My Drunken Mistake at College - Cover

My Drunken Mistake at College

Copyright© 2024 by oliver twist

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young student goes too far at a party and lives to regret it.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant  

Of course, i couldn’t concentrate the rest of the day, my mind constantly going back to the shower and what i did with Jasmine. Yes, i felt guilty but nowhere near enough to make me consider stopping. In fact, i spent the afternoon thinking how i could be alone with her so i could make love to her properly. I wanted to kiss and lick her all over, to make her cum like she made me cum. I wanted to hear her moan as my tongue went inside her and I wanted to drink her juices and bury my face in her pussy forever.

During afternoon break i went looking for her, hoping she would be in the play area so i could say hello. But i couldn’t find her, in the end sitting on a bench and daydreaming about what i would do to her.

‘Hello Miss. How’s your first day going?’ Young Tom asked me, a boy from my first class.

‘Oh, hello Tom. Very well thank you.’ I answered, feeling a little guilty about what i was just thinking.

‘Some of the girls said they saw you with Jasmine Taylor in the pool. I thought she was a runner?’ Came his next question.

‘Well, swimming is a great exercise and can help all athletes.’ I told him, his friend next to him smiling at me.

‘The girls said you swam length after length. Did you compete when you were younger?’

‘Not really. I did in high school but not at college. Do you participate in any sport?’ I asked, thinking he must going by his build.

‘Football, i love football. I’m a running back.’ He told me with pride.

‘Ah, i thought football. Swimming can help with that, too.’ I told him.

‘I swim but prefer football. I swim when I’m injured, you know, less impact on the muscles.

‘I know. I suppose getting injured is quite common in football?’

‘Yeah, I’ve actually got an injury now, severe bruising on my thigh where that idiot Gavin kneed me. The coach actually said i need to swim more, maybe I’ll see you there tomorrow.’ He said, smiling sweetly.

‘Maybe, I’m definitely going to be using the pool a lot.’

Him and his friend then left, leaving me alone again. Almost straight away another two boys sat down and started chatting, asking me about my day and my swimming. It seems those girls in the seats had told everybody and now all the boys suddenly wanted to go swimming. These two said they might go during their lunch break later in the week and asked if i would be there. I gave them the same answer i gave Timothy.

I wondered what the girls had said and if they mentioned my bathing suit, telling the boys i looked sexy in it or something. But it was just a one-piece. Yes, it had no back and was quite high around my bum but nothing outrageous. Maybe they mentioned my hard nipples, i thought, hoping they didn’t.

Before long there was six boys sitting with me, all checking me out and trying to get my attention. I was quite shocked by how brazen they were, not imagining boys this young would be so forward. All of them it seemed were interested in swimming, though none of them were in the school team strangely enough. It was quite amusing listening to them all trying to sound like men and be flirtatious, some even being quite good.

Two boys stood out, Eddie and Ben, both footballers as well. They had that air of confidence that women liked, easy with the charm and funny with it. Both would be real lady killers when they got older. When the bell sounded, we all went to our classes, the boys promising to take swimming more seriously. I chuckled and waked off.

At the end of the day i went to see Mr Hughes, he wanted to touch base and make sure i was settling in ok. His head was still as red and he looked very sweaty, his big hands on my back as he opened his office door and ushered me inside. He sat on the desk and indicated for me to sit in the chair, which i did. He was looking down at me smiling, his big belly hanging over his belt looking obscene.

‘Well, Ophelia, how did you find your first day?’ He asked, sitting way too close.

I pushed my chair back a little, trying to get some distance between us as i looked up at him. ‘It was good, i really enjoyed it.’

‘Excellent, excellent, i knew you would be a natural. I hear you went swimming and are very good at it, too?’

God, i thought, does every man and his dog know. I just prayed he wasn’t going to ask for help, the thought of him in trunks made me shiver. ‘Uh, yes, i love to swim. I’m ok, nothing special, though.’

‘You know, we have a swim team here and Miss Booker is always asking for help. Maybe you and her might have a chat, see if there’s anything you might be able to help her with.’ He asked, his leg moving closer.

‘Of course, anything i can do to help the school.’ I told him, feeling i had no real choice.

