My Son the Cop - Cover

My Son the Cop

Copyright© 2024 by Tarl Cabot

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Hank is retired and lonely. He's had gay leanings for a while but never acted on them. After a brief argument his son agrees to help him out. But will that come back to bite him if his job finds out? How would the Police Department react?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Facial   Sex Toys  

I dropped into my recliner and motioned Patrick to sit on the loveseat. “Ok sport,” I chimed, “What’s eating your lunch?” Patrick gave me an odd look. He seemed confused by my question. “Sorry, Tell me what has you upset,” I clarified. Then he put it together and smiled.

I’ve been needing to tell Mom and Dad something for a while,” his brow was furrowed and he had turned his head and was looking down at his feet. “Everyone in my online group says I shouldn’t tell them,” I saw a tear form and then he just wiped it away and looked at me.

“They said that since I’m eighteen now they’d just kick me out and never speak to me again!” His face was a picture of fury and pain. Whatever this was, it was tearing him up. He sighed and sat back.

“First of all,” I began, pushing my chair back into a reclining position. “I taught your father better than that,” I held up a hand and began ticking off items on my fingers.”Next, no son of mine is going to kick any family member to the curb just for having a problem,”

I turned my head to look at Patrick who was watching me with fascination. “And lastly,” then I pointed at him. “Nothing you’ve got to say is bad enough to cause the World to end or the seas to go dry,” Then I gave him a thumbs up.

Patrick was quiet and in deep contemplation for a long few minutes. When his head came up and he turned to face me, his expression was firm and resolute. “You’ve got to swear that if I tell you, you won’t get mad or hate me!”

I’m not sure if he knew what the Boy Scout Salute was, but I held up my right hand in the classic Boy Scout Salute with three fingers up and my thumb crossed over my pinky in my palm. “Scout’s Honor!” I assured him.

“Okay...” he said. He was shuffling his feet and drawing patterns in his palm with his finger. “Suppose, I told you that I...” he stopped suddenly. He looked unsure and was hesitating.

“You didn’t kill someone, Did you?” I asked with mock indignation. That got an instant response and a very angry look.

“No!” he shouted. “Aww, hell...” He stood and faced me defiantly. His stance told me that he’d probably run if I said the wrong thing. “Would you be pissed off If I said I liked to Cross-Dress?”

His admission came out so quick and clipped that I almost laughed. But, I held it in and looked up at him. After a long moment, I tried giving him a look of mock surprise, but that didn’t get a reaction. So I chose the serious route instead.

“Okay Pal,” I said evenly. “This is not the weirdest thing I’ve heard in my life,” I stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go get some cold drinks, Okay?” We headed into the kitchen area to grab some refreshments.

“So you like to cross-dress?” I repeated. “First, let me ask. What’s the attraction for you?” I grabbed a couple of Root Beers and offered him some cold pizza which he declined. “What kind of feelings do you get dressing up in women’s clothing?”

He seemed stunned into silence. Taken aback by my apparent lack of concern. As if I’d just asked what he wanted for lunch. We walked back and sat down again. Patrick took a few long drinks of his soda, then looked at me again.

“It’s hard to explain,” he began. “Well, part of it is that it feels nice,” he waved a hand in front of his face as if clearing some cobwebs. “Guy’s stuff is stiff and suffocating. I like how girl’s clothes are light and airy,” his face lit up as he talked about it at length.

“There’s also the Cosplay thing,” he looked at me, waiting for me to react. I told him I was aware of Cosplay, so he went on. “Some of the characters are just cute and they have cute outfits,” he shrugged, “I wanted to try one on, and when I did I liked it!”

I held up a finger and got up. I picked up my tablet from my desk and came back. It always amazed the youngsters that a geezer like me was the least bit tech-savvy. I pulled up my cloud account and swiped over to my pictures. I found the folder marked “EquiCon Eighty-Six” and held it out to him.

Patrick scrolled through the images and then looked up at me. “Which one is you?” I couldn’t blame him for not recognizing me from almost forty years ago. So I found a picture of me in costume and gave it back to him.

He gazed at it for a few seconds, then looked up at me and back at the picture. “Seriously?” he asked. “You’re a Trekky?” I immediately corrected him and told him I was a “Trekker,” he nodded and looked back at me. That’s old Trek, huh?”

“It’s from The Wrath of Khan era,” I explained. It brought back memories of everything I went through to get the patterns and materials to make that uniform with the help of friends. I wondered if it still fit. “Hang on a minute,” I said and went to my closet in the bedroom.

I came back with the same jacket as in the picture and the turtleneck dickey that went under it. The damn thing was too heavy to wear a real turtle neck sweater under it. I put the dickey on over my shirt and then slung the jacket on and snapped it up the side. Then I adopted eh same pose as in the picture.

