The Surrogates - Cover

The Surrogates

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Part II

Erotica Sex Story: Part II - By all outward appearances, Vince and Tammy Dellacava have the perfect life. They’re rich, successful, attractive, and have an extraordinarily active sex life. Due to infertility, however, they’re unable to conceive. Pursuing foster care as a gateway to adoption, they accept teenage sisters Regina and Reina into their luxurious home. Can Vince and Tammy strike a balance between the solemn responsibilities of foster parenting and their extreme, hypersexual lifestyle?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Humor   Tear Jerker   MaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Size  

Things in the Dellacava household where certainly getting spicy, and Tammy wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry about it. For one, watching Gina and Reina throw themselves at her husband was both wildly entertaining and unbelievably arousing. Gina, especially, was tossing anything and everything at the wall, hoping something would stick. She even started experimenting with makeup, which she must never have worn before because it was always way overdone.

Reina, on the other hand, applied far more subtle tactics than her big sister, Tammy noticed. Where Gina went for the full frontal assault, Reina probed Vince’s soft flank, appealing to his sensitive side. Shy, bashful glances, soft touches, playful giggles, and warm embraces. It was her music, however, that really sucked him in. Painfully transparent love ballads, obviously inspired by his muse. Listening to them sing those lyrics together sometimes sent Tammy into fits and giggles.

If Vince hadn’t cottoned on by now to their obvious scheming and manipulations, then he was being willfully obtuse. She wouldn’t put it past him, if that was the case. She’d watched plenty of women flirt with him in the past, some of whom she’d once considered good friends, and, more often than not, it simply sailed right over his head. If you weren’t looking for it, she supposed, maybe you just couldn’t see it.

However delightfully amusing it all may have been, the net result for Tammy wasn’t entirely pleasant. Vince’s sexual demands were simply too much to keep up with any more. She was nearing the point of total exhaustion and needed a break.

A plan began to form. A feint. A distraction. A way to deflect some of Vince’s single-minded attention away from herself and toward another. Two others, in fact. Perhaps she could help Gina and Reina along. Not enough for them to succeed, of course, but just enough that Vince could no longer look past their blatant come ons. Maybe it would be enough to buy herself some time and provide herself with a little amusement in the process.

One particular Friday afternoon over lunch, Tammy sprinkled a few seductive gems among the girls.

“I’ve been thinking a little more about our talk the other day,” Tammy said over a bite of her turkey avocado club sandwich. “You know, about how to get a guy to like you so you can hook up.”

The loud crunching of kettle-cooked potato chips stopped at almost the exact same instant as Gina and Reina both gave their undivided attention to whatever Tammy was about to say next. Gina swallowed hard.


“Mm-hm. I realized there’s something I totally left out of our previous talk.”

Gina’s eyes darted to her sister’s face for an instant. Then she dusted off her fingers and scooted her chair forward. “Really? What was it?”

“Well,” Tammy said, dabbing a smear of avocado at the corner of her mouth, “when it comes to sex, guys are almost totally motivated by what they see. If they like it, they chase after it. Kind of like a pit bull.”

Gina furrowed her brow. “Wait. Is this supposed to be like the two rules of dating?”

Tammy tilted her head. “I’m not sure. What are the two rules?”

Reina beat her to the punchline. “Rule one: be attractive. Rule two: don’t be unattractive.”

Gina gestured to Reina and Tammy slapped the table, covering her mouth and laughing. “Oh my god, no, I never heard that before, but that’s totally hilarious!”

When Tammy’s laughter abated, Gina pressed. “Okay, so what was it you were talking about then?”

“Mm, well, guys are visual. They get turned on by what they see.”

“Like boobs,” Reina offered brightly.

Tammy snapped her fingers. “Exactly. Boobs, butt, legs, hair. Guys are constantly on the lookout for all of that stuff. I mean, I don’t have to tell you girls. You know all about it, right? Tight skirts, low-cut shirts, push-up bras, makeup, high heels. You don’t think we wear those things because we want to, do you?” They didn’t. “No, of course not. We wear them to attract men.”

She leaned over the table and lowered her voice. Gina and Reina leaned in as well to listen.

“It’s all about highlighting your best assets. Making yourself look as sexually appealing as possible. Take you, for instance,” she said, indicating Gina.


“Yes, you. You’ve got an amazing body. You both do, really, but yours is more athletic than Reina’s.”

