The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One - Cover

The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 7

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Winner of the 2022 Clitorides Award. Another year in school for Sam before he can return to The Windy Pines for the summer. Sam is instore for some changes. He is growing up, though not always wiser. With age comes responsibility. He still has a lot to learn, and he gets a crash course on what it takes to grow up.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

Monday when I got home from school all I wanted to do was call Mary. I just had to wait until after dinner to do it. Those few hours seemed to drag on for days and days. When Sara had finally put away the last of the clean dishes and I had washed the counters, I got my chance.

The phone rang once before someone picked up the phone at Mary’s.

“Hello!” Mary answered.


“Hey Sam!” Mary giggled. “I have been waiting by the phone for almost an hour.”

“I would have called sooner but I had to help clean up after dinner.”

“I know, I was just excited. So, how was your Homecoming?”

I told Mary everything. Every single detail I could remember I told her. What the dresses looked like, where we went to eat. The dancing, how I had no idea what I was doing until Laura taught me how to dance. The after party. Liz. All of it. I even told her that I gave Laura a friendly kiss goodnight when she dropped me off.

When it was Mary’s turn to tell me about her night my mom yelled that my time was up for the night and to say goodbye. Unless I wanted to pay the phone bill, which I didn’t.

Mary promised to tell me all about her night next time she called on Friday.

We said our goodbyes and I hung up feeling like a million dollars. I was a little worried Mary was going to be upset about me kissing Laura, but she wasn’t. All in all, the phone call was great, and I felt so much better just hearing Mary’s voice.

The next week was boring. My coffee dates with Mom weren’t boring, not at all, but we kept our hands to ourselves as we watched each other masturbate. I would never get tired of watching Mom come, and from the way her eyes homed in on my cock as I stroked myself to release, she wasn’t getting tired of it either.

The noises she made as she fingered and toyed with her pussy and nipples were always so mesmerizing. The way her body would tremble as she approached her peak. Her tits would shake, and her nipples would grow so hard that I couldn’t believe they didn’t hurt. I just wanted to suck on them in those moments and cup her breasts in my hands as my fingers dug into the soft, pliable flesh, but I didn’t.

Sara was spending less and less time around me and more around her boyfriend. It sucked, but when I asked her about it, she told me it was just like how I spent the summer with Mary at my side, or in my lap, or even bent over in front of me all the time. Sara couldn’t do that with Scott. I understood it when she explained to me that way.

Laura talked to me in the halls between classes at school, and twice gave me a ride home when Sara was out doing whatever she did with Scott. I liked being around Laura. A lot. She was easy to talk to and the way we would just start laughing at nothing until our cheeks and stomachs hurt was fun. She always asked about Mary, interested in everything I said about my girlfriend. She did ask me if it was hard to date somebody over the phone. I told her it wasn’t easy, especially with how expensive long-distance calls could be.

I explained to her how Mary had stood me up the week before Homecoming. I told her the reason and Laura understood immediately and nodded, agreeing the reasoning was a good one and understandable.

Laura was turning out to be my best friend. It was strange. A high school senior, a girl, my sister’s friend, who was hot, was my best friend but it felt good.

After I cleaned up the dishes from dinner on Friday, I went up to my room to mess around on the computer. Sara was once again out on a date with Scott while Mom and Dad were going to watch a movie, some romantic drama movie she liked, and I had seen several times before. I had no interest in watching it again.

“Sam, phone!” I heard Mom yell from downstairs.

“Coming!” I yelled back.

I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand, it was almost eight o’clock. Mary! I raced down the stairs two at a time and skidded to a halt in front of Mom who was holding out the phone for me smirking. I blushed and took it without a word.

“Mary?” I asked into the phone a little breathless.

“Sorry, I’m not your sex crazed girlfriend,” Grandpa’s voice came through the phone.

“Grandpa!” he started laughing at my obvious surprise.

“I take it you’re expecting someone else to be calling?”

“Yeah, sorry. Mary’s supposed to call me soon.”

“I’ll make this short then. I’ve been talking to your dad, and we’ve decided that you can buy my old truck.”

“What! Really?”

“Yes really. Talk to your dad this weekend and he will give you the details.”

“Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome,” Grandpa chuckled. “Now, get off the phone so your girlfriend can call you.”

“Okay, bye!”

I hung up before I heard his response. No sooner had I hung the phone up on the wall, than it started ringing again.


“Hi, Sam!” Mary’s sweet voice came through the phone.

“Mary!” She started giggling and I smiled at hearing her voice.

Instead of Mary telling me about the dance, she dove right into wanting to plan for her and Amy to visit us for Halloween again. I was all for that! The idea of Mary spending the weekend with me sounded incredible. She told me what her idea was for what she was going to wear, and I was hard as a rock just thinking about Mary’s costume when we went trick-or-treating.

We finally came to the agreement that she would show up that Thursday evening. Halloween was on a Friday this year and she would stay until Sunday when Amy would drive them back home.

I was so excited about it I hadn’t even thought to tell her about Grandpa agreeing that I could buy the Ranger before we had to get off the phone. We were keeping our phone calls to the agreed upon thirty minutes. I told Mary I would call her Monday. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

First thing Saturday morning I met Mom on the couch for our date.

“So, Grandpa told you...” Mom asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

“Yeah!” I whispered excitedly. “He’s going to sell me his old pickup.”

“What else did he say?”

“That I needed to talk to Dad this weekend about it.”

“Good. Now you just need to start saving your money for it.”

“I know. I need to see if I can mow some more lawns after school and on weekends.”

“Probably a good idea. Having a car of your own is a big responsibility.”

I nodded, taking a sip of my own coffee now that it wouldn’t scald my mouth.

“Did you and Mary figure out what the plan was for Halloween this year?” Mom had a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she asked.

“Mmm,” I grinned, nodding dramatically.

“Did she tell you what she was going to dress up as this year?” I shifted position and Mom’s eyes flicked down and watched as my cock came to life before her eyes. “I take it you like the idea of her costume.”

My hand wrapped around my cock and gave it a nice, slow stroke.

“Mmm, I love watching that every time.” Mom’s voice sounded thick with need and desire.

I didn’t last long. Between watching Mom and thinking about Mary’s costume, I was coming before I could stop it.

“You should go get cleaned up. I’ll get started on breakfast and then you can talk to your dad about your new truck.”

“Good idea,” I answered, getting up and walking on slightly wobbly legs towards the stairs.

I was taking a shower when I heard someone come into the bathroom.

“Hello?” I called out, my eyes closed and soap suds running down my face.

“You almost done?” Sara asked. “I need to take a shower before my friends come to pick me up.”

“Yeah, you can come in if you want.” I answered, holding my head under the shower head in an attempt to rinse out the shampoo.

“No, it’s okay, I’ll wait.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah ... it’s fine.”

“Okay then.” I mentally shrugged and finished my shower.

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