Midsummer Breeding - Cover

Midsummer Breeding

Copyright© 2024 by dirtymindedwife

Chapter 5

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A priestess is bred by a warrior to fulfill a prophecy.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Magic   MaleDom   Rough   Orgy   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking  

Naomi wouldn’t look at Annie. Not while she and Ilena helped Annie bathe, nor when she rubbed pleasant-smelling oils into Annie’s skin. The young priestess was so weak from hunger, the gnawing pain in her stomach a constant torture. She’d just spent three days in her tiny chambers, praying and chanting; eventually having to switch to singing to keep herself from going insane. The gods were silent.

Annie sat in her fury, bitterness turning her insides into poison. It was difficult to concentrate on anything for more than a few moments. Even the silliest, most innocuous things threatened to make her weep.

Naomi may have been ignoring her, but Ilena’s eyes kept darting to Annie’s, a phony smile on her round face as she tried to force friendly conversation. As awkward as it was, Annie would’ve preferred tense silence to pointless chatter.

Ilena threw a bundle of sticks onto the fire flickering in the hearth, a surge of light bringing out the healthy glow in her rosy complexion. “Do you think Cladius and Anatole would drag that tub outside for us?”

Annie trembled, exhausted as Naomi, lovely in flowing robes of rich green with necklaces of gold around her neck, braided chains made of ferns, flowers, and strings of Sunstone beads and rubies into Annie’s hair. Perfect loose dark curls were soft against Annie’s back and shoulders, her naked breasts covered by her hair.

She made no effort to reply. Fuck Illena for pretending there was nothing wrong with the situation. Annie would’ve thought they were preparing for a day of celebration and joyful worship by the way the other priestess spoke.

Ilena wore a fresh gown of glittering gold, the fabric emitting a faint glow in the firelight. She looked radiant with her hair piled on top of her head in a simple, yet elegant, updo. A long necklace of agate crystals rested on her chest.

When Annie didn’t answer, Ilena tried again, standing to collect the oils and soap from the table by the copper bathtub. “Save room for one of Granda’s daisy chains. She’s outside as we speak, picking them.”

Annie grimaced. “The two of you can braid them while that monster fucks me on the hilltop.”

Ilena flinched and Naomi sighed, tucking a lock of hair behind her daughter’s ear.

“Annika,” said the High Priestess. “Do not speak to her like that. Your circumstances have nothing to do with her.”

Annie whipped around. “They have everything to do with you. Can I speak like that to you?”

Naomi sighed and ran her fingers through her dark curls, the streaks of white not diminishing her beauty. She nodded at Ilena. “Leave us. Find Granda and meet us in the Inner Sanctum. Tell the others to begin praying.”

Ilena bowed before hurrying off, shooting Annie one last sympathetic glance as she pushed open the door. When it closed with a click, Naomi opened and closed her mouth as if she were about to speak. Instead, she began to hum quietly, the gentle melody almost lulling Annie to sleep.

Had Naomi hummed the pretty lullaby as she held her newborn daughter in her arms? Or had she handed her baby to Titus and fled to a remote Terrestrial Temple?

She licked her lips. “Mother.”

Naomi froze, her fair skin flushing scarlet before she turned away, busying herself with the ritual costume laid out on the floor.

“Mother,” said Annie, voice shaking. “I am afraid.”

The High Priestess stared into the hearth, red embers glowing hot among the pale ash. “It’s alright, Annie. I can give you something to help you relax and the ritual will be over before you know it.”

Annie recoiled, her old wounds about to tear her apart. “Do you really believe that I will conceive and bear a prophesied savior? Because if you genuinely believe that from the bottom of your heart, I think I can find it in myself to forgive you for this.”

Naomi stiffened, her voice curt. “Why are you so angry? We are about to witness something incredible. You’ve always been so godly. How can you resent them for making you so special?”

Annie balled her hands into fists as tears streamed down her cheeks. “You really think being fucked and impregnated by that man is special? He killed four men before our eyes and threatened to kill you and the others if I don’t go through with this. He’s a heathen, Naomi. This child is nothing more to him than a pawn. I have to protect a child I never asked for from its father.”

Naomi’s expression softened and she reached out when Annie struggled to stand, but the younger priestess slapped her hands away.