“Hey!” Reina said, taking offense.

“No, honey. You’re totally adorable, believe me, but just in a different way. Don’t worry, I’m going to do you next, okay?”

Reina lowered her eyebrows and flattened her lips, but gave a curt nod. Tammy pressed on with Gina.

“Look at yourself. You’re toned and fit, you’ve got a tight little butt, great legs, and pretty big boobs for your age.”

Gina looked down at herself and knotted her brow. “Really?”

“Trust me, sweetie. I’ve got friends that would kill for that ass.” Tammy chuckled softly at Gina’s embarrassed smile. “Seriously. But you never wear clothes that show any of that off.”

“Why? What should I be wearing?”

Tammy appraised her. “Well, you should definitely be showing off that stomach, for one. Didn’t you buy some crop tops when we went shopping?”


“How come you never wear them?”

Gina shrugged. “I like tank tops.”

Tammy tried not to smile too much. “Sweetie, not all tank tops are created equal, okay? There’s a big difference between a tank top you’d wear to gym class and a tank top you’d wear to attract a boy’s attention.”

“What’s the difference?”

She arched her brow. “One shows off your boobs, the other one doesn’t.”

Gina’s eyes widened. “Ohhh...”

“Mm-hm. Your tank tops are about two sizes too big and cut for a boy. You should be wearing petites, honestly. Size zero, maybe a size two. Something that molds to your torso and clings to your breasts. Short cropped to show off your abs, and low cut enough to show off all that wonderful cleavage.”

Tammy almost laughed at Gina’s stunned reaction to such fundamental fashion advice. But she wasn’t quite done just yet.

“Below, I’d say a mini skirt or bootie shorts are your best bets. You’ve got legs for days, and they’re toned, so you might as well show them off. Combine that with a high heel to really stretch those calves of yours? Woah momma, watch out.”

So much confusion and skepticism. “Don’t you think that’s a little too much?”

“Pft, are you kidding me? No way, sister! If I had your body, that’s all I’d wear. And as far as swimwear? I’d go thong, all day long.”

“Ew,” Reina said, turning up her nose. “Butt floss?”

Tammy couldn’t help herself and chuckled. “Didn’t we just agree that men are visually focused? Boobs, butt, legs, hair. Which of those two things does a thong show off?”

Even Reina could do that math. “Legs and butt?”


“Okay, so what about me then?” she asked. “What should I wear?”

Furrowing her brow, Tammy appraised the young teen. “Hm. For you, I’d go more subtle. You’ve got a great body, but I think I’d tease it more. Maybe a mid-length skirt with knee-high socks or stockings. Something like that.”

The suggestion was totally lost on Reina, so Tammy tried something else.

“Look, there’s something else I left out of the list of things guys are attracted to.”

“What’s that?” Reina asked.

“Youth. And you’ve got it. I mean, you both do, but you really do, Reina. You know what would make a guy flip?”


“A cotton onesie.”

Reina looked horrified. “Like, what babies wear?”

Tammy couldn’t hold it back any longer and laughed unrestrained, until both girls looked at her like she was crazy. After bringing herself back under control, she wiped her eyes.

“No,” she said, barely containing her giggles. “Not like what babies wear. It’s like with tank tops, okay? There are onesies and then there are onesies. I’m talking about a body stocking, okay? Something that clings to your body like a second skin.” She twisted her lips. “Okay, think about it this way. Do you like presents?”


“Think of your body as a present. You want to wrap it, but you want to leave a hint of the shape underneath.” When Reina still didn’t get it, Tammy decided to be a tad more explicit. “You want him to be so excited for his present that he unwraps it and plays with it, don’t you?”

Reina’s eyes grew two sizes larger. “Ohhhh...”


Vince shuffled through the sheet music and lyrics, while Reina excitedly explained the composition. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something different about her. She looked ... fresher, or something. Her lips certainly looked glossier.

“Okay, okay, okay. So, we start with a soft little fingerpicking pattern on the intro, like this.” Checking her finger placement, she demonstrated a gentle, flowing picking pattern. Simple, but melodic. “It’s meant to be kind of, like, dreamy, you know? Like you’re just waking up from a beautiful dream.”

“Okay, sure,” he said, trying to follow along, “I thing I got it.” He flipped ahead to the next page. “Okay, so what about the transition to the first verse?”

