The Creek - Cover

The Creek

Copyright© 2024 by ghostwritten

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Story: Chapter 2 - Jason is sent to stay at his aunt and uncle's farm all summer. He's been lost in life ever since he lost his father. Wandering in the woods yields an oasis and the potential for change. Love might also be running through the waters of The Creek.

Caution: This Coming of Age Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Farming   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Nudism   Slow  

The next day, Jason’s alarm woke him up at 5:00 am as usual but today, he was energized and ready to go. While he was excited for the chance to go back to the creek and see Emily, today was also his first horse riding lesson. He had spent the first month learning to take care of horses, feed them, clean them, and tack them up. Now he was finally getting his first riding lesson after all the morning chores were done.

He showered, grabbed a snack and set off to start all the tasks he had to do. As he was filling up the troughs with feed, he had a realization. Over a month ago, if he could have seen himself up at 6:00am feeding pigs and chickens, about to clean stables, and be happy about doing it, he never would have believed it. Just the thought of wanting to ride a horse back then was stupid, “We have cars for a reason,” he would have said. He didn’t even miss his video games, didn’t care what his clanmates were doing or what the new meta was. He was feeling good in the here and now.

After taking care of all the animals while his uncle checked the field, it was time for his first lesson. Uncle Bill had him tack up all three horses, one for each of them, before he was allowed to climb up onto the saddle. His Aunt and Uncle both had their own horses, while he rode his cousin, Tommy’s. His horse was a mare, part thoroughbred and mustang, but had a relaxed disposition. According to his uncle, the horse, named Hurricane, was perfect to learn on but tough to master.

At first, he was lead around the field by his aunt on her horse, his uncle staying close in case he needed to jump in to help. After a little while, they released the lead and let Jason try to lead him where he wanted. It took an hour, but eventually he got the hang of it. He had her trotting around and making tight turns. It was approaching 11:00am so the sun was getting high in the sky, so it was time to rest for the afternoon.

“Wow Jay, you were a natural on Hurricane, there. You’d have thought you grew up ‘round here, stead of in the city.”

“Thanks Uncle, that was a lot of fun. Hopefully we can do it again soon.”

“What are you’re plans for the rest of the afternoon?” His Aunt asked.

“Don’t know, might go for another walk in the woods.”

“You sure do spend a lotta time out there, find something cool?” she asked.

“Nah, I just find it peaceful to walk around. Might take a book to read, if I find a nice spot.”

“A book? You? First riding and now reading, who are you and what happened to my nephew from the city?” Bill asked.

“I don’t know, I really don’t.”

“Well, I’m glad you look happier. Must be the fresh air and the magic woods.” Answered his aunt.

“Magic woods?”

“Did we not tell you those woods are special? Why do you think it was never plowed over?” Uncle chimed in.

“Because it’s a great source of lumber for building?”

“Well yes, but also, they’re magic. Strange things happen in there, but wonderful. Right Ma?”

“Darn right, seen it myself but you’d better pack up before we all roast out here.” Replied his aunt.

Jason could feel the heat building up, so he cleaned up a little, packed his bag with a towel and one of Tommy’s books and set out into the woods. He was getting more comfortable navigating his way through the thicket of tree roots, rocks, and undergrowth. He made his way there in 30 minutes, a new record for him. The sky was clear, and the sun was directly overhead, he didn’t want to get too much sun, so he set up his towel in the shade of the treeline.

He took off his clothes before jumping into the deep part of the creek. The cold water refreshing and rejuvenating him. Maybe this was the magic they were talking about? The power of feeling refreshed from a hard day’s work or just feeling alive again. Maybe it was metaphorical? But that doesn’t sound like his uncle, who while having a folksy wisdom, didn’t seem the philosophical type.

After sitting in the waterfall and then floating around, Jason got out and headed for the shade. He looked at the book he brought “Catcher in the Rye”. He had heard of it somewhere and he figured sports might be interesting to read about. He opened the cover and started reading.

He was about 20 pages in when, “Well, hello there neighbor, whatcha reading?” The voice startled him, and he jumped up before seeing Emily on the other side of the creek.

“Woah, calm down jumpy,” she said, “you must have really been into that book.”

“Sorry, I guess I was. Sorry about that.” He looked at her and smiled.

