The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 2 - Cover

The United Kingdom of Zoo - Book 2

©Copyright 2019 Luke Ozvik

S02, E03: Christina Bradshaw (48), from Leeds

Erotica Sex Story: S02, E03: Christina Bradshaw (48), from Leeds - EACH BOOK IS STANDALONE. Imagine a BBC tv documentary series in which ladies explain their desire to have sex with an animal - then are given the opportunity to do it on camera. 300 episodes later, we've had ladies from 18-60, all colours, sexualities and religions, even disabled ladies. Consent is king. All of our ladies do it because they want to do it - and all of our dogs feel the same way!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Humiliation   Rough   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   Hairy   Public Sex   Small Breasts  


A middle-aged woman enters the offices of our production company and is shown into the studio for her initial interview.

Everything about her screams that she’s a respectable, middle-class, educated ‘lady’. From the sensible black shoes with the respectable two-inch heels, to the conservative and neat black knee length skirt, to the plain blouse and jacket combination. She fills the clothes out nicely, no extra weight on her, but not too skinny either.

Her hair is long and auburn-red, hanging over her shoulders, and her face narrow, not unpleasant, with a little make-up used sparingly to cover up faults rather than highlight (or create) beauty.

She speaks with barely a hint of her natural accent – education in her youth, and good company over the last few decades have worn it away. “Hello, my name is Christina Bradshaw. I’m 48 years old, and I’m the manager of an aged care facility in Leeds.”

We continue the interview face-to-face, with her sitting demurely on a high stool, talking right into camera. She’s very pleasant.

Why are you here with us today?

“I’ve been married for 23 years ... And things are – well – I suppose you could say things are boring. Frustrating, perhaps. My husband is an Anglican minister, with a parish in Leeds, and he’s very focussed on doing good work for his parishioners. He’s a wonderful man, but certain elements of one’s life suffer as a result. He’s never been a particularly sexual person. So sex with him was never particularly exciting ... Once we had had our children, his interest in sex just went away completely. So I’ve been essentially sexless for ... A decade.”

Completely sexless?

“We’ve probably done it a couple of times a year ... But when it happens it’s not exciting, it’s not passionate ... There’s nothing ‘naughty’ about it. I think every woman wants to be a little bit dirty sometimes.”

And this particular woman?

“I haven’t been even a little bit dirty for ... Far too long. My husband doesn’t even like oral sex. He says they are demeaning to women ... I say, ‘Isn’t that half the fun?’”

How long have you been into this?

“To be honest, it never even crossed my mind until your first series was on last year. Even then I didn’t see the first few episodes because I thought it was a disgusting idea ... But the more I thought about how disgusting the idea was, the more I wanted to watch it ... And as soon as I saw the show, and saw how much the ladies enjoyed themselves ... I just had to try it.”

So what are you looking forward to the most today?

“I think sucking him off ... It’s so dirty. Something so demeaning and filthy. I just want to feel it in my mouth, and to know that the whole country is watching.”

How will this affect your relationship?

“You would think that it would be very damaging ... But I know my husband, and I know that he will forgive me. He’s really into forgiveness!”

She’s standing up now, still in the little studio. In close-up. “My name is Christina Bradshaw, and I want to be fucked by a big dog.” (she puts extra emphasis on the ‘fucked’ as if she rarely swears in her private life and just saying this is a thrill).

Elsewhere in our building – in the conference room – we find a short, fat man (Eddie) and his Irish setter – Paddy. Paddy is 65lbs of long red-haired madness. His tongue hanging out, excitedly looking around this strange room and at these new people.

Eddie speaks through a voice-disguiser with a vague Birmingham accent, his face is always out of focus – unlike the ladies on our show, our owners are allowed to protect their identity. “This is Paddy. He’s 3 years old. He’s never had sex with a woman, but he’s been mounting me for over a year and he knows what to do.”

The whole time Eddie is talking he is casually rubbing Paddy’s belly and fondling his sheath.