“When I found out I was pregnant with you,” whispered Naomi. “I wept for three days. I had no interest in babies or motherhood.”

Even after so many years, those words still cut Annie to the quick.

She closed her eyes, face twisting in a grimace. “Why did you keep me? You could’ve gone to the priestess to Mother Earth in your Temple and she could’ve given you the tea. I would’ve been nothing more than blood and tissue. You could’ve burned the linens and been done with it.”

“Your father convinced me to keep you. He said we would raise you to accept the priestesshood and offer you to the gods. You would be the most precious sacrifice we could offer.” Naomi rubbed her mouth with the back of her hand, eyes far away in some distant past.

Annie stood there, too hungry and angry to do anything but tremble and cry. What cruel games humans played with one another’s lives. “After everything you went through, how can you do this to me?”

Naomi’s eyes were hazel to her daughter’s blue. A single tear spilled onto her cheek as she took a deep breath. “You are young, my daughter. What seems like forever to humans is but a blip in time to the gods. We cannot even pretend to know their plans for not just our futures, but all of the universe. Maybe one day, you will watch your son forge a lasting peace and look back on this midsummer with reverence.”

Perhaps it was hunger. Or maybe it was fatigue. It started with a hollow chuckle, then strengthened into wild laughter. Before Annie knew it, she doubled over, hysterical over her mother’s words.

Naomi’s brow furrowed when Annie sank to her knees. “Listen to me.”

“Is that what you are doing right now, Mother?” Annie gazed up at the High Priestess, the old woman’s mouth pressing into a thin line of disapproval. “Are you looking back on the day my father raped you with fondess because you might get to be the grandmother of the Prince of Peace?”

Naomi tensed. “Annika, I’m not asking you to raise this child. Your father and I will care for him. We will raise him to be a humble servant of the gods and humanity.”

Annie stood, swaying on her feet as she stepped toward her mother, angry enough to claw the woman’s eyes out. “Never! My child won’t even know your names! And Titus hates Julius. He doesn’t even believe in that stupid prophecy. He’d cut Julius’ child from my belly before he’d see it born.”

“Would you like to speak with your father? He’s here for the ritual.” Naomi was a stone, hard and devoid of any emotion.

Annie didn’t have the strength to cry anymore. She lowered herself into a squatting position, wrapping her arms around her knees and pressing her cheek against them. “What changed his mind?”

“Titus is no fool. He’s denounced the prophecy for years because you’ve been a priestess to Jocasta. I think he was trying to protect you,” Naomi paused, running her fingers through her hair. “Despite what you might believe, he’s fond of you.”

Annie let those words wash over her. She didn’t have the strength to lose her temper.

“But he can’t ignore the signs any longer. They all point to you. And Julius. Right here in this Temple. And I know you, Annika. You may hate me and your father for what we’ve done, but you are a devoted servant of the gods and humanity. You would never try to defy them. That’s why they chose you.”

Sunlight poured into the room through the tiny window. Time had never moved so quickly.

Naomi picked up a wicker headpiece made to resemble a doe’s head. “Come. We’re running out of time.”

Annie wiped her face with her hand and forced herself to her feet. “Will it hurt?”

Naomi shrugged, placing the headpiece on Annie, taking care to make sure it was straight and secure. “It’s different for every woman, but you can at least expect a little pinch and maybe a bit of blood.”

Annie shivered at the thought of Julius’ big cock tearing and stretching her virgin pussy.

When Naomi was satisfied, she took a step back, looking Annie up and down. She smiled sadly and cupped her daughter’s face with both hands. “You look so beautiful. You feel terrible and angry now, but, after the ritual, you may eat and then get some proper rest. You’ll be back to your normal self in a few days. So much rides on what happens here today. This is your chance to make the world kinder and gentler for us all. Without the Prince of Peace, the War to End All Wars will wipe humanity from the face of the Earth. And I will raise the child. It will be my way of making up for leaving you.”

Annie twisted away from Naomi’s grasp, stunned. Repulsed. “You don’t have to make up for that, Mother. I cannot blame you for walking away from the product of a rape. But that is what makes your hand in this situation especially cruel.”

Naomi shook her head, moving toward the table to pour a cup of water. “I didn’t reject you, Annika. I didn’t know how to love you, so I left you with your father. It is my greatest regret. I am sorry.”

