The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One - Cover

The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 17

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Winner of the 2022 Clitorides Award. Another year in school for Sam before he can return to The Windy Pines for the summer. Sam is instore for some changes. He is growing up, though not always wiser. With age comes responsibility. He still has a lot to learn, and he gets a crash course on what it takes to grow up.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

I looked back down at the charcoal and saw that it was white with a glowing core and glowing orange. It was perfect, and ready to be dumped into the grill.

“Can you lift up the grate on the grill so I can dump these in?” I asked Laura, who quickly moved to do exactly that. Instead of pulling them off and setting them on the side trays like I usually did, she just tilted them up. That left a large space for me to easily dump the hot coals into the grill. As soon as I had, she quickly lowered the grate back down and it slammed home the last couple inches. “Thanks.”

“Sure, no problem,” Laura answered, looking at her hands and the black grime that was on them from the grate. It looked like she wanted to wipe her hands on something, but since she was completely naked, there was nothing to wipe them on. Laura saw the way I was looking at her and furrowed her brow. “What?”

“Weird not being able to wipe your hands off on your pants or something, right?”


“Welcome to nudism. You’ll get used to it.”

“I’m not so sure about that!” Laura chuckled, reached out her hands as if she were going to wipe them off on me. I barked, laughed, and leapt away, well out of her reach.

“Don’t you dare!”

“I wasn’t going to do anything.”

“Uh huh, sure. I don’t believe you.”

“Fine,” Laura rolled her eyes. “I’m going to go in and wash my hands.”

“Yeah, sounds good,” I smirked. “Tell them the grill’s ready when you go in, too.”

Laura nodded her agreement and headed inside.

She had only been gone a few seconds before Dad came out with the chicken ready to be thrown on the grill.

“Everything ready?” he asked, coming over to stand in front of the grill.

“Yeah,” I answered, scooting off to the side.

“Looks great, thanks, Sam.” Dad smiled, proudly. “You want to run in and get the skewers on the kitchen counter?”


I headed inside and Mom looked up as she noticed me. Her eyes flicked down and then widened for only an instant when she noticed my erection before she met my eyes again. She smirked at my obvious arousal, but I tried to act as if I hadn’t noticed it.

“Are you going to get control of that thing, or do you need to go take care of it?”

I shrugged.

When she didn’t get the reaction she was expecting, she just shook her head chuckling to herself.

“What do you need, Sam?” Mom asked.

“Dad wants me to get the skewers.”

“They’re behind me, by the sink.” Mom indicated over her shoulder.

I smiled and walked past her. I grabbed the pan and turned and headed back outside. The girls were right behind me. I dropped off the pan with Dad and made sure he didn’t need anything else. He didn’t, but suggested I go hang out with Mom and the girls at the glass patio table and he would bring the food over as soon as it was ready.

I sat with Mom and the girls while we waited for the food to cook. The girls watched me and giggled almost the entire time, Mom included. The issue was that I was still fully hard, and a glass top table does little to hide that fact from anyone sitting at the table with me.

I tried to ignore the whispers. Sara and Laura were in a nearly constant secret conversation that I couldn’t hear from my seat on the other side of the table. Mom could hear it though, because she would smirk at certain things she heard and even offer me small sympathetic smiles here and there.

Laura just finished saying something to Sara and she turned to look at me, studying me for a moment before she told Laura her reply and indicated me. Laura, looking unsure, then looked at me as well and cleared her throat.

“Sam, how come you have been hard this whole time, but your dad is completely soft?”

“Girls!” Mom cut in. “Leave the poor boy alone. Can’t you see he is having a hard time with this?” Sara barked a laugh before quickly biting it off and Laura blushed furiously. “I didn’t mean it like that, and you both know it.”

“Sorry, I was just...” Laura and Sara both looked thoroughly chastened.

“Sam’s still young. His hormones control his penis,” Mom explained curtly. “Eventually, he will learn to control it and then eventually, it won’t be an issue at all regardless of who is around.”

I was thankful for Mom’s intervention, but at the same time, completely mortified that I even needed it. I had really thought I would be able to control my dick while Laura was here. That couldn’t have been any further from the truth, unfortunately.

“Somebody should go in and get the plates and stuff ready. The chicken’s almost done!” Dad called out from his spot manning the grill.

“Sam, why don’t you go grab the plates and I’ll get the rest,” Mom said, and I got up to do just that. “Thanks, honey.”

The food was amazing. The chicken was grilled perfectly, juicy on the inside with perfectly crispy skin. The skewers were good, too, onions, squash, mushrooms, and bell pepper chunks that were all slightly charred, but still nice and crispy but fully cooked.