He kept me there for twenty long minutes dribbling on about all kind of things. I nearly offered to blow him just to get away, but managed to hold on. When he did eventually let me go, his hands were all over my back again as he walked me out. I shivered again when i got outside, looking for mum. As i walked to the car park, i saw Jasmine with her mum, recognising her immediately from the photos. She was even more beautiful in real life and i instantly pictured her topless like in those photos. When Jasmine called me over i blushed straight away, feeling very guilty now. Her mum was smiling as i got to them, looking stunning in a little blue summer dress that showed off her legs and tits perfectly. My eyes went straight to her chest, the dress so low i could see everything except her nipples.

When she held out her hand, the dress moved with it and gave me what i was looking for, a view of her sexy nipples. Jasmine saw me looking and laughed, raising her eyebrows as i took the hand.

‘You must be Ophelia, Jasmine said you were beautiful and she was right. I’m Leah, her mum.’

‘Thank you. She said the same about you but should have added stunning as well.’ I replied, blushing some more and not letting go of her hand.

They looked like sisters, Jasmine just an inch shorter but soon to be taller that was for certain. I couldn’t pick who was more beautiful, they were both so sexy with bodies to match. Leah’s legs were unbelievable, so strong looking but as shapely as any models and her tits were big and firm with perfect nipples. The photos Jaz had shown me didn’t do her mum justice, seeing her in the flesh like this made me go weak at the knee.

‘That’s very kind of you to say. I hear you’re recently divorced and living back home with mum and dad, I’m so sorry.’ She said, sounding so sincere.

I looked at Jasmine who shrugged her shoulders as if to say, i had to tell her, bitch. ‘Yes, not perfect but at the moment i have no choice.’

‘You’re lucky to have them, i would rather be homeless than live with mine.’ She chuckled, moving again and revealing her nipples for me.

Her tits wobbled as she laughed, so firm and bouncy, making me think of Jasmine earlier. God, i thought, why is she dressed like this, making me look all the time.

Jasmine elbowed me and laughed as well, her eyes telling me it was ok to look. I suddenly felt very strange, having them both next to me and looking like this was getting me very hot.

‘I absolutely love you hair, both of you, it’s just so... ‘

‘Sexy.’ Jasmine said, jumping in before i could finish.

I was already blushing and this made it even worse, Leah laughing with her daughter as i stood there with my mouth open.

‘And she likes girls mum.’

‘Jasmine!’ I gasped, so embarrassed now.

‘Oh she does, does she?’ Leah asked, smiling seductively at me.

‘Ophelia, come on, i want to stop at the shop.’ My mother suddenly called out.

‘I uh have to go... ‘ I whispered, feeling very nervous around these two.

‘Of course, it was lovely to meet you Ophelia.’ Leah said, kissing me on the cheek and pressing her tits into me.

Jasmine came behind me and patted my bum before they both left, leaving me feeling very hot indeed. On the ride home mum was asking about Leah and Jaz, telling me the rumours of Leah being a lesbian.

‘I think she might like you.’ Mum joked.

‘Good, I’m off men and might just become a lesbian as well.’ I answered her, giggling.

‘ Oh my, you would make a lovely couple, think how cute your babies would be.’ She teased, laughing loudly.

‘God, i know, can you imagine?’

‘It would be nice to have grandchildren.’ She sighed.

‘Oh mum, one day i promise’ I sighed.

‘And Jasmine is so beautiful, just like her mother. And what an athlete, she’s definitely going to get a scholarship when she’s eighteen.’ She said, changing the subject.

‘She’s lovely and so sweet. She joined me in the pool at lunch time.’

‘Really? That surprises me, i thought she was all about running?’ Mum asked, looking at me.

‘I think she just wanted a swim.’ I lied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Mum wouldn’t care if i suddenly became a lesbian but i was scared about anything that might lead back to me and Jasmine, that would be a disaster. When mum went into the shop i touched myself, my fingers going under my panties and feeling my wet pussy. God, i was so aroused.

I spent the night thinking of Jasmine and her mum, trying to imagine both of them in my bed, though not together of course. They were also in my dreams, this time both making love to me at the same time and making me scream with pleasure. I woke feeling very aroused, my fingers going to my pussy and playing with it. But mum interrupted me, shouting it was getting late i had better get my bum into gear.