Patrick was thrilled, and I was met with cries of Awesome and outstanding. I ended my presentation and put the thing away. Who knows, I might yet go to another convention now that I know it still fits.

When I sat back down, I looked over at him. “So, I do understand the attraction,” I told him. “Now I know what I just showed you is on a different level, but I want you to know that I do understand and support your choices. You’re an adult for fuck sake!” Oops. “Sorry for the profanity Pal.”

“I’ve heard it before Gramps,” he chuckled. “So you’re okay with me dressing the way I like?”

I nodded and held out my hand to him. He took it and we shook. “I’ll back you no matter what you choose to do,” then I qualified. “Unless it’s illegal, then I’ll beat your ass and hand you over to your Dad,” the grin on my face seemed to convey the sarcasm of my statement.

His grin widened, and he stood up and stepped in front of my chair. “Do you want to see?” he asked excitedly. I nodded and he bolted out the door. He was back a few minutes later with a duffle bag. “Wait right there!” he instructed me. When he came back I was positively gobsmacked.

Patrick had some light makeup on and had put in some bright-colored contacts. This was framed by a long Strawberry Blonde wig. He wore a thin white blouse with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and a thin dark-colored tie hung around the opened collar. He had a choker on with a small jewel in the center.

A short, blue-white, and gray pleated skirt hung down to about mid-thigh and he wore bulky socks below the calves and white Mary-Janes. I had to admit, he looked ... Well he looked really cute.

The surprise on my face must have been quite evident. I was staring openly at him and taking in every inch. If I didn’t know this was my Grandson, I would have sworn a teenage girl was standing in my living room.

Someone was saying something. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Wow, Pal ... you look ... Well, there’s no other way to say it, You look stunning!” My compliment hit him full on and his smile nearly blinded me.

“That whole ensemble is you,” I went on as I stood and walked closer to him. I walk around him and take full stock. Damn, he had some nice legs. “You are Rocking this like nobody’s business Patrick.”

I heard him giggle and it sounded distinctly feminine. Then he said, “Patty, please.” I stopped and gave a questioning look. “When I’m dressed I prefer to be called Patty,” I blinked with understanding then stepped back a step and took his, her hand.

“Well then Patty,” I lifted her hand to my lips and just touched them to the back of his hand. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Patty blinked, and a blush rose on her cheeks.

When I stepped back, Patty blinked at me. “Wow ... Gramps, you really are the charmer, aren’t you?”

I winked and said, “You have no idea,” I took Patty’s hand again and asked. “May I have a dance?” Then I placed my hand on Patty’s waist and held the other out to our sides. Patty’s blush deepened.

“Umm ... Gramps, maybe we can hold off on that for another time?” Patty excused herself and came back shortly as Patrick. “Would you dance with me, like that? In public?”

I glared at him and asked sharply. “Are you suggesting that I should be embarrassed to be seen with my Grandson...” I stopped. Snarled, and finished. “My Granddaughter, in public?” Patrick just laughed at my obvious acting and hugged me.

Oh lord, I’m going to hell. First my son, then his wife, now I’m falling for my Grandson? I’m sure there’s a special place in Hell for me.

That night my sleep was fitful and I had conflicted dreams about Rob, Barb, and Patrick. Hell, I didn’t even know if Patrick was Bi or Gay, just that he liked women’s clothes. I woke up after only a couple of hours of sleep and decided to take a soak in a cold hot tub. It was bracing, to say the least.

The day was pretty mild as the weather went. So, shirtless in only a pair of baggy board shorts, I made a cup of coffee, went out to the front porch, and sat gazing out at the main house. All the shades were closed and the house looked empty. I knew that wasn’t the case.

About halfway through the cup, Rob came strolling to the back door of the house and headed for my place. He had a perplexed look on his face as he approached. “Coffee?” he asked and I pointed to the door. I handed him my cup as he passed as well.

He came back with two fresh steaming cups and handed mine back. He took several sips before a sigh escaped his lips and while looking at nothing asked. “So Hina is here also?” I grunted affirmatively. “Can you tell me what went on last night?” he asked quietly.

I laid out the entire night for him and he just nodded as I told the tale. “Was Barb satisfied with how the night went?” he asked and I again grunted affirmatively.

“For now,” I told him. “I have a feeling all this new experimentation is going to bring out the real freak in her,” I filled him in on the details of last night, how she’d been hiding Hina’s virginity, and importantly how Hina had sacrificed it on the alter of my dick for the sake of a thrill.

“Dad,” Rob asked quietly. “Is all this wrong?” I looked over at him. His face was contorted and he seemed troubled.

“What happened last night, Buddy?” he laid out the entire scenario of the multi-car accident on the freeway. Three unlucky souls didn’t survive. One woman and two teenage boys. None related to each other, but it still had an impact on Rob. Any time someone died it troubled him.

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