The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One - Cover

The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 9

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Winner of the 2022 Clitorides Award. Another year in school for Sam before he can return to The Windy Pines for the summer. Sam is instore for some changes. He is growing up, though not always wiser. With age comes responsibility. He still has a lot to learn, and he gets a crash course on what it takes to grow up.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

I sat in my room and stewed, for almost an hour, over the fact Mary had flat out lied to me. She was supposed to be here. She and Amy were supposed to be at my house, right now, and more than likely, in my bed. She was supposed to be with me! Instead, she’d gone out with a group of guy friends to some weekend party.

I knew Mary. I knew her well and there was nothing and no one that was going to get in the way of Mary having fun. That was one of the things that made life around her so exciting. So, I knew how she was, and everything in my body was screaming she was sleeping with not just one, but all those guy friends this weekend.

Shockingly, it wasn’t that she was sleeping with those guys that pissed me off. I wasn’t happy about it, but that wasn’t the big deal. The big deal was that she didn’t tell me. She didn’t trust me enough to tell me what she wanted to do. That fact took me over the edge and made the decision easy for me. I was done with Mary. Completely and utterly fucking done. I didn’t need an explanation from her. She would probably just lie to me anyways.

So, I wasn’t going to call her, ever again.

I stood up, took a deep breath, and let it out in one long sigh. I opened my door and made my way down to the kitchen. Mom and Dad heard me coming so they both watched as I approached but didn’t say anything. Dad actually looked more sympathetic than Mom, which was strange, but I didn’t say anything to either of them. I went straight for the refrigerator and poured myself a glass of lemonade. I chugged the whole glass in three massive swallows and slammed the cup on the counter when I was done. I was gasping for breath and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

I headed to the phone and started dialing. Still, my parents didn’t say a word, just watched.

The phone rang once before someone answered it on the other side.

“Happy Halloween!” The cheery voice of Laura came through the receiver.

“Oh, um. Happy Halloween,” I replied, caught off guard by Laura’s words.

“Sam?” Laura asked, her voice sounding worried.

“Hey, Laura.”

“Hey,” There was a long pause. “Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend right now?”

“My ex-girlfriend...”

“Ex ... wait a minute, what happened?”

I told her everything and she listened quietly. She asked a few questions, and I answered them.

“So, I was wondering what you were doing?” I finally asked when I had finished my story.


“Do you want to come—”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes!”

The phone clicked before I even got a chance to reply.

“Mom, Dad, Laura’s coming over,” I announced.


That was the only response I got from my parents. I hurried up to the bathroom to make sure I didn’t look as bad as I felt. I was shocked to see that I wasn’t a wreck. My eyes weren’t even red. From all outside appearances, it looked like it was just a normal day going by my facial appearance and posture.

When Laura came to the door, she was trailing behind a group of elementary school kids. It was getting awfully late for kids that age, but Mom treated them like any other that had stopped by that night and offered them a piece of candy. They all took their turns, and I peeked around Mom who was standing at the door holding the bowl the kids were reaching into greedily.

I saw Laura there, waiting patiently. Her eyes widened when she initially saw me, but then smiled and waved. She didn’t say anything, just watching the kids at my door stuffing pillowcases full of sugar and having the night of their lives.

Laura was wearing a cute Tinkerbell costume, wings and all. Her hair was down, highlighting its natural curls that bunched up into waves. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was perfect and bright. With as much sex appeal Sara’s costume had put out for any and all to see, Laura’s was even more alluring to me for what it didn’t show. I remembered exactly how that body of hers felt against mine at Homecoming. Perfect. She was perfect.

“Come on in, Laura,” Mom offered, once the last of the kids had gotten their candy and headed off to the next house.

There was a slightly awkward pause as Laura and I greeted each other.

“Why don’t you two head up to your room,” Mom suggested.

Laura looked startled and caught off guard at that suggestion. I guess it probably wasn’t all that normal for a guy’s mom to suggest he take a girl up to his room. Her eyes found mine and I nodded to her unspoken question, and she returned it. The two of us headed inside and up the stairs to my room without being stopped by my parents.

I shut the door behind us once Laura stepped into my room. She didn’t move any further, just turned to look at me, searching my eyes for something.

“You sure you’re okay?” Laura asked, softly.

“Yeah, I think so.” I nodded and offered her a weak smile.

“I can’t believe she did that.”

“Me either.”

“I don’t know what she was thinking. If you were my boyfriend, I would never have done that to you.”

I shrugged, and blushed.

“The weird thing is, I thought we told each other everything. Considering ... well, how well I know her.”

“Umm, yeah...” It was Laura’s turn to blush.

“It’s just so ... I don’t even know what.” I grumbled and I felt my legs start shaking and my hands started trembling.

“Do you want a hug?”

Laura opened her arms in invitation, and without even thinking about it, I stepped right into them. My arms wrapped around her shoulders as hers did that same to my middle. I was expecting a quick hug, but she didn’t let go. She just held me tightly. Then it hit me. Everything, all of it, all at once. The dam I didn’t even know was there, shattered. I buried my face in her shoulder and started sobbing. I clung onto Laura, squeezing her tightly as I could, and she never flinched. She just shushed me like a mother to a bawling infant.

“It’s okay, let it out, Sam.”

I didn’t respond, I couldn’t. I was a sniffling, blubbering baby who couldn’t even start to form a word let alone a sentence.

It took me a long time to settle down. I was mortified at the whole situation. Mary’s betrayal was paramount, but it was how I broke down like that. Crying like a baby on Laura’s shoulder. All of it was horrible.

“Better now?”

Ye...” I cleared my throat. “Yeah.”

“Good,” Laura smiled softly as she stared into my eyes. “How about we go for a walk?”

“I uh,” I wasn’t sure what to say to that. Like an idiot, I went with, “It’s kind of late, isn’t it?”

“It’s Halloween, I don’t think it really matters how late it is. Not tonight anyway.”

“Yeah, okay, Tinkerbell.” She blushed.

“Let’s get going, Spiderman.”

She followed me down the stairs and Mom was there at the door handing out candy to another round of children that I was pretty sure had been here once before.

“We’re going for a walk,” I announced, slipping through the door and past the gaggle of kids.

“Don’t be out too late!” Mom called and I gave her a wave to let her know I heard her.

The two of us walked and talked for what felt like hours. By the time we made it back to my house, the streets were quiet and all the windows in all the houses in the neighborhood were dark. Considering how the night had started, that was about as good of an ending as I could have hoped for. Laura really, truly was my best friend, and I was thankful for her.

November came and went like any other month. I spent most of my free time either on my computer or hanging out with Laura. My morning coffees with Mom were always a highlight of my day. Mom was always eager to watch me come, and I was just as eager to show her. Only once did we help each other out with our hands. She gave me a wonderfully languid hand-job and I played with her pussy until she came twice, but we never went further than that.

At school and in the evenings if I wasn’t working on homework or raking leaves for my parents and neighbors, I was with Laura. She had me come over for dinner again, which went a whole lot better than the first time. Her father had finally figured out I wasn’t there to date his daughter. That same thing couldn’t be said about her mother. She was always telling Laura at dinner how good of a guy I was. How cute I was. The whole time I kept my head down to hide how furiously my face was burning.

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