She grinned. “That’s where the hook comes in. After the intro, you’re gonna switch to strumming, but keep it light, okay? I’ll stay with the picking for the first couple lines, then we’ll both come in strong on the chorus. It should feel like we’re building up to something. Like, there’s this unspoken tension.”

“Unspoken tension. Mm, okay. You know what, why don’t we give the intro a quick run though? I’ll follow your lead, alright?”


She started plucking and Vince tapped his feet. Then he began to softly strum, matching her rhythm.

“Like this?” he asked. She exaggerated her head nods as she kept time to indicate he got it right. “And then you want me to bring it up a notch here, right?”

Reina’s eyes shined. “Yeah, exactly! And then when we hit the chorus, I want it to sound like we’re just on the edge of something, you know? Like we’re almost saying something important, but, like, not quite. That’s when we’re both gonna let it out a bit. It’s all about playing with that push and pull, you know?”

Vince nodded his head in time to the rhythm as well and smiled. “Yeah, okay. I think I see what you mean.” He laughed to himself. “It’s like ... the music’s telling a story that words can’t say, right?”

“Ye-” She blinked several times. “Yes! Exactly! A-a-and then on the bridge, we’re gonna dial it back again, okay? But for, like, only just a little bit. Then we come back strong on the final chorus. It’s like, um, like a whisper that turns into a shout. I really want it to hit.”

He was grooving along now and laughed softly. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, nice. I like it. Lots of emotion.” He gave her an appreciative look. “Totally cool. Why don’t we run through it from the top, alright? You take us in.”

She was nearly breathless now. “Okay, sure! Just, um, you know, remember to keep it soft at first, okay? Then we can let it build naturally.” She could barely contain her excitement. “Oh man, I can’t wait to hear how it all comes together!”

“Yeah, me neither. You ready?”

“A one. Two. A one, two, three.”

The melody, he had to admit, was kind of catchy, but the lyrics were absolutely insipid. Reina sang the first verse of the duet.

“In the quiet of the night, under the silver moon, I see a shadow in the light, but it fades too soon. You’re a melody I can’t forget, a song I long to sing, but the words they stay unspoken, like a bird that cannot sing.”

Vince came in on the chorus, doing his best to harmonize. “We’re dancing on the edge of something we can’t name, a whispered secret in the dark, a flicker of a flame. If I reach out would you catch me or let me fall apart? In this silent serenade, can you hear my heart?”

He shook his head. It was difficult not to chuckle. The second verse was his alone.

“I see the way you glance at me, like there’s something more to say, but the lines they blur and fade away, and I can’t find my way. You’re a riddle wrapped in mystery, a page I cannot turn, but I feel your words in silence like a fire that will not burn.”

After repeating the chorus, a crescendo built to the bridge.

“So we’ll keep this quiet, hidden in the shade, a story left untold, a song that’s never played. But if the stars align, and the world’s not so far, maybe someday, somehow, we’ll know who we are.”

After another run through of the chorus, Reina brought it home with the outro. “In the quiet of the night, where our secrets stay, I’ll hold onto this moment, till this moment fades away...”

Vince strummed, holding the chord as she sustained the final verse. He looked at her and smiled, nodding his head. As her voice slowly faded, her lips formed into a small O. Then she closed her eyes, leaned forward, and pressed her lips against his.

He jerked his head back. “Woah, what was that?”

Reina quivered with embarrassment. “I-I-I-” She couldn’t get anything out.

Vince set down his guitar and stood up, slowly backing away. Then he turned and paced away a little further. “Reina, honey...”

Already, the tears were welling. Shit, shit, shit. He clasped his hands behind his neck and looked around, as if a “Break Glass In Case Of Teenage Crush” box might be hanging on the wall somewhere. He took a step forward, but retracted his foot. Where the hell was Tammy when he need her?

“Reina, listen-”

“Oh god, I’m so sorry...,” she wailed plaintively.

“Oh, Jesus,” he muttered. “Look, sweetie, it’s okay, alright? We’re fine. Everything’s totally fine.”

He eyed the stairwell. Would it be a dick move to leave right now? Reina looked like she might throw up. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so conflicted. He wanted to go to her and console her, but he also didn’t want to take a single step toward her. At last, his instinct took over and he stepped forward to gather her into his arms, pressing her head into his chest.

