Trade-offs - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 7

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Karen trades her self respect for her husband's corporate advancement. Then trades her mind and body for the approval of a mysterious gypsy.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting  

It wasn’t as if the corporation handed out bonuses like popcorn, so it was almost three weeks before Karen got a call from the corporate social director indicating that her “services” had been requested by a special assistant in R&D who apparently had devised a new product for development and marketing.

“Who is he,” she asked.

“Ron Taylor. He has suggested Friday. He will pick you up at your home at 7:00 for dinner,” said the voice on the phone.

“Will this be overnight?”

“That will be up to him, but you’d better plan on it.”

“I understand. I’ll be ready Friday at 7:00.”

“Very well,” said the voice and the line went dead.

She and Roger talked about her upcoming “date” several times, sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously. Karen worried that the man would be ugly, old and obese, so she had Roger secured a photo of him to prepare her for her tryst. She was at least somewhat pleasantly surprised to find him a moderately handsome man in his mid thirties with a fit, if not muscular, physique.

Karen thought about wearing the same outfit she had worn to the Mansfield’s but Roger reminded her she was going to need a new wardrobe for her “social obligations,” so she went shopping, buying a half dozens outfits, all revealing and sensuous but not scandalous.

As Friday rolled around she fidgeted even though Roger assured her it could not be any more sensual than her tryst with the Mansfields.

She spent a good deal of the time on Friday preparing for her encounter. A long bath, shampooing her hair, a daub or two of cologne behind ears and in her neatly trimmed bush.

She thought to herself that she was being silly. What did it matter how she looked or dressed? After all this was probably a one time encounter never to be repeated and with a man she cared nothing for. Yet she knew that the impressions she made in these encounters would get back to the higher ups, maybe even to Mansfield himself and that could cost Roger the Vice Presidency. So she was meticulous in making herself as attractive and alluring as possible.

When the doorbell rang at last, Roger opened the door to the man who was going to spend the night with his wife.

“Ron Taylor?” Asked Roger.

“Uh, yes,” said the embarrassed man who had obviously not expected to meet the man with whose wife he would soon be sharing a bed.

“I’m Roger, her husband. Come in, Karen will be joining us shortly.”

Each man warily looked the other over.

“Honey, your ... date is here,” shouted Roger.

“Right here,” smiled Karen who entered as seductively as she could manage in such an awkward situation.

“Hi, I’m, Ron,” said the younger man shaking hands with the lovely housewife.

““And I’m Karen. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

“Well now the two of you can get to know each other very well,” offered Roger as Ron helped Karen on with her wrap.

“Good night, sweetheart,” she said kissing her husband on the cheek.

“So, I will be seeing you tomorrow?” Asked Roger.

Karen looked to Ron who nodded affirmatively.

“Tomorrow it is,” she said and the two turned and walked out the door.

Although he and Karen had talked this through several times Roger still felt the pangs of jealousy eat at him as he headed to the kitchen to dine alone while images played out in his mind of his lovely wife being stripped naked and defiled by the man he met only moments ago. For Roger it would be a restless night.

“Am I your first, “bonus” at Astron?” asked Karen.

The two were enjoying some wine after a delicious meal and pleasant conversation at an intimate little restaurant he had selected. Lilting strains of orchestral music quietly created the atmosphere which the diners obviously enjoyed along with the sumptuous food. The two were seated near some plantings which combined with the physical separation provided by a partition, provided almost complete privacy.

“Is it that obvious?” He asked in return, a bit embarrassed.

“Well, if it’s any comfort, it’s my first time too,” she said with a coy smile.”

“I must admit your husband surprised me. I really wasn’t expecting to meet him.”

“Roger has accepted my role in helping him climb the corporate ladder. Since we’re new at this, things may be a bit ... uncomfortable.”

“To say the least,” he smiled. “I’m afraid I couldn’t be as accepting as your husband if my wife...” He had put his foot in his mouth and was now looking for a way out.

“Was spending the night with another man? Oh, he’s not crazy about the idea, but we both know what’s at stake and besides,” she said putting her hand on Ron’s, “it’s not like I don’t enjoy my work.”

They shared a laugh.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Karen.”

“Why, thank you Ron. It’s always nice to hear a man say that.”

“Or woman?” He added. “I’ve seen the looks you’re garnered this evening from both men and women.”

“It’s always nice to hear, from whomever.”

“If you’re amenable I’ve arranged for a little surprise,” he said motioning for the bill.

“Of course,” she responded accepting his pulling the wrap about her shoulders. I like pleasant surprises.”

“I thank you’ll find this enjoyable,” he said as he signed the bill and escorted her out into the slightly brisk night air.

Standing at the curb was a horse drawn carriage, the driver smiling at the couple assuming they were married or at least dating.

“Once around?” He asked as the couple stepped into the carriage.

“Maybe twice,” smiled Ron as they pulled away from the curb to the clop clop of the horses.

Seeing she was a bit chilled by the night air, he offered his arm around her shoulders which Karen accepted, scooting closer against him, feeling his manly frame and warmth as he hugged her to him.

“This is nice, Ron, truly nice,” she said snuggling even closer.

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