The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One - Cover

The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 8

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Winner of the 2022 Clitorides Award. Another year in school for Sam before he can return to The Windy Pines for the summer. Sam is instore for some changes. He is growing up, though not always wiser. With age comes responsibility. He still has a lot to learn, and he gets a crash course on what it takes to grow up.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

For the last six weeks, I had been working furiously trying to make as much money as possible. It wasn’t until the last weekend in September that I realized there weren’t enough weeks left for me to make enough money for the pickup. The problem was simple, now that it was October, there wasn’t a huge need for me to mow everyone’s yards regularly anymore. Less need for me to mow equaled less money in my pocket. That was bad!

A couple of my customers knew what my goal was and why I was so persistent about keeping each and every lawn I touched perfectly manicured for as long as possible. They applauded my drive and work ethic to save up to buy my own car.

If I was completely honest, these last couple of weeks, most of those lawns didn’t need to be mowed, let alone multiple times. I was lucky that they agreed to let me do it anyway so they could help me make enough money to buy Grandpa’s Ford Ranger.

I did have a plan though to help make up my shortcomings when it came to money. It was actually Mom’s idea, but I took it and ran with it as soon as I heard it. As soon as it started snowing, those same lawn customers I had mowed this fall agreed to have me shovel their driveways and sidewalks this winter. It was a perfect plan.

Usually, I would wish for huge snowstorms so I could get a snow day from school. Now, I wanted it to snow a foot every day so I could keep making money shoveling throughout the winter non-stop. Bring on the snow, the more the merrier.

As diligent as I was at keeping up with everyone’s lawns, that didn’t take up all of my time after school or on weekends. It seemed that Sara was spending every waking minute with Scott. When she wasn’t, she was working through a ridiculously long list of potential colleges with Mom and Dad.

So, that meant I was left to my own devices. I could only talk to Mary on Mondays and Fridays, and it wasn’t like I had a long list of friends I hung out with outside of school. I did have one, though—Laura.

We never crossed any lines. No kissing or anything. Not like I had that night after Homecoming. Mary wasn’t at all mad when I had told her about it, but I didn’t want to push my luck either. So, the two of us just hung out. We would go eat and sometimes see a movie. Just as friends. We didn’t hold hands, nothing.

It got weird when she asked me if I wanted to come over to her house for dinner. Her mom kept looking at me, like she was sizing me up and kept smiling the whole time. I even caught her winking at Laura when she thought I wasn’t looking. Laura was blushing furiously when I looked at her right after that. Her mom just grinned proudly at the two of us.

Her father was different. He was friendly as long as I wasn’t standing or sitting next to his little girl. He made the point of calling her that the minute it was just the two of us alone for a moment. When Laura sat next to me, or just stood close, he had this angry, possessive look about him that I didn’t like at all. That night couldn’t end fast enough. When dinner was done, Laura took me home.

“I can’t believe my dad was acting like that to you,” Laura whined.

“It’s okay,” I answered, offering a fake smile to hopefully make her feel better.

She saw right through it.

“No, it’s not. That wasn’t cool at all.”

I didn’t respond to that; I knew better than sticking my foot in an obvious bear trap.

“We’re just friends!” Laura yelled at the windshield.

“It’s fine, seriously.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” I nodded. “You might have to explain the just-friends thing to your mom though.”

“Ugh!” Laura groaned and I couldn’t help but start laughing.

“When is Mary supposed to get here?” Laura changed the subject.

“Friday evening,” I grinned like an idiot.

“Do you know what you guys are going to...” Laura blushed, and her eyes quickly shifted to me before going back to the road. “Uh, you know ... do?”

She knew what we were going to do. At least what I hoped we were going to do. Laura and I were friends. We had gotten comfortable talking about Mary and I told her what would probably, hopefully, happen on Halloween.

I didn’t give her all the gory details, but I told her enough for her to not have to wonder.

“Go trick-or-treating,” I answered without a moment’s hesitation.

Then have lots of sex! I didn’t need to tell her that part, she knew that already.

“Sounds fun...” Laura replied, and I nodded enthusiastically.

Monday before Halloween, I got permission to talk to Mary for an hour and we made the most of every minute of that hour. We were both excited about her upcoming visit. When we started talking about what we would do, our conversation quickly devolved into no holds barred phone sex. I was so turned on by what Mary was saying I started jerking off right there in the kitchen.

Mary was busy on the other end of the call fingering her pussy so furiously she dropped the phone, twice!

“Oh, shit!” Mary gasped.

Right as she gasped, I heard a loud banging noise through the phone. It sounded like Mary had dropped the phone and it was loud enough that it hurt my ears. I could only imagine how that scene looked from her end, watching her finger herself to an orgasm and then dropping the phone as she lost control.

“Fuck!” Mary mewled, her voice distant and full of passion.

“You okay?” I asked, smirking.

“Yeah, I dropped the phone!” Mary giggled.

It didn’t take long for her to ramp right back up, so she was on the verge of another orgasm. I could hear her breathing change as she got closer and closer, and the sound of her fingers as they slammed into her pussy over and over through the phone.