“I’m glad you came back; I thought you wouldn’t speak to me again. So, what are you reading?” She leaned forward and squinted. “Catcher in the Rye? Very nice choice. Wanna come swimming with me for a while, I’m cooking.”

“Sure, I’ll jump back in.”

She dropped down her bag and threw it over the creek to Jason, who quickly caught it. She stripped naked and jumped into the water. Jason put the bag down next to his gear and joined her, careful not to land on the girl. The two splashed around for a while, laughing and carrying on before they got tired. Emily sat by the waterfall while Jason just floated around on his back, his penis sticking straight up in the air like a sail. They both recounted their days up to this point, Jason with the horses and Emily with some customers at the store.

“So, you seeing anyone? Got a girlfriend back home?” Emily asked, curious about him and why he was sent here for the summer.

“No, as I said yesterday, I haven’t had sex before and I’ve never really been out with anyone before.”

“Don’t get mad, but I don’t see how that’s possible. A cute guy like you would be cleaning up here at my school.”

“I doubt it, I’m not exactly a social person, especially with girls.”

“You don’t seem to have a problem talking now, you might not be able to tell but I’m a girl.” She teased.

“I’ve noticed, but I don’t know. It’s different with you, maybe it’s just the way we met here. I just don’t have that usual anxiety I feel around most people. Maybe it’s the magic.” He said, laughing to himself.

She looked confused., “The what? Magic?”

“Something my uncle said earlier, he said these woods are magical but wouldn’t explain more. Stupid right?”

“Well, I do feel more relaxed here. I just figured it was because I was alone before but now, you’re here it’s still the same. Maybe it’s magic ... Or pixies. Probably fairies.” She joked.

He laughed, “Maybe.”

They swam around for a little while before deciding to get out. The sun felt nice as we dried off, He had to be careful not to burn any tender areas that hadn’t seen sun before. Emily had a fairly even tan over her body, with only some light areas on her breasts and crotch area.

“Can I ask, why are you here?” She asked.

“Because I wanted to cool off in the water, and the company too, of course.” He answered, not fully understanding the question.

“No, chucklehead. Why are you here, at your uncle’s farm for the summer? You said you can take care of yourself, and that seems to be true. So, what’s going on, Jason?”

“I ... I don’t know, I guess I’ve been screwed up ever since my dad died. I barely graduated school, I have no future plans, and when I was at home, I just sat around playing video games and hiding from life. Is that what you’d like to hear? My sad story?” He was starting to get defensive, but she wasn’t one to give up.

“Not at all. The person you described there doesn’t seem like the same person I’ve talked to the past few days. You seem happy. You were genuinely excited talking about riding a horse, I don’t see the sad sack character you’re describing. Maybe you needed to come out here and try a different way of life.”

As she finished speaking, she warmly smiled at him. He could tell she wasn’t trying to put him down or gaslight him. She seemed to genuinely care about learning more about him, it warmed a part in him deep down that he thought had been buried long ago.

“Can I ask you a question, Emily? You definitely seem like a popular girl, you probably have lots of friends, you may or may not have a boyfriend, and yet you spend a good part of your day alone here by this creek. Why is that?” He tried to put on his best therapist’s voice.

“Well, I like to be alone sometimes, things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows for me, but I don’t really want to get into it right now. Maybe another day. I will tell you my sad tale as well. But thank you for caring to ask.” She leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek.

Jason turned his head and the two were inches apart, eye to eye. Emily turned her head slightly and gave him a tender peck on the lips, feeling out how he would react. He leaned in this time and the two shared a longer kiss, it was soft and gentle. Both Emily and Jason had their eyes closed as they pulled away before opening them and smiling at each other. Emily broke the tension with a quip.

“Can I ask, how have you been hard the entire time I’ve been here, and that’s got to be hours now. Are you taking pills for that?”

Embarrassed, Jason muttered “sorry,” before trying to cover it up.

“No, no, no ... I just meant it must get tiring have an erection like that for so long. Feel free to help yourself out if you like. Don’t mind me.”

“No way, I don’t think so. I’m not doing that with you watching.”

She edged a little closer to him, whispering in his ear, “I could do it too.”

Jason just looked at her, his mouth agape but he shook his head no. “That’s ok, I’m fine like this really.”

She ran her hand over his chest, her fingers teasing his chest hair as they slowly descended towards his pelvis.

“How about I just help you out then?” Emily whispered seductively.

