The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One - Cover

The Windy Pines, My Fourth Summer, Part One

Copyright© 2024 by Fanlon

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Winner of the 2022 Clitorides Award. Another year in school for Sam before he can return to The Windy Pines for the summer. Sam is instore for some changes. He is growing up, though not always wiser. With age comes responsibility. He still has a lot to learn, and he gets a crash course on what it takes to grow up.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism   Slow  

No sooner had we got home and unpacked, which only took thirty minutes, Mom ushered Sara and me into the car to go school shopping at the mall. Oh joy. It came as no surprise that I wasn’t at all excited about this little adventure. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Mom hadn’t insisted on taking care of both Sara’s and my needs at the same time. Shopping with a female high school senior was even less enjoyable than when she was a junior. Shocking, I know!

To be fair, school shopping was terrible every year, regardless of how old my sister was. I genuinely couldn’t remember a time that there wasn’t an end of the world catastrophic situation before we were done. I spent the car ride in the backseat mentally trying to prepare for what was inevitably going to come, regardless of how many times my mom rolled her eyes and told me it was going to be just fine.

When we pulled into the parking lot, it was packed. There wasn’t a single solitary space anywhere near the main entrance doors. Even the handicapped spots were taken, and it was obvious a lot of those cars didn’t have drivers with disabilities, or they all just happened to forget the little blue badges that hung on hangers under the rear-view mirrors designating their status.

Luckily for us we weren’t looking to park and go in through the main entrance. When we came to the mall, Mom came for three stores. Dillard’s, Younkers, and JCPenney. They all were located at one end of the mall and had their own separate entrances away from the food-court and various boutiques and stores like Clare’s, The Buckle, Banana Republic, and Hot Topic. As usual, we went to Dillard’s first.

I had a sneaking suspicion the only reason we stopped at Dillard’s and Younkers first was the make-up and fragrance counters. We rarely, if ever, bought something from these stores. That didn’t stop my sister and mom from browsing through each and every single thing they had to offer. If you were in the market for a skirt-suit or whatever they’re called because you worked in a law office and wanted some of those fluffy blouses with shoulder pads, these were the stores for you. For us high school kids, we needed something else. Something different. At least I did.

When we finally left JCPenney, the last of the three stores my mom loved to shop in, Sara was holding four bags, two in each hand. My mother had two herself, and I, well, my hands were empty. I hadn’t found one single thing to get.

“Can we go to The Buckle?” I asked.

The entrance into the mall proper was no more than ten steps away from the cashier we were standing in front of.

“The Buckle?” Mom gave me a curious look before glancing at the watch on her wrist. “Not today. You’ll have to come back with your dad later or something. We need to get back so I can get started on dinner.”

“Mom!” I complained. “That’s not fair. School starts Monday!”

“Tomorrow is Sunday, so you have plenty of time.”

“You could have just let me go on my own instead of following you two around,” I muttered angrily.

Mom’s eyebrow went up, giving me an accusatory look while Sara’s jaw dropped at my words. I should have kept my mouth shut but following those two around three different stores for the last few hours had me on edge.

“What was that?” Mom barked, while Sara shifted her bulging bags in her hands, so she didn’t drop them.

My eyes instantly found something interesting on the floor to look at instead of my mom.

“Go to the car,” Mom demanded. She was angry, angrier than I had seen her in a while. “Once we get home, you can talk to your father about taking you to The Buckle.”

I nodded, my shoulder slumped, and I kept my eyes low, and I followed them out of the store.

After dinner, I did the dishes. It wasn’t my turn to do the scrubbing, but I felt bad about what had happened earlier. Sara wasn’t about to stop me. Not after casserole night. Scrubbing those dishes was hard work and usually we would argue over who had to wash and who was on drying duty. Tonight, there wasn’t an argument. Sara offered me a thankful smile but didn’t say anything the whole time we worked side by side. I scrubbed, she dried and put everything away. When we were done, the counters were cleaned off, and everything was put away. I was ready to go to my room.

