Suddenly a Succubus - Book Two - Cover

Suddenly a Succubus - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by Nyx Nyghtingale

Chapter 17

Supernatural Sex Story: Chapter 17 - In the aftermath of the Halloween party, Amara is struggling to come to terms with her actions. When an opportunity to atone presents itself, she manages to pull herself together and get back to school. However, the mystery of the mysterious magic circles persists, and she might be closer than she realizes to discovering the dark forces at work.

Caution: This Supernatural Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Magic   Demons   Rough   Anal Sex   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Teacher/Student   Transformation   Violence  

The revelation that Amara’s recent nightmares weren’t actually hers kept her distracted for the entirety of the next morning. On the one hand, the dreams had been quite troubling, and she was relieved to know that she wasn’t repressing any horrible memories or seeing grim portents of a possible future. On the other, it was time to deal with yet another new ability, and the intangibility of this one meant testing it would be difficult.

All her other developments had been delightfully straightforward. She could touch her tail and her wings, and she could manifest fire whenever she wanted. How could she practice dreamwalking?

Should I even call it dreamwalking? I don’t know if I’m physically traveling to Derek’s dreams, or if I’m picking up on his thoughts like some kind of dream television. Do I need to be asleep to do this? Maybe I should let Nick sleep at my place and try to jump into his dreams...

Her morning lectures did nothing to distract her. In fact, she even saw a student nodding off in the back row, and she was tempted to amplify her vision to look for hints of his dreams, but decided against it.

Soon enough, the professor let everyone go, and Amara eagerly headed for the athletic campus. She hadn’t visited it since the night her wings first appeared, and today she was planning on meeting up with Nick. Even though he didn’t wrestle anymore, he frequently joined in whatever activities he could find. It kept him in shape, which Amara certainly appreciated, and it gave him a chance to spend time with his more athletic friend group.

They eventually met up behind the Gymnastics building. The back wall faced away from campus, and held a large field peppered with the occasional tree. Nick had mentioned a few times that this was a great spot to relax, and due to the morning hours, they were the only people present. She found Nick leaning against the bricks of the building, sitting in the grass with his backpack open beside him. Black gym shorts showed off his muscular legs, and a tight green shirt flattered his torso in much the same way.

“Good workout?” Amara asked, setting down her bag and sitting across from Nick.

“Of course! Alex is still really into freerunning, and he talked me into giving it a shot. He’s been trying to teach me some of the basics, and it’s pretty tough. What about you?”

“Ugh, you know the answer to that.”

“Derek’s dreams?” Nick asked.

“Yes! What does it mean? Am I seeing them for a reason?” Amara fell backwards onto the grass, groaning loudly.

“There’s always a chance it means nothing. Does he live near you? Maybe you’re picking up his dreams because he’s down the hall or something.”

“But every night? There have got to be other people dreaming around me.”

Nick went quiet, then pulled out his phone after a minute of thought. “You said the dreams are the same every time?”

“They’re similar, but sometimes I see different parts. And there was the time I floated away from everything, which I don’t know was part of his dream or my own powers acting up.”

After another few moments of silence, Amara looked over to Nick to see why he wasn’t responding. Before she could ask, however, he finally spoke up.

“Isn’t it weird that he’s having the same dream, night after night? I doubt that’s happening for no reason, especially when it’s such a realistic nightmare. What if this actually happened?”

Amara sat up, sliding closer to Nick while he continued his online sleuthing. “Shit, that’s a good idea! Maybe this is something we can use to our advantage!” She pulled out her own phone, deciding she may as well try to help. It took another few minutes before Nick spoke up again.

“Anything yet?” He asked.

“Nothing,” Amara sighed. “Well, I guess technically I’m finding a lot, but it’s all mindless fluff pieces about how great he is. He’s America’s next great entrepreneur, he’s valedictorian of his graduating class, blah blah blah. I feel like I’m reading obsessive fanfic that his dad paid people to publish. What about you?”

“Mostly the same, but also a lot of stuff about his dad’s rise to wealth. Supposedly he’s a modern-day rags to riches story, and amassed a huge fortune practically overnight.”

“What did he do? Win the lottery?”

“That’s the weird thing, I can’t find any answers. I’m seeing a lot of vague references to playing the stock market, but nothing tangible. The only thing I can tell for sure is he didn’t inherent it, his parents were relative nobodies.” Nick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before rubbing his eyes. “Maybe we’re coming at this from the wrong angle. What was his girlfriend’s name? Stacy?”

