up.

With her face burning in humiliation, she handed the pink thong to Pembroke, her heart pounding in her chest. The act felt like a surrender, a final, devastating blow to her sense of self. Pembroke took the panties from her with a cruel smile, his eyes glinting with twisted satisfaction as he held the delicate fabric in his hand, and brought it to his nose.

“Delicious, you smell as tasty as your mother and much nicer than that cheesecake we had last night. “ Pembroke mocked her “I watched you bite into that cake knowing I would have you today, I was imagining what your cunt would taste like when I bit into mine.” His eyes lit up as he leaned closer to her. Heidi held her hands in front of her, feeling the air blowing up her dress against he exposed pussy.

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