“Oh fuck, Sam!” Mary gasped into the phone. “I’m going to come again!”

“Mary!” I moaned.

That was all I was able to say in return. I was right there, moments away from release.

“Coming! Coming! Coming!”

That sound ... it was incredible!

When Mary orgasmed the second time, I came right along with her. I didn’t have anything handy to catch my come so I just stood up, arched my back slightly and unloaded onto the floor. I didn’t care who saw me or where I was at that moment. All I wanted was to come and come hard.

Neither one of us said anything in our post orgasmic bliss. I tried, but all I managed was a croak that got Mary laughing which quickly turned into coughing. We said our good nights once we calmed down enough to do so, both of us anxious to see each other in a few days.

The rest of the week flew by. Each morning starting off with an incredible cup of coffee with Mom on the couch. Ever since that morning she sucked my dick so perfectly, things had ... changed between us. Not in a bad way, not at all. The changes were very much the good kind.

Every day this week I seemed to wake up hornier than I did the day before. Each night I kept having the most erotic, vivid, and unbelievable dreams about Mary in every position possible and it was no surprise when I woke up with a rock-hard erection. Some of the scenes in those dreams had Sara involved and Amy as well. There was one dream that had me, Mom, Mary, and Laura. That one was ... holy shit!

Lucky for me, Mom was there each morning to help with my release. That’s not to say that she jerked me off or sucked my dick each morning. Not at all. She was, however, very eager to see me come. The changes didn’t really manifest until it was time for me to finish. Mom, when she was really worked up, wanted me to come on her tits or stomach.

That’s where it was different. I had come on my mom several times, so that in and of itself wasn’t completely new. What was new was how she didn’t clean it up when she asked me to do it. Instead, she would send me off to get ready for school while she made breakfast all the while my come was running down the front of her body.

I knew what Mom and I did on the couch wasn’t a secret because it wasn’t. Even though it wasn’t a secret, no one mentioned it or questioned either of us about it. Now, Mom was showing off my come like some kind of badge of honor. A prize she had earned and wanted to share with anyone willing to look. Smiling proudly as she did.

So, when the four of us would sit down for breakfast, that is, when Sara decided to join us, questioning looks were given, but not a word was said. Still, it was insanely erotic and just as crazy. My balls were emptied, and I wasn’t stupid enough to complain.

Friday, when Laura gave me a ride home after school, I was so excited about Mary’s arrival that I couldn’t sit still.

“What’s wrong with you?” Laura questioned, putting her car in Park when she pulled to a stop in our driveway.

“Nothing,” I answered. “I’m just excited for tonight.”

“I can see that.” Laura rolled her eyes and got out of the car. “What time is she supposed to get here?”

“Sometime after dinner,” I answered. “Maybe around seven o’clock. Why?”

“I thought we could hang out for a bit. You know, before your mom or Mary gets here.”

“Uhh, my mom should be home any time now. So, it’s probably not a great idea...”

“Oh,” Laura’s eyes went wide for a moment, and I started to wonder if somehow Laura knew about what me and Mom had been doing. Had Sara told her? There’s no way she would do that, right? “I forgot about...”


“You know ... your parents are nudists.” Laura whispered.

“Nude—what?” I asked, suddenly stunned.

“They’re nudists!” Laura hissed.

“Oh, uh...” I had no idea what to say to that. My brain started racing through all the different probabilities and implications from what Laura had just said.

The fact that she knew we were nudists was shocking. Actually, she knew my parents were nudists. Judging by the apologetic look on her face, she had no idea about me and Sara. Still, I hadn’t thought Sara would have told anyone anything but apparently I was wrong. How long has Laura known?

“Call me when Mary goes home?” Laura asked, sounding completely unsure of herself. “Maybe we can get dinner or go do something fun.”

“Sure,” I answered, smiling. “That sounds great.”


Laura hastily got back in her car and drove off. I stood there and watched as she and her car disappeared around the corner. I was grinning the whole time because Mary was going to be here soon, and I couldn’t wait!

Mom and Dad ordered pizza for dinner. Sara showed up around five o’clock but wasn’t going to stay all night. I guess Scott’s buddies had something going on and she was going with him tonight. That meant I was going to have Mary and Amy all to myself! I would have liked it if Sara were hanging out with us, just like we all did during the summer, but this was one of those moments that it didn’t bother me at all that she wasn’t going to be here.

When everyone was done eating, there was about an hour before Scott, Mary, and Amy were supposed to show up. That meant there was plenty of time to get ready before they got here. I went straight up to my room and grabbed my outfit from the closet.

I originally wanted to be Darth Vader, but all those costumes were already gone. I tried to find anything Star Wars, but no luck. There were a few of the cheap looking ones left, but I didn’t want to wear one of those things. So, I ended up with a Spider-Man suit. Sara and Mom loved the idea. It was a one-piece, elastic bodysuit with a separate pullover mask. The whole thing covered me from head to toe. It looked really good, realistic.

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