The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One - Cover

The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 6

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Winner of the 2022 Clitorides Award. Another year in school for Sam before he can return to The Windy Pines for the summer. Sam is instore for some changes. He is growing up, though not always wiser. With age comes responsibility. He still has a lot to learn, and he gets a crash course on what it takes to grow up.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

Sara and I just stared at the door, neither of us moved to see who it was. I squeezed Sara tighter on reflex and I don’t know if she did the same because she was nervous too or just did it because I did.

“I’ll get it,” Dad announced, setting down the camera and walking over to the front door.


“Yep!” Sara answered for the both of us.

Dad slowly opened the door, peaking around the edge so he could see who it was before we could. Jerk! He smiled back at us when he saw which of our dates had shown up first before opening the door and revealing who it was to the rest of us.

The door opened and when I saw Laura my jaw hit the floor. Mom audibly gasped, her hands clasped in front of her face as if to hide her expression. Dad just stood off to the side grinning like an idiot and Sara, the only one of us able to move, raced forward and wrapped a giggling Laura in a big hug.

Dad looked out the door to make sure no one else was coming before he closed it with an air of authority about him that was strange and impressive. I heard a sniffle off to my right and I looked to see tears forming in Mom’s eyes. She was smiling, no longer hiding that fact with her hands, but she was definitely crying as well.

“You look incredible!” Sara exclaimed when she finally pulled back, holding Laura’s hands in her own and taking in the dress. “Where did you—When did you—”

“A few weeks before we got home from our trip to San Francisco.” Laura blushed furiously as she answered.

“I can’t believe how low,” Sara cut off whatever she was about to say and cleared her throat. “You’re really showing off the girls, you know?”

“I know, crazy huh?” Laura nervously, but excitedly replied. “They look good though, right?”

“We should probably get your date’s opinion. Sam, what do you think of Laura’s boobs?”

Laura’s face paled as her eyes went wide as her head snapped in my direction. There was a pleading look on her face as she waited for my answer. My eyes went right for her tits and stayed there.

“I think that’s a good sign,” Sara said, and both girls started giggling.

I wasn’t paying attention to what they were giggling about, I was solely focused on Laura and her dress and for good reason. It was amazing. It was a rich, deep blue satin that matched my shirt and tie. It had a plunging neckline that showed off a surprising amount of her cleavage. It would have been a lot more had she been wearing a bra, but she wasn’t. I could clearly make out the points of her nipples as they pressed into the fabric like beacons for wandering eyes. The middle of her dress was tight and form fitting, showing off her trim, but full form. The bottom half was flowing yet controlled.

She stepped to the side to look at me. That’s when I saw the slit that looked like it ran all the way from her feet up past the side of her hip. Her leg, nearly all of it, slipped out from behind the blue fabric which contrasted wonderfully with her long, toned, tanned leg. There are a bunch of other words I could use to describe the way Laura looked in that dress, and every single one of them would be true, but not one of them would truly capture what I saw. All of them together wouldn’t add up to how perfect she looked tonight.

“Hi, Sam,” Laura said with a small, awkward wave.

My eyes were running laps from her breasts to the way her leg split the skirt of her dress and back. Over and over.

“Sam, your date asked you a question,” Dad said, louder than he needed to but it got my attention.

“I’m sorry, I was—”

“We all know what you were doing,” Sara said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

“I wasn’t—”

“Yup, you were,” Mom said, smirking.

“I—uhh,” I couldn’t form words.

I wanted to, I really, really wanted to but basic English was beyond me and my mouth worked with nothing coherent coming out. That made Mom and Sara start giggling.

Laura didn’t laugh, she held my gaze on her, waiting for me to do ... something. When I didn’t, she took another step towards me.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” Laura asked.

Her hands running down the front of her dress as if to smooth it out for my inspection. As if I hadn’t been inspecting her since she walked in the door.

“My God!” I groaned.

I hadn’t even noticed that I was tenting out the front of my new suit pants. Thankfully, the suit coat was doing an admirable job of hiding it for me. The funny thing is that I had seen hundreds of pairs of breasts fully exposed thanks to our lifestyle as nudists and camp, not to mention legs, asses, and everything in-between. Those occasions didn’t get me hard like this. There was something erotic, enticing, and alluring about not having everything on full display for the world to see. Almost like the tease of more was a far stronger effect than just showing me everything without the mystery.

“My god good, or my god bad?” Laura asked, uncertainly.

“My god, perfect!” I hurried to answer. “Absolutely perfect!”

“Thanks, Sam. I can’t believe how handsome you look.”

Laura, without an ounce of hesitation walked right up to me and gave me a hug, resting her head on my shoulder. With our bodies pressed together the way they now were, there was no chance she didn’t feel my hardness. She didn’t move away; she didn’t even flinch as it pressed against her.

The doorbell rang again followed by a firm knock on the door. Scott was here.

Laura quickly spun around, grabbing my arms as she did and wrapping them around her middle, her hands over mine and holding them against her stomach. Her ass was pressed firmly against my dick, and her head rested in the crook of my neck and shoulder.

I knew Scott was here. I could hear his voice along with Sara’s and my parents, but I wasn’t paying them any attention. My hands were my eyes and ears at that moment. I could feel Laura’s stomach. I could feel her breathing under my fingertips. The hardness of her abs that I never would have expected.

Laura looked different, but it was one thing to see something, it was something entirely different to feel it and know it like I do now.

