Living Two Lives - Book 22 - Cover

Living Two Lives - Book 22

Copyright© 2024 by Gruinard

Chapter 14

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 14 - The period through to Christmas in Andrew's last year at university.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Light Bond   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

It was interesting, having pretty well shattered every boundary on her first shoot, Ursula was calmer all morning on her second one. She and Gunther had clearly picked out a series of outfits which he laid out ready for Ursula to change into between shoots. She had her disguise on but had not yet dressed with her first outfit. Andrew wanted to make sure her mind was in the right place.

“In September when you posed for the first time you knew that it felt right, that it was part of you. And now we all know it wasn’t just wishful thinking or looking at you through rose-tinted glasses. The men who publish those magazines know what their readers like, what they want to see.”

He paused.

“You. They want to see your beautiful face, your big fleshy body, every possible detail of it. But most of all they want to see that giddy joy in your face, in your eyes. Today I want you to spend the whole time thinking ‘I can’t believe they are paying me to do this!’. I want your eyes to make promises to Gunther that he is going to spend the next three months collecting on.”

It was unclear whose smile was the wider.

“Oh, and Gunther. Your wife needs her thighs wiped clean again.”

Gunther’s wiping of Ursula’s thighs was making the problem worse not better. He was banished with a sheepish look on his face.

The first two sets, six rolls of film between them were standard glamour model tropes reimagined. Ursula wore two different short skirts first with a white blouse and then a translucent blouse. The white blouse she wore with a black bra underneath, catching the contrast as more and more buttons were undone. The translucent blouse was worn without a bra and her breasts rippled and stretched it in wonderful ways. In both shoots she ended up naked but not blatantly so. As with all these shoots they were creating options.

Andrew also realised that with Maggie he often directed her, and nearly always suggested what she should wear. With Ursula he didn’t have to do that. She had thought through her wardrobe. Not that there was any wardrobe for the next two sets. A simple black sheet on the bed and Ursula with nothing on but grip top black stockings. She just rolled around, her pale plumpness highlighted on the sheet. She then switched to fishnets with a red suspender belt but they were mere accessories to Ursula continuing to roll around on the sheet. The contrast shots were excellent. Both sets ended up with her lying back, legs stretched wide, pulling her pussy lips apart. She was graphically pink, and obviously moist.

They had a five minute pee break before carrying on. Ursula had brought a variety of beach towels with her. Andrew later discovered they were all from charity shops, the two of them had been looking for them all autumn. The patterns were not too distracting and Ursula cycled through four different bikinis over four sets. All were several sizes too small for her but that just made them even better for the shoot. The best one was the third, shiny and black, and skimpy all over. It exposed more than it concealed, drew attention to Ursula’s figure and again the difference between the black and Ursula’s pale skin was great. At the end of both that set and the fourth and final bikini set Ursula was playing with herself. Her fingers were knuckle deep in her pussy and she appeared to be trying not to come. Andrew motioned Gunther over and had him kneel between Andrew and Ursula.

“You are not in shot there. Ursula, I want you to look at your husband and listen to him as he tells you what all the men that buy the magazine are going to be doing while looking at these pictures.”

Gunther took a moment or two to get into the flow of the dirty talk but Ursula’s fingers moved ever faster as he told her how hot she looked. She was head down, arse up facing away from the camera. Her shoulders were on the couch and her head was turned so she was looking back almost straight down the lens. Since Gunther was kneeling he was out of the shot. There was only going to be one outcome and Andrew’s camera captured the whole thing.

They stopped to let Ursula recover and take on some water. They all grabbed a quick sandwich and caught their breath.

“How are you doing? You okay?”

Andrew was merely being polite, Ursula looked to be in sparkling form.

“I am disappointed at you Andrew.”

He looked taken aback at her statement.

“At the last shoot your assistant was very handsy, other than before we started he has been behaving himself too much this time.”

They all laughed and Andrew shook his head. She was irrepressible.

“How do you think the shoot is going?”

This was Gunther back at Andrew. Andrew pointed over to the large portfolio with all the finished prints for sending to Germany.

“While I was enlarging all the pictures I looked to see which ones they picked, trying to see if there is a pattern. All women worry about four areas, tits, tummy, thighs and arse. Well in this case it is the exact opposite. They appear to have selected a lot of shots which highlight all those features. Think of the shoot we just finished. Ursula, on her knees, shoulders pressed into the couch, her tits squashed and pushed out the sides of her body. And all the while her bum is high in the air, thighs splayed wide and her fingers going crazy.”

Andrew smiled over at her.

“And don’t forget that you have a very beautiful face, a sweet look. And you were staring straight at the camera and clearly not faking an orgasm. The readers can tell. You are not resigned to doing this, you are not a great actress pretending to love what you are doing. We all know that you love posing like this, you love creating Ursula, you love letting go and being wild. Come on then, my assistant is looking restless what are we shooting next.”

Most of what Andrew had just said to Ursula was merely repeating what she had said to him. And what he had already said first thing that morning. But it energised an already excited model into another frenzy. Andrew had just made it worse.

“Gunther can you check if Ursula needs lube please.”

