Trade-offs - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 13

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Karen trades her self respect for her husband's corporate advancement. Then trades her mind and body for the approval of a mysterious gypsy.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting  

Karen knew the marriage was over, but could not leave Roger yet for she had a second command from Tatia to fulfill. She and Roger continued to live together in the same house but were now sleeping in separate bedrooms and rarely spoke. She cleaned and prepared meals, but they actually refused a couple of dinner invitations, something unusual for Roger and Karen.

However the annual company ball was approaching and Roger, explaining how important it was for his image as VP, asked if she would attend with him. Surprisingly Karen accepted and as the day grew near she shopped for a new outfit one that while elegant was also near scandalously revealing in both front and back showing cleavage she knew would attract every man and most women as she danced and talked with the Astron executives.

“Wow! I have to say, you’re really going to attract a lot of attention in that outfit,” said Roger as they prepared to leave.

“Isn’t that what a whore is supposed to do?” she answered.

“Look, I know I said somethings I shouldn’t have...” he began, but she turned and walked out the door and to the car without listening.

The ball was held in the corporate pavilion, lavishly decorated with a twelve piece ensemble providing lilting tunes mixed with classical numbers.

As expected the moment they arrived all eyes were on Karen who, following her mandate from Tatia, entered smiling and began flirting with first one man and then another as Roger stood in the background a bit uncomfortable that Karen was monopolizing most of the attention of the men who actually jostled a bit in order to get a closer eye full of this luscious beauty.

“Don’t you think you’re overdoing it a bit?” asked Roger who finally got close enough to whisper in her ear.

“Why Roger, Darling,” she answered, “it’s all part of being a whore.” And with that she joined a group of top executives who parted eagerly to accept her into their circle.

“Who wants to dance?” she asked flirtatiously.

A number began to offer, but it was the company executive Todd Mansfield, who took her hand and led her onto the dance floor.

“Are you enjoying being an Astron wife?” he asked, smiling.

“Well, I did fuck everyone on that yacht you sent me to. Does that make me a good Astron wife?” she responded.

“Was it not to your liking?”

“Does it matter? You see, Roger will be staying with the company, but we are getting a divorce. I will be leaving.”

“Oh, really? Just like that?” he asked.

“Yes, just like that. But tonight is so special It’s almost like a going away party for one more of your corporate whores.”

“I am sorry to hear about you and Roger. Any chance you might change your mind?”

“None. He wants Astron and I do not. it’s as simple as that. He gets what he wants and I get my freedom.”

“Well,” said the CEO, “then tonight is special. You should enjoy yourself.”

“I intend to. Would you like to enjoy me on the balcony,” she said smiling coyly.

“Absolutely!” he smiled in return.

They walked onto the deserted balcony, the French doors closed behind them offering a modicum of privacy.

Neither seeing any reason to wait, Karen pulled back the slit that ran from ankle to waist revealing she wore no panties.

“Take what you want,” she said.”Tonight i’m still your corporate whore. Tomorrow I won’t be.”

Glancing to make sure no one was approaching the balcony, Mansfield backed her against the railing, unzipped his pants and unceremoniously was into her.

“Like it standing up?” she asked.

“Oh yes, I have to say you are quite delightful Mrs. Jenkins.”

“That too will change as of tomorrow. So this is your last night to fuck this VPs wife.”

His ministrations became stronger and Karen, here on a mission, feigned arousal but her fake whines and grunts only intensified his efforts until she felt his body jerk and his warm seed fill her.

Oh, my!” He said smiling, “It will be a shame to lose a woman with your talents.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding lots more Astron whores to put out for you.”

“True, but not many with the body and sensuality of you my dear. Now if you will excuse me, I am the CEO and my presence is expected,” he said motioning to the ballroom.

“Of course. Perhaps you would like to reward another of your corporate execs with my talents.”

“So, you do intend to make this a last night to remember,” he laughed. “Yes, I’ll send you another...”

“Customer?” She interrupted, “or should we call them clients or maybe just johns. We whores have a number of names we call you.”

The conversation becoming uncomfortable, Mansfield took his leave and rejoined the others in the ballroom.

Only a minute or two later, Ralph Conners, a member of the Board of Directors joined her and was quick to partake of her treasures before returning to the ballroom and sending Karen another “customer,” Bill Towbridge from Engineering. After him it was Brad Shimmerman and then Bob Deacon and ... the list went on and on, Karen offering herself to each, not a single one turning down such a luscious prize.

Karen would take a break now and then, rejoin the ball and circulate, but before long she would be back on the balcony screwing every man sent to her by her last “customer.”

Roger, who had also been circulating, even dancing with a couple of corporate wives began to wonder when he saw Karen take her leave and visit the balcony. He really became suspicious however, when he saw Larry Duvall follow Karen onto the balcony. Larry was not particularly good looking but a company man through and through. He wondered what Karen could possibly have in common with the pipsqueak from R&D who couldn’t interest a woman if his life depended on it. But when Larry returned, trying to hide it, but still trying to get his zipper up, it left little doubt as to what his wife was doing on the balcony. Still not convinced, he unobtrusively observed for the next twenty minutes the virtual parade of men making their way onto the balcony and returning with broad smiles only to whisper in the ear of another colleague who would then take his leave and visit the balcony.

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