After dinner, the five of us sat outside for as long as we could before the sun finally set and the chill of the air became too much, and we all succumbed to chills. We all stayed out there later than we usually would have in the cold, not one of us wanting the day to end. Laura was the last one to finally go back inside, choosing instead to enjoy her newfound outdoor naked freedom.

Mom and Dad vacated the living room in favor of their own room to give Sara, Laura, and I our space. Thankfully, they were good about things like that. When Laura finally decided to come back in, she was trembling from the chilly night and her entire body was covered in goosebumps. I couldn’t help but notice her nipples looked impossibly hard due to the cold. I wasn’t the only one that noticed.

“Cold out there?” Sara teased.

“Ye-e-ah,” Laura managed to reply, trying to smile but her lips were trembling.

She had her arms wrapped around herself as she tried to fend off the cold but did little to hide the effects she was experiencing.

“Why did you stay out there after we came inside?” Sara questioned. “It’s way too cold out there to be naked. Especially at night.”

“I d-d-don’t-know.” Laura stuttered. “I-it w-was n-nice.”

“Come sit down,” I cut in. “You need to warm up.” I grabbed a folded-up blanket from the closet and quickly draped it over her the moment she sat down. “Better?” I asked.

Laura nodded while she quickly wrapped the blanket around herself tightly. Sara sat down next to her, rubbing her hands on Laura’s arms and shoulders in an attempt to speed up the warming process.

“Are you going to stay the night?” Sara asked as she vigorously rubbed Laura’s arms.

Laura looked at Sara and then at me. I was still just standing there by the couch.

“I should probably go home,” Laura answered.

“Really?” Sara whined.

“Don’t try to guilt her into staying, Sara,” I groaned.

“I’m not,” Sara replied, scowling at me. “I just wanted her to stay the night and watch some movies with us.”

“She can come watch movies another time. If she wants to, that is.”

“I think it would be fun, if that’s okay?” Laura looked hopeful, but she also looked embarrassed of the fact she was bundled up in a blanket while Sara and I were completely uncovered.

“Sure, any time. As long as Scott isn’t here.” I replied.

Laura gave me a weird look. Like she was thinking about something and when her eyes widened when whatever realization came to her, her head jerked from me to Sara and back.

“He doesn’t know anything about this, does he?” Laura looked shocked.

“Of course I haven’t told him anything!” Sara snapped back.

“Holy shit, Sara!”

“What?” Sara fired back roughly, like she was daring Laura to question her.

“Are you going to? I thought he knew something about it at least. I mean, obviously he hasn’t seen it. Not with how you panicked and pleaded for me to not tell him anything about it. But I didn’t think he had no idea at all.”

“I ... don’t know. It’s a lot to explain to someone.”

“Don’t you think he should know? I mean, this is a pretty big deal if you’re really serious about him!”

“I am serious about Scott! We both are! My family just doesn’t share our lifestyle with everyone,” Sara said, her voice firm but not unfriendly or angry. “The fact that we invited you here is a big deal.”

“Really?” Laura looked like she didn’t realize exactly how big of a deal it was to have her come over to spend time with our family naked.

I nodded along with Sara, our faces serious.


“Yeah.” Sara and I chorused.

“How about we watch a movie and then I’ll head home?” Laura asked.

“Cool,” Sara replied, getting up from her spot on the couch to grab a movie to put in the VCR. “What do you guys want to watch?”

“I don’t care, just not something boring.” Laura responded.

“Sounds good to me,” I grinned and sat down in the middle of the couch putting Laura on my left. Laura smiled at me and lifted the blanket, offering to share it with me. I didn’t even hesitate to accept her gracious offer. Sara turned to look back at us, a couple VHS cassettes in her hands and noticed our new position, lifting an eyebrow in question. “What? We aren’t doing anything under the blanket, Sara.”

If we were doing something under the blanket, it would be glaringly obvious. The blanket itself was pretty thin and the way it draped over us left little to the imagination of what was or was not going on beneath it. My cock, still hard, jutted up proudly, tenting the material and it was impossible to miss. You could also clearly see where our legs were as well as Laura’s arms, which were still under the fabric and nowhere near me, or my raging erection that just wouldn’t quit.

“Not yet...” Sara murmured under her breath just loud enough for me to hear.

Sara put in a movie and joined Laura and me on the couch. She sat down on my right and quickly snagged the edge of the blanket and pulled it over herself as well. The three of us shared the blanket comfortably.

About halfway through the movie, Laura started yawning and shifted her position, so her head was resting on my shoulder. Those yawns started a chain reaction and the next thing I knew, I was yawning and so was Sara. Sara had also shifted her position to mirror Laura’s, leaning on my other shoulder. The difference was Sara had lifted my arm so she could slip into the crook of my arm and wrap it around her shoulders.

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