“He called her Steph, so probably Stephany. What are you thinking?”

“Well, I think it’s safe to assume that everything we find online is going to be heavily curated. What if we find news that’s not about him?” Nick shifted on the ground, leaning back against the brick wall. Another few minutes passed, and Amara had given up her own search. She hated this type of research, and instead stood up and stretched out her back.

“Got it!” Nick pumped his fist in victory, waiting for Amara to look over before he started reading the article aloud. “A student was found dead early this morning after officials pulled a car out of a local river. The girl was identified by the local coroner’s office as Stephany Peterson, 18, a senior at Jefferson High. Stephany had been drinking with friends late last night and attempted to drive home at approximately 2:15 AM. The last person to see Stephany was her boyfriend, who had let her borrow his car to return home. He was unaware that she’d been drinking, and reported her missing early this morning.”

As Nick continued talking, sharing more of the article, Amara found herself pacing across the grass. Every word he read infuriated her, and her breathing was growing erratic. The full scope of the story was now obvious, and she was having trouble thinking straight. “He blamed her? He murdered his girlfriend and got away with it?!”

“Hey, deep breaths Amara, don’t—”

“That FUCKING. ASSHOLE!!” Without even realizing it, Amara’s hand was suddenly encased in a chitinous gauntlet. She lashed out, punching the brick wall next to her as she let out another scream. Her vision blurred, and she could barely see the dust and mortar that now covered the lawn. Her eyes eventually met Nick’s, and she immediately recognized the look on his face.


Her vision sharpened again, her breathing calming down as she shook her hand back to normal. She fell to her knees, panicking as she started speaking. “Nick! Please, it’s okay, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me! Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Nick took a few deep breaths, his shock quickly fading as he held up a hand. “I’m okay, nothing hit me. I just ... I don’t think I’ve ever seen that side of you.”

Amara leaned in, pulling Nick into a tight hug as she continued whispering apologies in his ear. They stayed there for several moments before Nick finally whispered back.

“That’s what happened at the party, isn’t it?”

The two friends separated, Amara nervously wringing her hands. “Y-yeah, but a lot worse. I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”

“Well, at least you’re angry at someone who deserves it this time, right?” Nick forced a smile, trying to smooth things over. “I’m not going to take it out on this wall, but I understand how you feel.” The two of them looked at the nearby bricks and saw that a noticeable chunk of the wall had been destroyed.

Amara sat back down, doing her best to brush the evidence of her outburst towards the building. Looking around, she realized that the grass around her also appeared discolored, like it had been out in the sun too long. “Does the article say anything else?”

“Doesn’t look like it, but I think it’s pretty obvious what happened. His dad must have bribed the police to pin the blame on Stephany.”

“There’s got to be a way we can use this against him, right?”

“Not with conventional methods.”

Their eyes met again, and Amara realized what Nick was inferring. “But, with my powers, I might be able to do something! All those books we read about Succubi, a bunch of them mentioned that we can control dreams!”

“If he’s having nightmares about this every time he goes to sleep, he’s got to be torn up about it. If you can push him further—”

“—I might be able to force him to come clean! Nick, you’re a genius!” Amara jumped up in excitement and began pacing the grass once more. She’d been eager to do something about Derek ever since he’d attacked her, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

“Think you’re up for it?” Nick asked, smiling at her excitement.

“Well, I’ll need to learn how to control dreams. I was actually hoping you might help with that. Want to sleep over tonight?”

“Nah, tonight won’t work.” Nick grabbed his backpack, pulling out a small agenda. “What about tomorrow?”

Amara did the same, though her schedule was on her phone. “That should work. I figure we’ll hook up right before bed, then I’ll try to jump into your dreams. If I can’t do it awake, I’ll go to sleep and hope something happens.”

“Great! It’s been a while since I’ve crashed at your place. Maybe we’ll do some more cooking while we’re at it?”

“I love it! Think of what you want, and I’ll do my best not to burn it.” Amara chuckled, but stopped when an alarm on her phone went off. “Oh! Shit! I’ve got to get going, office hours are starting. See ya!”