My fingers started to explore her body. I don’t know when exactly I started doing that, but Laura seemed to like it and didn’t stop me. I didn’t just slide my hands up and grab her tits. The thought crossed my mind because I was insanely curious about what they felt like. If they were firm or soft. If her nipples were hard, how big, or small they were. There were a countless number of questions I would have liked answered just then, but my hands were exploring her midriff.

I gripped my hands, my fingers pressing into her skin on her stomach, and then slightly drifting off to the sides so I could wrap my thumbs around her waist.

Laura flinched and my hands froze where they were, grasping her sides.

“That tickles!” Laura whispered just loud enough for me and me alone to hear. “You don’t have to stop, Sam. I kind of like it.”

When I didn’t start right up again, I felt her head turn to the side to look at me. She was smiling shyly, her hands still resting on top of mine.

“Are you guys ready to go?” Scott asked. “We have reservations for dinner we need to get to.”

“Yeah, we’re ready,” Laura answered.

“I need a couple pictures of all of you first!” Mom jumped in and indicated for my dad to get his camera ready.

Dad took another dozen pictures of the four of us together. Scott and I, standing behind our respective dates as well as various other poses Mom suggested. We did as they asked without too much complaint, but we were obviously getting anxious to get going.

“Okay, we really gotta go, Mom,” Sara explained when Dad used up the last of the roll in his camera and started digging in his pocket for a new one.

The four of us started working our way to the door before our parents could object.

“Okay, have fun.” Mom agreed.

She walked us out the door and watched as Sara and Scott went to his car and Laura and I went to hers.

Dinner was ... okay. It was weird. Not that it wasn’t fun to have dinner with Laura; I actually enjoyed that a lot. It was strange watching Sara moon over Scott the whole time. Laura noticed my reaction to the whole thing and did her best to distract me with our own conversation and when that didn’t work completely, she started using her tits. That, to no one’s surprise, worked, and worked perfectly.

“You don’t think I’m a slut, do you?” Laura asked.

“Not at all, why?” I replied.

“Because I never wear things like this...” Her hands grabbed her breasts and squeezed them.

She didn’t grab her chest in a sexy way, not at all. It was more of a practical way. I knew exactly what she was asking though, but I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to say. So, I tried sarcasm. I thought it would be funny.

“Fancy and sexy dresses?” I leered at her chest.

“Oh stop, they’re going to be there all night for you to look at,” Laura swatted at my shoulder playfully. “You know what I meant. I don’t ... you know, ever show off my body like this.”

“You definitely should,” I raised my eyebrows suggestively.

“Okay, seriously. Stop it.” The tone in her voice got my attention, steering it away from her chest. “Before the summer, I never would have worn something like this. You don’t need to say anything, so don’t even try. I saw this dress on vacation, and I thought maybe, just once, I could wear something like this and see what it was like.”

I paused for a minute to figure out what I wanted to say. Not some smart-ass comment or sarcasm in an attempt to be funny. Laura wasn’t a prude, at least I didn’t think so, but I had never seen her with a boyfriend or anything since she had been friends with Sara. So, with the changes to her body over the summer, I assumed she wasn’t completely self-confident in how she looked. Not in the way I would think she would or should be.

“I’m sorry, I think you look beautiful. Honestly.”


“Yeah, you’re really hot.”

“So not slutty then?”

“No, not at all. Gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, but not slutty.”

“Thanks, Sam.”

“You’re welcome.”

Laura grabbed my hand off the table and twined her fingers through mine, pulling it towards her lap and I didn’t stop her. She squeezed my hand, and I returned it reassuringly. Laura was smiling at me, and I was doing the same to her. We were lost in our own little world, completely content with just sitting there together.

“You guys ready to go to the dance?” Sara asked, snapping us back into reality.

“Yes!” Laura answered, enthusiastically.

As we were leaving, I stopped and made Laura turn to look at me since we were still holding hands.

“What’s going on, Sam?”

“I wanted to tell you something,” I paused, suddenly nervous. “I umm...”

“You what?”

“I, well ... I can’t exactly...”

“Just spit it out, Sam!”

“I don’t know how to dance, okay?” I panicked and now that the flood gates were opened, I started explaining and couldn’t stop. “Sara said she would show me, but she didn’t and now I have to try to dance with you. I don’t know what I’m doing and you’re hot and I am going to look like an idiot and—”

“Oh, that’s no big deal!” Laura cut me off, smiling brightly. “Don’t worry, I’m going to teach you how to dance tonight.”

The dance was fun. Laura had to physically drag me onto the dance floor. Our first dance was a disaster, but it got worse. I didn’t know what to do and it was some upbeat dance tune and I just stood there, watching Laura dance in front of me. That part was nice. Very nice. I was too scared to look like an idiot to let go and move my feet.

“Just listen to the beat of the song,” Laura tried to explain over the music blaring through the room. “Move your feet with it and just have fun.”

The wondrous smile on Laura’s face was infectious and I couldn’t help but smile at her. Thankfully, the first song ended quickly but was almost immediately followed by another upbeat song.

Where are the slow dances, I could do that I was pretty sure. I’ve seen enough movies to fake that well enough!

This time, Laura grabbed my hands and tried to force me to move with her. I reluctantly allowed her hands to help direct me which resulted in my feet stepping on hers in the first fifteen seconds of the new song.

“Ow!” Laura screeched and then hopped around a bit on one foot. The one I hadn’t stepped on, yet.

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