My Son the Cop - Cover

My Son the Cop

Copyright© 2024 by Tarl Cabot

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Hank is retired and lonely. He's had gay leanings for a while but never acted on them. After a brief argument his son agrees to help him out. But will that come back to bite him if his job finds out? How would the Police Department react?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Facial   Sex Toys  

“We need to talk, Hank...” Barb looked pissed off. I had a bad feeling as to why.

“Come on in Barb,” I said, standing aside and letting her pass. I closed the door behind me and went to sit in my recliner. “So, what should we talk about?” I asked, nonchalantly.

“I already knew,” she stated. “I just wasn’t going to tell Rob,” Her expression was a mix of anger and confusion. “With everything out between us now, I was going to tell him,” She seemed quite upset.

“Ok, what exactly did you know?” I inquired. I was pretty sure I knew what she meant, but I was going to make her say it. Yup, coward that I am, I wasn’t going to break confidence. Two wrongs don’t make it right.

“Patrick!” she yelled. Her face was beginning to flush. “He’s gay, but you knew that didn’t you?” She clenched her fists and began hitting her thighs. “Why did you have to...”

I stopped her short. “HOLD IT!” I yelled back. I’d never yelled at her before. Hell, I’ve never really yelled before. But the past twenty-four hours had given me stress I still hadn’t dealt with. “Barbara, you need to take a deep breath and calm down before you say something you’ll regret.”

She took a startled step back and stared at me completely dumbstruck. I stood up and went to my desk. I grabbed my table and the flash drive with the video Patrick had recorded. I loaded the file and tapped play then handed the tablet to Barb.

Barb stared at the images being played out in front of her. I intentionally raised the volume so what was being said was also clear. Shock and horror filled her face when she realized what she was watching. She slapped the screen to pause the video and looked up at me.

Before she spoke again, I held up a hand and said. “Patrick recorded that,” Then I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the camera I’d put there after Patrick removed it from my bedroom. “He hid this in my bedroom,” I added. “Aside from our entire night, all that’s on there is me jacking off,”

I handed her the camera and she gasped. “This is the GoPro I got him last Christmas!”

“He was trying to see if I was gay, but caught all of us.” I walked closer to her. “Barb, he came to me. He watched the whole thing. He got excited, and came to me because he didn’t think he could go to you or Rob,” I put a hand on her shoulder. “I told him off, he can’t come here without supervision.”

“Hank,” Barb had begun crying. She leaned against me and cried into my shoulder. “None of this is anyone’s fault,” I assured her. “If you knew, then you knew he’d experiment eventually.”

Don’t say it, Hank ... Please,” But I knew she needed to hear it. The obvious statement of reality.

“Sorry Barb,” I sighed. “Better me than some random guy on the street or a careless High School kid,”

It was then that Rob came walking down the path from the main house. My door was open so he walked in. “Hey...” he said calmly, a confused look on his face. “What’s going on? Everything ok?” Barb held the tablet out to him, and I stopped her. “You sure you want to drop that on him, now?” I looked at Rob. “He just got off duty,” Barb nodded. And tried again.

“Rob, Just treat this with all the professionalism of an investigation,” I told him, and let the tablet go. Rob took the tablet and started the video from the beginning. A grin crossed Rob’s face and he looked up at me.

“Dad,” he said with a smirk, “Why are you showing my wife videos of you masturbating?”

“Yeah, that’s not the meat of the dish Buddy,” I said. But it’ll be important evidence later,” I told him to scroll the video forward to about the halfway mark. He did so and his face went blank. His fingers tightened around the tablet and he looked back at me.

“Dad?...” Barb extended the GoPro to him. “Patrick’s GoPro? What’s going on?”

“Patrick hid that in my bedroom,” I told Rob. “I already took care of the fact that he invaded my space,” I took the tablet and camera from Rob so they didn’t get broken. “He is no longer allowed in here, unsupervised.”

“Is it all on that video?” Rob asked. “The whole night?” I nodded and reminded him that it was also two days before their encounter and a day after.

“There are things you and Barb need to discuss,” I told him. “Just know, for now, Patrick did this because he needed our help and was scared. He came to me when you two weren’t available.”

Rob looked angry at first, and then a look of guilt crossed his face. That was when my phone rang. “Hello? Yeah, that’s me. Who’s calling?” The Robotic-sounding woman on the other end identified herself and told me to hold for Artie. “Your boss is calling,” I said nonchalantly. Rob Stiffened.

“Hank?” his deep baritone voice boomed in my ear. “You there? Oh Hey, How are you?”

“Great Artie,” I responded. “What’s up?”

“There’s going to be an unscheduled meeting of the partners this afternoon,” there was a ring of amusement in his voice now. “If you have time, meet me at the club, we can get you signed up and taken care of early,” Perfect. A way out of this situation to let Patrick’’s parents deal with their son.