“Hey, it’s alright,” he soothed. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, sweetie. Shh. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not mad, okay?”

She was nearly inconsolable. He smoothed down her hair and kissed her on the top of her head, doing his best to comfort her. When she calmed down, he pulled his head back and she looked up at him, her teary eyes red and puffy. He brushed back her bangs and smiled at her. She looked into his eyes, then stood on her tiptoes and tried to kiss him again.

“Aw, shit,” he said under his breath. He pulled away and turned to head for the stairs.

Tammy’s mind was awhirl with varied possibilities as events progressed far faster than she anticipated. Vince’s reaction to Reina’s kiss still made her pussy thrum every time she thought of it, even days later. He came to her, white as a sheet, looking as if he’d just survived a car wreck.

“Reina just tried to kiss me,” he said. “She did kiss me.”

It wasn’t difficult to act both surprised and not surprised at the same time, because that’s exactly how she felt. She figured one of them would eventually try something. She just never guessed that Reina would beat her older sister to the punch.

“When? Now?”

“Just now.”

“How? Why?” Tammy took a breath to slow herself down and smiled, rubbing his arm. “Just tell me what happened, baby.”

Vince’s eyes frequently moved to the basement stairs as he recounted the details. They were singing and the song finished and then she just leaned over and kissed him. When he tried to tell her it was alright, she tried to kiss him again.

“What do you think we should do?” he asked with his hand on his hip, scratching the back of his head.

Tammy considered it for a while, then kissed him. “Let me handle this, okay? You know how teenage girls can get crushes sometimes. Let’s not make this any more traumatic for her than it probably already is.”

Of course, he agreed, and his relief was palpable. Later that evening, as they lay in bed together, kissing, she asked him to tell her about it again.

“What was she wearing?” Tammy casually asked. She slid her hand down his torso and combed through his pubic hair, before taking his cock into her hand.

“What? I don’t know. Why?”

She kissed her way down his body and around the head of his cock. “Was she wearing pants? Shorts? A skirt?”

When she nipped at the tip of his penis, he laid his head back and blew out a sharp breath. “I don’t know. A skirt, I think.”

“Stockings?” She swallowed his glans and gently suckled.

“Socks, I think.”

“Mmm.” She hummed into his cock like a microphone, then pulled her lips off with a wet slurp. “What color were they?”

Vince rubbed his face. “Why do you want to know that?”

Tammy took him deep, swallowing his cock to the root. Vince groaned and put his hand on her head. “Holy fuck, yes.”

Very slowly, she ascended his pole, pausing briefly to swirl her tongue around the head, before drawing her lips together at the tip. She kissed his cock all over while she jacked him off.

“I’m just curious,” she said.

“I don’t know. White, I think, with, like, rainbow stripes at the top.”

Tammy smiled. She knew just the ones he was talking about. She added her other hand, stroking the shaft while she teased the head with her lips and tongue. Her eyes focused on his and her cheeks lifted in mirth. She was enjoying herself. She pulled her mouth off his cock just long enough to ask another question.

“What about her top?”

“What about it?”

“What was she wearing? A blouse? A t-shirt?”

Vince’s brow knotted. “What-? Why is that even important?”

Tammy pulled her lips off his cock and crawled up his body, until she was straddling his hips. Guiding his huge prick to her hot hole, she lowered herself down onto it until she was sitting in his lap. Then she fucked him, slowly lifting off his pelvis, then settling back down again. Subtly rotating her wide hips in the process, griding her clit against his bone. She dragged the backs of her hands up her body, past the sides of her breast, over her chest and neck, and through her hair, lifting her golden waves before letting them cascade down around her soft, sloping shoulders. Her head went back, and she moaned softly, her eyes closed and lips parted.

She felt sensuous, energized, and sexy. Attuned to the sensation of her husband’s hard, girthy staff stretching her pussy, gliding and out of her juicy, gripping cunt, filling her completely, over and over again. She opened her eyes and smiled seductively at him as he sat, leaning against the headboard, transfixed by the sight of her. She savored his masculine form. His broad shoulders and the V-shape of his chest, his rippling abs, the vascularity of his arms and pelvis, his thick dark chest hair, which carried over his abdomen and down to his groin, creating a nest around his perfect cock. She bit her bottom lip and urgently groaned.

“Holy fuck, Tammy.”

“Mmm-hm, baby, you’ve got me so fucking hot tonight.”