Given that she was all but dripping on the sheet this was nothing but a chance for Gunther to get frisky with his wife. Andrew timed his turn to reload his camera and he heard Ursula’s groan. He gave them a few seconds before slowly starting to turn back round. Ursula was ready to go. Her dildo disappeared in one shove again, just swallowed whole. There was no direction for the first roll of film, she was somewhere else mentally. But having cleared her mind, at least slightly, Andrew started directing Ursula for the first time. Another roll of pictures was easily shot, Ursula leaning back at the edge of the sofa, her thighs spread wide and braced, her big breasts hanging down on her tummy bulge. Once the camera was reloaded Andrew had Ursula lie back, her bum at the edge of the bed. He had Gunther build a nest of pillows behind her so that he could capture her body.

“I want to see if we can make it look like the photographer, the pretend Gunther is doing this.”

Andrew had Gunther sit off to his left tight up against his body so that he didn’t create a shadow.

“Ursula stretch your legs out and put them on my shoulders. That’s right. Now Gunther, move the dildo into position, okay stop.”

Andrew played with the zoom and the framing.

“Okay, it looks like I am taking pictures with my left hand and using my right to hold the dildo. The shutter release wouldn’t work that way. Switch round to the other side.”

Eventually Gunther got into position and the pictures looked realistic, it really looked like it was Andrew that was wielding the dildo. Ursula had left her feet on his shoulders as Gunther moved and so once he started fucking her with the dildo Andrew was able to capture some truly wonderful shots. Depth of field was a complete bear, there was no way to get Ursula’s face and pussy in focus at the same time but he got lots of pictures of both.

The final two sets, another five rolls of film were of Ursula and her new, larger butt plug. Clearly there had been plenty practice as it slipped with minimal fuss. Gunther had been very helpful in applying the lube.

“Is it uncomfortable?”

“No not at all. Just for a moment as everything stretches but then it pops in without fuss.”

“Can you let us know when this gets uncomfortable. I want to try and capture the plug stretching your arsehole wide, right before it pops in or out. Okay?”

“Sure. I will grin and bear it.”

Andrew got Gunther to start very carefully, and slowly, pulling the plug out. The muscle round the flared butt plug resisted before starting to stretch. Gunther knew what Andrew was trying to get and stopped the plug at it widest point. Andrew captured two quick shots before it was pulled free and the abused muscle sprang back into shape. Another torrid photography session was over.

Andrew put the camera down and stood and stretched. Gunther helped Ursula remove the wig and as it came off the two separate personas were removed as well, packed up until Easter. Elspeth pulled on a robe and snuggled up next to Donnie.

“Phew, I am pooped. How many rolls of film did you shoot Andrew?”

He looked about him and did a quick count.

“Er, 22 or 23. Just under 1,100 shots, something like that.”

Elspeth smiled.

“We never talked about how much they are going to pay for the sets.”

Andrew realised that he hadn’t even thought about it. He had been worried about the process, doing the enlargements, it hadn’t crossed his mind how much money they were going to make.”

“What is the day rate of a model doing shoots like that?”

“Tony paid £200 for a half day.”

“So you would have got £400 in September and again today, yes?”

She nodded.

“So how much is the German publisher paying?”

“£10,000 for all 12 sets.”

Andrew was more than a little stunned. The starting salary of newly qualified teachers was less than £7,000. Wow. Elspeth could read his mind.

“I know.”

“Do you think they will pay the same again?”

“I don’t know, I guess it depends if I am popular or not. Potentially.”

There had been minimal expenses, the studio time was the main one.

“That is a lot of money.”

“Yes and no. It is a staggering amount of money but remember it is 12 sets, so it is not completely bonkers.”

Andrew nodded.

“How did you think today went?”

“We should be asking you. I loved it when I was resting my feet on your shoulders. It really reinforced how up close and personal you were. And then to have Donnie, I mean Gunther, oh hell you know what I mean, to have him involved. And I don’t think you realise it Andrew but you smile a lot when you are shooting me. I don’t know if you smile with all the models but Donnie was fucking me with the dildo and I am staring right down the lens of the camera and underneath it I saw you smiling. Given what we were doing it was an oddly personal moment. What about you?”

“I think the thing that struck me the most was how you had completely embraced your Ursula persona. You were primed and ready to pose from the first frame to the last. Despite how, as you said, it was very personal, it was also very professional. You are a professional glamour model, a professional adult model about to be published across western Europe.”

Elspeth made no attempt to look humble. Just for a moment Andrew saw her channelling her inner Chiara. Just for a moment, and then it faded.

“Thank you for that. Everything about this is fantastic and a fantasy. Thousands of Pounds for pictures of me naked. Me.”

Donnie leaned over and kissed her.

“You left us some instructions in September for this shoot. Do you have any ideas for Easter?”

Andrew had thought about this exact question the previous day while working in the darkroom.

“Three things. First one is when we do the shoot at Easter I want you to have a big creamy cake ready. And when we come to take the pictures I want you to bring a bathroom scale as well. So I am going to photograph you on the scales and then take a series of pictures that make it look like you ate the whole cake, then reshoot the weigh in. The readers want to see big women so I am going to make it look like you got bigger during the shoot. We will smear icing round your lips and then doctor the scale so that it looks like you gained five pounds.”

Elspeth’s look of horror had changed to a rueful smile.

“I was going to say that there is no bloody way that you are getting me on a set of scales, never mind photographing what they say. But you are right, there are probably a lot of guys with a sweet tooth buying the magazine.”

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