“Sounds amazing...” I covered the phone momentarily. I knew Artie could still hear me, but I made the effort. “So Artie asked me down to the club to get signed up,” I began. Rob interrupted.

“Oh!” he exclaimed. “So you met with the Captain?” I nodded and held up the phone. “Great! Go ahead Dad, Barb and I will handle things here,” I got back on the phone.

“Artie, I’ll be there in about twenty minutes or so,” we exchanged some pleasantries and then hung up.

“I’ll be gone the rest of the afternoon,” I told them. “Promise me you won’t bring the hammer down on Patrick,” They both agreed, and Barb thanked me and apologized for her earlier outburst. Rob, took the time to let me know that his Captain usually invited officers out for drinks after a round at the club. Called it the nineteen-hole. All golfers knew about the nineteenth. When I arrived, I was greeted by a valet who asked for my membership card. I told him I was Artie’s guest and he checked my ID against his list. Once he found my name he told me to leave the key in the car and a shuttle would be here momentarily to take me to the Clubhouse.

I was able to get a good view of the lush greens as we cruised in electric luxury to the main clubhouse. Artie met me at the door and we walked in together. The main hall was huge. Fifteen, maybe twenty-foot high ceiling with a stained glass pergola capping it off. Instead of cherubs and angels, the glass portrayed golfer and caddies.

There was a large reception desk with computers and racks of loaner equipment. A pro shop to one side, a lounge on the other, and back through a large archway was a group of offices and a conference room. Artie and I stepped into the large room and he closed the door behind us.

Looking at us from across a large table were four other men. Mature, but not as old looking as Me or Artie. They motioned me to sit and Artie took the empty fifth chair behind the table. It kind of felt like a tribunal, but no one looks particularly grim.

“Let me introduce the boys to you, Hank,” Artie waved a hand across the table and introduced me to two of the other watch commanders, the public relations officer and the sergeant who handles the motor pool. I commented about the state of Artie’s bike and how the sergeant runs a tight ship.

The Sergeant, his name was Gene, asked if I had ever been an officer. “You talk as though you’ve been on the job,” he said. “Your son talks about you like you were a senior officer.”

“Somewhat,” I said. “I was a Security Patrol Company owner and certified by the LAPD Board of Commissioners. I also did about a year as a reserve,” I pulled out my billfold and slid it across the table to him. He opened it to find a shiny flat LAPD Badge replica with RESERVE OFFICER across the top and RETIRED on the number plate.

He showed it around the table and then snapped a picture of it with his phone and slid it back to me. Artie picked up a small stack of papers he’d been tapping on with a pen. He tore them in half and slid them under the table. I assumed there was a wastebasket down there.

“Well, that’s settled,” Gene said with a wry smile on his face. “Welcome to the club!” He explained that the club was owned by a group of retired California Police Chiefs. He told me that civilians who applied have a lengthy application process. Active Duty Officers get bumped to the head of the line and given special rates. Retirees pay an entrance fee, but no dues and have access to all facilities.

Gene’s phone beeped and he smiled. “Well, Hank...” he turned his phone to me and I saw a picture of my old LAPD Reservist ID Card and Badge. There was a gold seal covering the personal information. “Someone in L.A. Remembers you and likes you, Hank,” Gene grinned. “You’re in, and fees are deferred for two years if you decide to stay.”

The group welcomed me and excused themselves to finish their tasks. Artie and I went to the desk and got me a set of loaner clubs and shoes. I told him I’d dig out my clubs when I got home and bring them in to get serviced. We played the back nine holes then of course Artie invited me to the nineteenth.

After a few drinks, Artie asked if I’d care to share a steam with him. Ok, my monkey brain went straight to thoughts of him hitting on me. But I shoved those down. Not every guy out there was gay or bi and not all of them wanted to be with me.

So, shoot me for being a sucker. I was wrong. At least in this case. It became apparent that Artie was hitting on me when we got to the locker room and he began undressing. He started posing, exposing his body, and flexing his not-inconsiderable muscles.

Ok, the man was a fucking Monster. I had no idea, even at our age, why he’d be after a broken-down old fuck like me. Like I said he was tall. But beyond that, he looked like the Hulk without green skin. But the thing that made me gasp out loud was the fucking boa constrictor hanging from his crotch.

He man sported a cock nearly a foot long and as thick as a soda can. Even limp I could see the dozens of veins crisscrossing the shaft. He wasn’t circumcised, but his foreskin only covered about half the head of that monster’s cock.

I guess that if he got hard it would pop right out. Artie caught me staring and smiled but said nothing. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into the steam room. I followed. Still in awe of his overall appearance.

I sat on a bench across from him and leaned against the wall. Artie let out a sigh and then leaned forward elbows on his knees. “Did you like what you saw, Hank?” he asked. I looked across with a puzzled expression. “You were checking me out, did you like it?”

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