She grabbed her bag, threw it over her shoulder, and began running back to the main campus. She took a quick detour back to her apartment, where she overhauled her appearance to prepare for her next stop. A change of clothes, a jacket to cover her exposed skin, and a quick look in the mirror to see if her shapeshifting was up to par. The walk across campus was tense, memories of her last impersonation attempt crossed her mind, but thankfully she made it to her destination without issue.

As Amara drew closer to Mr. Luxnor’s office, she let out a sigh of relief. The halls were relatively empty, as very few classes ran at this hour, and no one else seemed to be visiting the teacher. She opened her phone’s inner camera and did one final inspection, just to be safe.

Deep, emerald green eyes stared back at her behind a curtain of bright red hair. Her makeup was the perfect mix of slutty and sexy, though she did add a touch more lipstick just to be safe. With a deep breath, she moved in and knocked on the door.

“Professor?” she asked.

Mr. Luxnor looked up, clearly surprised by her arrival. “Ms. Donoghue? What brings you by at this hour?”

Up close, Amara finally got a good look at the professor. His deep brown hair was naturally wavy, and it was long enough to frame the sides of his face quite well. His eyes, a similar shade of brown, clearly stole a look at her figure as she entered the office, and she noticed a small shift in his aura. His soft jawline was accentuated by well-manicured stubble, and as he leaned back in his chair, she got a good look at his outfit. A simple black jacket gave his shoulders a fair amount of definition, and underneath he wore a blue button-down shirt that flattered him just as well.

Amara took one last look down the hallway before stepping into the office, leaning against the door as she played with its handle. “Well, I’m just really nervous about class, I’m worried my grades are slipping...”

“Kylie, we went over everything yesterday. At this point, you couldn’t fail even if you wanted to.” Confusion crossed the teacher’s face as they continued talking.

“I’m not sure you understand, Professor.” Amara slowly pushed the office door closed, locking it as she turned to face Mr. Luxnor. Her hands moved to her jacket, which she slowly pulled off to reveal her outfit. Her cleavage was on full display in a black push-up bra, which itself was easily visible underneath a white blouse that she’d tied to show off her stomach. A red, plaid skirt sat high on her hips, showing off her legs while leaving very little to the imagination. “I really think I need more extra credit.”

Mr. Luxnor’s aura practically exploded, and it was clear he was fighting to maintain composure. “Well, now that you mention it, I did just finish grading your last test, and I must say I was very disappointed with your results.”

Amara smirked, thrilled that her plan was working so well.

Men are so predictable. Still, he’s young and cute, no reason I can’t enjoy myself while I’m here...

She placed her jacket on the chair across from the professor’s desk, followed by her purse. After a quick glance back at the man behind her, she bent at the waist to show off her bright red panties. His aura confirmed how distracted he was, and she took a quick second to readjust her purse one final time. With everything ready, she turned towards her target and walked closer.

“Is there anything I can do to make it up? To show you how much this class means to me?”

“Oh, I think you know the answer to that, Ms. Donoghue. Assume the position.”

Shit, I was worried about this. That could mean anything! Does he want me bent over? On my knees? On his lap? Ugh, focus Amara! Commit to the roleplay!

“Why, whatever do you mean, Professor?” Amara playfully bit her finger, hoping she could pretend that her ignorance was all part of the game. Thankfully, a devious smirk on Mr. Luxnor’s face assuaged her fears.

“My, you’ve forgotten so much of the curriculum already. Perhaps you just need a strong hand to get you straightened out.” The teacher stood up and moved towards her, his hand lacing into her hair before grabbing tight. He pushed down, his firm grip bringing her to her knees in front of him. His hand moved to her cheek, and he pushed his thumb into her mouth, which she dutifully sucked deeper. His other hand moved to his pants, undoing them while he continued playing with her lips.

Soon enough, he’d managed to grab his shaft and pull it free. An impressively thick cock now pointed at her mouth, and she locked eyes with Mr. Luxnor as he pulled his thumb from her lips.

“Time for your first lesson, Ms. Donoghue. Open wide, tongue out.”

Amara did as she was asked, opening her mouth as wide as possible before pushing out her tongue. She made sure to leave a fair amount of spit on it before it left her mouth, which quickly dripped down her chin and onto her cleavage. The teacher in front of her grinned, then slowly stroked his length while taking in the sight of this eager college slut on her knees. Stepping closer, he slapped his cock on her tongue several times, then moved his hands back to her hair. Grabbing her tight, he pushed forward.