That morning i was with Jasmine’s class, including her friends i met when i had my interview. The good thing was that Jaz was their leader and they did as she wanted, meaning they didn’t give me a hard time. In fact, they were all lovely and behaved perfectly.

Jaz of course called me over to her table. She was with Tia and Jane, the pretty ones and both looked lovely, their hair and make-up perfect, just as Jasmine’s was. I sat next to Jasmine and tried to act normally, asking and answering all the right questions and hoping the other two girls didn’t notice my furtive looks at Jaz. After a while, i felt Jaz’s hand on my thigh, her fingers squeezing me gently and moving slowly higher.

We were at the back of the class with no one behind us or to the side, which meant no one could see her hand, not even the other two girls. I stiffened with shock at first, not expecting such a bold move. My dress today was above my knee which gave her easy access to my bare skin.

After a few seconds i relaxed, looking around just to check no one was looking. Jaz moved higher, her nails feeling like little pins as they shot bolts of pleasure through my body. I wanted to moan but knew i couldn’t, instead gripping the desk tightly as my pussy began to moisten. Her fingers were now at my panty’s, touching the cotton and pressing ever so gently against my pussy, making me breathe in sharply.

‘You ok, Miss?’ Tia asked.

‘Yes, fine, just something my lungs do every now and then.’ I lied.

It was a delicious feeling being touched while surrounded by others, another thing that night in college had awoken in me. I wanted more and opened my legs wider, the thrill of acting so recklessly taking me by surprise and pushing me further. When she started to pull my panties down i raised my bum so they would come off easier, letting her get them past my pussy.

Just as she was pulling them further down a group in front asked for help, all three boys turning and looking at me. Jasmine stopped and left my panties half way down my legs, giggling softly at my predicament.

‘Ok, be with you in a second.’ I told them, feeling very hot.

If i tried to pull them up Tia and Jane would surely notice but i couldn’t stand and allow the boys in front to see them around my ankles, that was for sure. So, i did the only thing i could, i pushed them off with my foot and nudged Jaz, hoping she would reach down and take them. At first she didn’t move, giggling still and enjoying my discomfort.

When i kicked her she responded, putting her hand under the table and grabbing them. I could then stand and did, the cool air on my pussy sending a thrill down my back. Jaz immediately touched me behind the knee, stroking my calf and making me jump.

I took my chair and went to the boys, two of them moving apart so i had to sit between them. My whole body was tingling with arousal after being molested by Jaz and knowing i had no panties on. The two boys pulled their chairs back to the desk and very close to me, their legs touching mine. My nipples were now really hard and aching, making me feel even hotter.

It was so hard to concentrate and explain what Mr Scott was talking about. I could hear Jaz still giggling behind me and that didn’t help. To make matters worse i could smell my arousal, that familiar odour wafting up from under the desk and filling my nostrils. I just hoped the boys had never smelled it before and ignored it. Hank, the boy to my right, was pressing his thigh against mine, being very naughty.

Normally i would have moved my leg or stood up but i was so horny i decided to stay, not wanting bring attention to myself. When his friend, Paul, did the same thing on my left, i knew it was deliberate, it was obvious. I tried to concentrate on the lesson and asked them both to pay attention and not be distracted, attempting to convey my annoyance at their behaviour.

They both ignored me and rubbed their legs harder against mine. I was quite taken back by this blatant transgression, not sure what to do. As they rubbed so my dress rose as well, revealing more and more of my bare thigh.

‘Stop that, now.’ I whispered, again trying to sound firm.

‘Stop what, Miss?’ Hank asked all innocently.

I wouldn’t mind but the pair of them weren’t those kinds of boys, both very bookish and not athletic in any way. Paul then rubbed his foot on my calf, his shoe off and his sock soft against my skin.

‘Paul!’ I gasped, pulling my leg away, or at least trying to.

As much as i was annoyed at their behaviour, my body was reacting, giving in to its desires. I blamed Jaz for this, the little minx. In the end i had to move, they were getting too brazen and if i didn’t do something now they would get the wrong impression. So, i stood and went to the back wall, my pussy very wet now and wanting attention.

Jaz was looking at me and smiling, winking as well, enjoying my discomfort very much. It was almost break time thank god, at least i could go to the staffroom then and get some relief. Mr Scott shouted at everyone to put the equipment away and go have some fun, much to my relief. All the kids scraped their chairs along the floor in their eagerness to get out, the noise of metal on the tiles sending another shiver down my spine.