His hands went to her hips but she moved them to her tits.

“Play with them, baby. Let me take care of that big cock, okay?”

He didn’t protest. He cupped and gently squeezed her breasts, then brushed his fingertips over her sensitive nipples, teasing them until the stood erect. Tammy’s eyelids descended and she pictured little Reina in her skirt and knee-high socks, legs seductively parted, offering her husband a clear view of her soft, cotton panties, soaked through with her desire. Of her crawling onto his lap and settling her weight down on top of his bulging erection. Of her pressing her lips softly against his, while she rubbed her eager, aching virgin pussy against his powerful manhood. Of Vince’s strong hands taking hold of her narrow hips to guide her, forcing her to rub her teenage pussy against him even harder. Of his hands then moving to her chest, holding her small breasts, pinching her little nipples through whatever kind of shirt she was wearing and pulling on them hard, until she cries out.

“Oh god, oh GOD!” she screamed.

Tammy’s orgasm obliterated her. She jerked forward and fell onto his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso to hold herself against him as her pelvis spasmed and her vagina flexed uncontrollably, urgently trying to milk his throbbing cock. Tammy wailed, nearly sobbing from the intensity of her climax.

“Oh god! Oh fuck! Aaaah!”

It was her best orgasm in months. Maybe years. Just the memory of that orgasm nearly made her cum again. After Vince told her what happened, Tammy went to Reina’s room, where she found her sitting on her bed crying her eyes out. When she saw Tammy come in, her face became a mask of terror.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry!” she blubbered.

Tammy sat at the edge of her bed and tilted her head with a look of concern on her face. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Why are you sorry?”

“I didn’t mean to!” she wailed.

“I don’t understand, honey,” Tammy said, putting a comforting hand on her knee. “Didn’t mean to do what?”

Reina trembled and looked at her with pitiful eyes. Her face tightened into a scared, remorseful grimace. “Kiss him.”

Tammy scoffed and smiled. “What are you talking about? Vince told me you were upset, so I came up to see what was wrong. Is everything okay? Are you alright, honey?”

Her sobbing subsided as the young girl studied Tammy’s face. She saw only benign concern looking back at her. She sniffled and wiped her nose.

“Y-you’re not mad?” she asked.

“Mad? Why would I be mad?”

Reina pressed her lips together to keep them from quivering and fought back additional sobs. “F-for kissing him,” she said in a frightened, tremulous voice.

Tammy’s gentle laughter confused Reina. Tammy wiped the tears from her cheek.

“Why would I be mad about that? You kiss him all the time.” When Reina’s confusion deepened, Tammy expounded. “You kiss him every night before bed, don’t you? You kiss him when he comes home from work. Seriously, honey, what’s gotten you so upset? I don’t understand.”

Reina’s trembling subsided as she absorbed Tammy’s words, and the tension in her body gradually eased. She sniffled again and wiped the tears from her face.

“I though-” She took several small breaths. “I thought I did something wrong.”

Tammy pulled the girl into her arms for a comforting embrace. “Reina, honey,” she laughed, “why would you ever think that?”

And that was that, really. They talked for a little while longer about other things, and Tammy made sure to mention to her that Vince was very impressed with her singing and songwriting talents. By the time Tammy left her alone again, Reina was beaming. Tammy told Vince that everything was resolved and to pretend as if nothing ever happened, which he was more than happy to do.

Tammy smiled to herself and giggled softly. This was so much fun! Sifting through the nightstand drawer, she found what she was looking for and carried it downstairs with her to where the girls sat waiting for her on the sofa. She sat between them and held up one of her several dildos for them to see.

“So, you girls want to learn how to suck a dick, do you?”

Gina tilted her head back the way Tammy showed her and slowly pushed the dildo past her tonsils and into her esophagus, pausing briefly when she felt her abdominal muscles convulse. Tammy made it look so easy, but even after days of practice, Gina could barely get the dildo into her throat, let alone swallow with it lodged in there.

Deeper and deeper, she pushed it in, until her lips touched the firm ball sack at the end of the dildo. It was in! It was all the way in! Holy shit, she couldn’t believe it! She slowly backed it out, but then, on a whim, slowly pushed it back in. Haha! She just fucked her own throat!