Tears slid down Annie’s cheeks. It was a shame that Naomi had waited until that moment to say them. “Thank you.”

The headpiece was surprisingly light, but it pinched her head and rubbed her skin. Annie tilted her head back as far as she could before straightening her neck and turning it side-to-side, testing the costume’s security. Good thing it didn’t move because she had to wear it during the ritual.

Naomi pulled a tiny velvet pouch from her robes and emptied it into a cup, swirling the liquid before stepping over to kiss Annie on the cheek. “Drink this. It’ll help you relax.”

Annie downed the contents in a single swallow, a savory flavor familiar on her tongue. She handed Naomi the cup without a word. The High Priestess studied her as she placed the cup on the table before taking Annie’s hand and leading her into the hallway.

The stone floors were cool beneath Annie’s feet as they walked along the dim corridors, the silence deafening. Annie’s head swam and dizziness made it difficult to walk. She ran her hand along the wall as she approached her fate, grounding herself.

Brother Bendrake wore his gray Healer robes by the doors to the Inner Sanctum, sunlight spilling in behind him. A scroll was tucked under his arm. If he tried to keep the lust from his face as he beheld Annie’s nakedness, he failed miserably. His mouth hung open like a simpleton’s as he scanned every inch of her. “You alright, Annie?”

She ignored him, stepping onto the grass of the Inner Sanctum, sun blazing overhead. Julius stood at the top of the hill, glorious in his naked beauty with a stag’s head for a crown. Sunstones and rubies decorated the antlers, the crystals glowing in the light.

Men wearing the gray robes of Nomos, the god of order, stood off to the side, whispering to one another as Annie and Naomi approached. Bendrake pulled the doors closed behind him. Ilena and Granda stood at the base of the hill, singing hymns to welcome the summer. Granda had never looked so clean, her pretty auburn hair in a short braid. Intricate vines and flowers had been embroidered onto her robes of pale brown.

Three of Julius’ men stood against the wall, Apollos propped up between Cladius and Anatole. All three of them wore tunics similar to Julius’. Faint music and laughter carried in from outside, the midsummer revelry in full swing. Ordinary people didn’t need priests or priestesses to commune with the gods. If the gods were nature, then they were everywhere and freely accessible to everyone.

When Annie and Naomi reached the base of the hill, Granda hung daisy chains from the headpiece and took Annie’s hand, raising it to her lips for a dry kiss.

The gentle priestess pressed Annie’s hand to her cheek, whispering, “It’ll be over soon. Then everyone will leave and we’ll have peace and quiet again.”

Ilena didn’t smile when she embraced Annie. “Did Naomi give you the mushroom powder?”

Annie rested her head on Ilena’s shoulder, suddenly feeling very light and free. “She put it in some water.”

“Good,” murmured Ilena. “I’m so sorry you have to do this, Annie. It isn’t fair.”

Annie squeezed her friend, the love and affection surging through her making her bold. “I’m so sorry I was rude to you earlier. You were trying to be kind and I threw it in your face. That was wrong of me.”

Ilena’s voice shook as if she were about to cry. “Oh, Annie.”

Annie kissed her friend on the lips, inhibitions gone. “Don’t be afraid. It’s going to be alright.”

Naomi gripped her arm. “Annika.”

Annie turned around, saddened by her mother’s sorrowful expression.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be the mother you deserved. Please know that getting to know you and watching you grow into the strong, brave woman you are is the greatest gift I have ever known. I’m very proud of you,” said Naomi.

Beams of light sparkled and glittered around the High Priestess’ face. She was so beautiful though she was so deeply flawed. Maybe that was where her beauty came from.

Annie cupped her cheek. “Thank you, Mother.”

Light swirled around Ilena and Granda, their pretty faces worthy of song as Annie turned toward the hill. A tall man with brilliant blue eyes and pale blonde hair caught her eye. Her father was as handsome and as regal as ever in his flowing gray robes, but there was no light around him. He looked away, expression grim.

“Father Sun approaches his zenith!” Bendrakes’s voice filled Annie’s head, vibrations traveling up and down her limbs as he began to read the strawberry midsummer festival, a few other voices occasionally joining in.