Jaz came to me and thrust my panties into my hand, telling me i might need them. I quickly hid them behind my back as all the pupils scurried around putting things away. Jaz went off with her friends leaving me with my panties. Paul and Hank were watching me with funny looks on their faces, hanging around while the others all left the room, including Mr Scott.

They were still smiling as i walked toward the door, my hand behind my back hiding my panties. As i passed Hank he suddenly reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling it from behind me and revealing my white panties. I gasped in shock and tried to pull my hand away but he was too strong, ripping them from my grasp.

Both boys were now laughing and holding them up, even smelling them as i tried to grab them, making myself look ridiculous. I even chased them around the desks, looking more ridiculous. After a minute of this i stopped and sat down, breathless and almost in tears, looking at the boys pathetically.

‘How did Jasmine get these, Miss?’ Hank asked, grinning.

I didn’t answer, i couldn’t, the truth too shocking to say out loud. So, i sat there, not knowing what to say or do.

‘Well, how did you lose these during a lesson, Miss?’ Paul now asked, sounding just a triumphant.

‘Lift your dress and prove they’re not yours and you can go.’ Hank added.

I stood and walked toward the door, wanting to get out of the room as quickly as i could. The two boys now stood in my way, waving my panties in my face. I made another grab for them but Hank easily moved his hand away before i was anywhere near it. Paul then tried to lift my dress, making me jump back.

‘Let me go, now.’ I said, not very convincingly.

They laughed loudly, waving their trophy in my face again.

‘What do you want?’ I asked, scared of their answer.

‘Lift your dress.’ Hank asked, again.

‘No.’ I whispered, nervously.

The two boys moved closer, their smiles looking more menacing now. I tried again to get past, moving quickly to their right and pushing a chair at them. But Paul was ready, moving even quicker and kicking the desk next to me at my legs, hitting my knee.

‘Ouch, stop it, that hurt.’ I cried, stumbling back into a chair and sitting down.

The boys then came to my front, standing there and looking down at me. My dress was halfway up my thighs and giving them a good view of my legs. They both stared, Hank pushing his foot between mine and opening them wider, telling me not to move. For a second i didn’t, looking with horror as my thighs parted and my dress rode higher.

But just before they got to see what they were after, i closed them and tried to stand. But they wouldn’t let me, pushing me back down and shouting at me not to move. I now started to cry, tears running down my cheeks. The boys didn’t care, Hank pushing my legs apart again. This time i let him, watching as my dress rose higher and higher.

When they were wide enough, Paul smiled and knelt down, his eyes wide as he stared at my bare, bald pussy. Hank joined him, both wide-eyed now as Paul pushed my dress above my pussy. I gasped in shock, feebly trying to push it back down.

‘No, leave it.’ Hank said, angrily, swatting my hands away.

So, i did, letting them stare as much as they liked, too scared to do anything. I closed my eyes not wanting to see their faces, hoping they would go soon and leave me alone. But if i thought they would be satisfied with just looking, i was sorely mistaken. Within seconds i could feel hands on my inner thighs, stroking me. Instinctively i reached out to stop them, but before i could get anywhere near the hands, Hank growled at me to stop, forcing my hands back to my side.

I kept my eyes closed, trying to block it all out and hoping for a miracle. But it never came, the fingers getting ever nearer to my pussy, now just inches away. When the inevitable happened and a finger touched my lips, i gasped loudly, gripping the chair beneath me with all my strength. My whole body went rigid as the finger pushed inside me, a bolt of unwanted pleasure shooting through me like lightning. As it moved in and out i groaned in despair, wondering what on earth was happening.

‘Fuck, she’s so wet. That means she wants it, i saw that on the internet.’ Hank said gleefully.

I had to open my eyes and see for myself it was real, Hank and Paul at my pussy confirming it was. Hank was fingering me, his hand moving between my legs as Paul watched, urging him on.

‘No, no, you have to stop.’ I pleaded.

‘Shhh, you know you like it.’ Paul mocked.

