My Son the Cop - Cover

My Son the Cop

Copyright© 2024 by Tarl Cabot

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Hank is retired and lonely. He's had gay leanings for a while but never acted on them. After a brief argument his son agrees to help him out. But will that come back to bite him if his job finds out? How would the Police Department react?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Facial   Sex Toys  

When Hank arrived at the club that afternoon, he was met with smiles and well wishes by the staff and Gene met him at the front desk. Gene complimented him on his riding gear and walked with him to the pro shop to get his clubs.

“By the way, Gene...” Hank asked. “Did you leave the rifle rack on the bike so I’d have a place for my clubs?” Gene smiled and said that he had, and appreciated that Hank had noticed the details. They were me just outside the clubhouse by Artie and three caddies.

These three were new Rookies, or Boots, trying to make a good impression on the higher-ups so they had volunteered to caddie this afternoon. There weren’t many players there so they didn’t have to wait at any of the holes.

Hank played a solid ninety-three, which wasn’t bad for not having played in twenty years. They sat and had drinks while the caddies cleaned up. Artie told Hank they’d stow his clubs in his locker for him, and meet them in the steam room.

On the way, Artie told Hank that the Boots were there for more than just caddying. These fresh Officers were picked by Artie specifically because of their proclivities. He realized what that meant as they walked into the locker room and found all three naked and kneeling.

Artie slapped Hank on the back and said. “Pick your favorite,” and squeezed Hank’s shoulder. “Doesn’t have to be your caddy, they are all up for grabs,” Hank looked them over and chose a fresh-faced young man with short hair the color of straw and freckles. He had that farm-boy look and a delicious-looking cock.

“Sir...” the young man said, standing and stepping up to Hank. “I’m John, it will be a pleasure to serve you,” He sounded quite sincere and then stepped to the left and stood behind Hank. Gene and Artie chose their companion and the others did the same.

Walking to the lockers, the Boots undressed Hank and the others, stowed their clothing, and followed them to the showers. John washed Hank from neck to feet and paused momentarily to admire Hank’s cock. Hank sighed as John stroked it and cleaned it. He cleaned every nook and cranny.

Once done they all went to the steam room and settled in. John and the other two were sent to get cold drinks and bring them back. Upon returning, they found Hank and the others seated in three different corners of the room. Artie said it would make it easier for the Boots to do what needed to be done.

That task became apparent when all three took a stance in front of their respective elders and knelt between their legs. Each began giving their elder a very slow and very meticulous blowjob, making sure that they didn’t bring anyone to orgasm right away. The sensation was relaxing.

Hank sipped his icy seltzer and watched as John lovingly sucked him off. He had so many questions but just wanted to enjoy this feeling more. It was Gene that broke the silence a few moments later.

“So, Hank...” Gene began. “How’s the new ride treating you?” Hank glanced over with a smile.

“Positively glorious,” Hank beamed. “Smooth as silk, a real joy, Thanks,” Then Artie chimed in.

“It’s a bit late this year,” Artie said. “But maybe next year, we can make a ride to Sturgis,” Hank had always wanted to take that ride. It was still on his bucket list. “We’ll get all the Motor Units from our station and show Sturgis what the CHP is really like.”

That sounded like a really good time to Hank, and he said so. But he had something on his mind and wanted to take care of it. His attention was momentarily drawn to John who was edging Hank now. He felt like he was close to cumming and asked John to stop for a few minutes.

“Artie, can we discuss something sensitive with the Boots in the room?” Hank asked with some trepidation.

“Their whole career depends on professionalism and discretion,” Artie said in a slightly raised voice. “Command-level conferences don’t leave the conference room,” He looked around for a moment. “Right now, this is a closed conference, and everything in here is confidential.”

John nodded his understanding, and the other two gave a thumbs up, not stopping their ministrations. Hank took a deep breath and addressed both Artie and Gene. “It’s, about...” Hank paused, considering his next words. “It’s about my son.”

“It’s ok, Hank...” Artie assured him. “We’re a family station, every officer knows him,” John looked up at Hank and smiled. There were more officers involved than he’d thought.

“Ok then, It’s about Rob,” Hank started over. “I’m about to break a confidence, but it’s for his good,” Hank let that sit for a moment before continuing. “Eventually Rob is going to catch wind of our...” another pause. “Recreational activities. Especially if we meet again at my place for a one-on-one,” Hank looked at Artie and then at Gene.

“Rob is pretty straight-lace, Hank,” Artie shared. “I’ve never known him to be that tolerant about our kind of relaxation,” His gaze was hard, but there was no anger there.

“Yeah, well...” Hank began. “That’s changed,” Both men stared at Hank for a moment, then Gene broke the silence.