Back to Christina – a full length shot of her standing up, removing her jacket and hanging it over the back of a chair. Unbuttoning her top and removing it – placing that on the chair over her jacket. She’s in good shape for a woman of her age. Slim, with good skin. Boobs not too big, but nicely rounded in a half-cup bra. She mentions that it’s the only ‘nice’ bra she has.

She unzips her skirt, steps out of it, folds it and places it on the chair too. Plane black stockings and suspenders, suspender belt, and black silk and lace panties, plus those sensible black heels.

She stands infront of camera letting us view her from her toes up her slim legs, over her pussy and her thin belly, her small but nicely rounded cleavage, elegant neck, pretty face. Slightly embarrassed, a little nervous perhaps, but happy.

Back to Eddie and Paddy. Eddie is leaning over Paddy, fondling his sheath – getting him ready. He gets a signal from the director and stands up and leads a very excited Paddy out of the room. We follow them down a corridor to an office door.

Back with Christina – she reaches up and unfastens her bra, removing it and letting her small (they’re somewhere between an A and B cup), but naturally firm boobs sag just a little. Pointy nipples with small areolas. She half covers her them with her hands before realising how silly it is to be shy considering what she’s about to do.

The door behind her opens and Paddy pushes in – smiling with his tongue hanging out. Panting hard and pulling on his chain. Christina takes a noticeable step back from him and a deep breath. “Oooh, a doggy. Whoever would have expected that...” She jokes - almost managing to sound surprised.

And then she’s kneeling down beside the dog – he’s sitting. She’s stroking his flanks, patting him, running her fingers through his fur. Smiling, but it doesn’t look like a 100% genuine smile. It’s forced.


“Just a little bit ... My heart’s pounding ... I think the nerves make it even better. I think the fear makes it sexier ... I think.”

She strokes the dog again and looks at him intently. Her hand wandering down his side and reaching under his belly. Her breathing harder, a nervous smile, blowing the air out, as she builds up the courage to ... Fondle his sheath. She almost winces as she feels the hardness of his cock – already warmed up by Eddie – within. The beast stands up and leans into her, demanding attention. A couple of slow jerks, pulling that sheath back, and that pink lipstick comes out to play.

She looks around, seeking permission to proceed and gets it from behind camera. Pushes the dog away, then lays down on her back. Her head next to his hindlegs. Eases under him, taking one of his legs in her hand, positioning it on the other side of her head, holding it in place whilst she gets in position. She’s now looking up at that lipstick dick tip. She continues to stroke his shaft slowly. Watching his cock grow. Beginning to glisten as the first drop of pre-cum appears on its flat end. Paddy getting a little restless.

In a close-up, we watch as Christina raises her head toward the beast’s belly – her mouth open. Getting closer. Her tongue out. Shaking a little as she waits for that first drop to drip ... And it does. She tastes it, then sticks her tongue out again and brings it right up to the dog’s cock until she is licking the tip, or touching it at the very least. Slowly, nervously, she closes her mouth around the cock.

There’s a look in her eyes - equal parts fear, disgust and shame. But she can’t stop herself.

She only sucks the tip, her lips tight around it, her eyes open the whole time. Sucking on it and slurping on the end of his thick shaft. She takes it out of her mouth and lets all the pre-cum he’s given her so far spill out over her lip, down over her chin. A little jet of watery cum squirts on her face and she has to close her eyes tight to stop it going in them. And then she back to sucking it. Again, just the tip. Sucking hard, lips around it, then letting the cum spill out over her chin. Eyes flitting from the dog’s belly, to the camera, to off-camera. She doesn’t look like she’s loving it – but she clearly wants to do it. Her nipples are rock hard little bullets.

The dog’s cock is still growing, with her holding it in mid-shaft. Working the tip with her lips, the shaft with her hand. Her other hand cupping and caressing his big balls. There’s no sighing or moaning. The only noise is the sound of her wet lips on his wet shaft – and of his panting.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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