Hank added another finger, pushing in deeper and going faster as though he realised this would make it even nicer for me. Paul reached up and undid some buttons on my dress so he could get his hand inside. When he pulled the dress open, he slid his hand under my bra and squeezed my tits, eliciting a loud moan from my lips.

‘Oh fuck, you’re right, she does like it.’ Paul giggled, twisting my rock-hard nipples.

They were now both molesting me and forcing me to enjoy it, making my body respond to their abuse. I fought with every ounce of strength i had to stop my body from enjoying this but within a few seconds i felt that familiar twinge in my pussy, which meant only one thing, i would soon be cumming.

‘No, no, i can’t.’ I sighed desperately, my hand on Hank’s as it fucked me.

I would rather die than cum in front of these two monsters i decided, my pussy beginning to spasm. Just as i was about to make a last-ditch attempt at escape, the bell went off indicating break-time was over. Both boys stopped touching me and stood up quickly, grabbing their bags and running out, leaving me panting on the chair. It took me a few seconds to gather my senses before i did the same, running out and going straight to the bathroom.

I locked myself in a cubicle and put my head in my lap, rocking as i tried to come to terms with what had just happened. They had even taken my panties, probably as a trophy or to show their friends, i thought, crying again. I have to tell someone, Mr Hughes maybe, they can’t get away with that, i screamed in my head. What will mum say? I asked myself, thinking how it would look for her and not liking the answer.

‘Fuck.’ I shouted out loud, kicking the door.

I took some toilet paper and wiped my wet pussy, gasping as i did, the delicious feeling shocking me as i cleaned my juices. I was so aroused still, my body aching with a need for relief, making me angry. My mind was in turmoil, i couldn’t comprehend their behaviour and what they were thinking, surely they didn’t think they would get away with it?

God, i had to cum, my brain wouldn’t work properly unless i did. My fingers got to work, rubbing my clit and filling my cunt, bringing me to orgasm very quickly. I had to bite my lip to stop me crying out, such was the power of my orgasm, shocking me yet again. It was wonderful, not as good as the one Jasmine gave me but very close, to my utter horror.

I wiped myself again, my body tingling all over with that post-orgasm contentment. The tears rolled down my face, tears of shame after cumming like a whore. I couldn’t tell anyone, i realised, what would i say? How would explain them having my panties? No, they had won and now i must deal with it, however that may be.

I left the cubicle and looked in the mirror, wiping my face and wondering who this was looking back at me, not liking her. What on earth i was going to do or say when i saw those two boys, i couldn’t imagine. They would know i hadn’t told anyone and surely take that as vindication of their actions, leaving me god knows where.

My next class was with Miss Boxter, Maths, one of my favourite subjects. I made my way there with the cool air on my pussy a constant reminder i had no panties on. When i got there and entered the room, everyone was already sitting, all looking at me as i spoke with the teacher. She was lovely and her manner helped relax me, letting me do what i wanted with no pressure.

When i turned to go and find a seat at the back, i heard a familiar voice, it was Hank. I went bright red as i looked at him and saw Paul as well, both saying hello loudly and smiling.

‘Hello.’ I said quietly, walking to a chair in the corner.

I looked for Jasmine but she wasn’t there, just my two abusers. When after five minutes, Hank called me over, i almost fainted. How could he? I thought, not moving.

‘Miss.’ He called louder.

Miss Boxter looked over at me and i had to get up, my legs like jelly. The two boys were against the wall, both looking as smug as can be. I dragged my chair with me and sat down next to Hank, my face glowing red and very hot. Hank pushed his chair back and showed me my panties, which were on his lap. I looked at them and then at him, my eyes begging for mercy.

‘Come closer.’ He ordered.

I shook my head and put my hand out to take the white panties, hoping he might just let me. But he didn’t, giving them to Paul.

‘Come closer or I’ll give them to Miss Boxter and say you gave them to me.’ He whispered, grinning.

‘Please Hank, stop this.’ I begged some more.

‘Do it.’ He sneered.

I moved my chair closer, my legs now under the desk and inches from his. Straight away he moved his hand to my thigh, squeezing me gently. I could either get up and move and risk him doing what he threatened or i could sit there and let him carry on, both options leading to misery. As i was thinking what to do, he began stroking me, his fingers gliding over my skin and causing me to tremble with fear but also a weird kind of excitement.