The tip of his cock slid down her tongue, entering her mouth slowly. Amara reacted by wrapping her lips around his shaft, but was surprised when Mr. Luxnor lightly slapped the side of her face.

“Ah ah ah, we’ve talked about this. Mouth stays open until I say so.”

Amara nodded, doing just as he wanted. With her mouth open once again, he pulled her head closer and moaned as his cock caused her to gag softly. He couldn’t push as deep this way, but she had a feeling that wasn’t the goal at the moment. He began pulling her head up and down, and each time a small gag escaped her lips. His aura indicated that, like Nick, he seemed to love the sounds she made, so she did her best to make them louder.

Over the next few minutes, she made a few attempts to do more for Mr. Luxnor, and each time he reprimanded her. He didn’t want her tongue to swirl around his shaft, he didn’t want her to move her own head, and he didn’t want his cock to go any deeper.

He wanted nothing more than a submissive toy.

It was a strange sensation, as Amara had grown used to being extremely active during sex. Nick loved to see her enthusiasm, and recently she’d begun to enjoy holding him down while they fucked. Tessa loved to be dominated, and always appreciated the extra attention Amara’s tail could bring. Even Brandon, as much as she hated him, had clearly enjoyed her faux desperation. In this office, however, she was simply an object of desire.

Another few minutes passed before Mr. Luxnor spoke again. “Next lesson, Ms. Donoghue. Close your mouth, and prepare to take this cock as deep as you can.”

Amara nodded, finally letting her lips wrap tight around his shaft. She was fairly sure she could take all of his cock; the length definitely wouldn’t be an issue, but the girth would certainly be a new sensation. He continued to hold her tight, and once her lips closed, he began moving her again. His first couple thrusts were slow, he seemed to be testing her limits, but she could tell he wanted more. She’d been connected to his aura for a while now, ever since getting on her knees, so she was intimately aware of everything he was feeling. She kept her eyes locked on his, and couldn’t help but notice that he seemed more interesting in watching his cock pump in and out of her lips.

With another thrust, he tried to reach deeper into her throat. She gagged reflexively, as she was still adjusting to his size, but by the time he’d thrust again she was ready for him. The tip of his cock pushed into her throat, just for a second, and he involuntarily let out a quiet moan.

“That’s a good girl, just like that...” Mr. Luxnor whispered.

He continued thrusting into her mouth, slowly and deliberately, as he kept pushing her limits. Each time his cock entered her throat, his aura pulsed with excitement, giving Amara a mouthful in more ways than one. It only took a few more minutes before he had what he wanted: a slutty schoolgirl’s lips pressed against the base of his cock. He stayed there, rocking her head back and forth as he savored the feeling of her tight throat. When he pulled out, Amara made sure that plenty of spit stayed on display.

“Fuckin’ hell, you’re getting better at this!”

“Do I have enough extra credit to pass the class yet?” Amara asked, pitching up her voice to sound playfully innocent.

“Oh, not even close. Open up.”

Amara nodded, and soon Mr. Luxnor’s cock was slowly fucking her face again. He moved her back and forth, meeting her head with his own thrusts, as his cock repeatedly bottomed out. She made sure to keep the throatfucking as wet as possible, both for her own sake and to coat her tits in spit to enhance the view. It only took a few more minutes for his movements to grow faster, more erratic, as he reveled in the feeling of her throat. She was unfamiliar with how much control he had over himself, but his aura seemed to indicate he was close to cumming. The facefucking became relentless, his cock hammering into her throat as his grip tightened, but he stopped without warning just before his orgasm overtook him.

She watched his cock leave her mouth, gasping heavily as she took a deep breath. Her tits were soaked, the thin fabric of her shirt completely see-through at this point.

“I’d say we’re almost there, Ms. Donoghue. Are you ready for your final?” Mr. Luxnor asked.

“Yes please, Mr. Luxnor. I want to show you what a good girl I can be!” Amara smirked, playfully biting one of her fingers as she waited for a hint of what to do next.

“Panties off, bend over my desk.” he said sternly.

Without hesitation, Amara rose to her feet before moving towards the desk. She leaned forward, hooked her thumbs into her panties, and slowly pulled them to the floor while trying to give the teacher the best show she could. Once they were off, she tossed them at Mr. Luxnor, spread her legs, and bent forward over his desk.

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