“Goodnight,” I called out.

“Goodnight, Sam,” my parents echoed.

“Night,” Sara replied quietly, offering me another small smile before walking into the living room where my parents were watching television.

It only took Dad and I a couple hours to get me a whole new wardrobe at the mall Sunday afternoon. From how busy the place was, I wasn’t the only one rushing to get last-minute clothes for the first day of school.

“I think that’s enough for now,” Dad said as I grabbed the two full bags of jeans, shirts, socks, and even a new pair of shoes. “We need to hurry up or we’re going to be late for dinner.”

“Thanks for this,” I said, lifting the bags in my hands.

“No problem, if you need something else though, ask your mom.”

He gave me a wink and fatherly shove on the shoulder, and I laughed.

“Sure thing.”

No sooner had we walked in the door when we got home, Sara, with Mom’s support, demanded a fashion show of sorts.

“Oh wow, you got more than I thought you would,” Sara said, suddenly sitting up with interest in what I got. “You’re going to try that stuff on and show us, right?”

“It’s only fair,” Mom said, leaning back on the couch holding an iced tea, naked.

I’m sure in a traditional household, walking in and seeing your mom and sister completely naked on the couch would have been shocking to say the least. For our family though, that was completely normal. Frankly, it was weird when we wore clothes at all. We’re nudists so nudity isn’t a big deal. Never was, never will be.

“Yeah, we did it for you,” Sara offered, grinning wildly, and clapping her hands excitedly in front of her tits. That created a wonderful movement that I tried not to pay attention to but failed miserably.

“Oh, come on!” I complained. “It’s not like I asked you two to do that.”

I gave my dad a pathetic, pleading look, but he just shrugged with a smirk on his face.

“Doesn’t matter,” Mom answered briskly. “Hurry up, time’s a wastin’.”

Dad barked a laugh and started shaking his head at that comment and then he headed up to their bedroom to get out of his clothes, or so I assumed.

“Ugh, fine!” I groaned and proceeded to do exactly as they asked, much to their amusement.

I stripped off my old clothes right there in the living room and started trying on every single thing I had gotten earlier. Sara and Mom just leaned back on the couch and watched with satisfied smirks on their faces.

As much as my female family members enjoyed seeing me squirm, I hated it with equal amounts. That only made them seem to love it that much more, which was even more frustrating.

I had picked out four new pairs of jeans. Three of them were nice and baggy. One though, was a more traditional fit and tighter. I would never pick a pair like that for myself, those were ones my dad said I needed to get. I liked baggy pants. They gave me more space, more room, and didn’t feel so ... restrictive.

The three pairs I liked didn’t get much of a reaction. Which I was just fine with. When I put on the last pair, the tighter pair, Mom got up off the couch and came over to get a closer look.

“Wow, those look like they fit a lot better than the first three pairs,” she said as she poked and prodded me and my jeans. “What size are these?”

“Twenty-eight’s,” I answered proudly.

“Really?” She asked, giving me a look like she didn’t quite believe me, and I just nodded. “Turn around.”

I felt her hands slip into the back of my pants and pull them away so she could feel how much room there was and also look at the tag sewn inside. She made a “hmm” noise as she jostled the pants around me. She got down on her knees and checked where the pant legs landed on my feet.

“Turn around,” she said, grabbing me by the waist and turning me to face her. “You don’t look like you have much room in here.”

Mom, still on her knees, pulled the front of my jeans away from my stomach and I felt the blood starting to rush towards my dick.

“They look good on you,” Mom announced, her eyes doing one more once over.

“Yeah, they do.” Sara grinned manically; her eyes locked on my groin where you could clearly see my hardening shaft bulging the front out.

Mom just rolled her eyes at my sister’s comment but gave me a wink when she stood up and retook her spot on the couch.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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