Annie stepped onto the hill, the grass soft and warm beneath her feet. Dandelions dotted the landscape and a bird flew down and landed on one of the stones that made up the circle at the top of the hill, the breeze warm and fresh on Annie’s face as laughter and shouting carried in from outside the Temple. Everything was so vibrant.

Her heart pumped blood through her veins and its strong, steady beat gave her courage, her friends’ chanting calming her fears and doubts as her future reached for her. The crystals on Julius’ headpiece sparkled in the sunshine. If the gods were kind, they would bless any child conceived that day with its parents’ health and beauty.

Annie took his hand, his eyes amber in the sunlight. His hair smelled of musky oils. She pressed her body against his, his cock stiffening against her when she leaned in to kiss him on the lips. His body hair tickled her skin, sending a wave of anticipation over her.

The doe headpiece bumped Julian’s stag, knocking it askew on his head.

Annie laughed and reached up to fix it.

Julius snorted and pushed the doe to the ground before pulling off his own and tossing it aside. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his mouth against hers. His kiss was harder, his need hot on his lips. Annie parted hers and he slipped his tongue into her mouth, moaning when she sucked on it.

He pulled back. “That Healer told me the mushroom powder lowers our inhibitions. I want all of your passion. Unleash your desires, Annie.”

She ran a palm over the broad expanse of his chest, twirling his dark body hair around her fingers as she slid her hand down his abdomen. His body was hard with muscle, his skin warm to the touch.

She gripped his erect cock, smiling when he grunted. “Come.”

Annie led Julius into the center of the stone circle by his member, the shadow on the sundial in front of the tallest stone approaching midday - Father Sun’s zenith.

Julius pressed his hand against her back, urging her forward. “Let me pleasure you, my Annika. Before the Healer gave me the powder, I wanted to fuck and dominate you, but your tender beauty calls for lovemaking.”

She giggled, stumbling when she turned around only to gasp, stunned.

Julius caught her by the upper arms, a halo of golden light glowing over his head like he was a divine being, the gentleness in his strength a pleasant surprise. He pulled her close and she pressed her body against his as her loins ached with unbridled lust, her sex slick with desire.

He pushed her hair back from her shoulders and cupped her breasts, caressing and kneading them while he kissed her. Her nipples twisted into stiff peaks beneath his rough palms and she moaned into his mouth.

He chuckled, breaking their kiss to lay her down, the grass soft and warm beneath her. Julius lowered himself over her body, the rustle of the grass loud in her ears. “Are you ready for me, Annie?”

She laid her hands over his shoulders, his skin smooth and warm as her breath caught in her throat. All she could do was nod.

He kissed her, his throbbing manhood digging into her thigh. “You’re so beautiful.”

Annie cupped his cheek, beard oil making his facial hair soft. The Inner Sanctum began to spin, his perfection the only thing in focus. “So are you.”

His breath was hot as he kissed his way along her jawline, nuzzling her ear before kissing his way down her throat to her heaving chest. She ran her fingers through his hair, body trembling with pleasure every time his lips and beard brushed her skin. The voices of the priests and priestess singing their praises to Father Sun filled her head, her body coming alive to receive new life in her womb.

Tantalizing bliss spread over her whole body when Julius sucked a nipple into his mouth, rough, wet tongue on her sensitive flesh sending jolts of pleasure to his pulsating clit. He rubbed her other nipple, teasing delicious sensations from her stiff peak.

Annie rutted against him, her wet virgin cunt ready to accept Julius’ fat cock. Her voice was a breathy whisper. “Julius, I want you inside me.”

He chuckled, releasing her nipple to kiss his way over to the other. He sucked it into his mouth, hard and greedy. Annie arched her back into him, crying out, the pleasure just as intense as the pain.

He lifted his head. “I wanna see these big titties jiggle when I fuck you.”

She spread her legs wide, breathless. “I want you.”

He left light kisses over her body as he made his way toward her aching sex, pausing to lick and kiss the feminine swell between her belly button and mound. “My child will grow right here. You are gonna look so fucking sexy all big and round with my seed in your belly. I will be the envy of men all over.”

“Make me yours, Julius. Right here in front of all these people,” said Annie.

Julius lowered his head, spreading her pussy lips to suck her swollen clit. Annie laid back in the grass, moaning her delight as he brought her toward a hard, fast orgasm.

She cupped the back of his head. “I’m so close.”