‘What do you want, Hank? Where is this going, I’m a teacher?’ I whispered, his fingers beginning to tickle.

‘Just having some fun, Miss, like you and Jasmine do.’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked, scared of what he knew.

‘Well, you and her are obviously up to something and it can only be one thing.’ He said, knowingly.

His fingers were now at my pussy, touching my swollen lips and making me jump. I looked down and saw my dress was pushed up, showing his hand on my pussy. He pushed my legs open to give himself more room, inserting a finger inside, making me squirm and let out a little moan.

Rather than admit what was going on with Jaz, i let him finger me, watching with fascination as he did so in a class full of boys and girls. It was one the most shocking things i had ever done or seen, ten times worse than my drunken show at college. Paul was watching, too, his hand rubbing his cock as his friend finger banged me. If i hadn’t cum five minutes earlier, i would now.

Hank was looking at the teacher while his fingers worked their magic, the feeling in my pussy building all the time. If i cum again i wouldn’t be able to keep quiet, i would have to let it out and that would mean getting caught.

‘If you don’t stop I’m going to cum and I’ll have to scream, i can’t help it.’ I told him, grabbing his hand.

He stopped and pulled out his fingers, wiping them on my skin. I breathed a sigh of relief, sitting back and trying to compose myself. Hank’s hand was still between my legs, resting for a minute as he looked at me. My face felt really hot and flush while a feeling of excitement and dread pervaded my body.

A minute later he started again, his fingers going in and out, slowly, bringing me back to a heightened state of arousal. I watched again, unable to stop myself, the whole spectacle so disturbingly erotic.

‘You like that don’t you?’ He asked, arrogantly.

‘No, i hate it.’ I replied, meaning it.

‘Then you won’t cum, will you?’ He teased, speeding up.

I closed my legs in a futile attempt to stop him, holding his hand with my thighs and foolishly grinding down on them. The feeling was amazing, a weird sound coming from my mouth. I opened them again quickly, knowing i was on the verge of cumming.

Hank laughed, drawing the attention of others, including Miss Boxter. She looked over and asked if everything was alright.

‘Sorry, i made a silly mistake on one of the equations and Hank found it amusing.’ I told her, hoping she would believe me.

‘Oh, easily done. Hank, don’t be mean.’ She told him, jokingly.

‘I won’t.’ He replied, his fingers still inside me.

Everyone got on with the lesson and ignored us again, Hank pushing another finger into my sopping cunt.

‘No, I’m so close, stop.’ I pleaded.

My whole body was on fire, the feeling incredible. How could i react like this, i asked myself? Hank stopped, realising the danger of me cumming loudly in a full class. We all calmed down a little, Hank leaving me alone, at least for now. I wanted to move but daren’t, scared of his reaction and hoping another group would ask for help and rescue me.

Hank then decided to get his cock out, unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard cock. For a young boy it was very impressive, thick and at least six inches long. I watched as he began playing with it, waiting for him to grab my hand. And he soon did, putting it on his cock and holding it while he moved it up and down. He let go and left me to carry on, my tiny hand just able to fully grip it.

I did what he wanted, wanking him slowly. He was circumcised, which surprised me, and his head was big and purple with stuff leaking out. My hand was soon covered with his precum, making it slid up and down easily bringing him pleasure. Paul gave him my panties and he held them on his tummy just above my hand, waiting. The bastard was going to cum in my panties.

It didn’t take long, his body suddenly stiffening as i wanked him. I could feel his cock twitching as i watched with fascination, my eyes glued to his groin as the first rope of sperm shot from his hole into my white panties. Rope after rope spewed forth and covered the white cotton, drenching it in thick white goo. When he was done and my panties were ruined, he turned to me grinning wickedly.

‘Put them on.’ He shockingly told me.

I looked at them and could see all his stuff over the crotch area, making me with shiver with revulsion as i shook my head.

‘Put them on or i throw them at those girls in front.’ He threatened.

‘He’ll fucking do it, I’m telling you.’ Paul chimed in.

I looked at him hoping he was joking but he wasn’t, his face determined to make me do this. He held them out, waiting for me to take them, his cock still hard. There was so much of it on my panties, my hand wet as soon a i took them. The two boys watched me closely, loving my discomfort. All his sperm seemed to be on the inside and would directly touch my pussy.

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