“Are you saying that our straight-arrow is warped?” A wide grin split his face as he made the comparison.

“It isn’t that easy,” Hank said. “And the biggest fear he has is that you,” he motioned between Artie and Gene. “You will find out and end his career,” The seriousness hit Artie immediately, but Gene didn’t quite pick it up until Hank reminded him that Rob didn’t know about this gathering.

Hank went on to explain how he’d been going down this path since the death of his wife and he would have ended up here one way or another. But it had been Rob who helped him break out. Rob had fought it. He’d been disgusted at first but acquiesced because he wanted to help his father.

Gene commented that it was so, Rob-like to do something like that, which made Hank smile. They understood Rob’s motivation and reasoning. Hank finished short of going into detail about his family affairs after the point that Rob not only accepted sex with a man but enjoyed it now.

“Well, I think the best way to handle this is to throw Rob into the deep end,” Artie proclaimed. “He’s not going to buy it if we just sit him down for a chat,” Hank was about to ask what he meant when Artie put up a hand to stop him.

Artie explained the whole plan to Hank and agreed it would take place on Rob’s next Scheduled day off. Hank would have everything they needed for the evening already out by the hot tub. Surprisingly, Artie asked if they could record the whole encounter. Hank agreed to set up the GoPro to record the hot tub.

With that settled, Artie and Gene proceeded to indulge with their respective rookies. So Hank saw no reason not to do so with John. The young man was beyond eager to engage with Hank and was straddling him as soon as Hank told him it was ok.

John scrambled up onto Hank’s lap and positioned himself over Hank’s rigid member. It slid in with ease and John sank, taking Hank fully inside of him. Hank sank back against the wall with a deep moan as the heat and snugness of John’s fuck hole enveloped his manhood.

John bent forward to rest against Hank’s chest and began moving his hips up and down. It only took a minute or two before Hank sat up, grabbed John around the waist, and buried his face in John’s chest. Then he began to buck in his seat, forcing his cock as deep as it would go.

“John suddenly cried out in a rather feminine tone, which only spurred Hank on. Hank could tell that the action on the far side of the room had come to a stop momentarily at John’s excited utterance. No matter, Hank was in the zone and focused solely on the feeling of fucking this smooth young officer.

Hank was sweating and in a daze when he came hard inside John. He was holding the young man’s body tightly and panting. John sat there, calmly with his arms around Hank’s shoulders.

“Damn, Hank!” He heard Gene’s voice off in the distance. “That was quite a show,” He thought he heard something about hydrating and too long in the heat, but just held tight to his charge. He could feel that his cock was still rigid and still inside John.

A sharp pain from something Ice cold touched his neck and he started with a strangled cry. “What the Fuck!” he turned his head in the direction of the assault and saw Artie holding a bottle of water that was sweating as the ice melted from its surface.

“Take a drink, Hank,” Artie said in a low voice. “But don’t swallow, just let it seep down your throat little by little,” He sounded genuinely concerned. “You’ll be okay in a few minutes, then we’ll get out of here.”

The warmth around Hank’s cock was suddenly gone. Hank was about to complain but was grabbed by a pair of heavily muscled arms. He was lifted and walked out of the sauna and into a cool tiled room. He heard the water running, they were in the showers.

“The water is just above body temp, Hank...” Artie was saying. “We don’t want to shock your system,” He was suddenly drenched in warm water. It felt good. He began to feel himself again. After a couple of minutes, he was able to stand on his own.

“I’ll go grab some dinner,” Gene announced and left with the three rookies. They returned fifteen minutes later with a push cart that had all sorts of items from the buffet, plates and silverware, pitchers of lemonade, iced tea, and sweating cans of soda.

After a good portion of beef tips with noodles, fried shrimp, and a twice-baked potato, plus downing several glasses of iced tea Hank felt human again. The group finished dressing, returned the cart to the kitchen, and left to head home. Artie rode beside him most of the way, just to make sure he was good.

That weekend, both Gene and Artie came by around noon, just as Barb was fixing lunch. They came straight to Hanks’s place instead of stopping at the main house. This seemed suspicious to Barb, who asked Rob to go check it out. Of course, Hank knew that would be her response.

The three had just finished undressing and settled into the hot tub when Rob knocked on the door. “Come on back!” yelled Hank. When Rob walked through the back door out to the patio he stood nonplussed at the scene. “The water’s bathtub temp,” said Hank. “Join us?”

“Captain, Sagre...” Rob nodded greeting his two superiors. Then turned to Hank. “Dad?” he asked in a puzzled tone. “Something I should know about?”

“Son,” Hank replied. “There is something...” he looked at Artie, then at Gene. “Why don’t you get in and we can discuss it,” Rob stood there for a long moment before responding.

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