“You don’t have to do this.”

“I know. I want to do this.”

Her soft hand contacted the shaft of his penis, the first person to touch it other than himself. She ran a finger underneath the length of his shaft, teasing the already hard member before touching the head. She slid her finger, carefully, painstakingly slowly around the tip of the head near the hole, making him want her to do more. She brought her hand back down pulling the foreskin down with it. Her hand gripped the shaft firmly but carefully and started an up and down motion.

He looked into her eyes as she jerked him off and saw her looking back at him. She smiled warmly again and kept up the motion. It felt really good to have someone else doing it to him for a change. It felt so different, softer and gentler than when he was just trying to get off.

“You can touch my tits if you want to Jay.” She added. He was unsure if he should. He was happy just getting this handjob from such a beautiful girl, maybe it was a test to see if he’d try for more. She could see the apprehension on his face so with her free hand, she took one of his hands and placed it on her chest.

His hand was pressed into one of her perfect breasts. It was so amazing to feel the soft, delicate skin, the rough bumping areola, and the hard pink nipple in the center. All of this was too much of a sensation overload for his first time. Within seconds of touching her breast, he started shooting ropes of cum in the air. The first few were so strong some landed in his hair before Emily redirected it onto herself. Some landed on her breasts and stomach before it reduced to on both of there legs. Her hand was covered in white jizz.

“Wow looked like you really needed that. I’ve never seen a guy cum like that before.” She said, wiping her hand on the grass.

“I can’t believe that just happened. That was the best thing ever. Thank you, Emily.”

“Don’t worry about it, I think you really needed to let it out. Maybe you could do the same for me one day. Now let’s get in the water and clean up. We probably should be heading home soon.”

Jason looked at the sun and realized she was right. It was getting late in the afternoon and if it didn’t get back, there would be questions. The two cleaned to goo off themselves before drying off and getting dressed. Before they departed though, Emily kissed Jason again, and told him she looked forward to seeing him again. The two then split off and went their separate ways home. The right of the night, Jason was buzzing from what happened and couldn’t wait for the next day

The rest of the week, Jason wasn’t able to go to the creek. The weather turned nasty, heavy winds and rain were a regular occurrence. Work still needed to get done though, so on went the rain slickers and into the barn he went. It was mainly the animals that needed tending to. Stalls needed cleaning, feed distributed, and water refilled. New straw had to be set down for cleanliness and just making sure all the animals were doing well.

While he did have things to do, Jason really wanted to talk to Emily. While she was just across the road, it seemed like miles away. He knew he couldn’t just waltz over there; it would give away the secret of the creek and how they met there. He had to make sure they exchanged phone numbers next time he saw her.

At one point at night, he even tried using the telescope in his room to see if he could see her, but he wasn’t sure which room was hers. He also found it very difficult to aim a telescope on a target close on earth, he’d have to get better at that too. It was eating him up, what did it all mean? Were they friends now, or more?

Even after the skies cleared and the sun came out, he wasn’t able to get over to the creek. Now they were behind on their chores of fixing fences and repairing any holes in the roof the winds might have caused. That took several days to catch back up on before he was able to go back.

It was now in the back half of July, the crops were growing high, and some were getting ready to be harvested. Jason did his regular morning chores; he didn’t even notice waking up at the crack of dawn anymore. He just got up, showered, dressed, and was in the field or barn at the same time as his uncle now. He was pretty happy doing it too. Today was another lesson on the horse too, which was nice.

He tacked and headed out to join his family in the ring to learn get more advice and techniques. He learned not to plant his hands when the horse gets excited, lest he get a free trip to the ground. He learned better control and how to get Hurricane to back up and go sideways on command. He even tried his hand at lassoing from the back of Hurricane, it went terribly, and he nearly fell off, but it was fun to try anyway. His uncle was hooting and hollering at his attempt but let him know that no one makes it on their first attempt. He told him to get more practice in on the ground first and then try to be a cowboy later.

Jason was also extra excited today because he had free time again to go back to the creek. He hoped Emily would be able to stop by as well but there was no way to know. He would just have to hope for the best and see.

He packed up his usual gear in his bag and headed out to the woods. He had gotten better and finding it, he was learning the land just like his uncle said he would. He found the rock wall in record time and made his way to the opening spot. He was the first one there as usual. There was always a chance he would be the only one there too.

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