Julius pressed his thumb against her tight asshole, the sensitive skin slick with her pussy juices. When Annie yelped with delighted surprise, Julius chuckled against her throbbing clit, tracing slow circles over her pucker.

The sweet, tickling sensation combined with the way he dragged his tongue back and forth over her little bud pushed her over the edge. The sunlight intensified until all Annie knew was pure brightness, bliss shooting up and down her spine as euphoria carried her to the highest heavens.

Something hard pushed its way into her ass, coaxing more pleasure from such a secret place. Annie writhed and moaned in the grass, light fading back to normal as her orgasm faded. Julius fucked her ass with his thumb as he slid his tongue down her slit to her sopping cunt, kissing her seal and lapping at her opening.

Annie cupped her breasts, massaging them and teasing her nipples as he continued to pleasure her with his mouth. Julius withdrew his hand and lowered his mouth to her anus, a moan of appreciation rumbling from his chest as he kissed it. When she squealed, he chuckled before wriggling his tongue into her dark passage.

“Julius,” whispered Annie, her clit pulsing back to life at the strange pleasure blooming from her tingling pucker.

He lifted his head, pushing himself to his knees and taking his cock in hand, a trail of pearly liquid dangling from the tip. “You taste so good, my little priestess. Your ass is tempting, but I’ll save it for later.”

“You want to put the most intimate part of yourself in that dirty place?” Annie admired his masculine beauty as he stroked himself, the trail of liquid falling onto her hairy lips.

Its heat made her moan and she reached down to smear it all over her folds and clit before bringing their sexy liquid to her tongue, the bitterness driving her wild.

“No part of you is dirty.” Julius placed his hands on either side of her, lowering his body over hers.

She slid her hands up his muscular arms into his thick hair, pulling him close for a deep kiss. He forced his tongue into her mouth, making her taste her own musk. The saltiness of her own sensual flavor made her want to know what he tasted like.

He broke away, pressing his forehead against hers. “I want you, Annie.”

Drumbeats carried in from outside and the praying and chanting at the base of the hill had reached a fevered pitch. At that moment, she didn’t care about the gods, prophecies, or the end of the world. All she cared about was Julius and his big cock as he positioned himself just outside her virgin entrance.

She cupped his cheek. “Take me.”

With a flex of his hips, Julius broke into her with a sharp pinch. Tears spilled from the corners of her eyes as she cried out, her tight young cunt stretching to accommodate his size as he slid into her with a loud throaty groan.

His hairy balls slapped against her buttocks as she whimpered, Julius’ ragged breathing still sexy despite her pain.

He hushed her, his voice a rasp. “Don’t cry, my beloved. You’re so fucking tight I could burst just like this. I feel your walls fluttering as your body learns to accept me.”

With that, he began to pump in and out of her, pain fading and pleasure building with every thrust. Her breasts jiggled and swayed in time with his rhythm as he moaned on top of her, eyes glazed over with lust.

Tender feelings for the man working to fill her with his life-giving seed overwhelmed Annie, softening her heart toward him. Their eyes met and the intense hunger she saw there, the intense need, brought fresh tears to her eyes. No matter what happened, she would forever be connected to him. Julius would always be her first.

“Midday is upon us!” bellowed a man below. “Behold Father Sun’s zenith as His light and warmth shine down on Mother Earth! His life-giving rays make her fertile and fruitful!”

The women’s voices cried out, fanatic devotion creating a sense of urgency. “He is the Father of all! All praises to Father Sun!”

Color and light swirled around them and loud buzzing filled Annie’s head as heat rushed over them. Sweat beaded on her skin and her heart beat as if it was about to burst. Julius’ eyes rolled into the back of his head as golden light shone from him, his skin hot to the touch.

He completely filled her with a guttural snarl, his cock twitching and spasming within her tight depths as hot liquid coated the entrance to her womb. Annie cried out, spreading her legs as wide as she could, rutting her hips to meet his thrusts as he filled her.

Rope after rope of his hot sticky seed filled her and strange images of an infinite number of tadpole-like creatures swimming toward an orb as it traveled down a dark tunnel flashed across her mind. Wails of fear, ecstasy, and wonder filled the air as the swirling slowed.

“It is done!” yelled a man. “All praises to Father Sun! His light is eternal!”

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