She pulled the dildo out of her mouth with a gasp, leaving her tongue sticking out the way Tammy taught her, and drew out a long line of saliva. This, she was really good at. She had really thick, sticky spit, according to Tammy, which let her draw out really long lines. When the tip of the dildo was about a foot from her face, the string broke, and Gina slurped, a huge grin spreading across her face.

“Fuck yeah,” she said under her breath.

She cleaned the dildo in the bathroom sink and put it away in her underwear drawer. She still couldn’t believe Tammy just gave it to her. And one to Reina too.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty more,” Tammy assured them with a laugh.

God, she was amazing. Gina had never met anyone like her before. She was so beautiful and sexy and confident, and she knew everything about everything when it came to sex. She treated her and Reina like adults, not dumb kids. She let them drink wine with her at lunch and showed them some pornos on her laptop that she said really got her off.

And, of course, she was married to the sexiest man Gina had ever laid eyes on. The star of her frequent masturbation sessions. Every morning, when she went running with him, and they sat on that rocky outcropping watching the sun rise, she willed herself to touch his leg and ask him if he wanted her to suck his dick.

She chickened out every time. What if he said no? What if he told Tammy? Tammy was, like, one of her best friends now. Plus, she would probably kick Gina’s ass.

Oh, but she wanted Vince so badly, and she was almost certain that he wanted her too. Taking Tammy’s advice, Gina started wearing more form-fitting clothes, especially on their runs. High waisted leggings that clung to her muscular thighs and sculpted butt like a second skin, accentuating both, and matching tight-fitting crop tops that showed off her abs and perky boobs. She looked sexy. Hell, she felt sexy! And the way he looked at her the first time she wore them. Ha! His eyes nearly fell out of his head.

She made sure to take the lead on that run, imagining his eyes glued to her ass. Feeling the heat between her legs as she fantasized about him peeling them off and fucking her with his magnificent dick. When they got to the top of the mountain, she surreptitiously checked his shorts and thrilled to see that he had a chubby going on. A semi for her!

By that point, she was so horny that she probably would have asked to suck his dick right then, but for the two other hikers up there that morning, so they sat and watched the sunrise together and then raced home.

Holy shit, did she get herself off so fucking hard that morning. She was so keyed up, she even fingered her butthole for the very first time, imagining what it might feel like to have Vince’s dick in there. Maybe it was because she was so out of her mind with arousal, but it felt good. Really good. With her finger churning in her ass, she rubbed her clit and brought herself to a powerful orgasm so fast it shocked the hell out of her.

Tammy was right. Again. Getting it in the butt really did feel good. She tried getting the dildo in there, just to see what it would feel like, but there was no way. Her asshole was way too tight. How the hell was a girl supposed to take a dick in there?

“Butt plugs,” Tammy said, setting the bulb-shaped object on the dining table in front of Gina and Reina.

The two sisters stared at it with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. It was huge! Even bigger than the dildo.

“You’re supposed to put that inside your butt?” Gina asked, shaking her head. “No way! It would never fit.”

Tammy laughed. The laugh she made whenever Gina expressed doubt about something she’d just told her. The laugh that said, “Oh you sweet, naïve girl.” Not a condescending laugh, per se. Not really. More a patient, amused laugh. It was impossible to take offense when Tammy laughed that way. It meant that, once again, Gina’s suppositions about something were wrong.

“How did you train to compete in the 800?” Tammy asked her with a smile. “Did you start there, or did you start with 100 meter and work your way up?”

Gina nodded. Of course. “So, there are smaller ones, then?”

Tammy took a sip of her wine and winked at her. “Smart girl.”

She pulled two more plugs from a basket sitting on the table and set them down on their bases. They were thinner and more steeply tapered, maybe three-quarters to an inch in diameter.

“These are starter plugs. They’ll give your assholes a nice little stretch. Go ahead. Those are for you girls.”

Gina looked at her sister, and they both reached for their respective butt plugs at the same time. Just before Reina’s hand touched hers, however, she paused.

“Are they ... clean?”

Another laugh. “Yes, Reina, they’re clean. I promise.”

While they both examined their butt plugs, Tammy fished around in the basket for a while and pulled out two squeeze tubes. One baby blue and the other grey.

“What’s that?” Gina asked.

“Lube,” she said, and slid them across the table.

Gina picked up the grey one and read the label and Reina did the same with the blue one. Then they looked to see what the other one had.

“Is there any difference?” Reina asked.

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