Trade-offs - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 10

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Karen trades her self respect for her husband's corporate advancement. Then trades her mind and body for the approval of a mysterious gypsy.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting  

After the three shared a mid afternoon swim, Karen took a long bath and prepared for dinner. The Monets had promised something special and they delivered. While three of the crew, already ashore on the small uninhabited island, prepared the dinner on a spit, Pierre, Brigitte and Karen motored ashore and sat around the open spit fire. The meal, as usual, was delicious.

After dinner the three, dressed casually, walked along the beach allowing the water to wash across their bare feet, the final rays of the sun turning the horizon golden.

“This is absolutely wonderful,” breathed Karen. “I just never dreamed there could be anything as beautiful.”

“All the more beautiful since you are here,” smiled Pierre.

“Do you live on the boat?” Asked Karen.

“While we are here in Bermuda. We also have a villa in Spain, a ranch in Argentina and a chateau in Colorado. Next week we are headed for Spain. Care to come along?”

Karen was again speechless.

“You ... you are aware I’m married?”

“Of course, Darling, so are we!” Laughed Brigitte, “but that is a matter easily taken care of. A sizable check here, a deposit there and you are free as a bird.”

“But my husband...”

“He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself. After all, he is a Vice- President now.”

“I ... I don’t think I could do that to him.”

“What are you doing to him, Karen,” spoke up Pierre. “As a VP he can have any woman in the corporation.”

“I don’t think it works quite like that.”

“Perhaps not, but he will be as free to find suitable women as you are to find men and women to satisfy you.”

“No ... that is ... it’s tempting, especially if I could be with the two of you, but...”

“World travel, exotic places, foods ... and most of all men and women who will provide you with all the “entertainment” you would ever want.”

“I ... I...” she stammered.

“Think about it,” said Pierre. Your visit is not up until the end of the week. Perhaps you can decide then.”

“I ... yes, I’ll ... I’ll think about it.”

And so they continued their sojourn around the small island arriving back where they had started just as the crew was finishing cleaning up and stowing the materials.

As the last embers of the fire began to fade, Karen saw for the first time the female crew member. She was imposing. Swarthy, standing at over six feet, the woman was attractive with cold almost black eyes, hair of ebony, angular lines in her imposing attractive face and a muscular build which gave her the undeniable appearance of strength and power. There was also an undefinable but mysterious air to the woman. Karen had met some imposing women in her time, but nothing like this amazon.

The woman looked up from her work for a moment and her eyes met those of Karen who was strangely drawn to her. Karen had an instant dislike of the woman for she had to admit she was frightened of her. The woman leered for a moment, Karen unable to break the hold she had already established on the smaller woman. Then, after a very uncomfortable moment for Karen, seemingly satisfied she had established dominance over the smaller woman, she broke the stare and went back to work.

“That’s Tatia,” smiled Brigitte. “Careful, you’re playing with fire.”

As night fell and they prepared to leave, Karen again caught sight of the woman who now fascinated as well as frightened her.

“Back in a minute, I think I left something.” She said to the others and headed back among the trees where she had seen Tatia disappear moments ago.

Walking in the near darkness with only the moon to illuminate the path, Karen was brought up sort by a figure which suddenly loomed out of the darkness.

“Well, well, if it isn’t miss bend over and take it from behind,” came a snarl.

“Oh, I must have taken the wrong path. I...”

“Oh you took the path you wanted all right,” said the much larger woman. Even in the semi-darkness Karen could tell the woman was attractive, but it was her size and physique which absolutely stunned the American.

“No, I must get back.”

“You’re not going anywhere until I say you can!” said the amazon moving forward and pinning Karen to a tree.

“Let me go! I’ll scream!”

“No you won’t, because you’re not only afraid of me, you also know what I can give you.”

“No, I don’t want anything from you,” pleaded Karen.

“Oh yes you do!” Smirked Tatia. “You’ve never had it from someone like me, but now you can. You want it, my little bitch/whore. You want it so bad you can taste it!”

“No...” cried Karen but although she tried to fight off the larger woman, she was easily pinned against the tree, both arms held over her head by one muscled hand while the other ripped the blouse away and began kneading her breasts and nipples.

“I’m so going to enjoy fucking you,” grinned Tatia.

“No ... Please!” cried Karen, tears running down her cheeks.

It was at that moment that they heard the voices of the Monets and the other crew calling, obviously searching for Karen and the missing member of the crew.

“Saved by your friends tonight, but I’ll have you little miss bitch/whore. Come to my cabin tonight at 11:00. I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. You’ll cry for mercy but I’ll just keep fucking you until you can’t take it anymore and then ... then my lovely little bitch/whore I’ll fuck you some more. Remember, tonight at 11:00. Come and get what you’ve never had before!”

“No ... I ... I won’t.” But the denial held no strength and they both knew it.

“Oh, I think you will,” smiled Tatia. “I know your kind. You may like a nice polite roll in the hay, but you don’t have any idea what you’re missing.”

“I can’t ... I won’t.”

“MY CABIN! AT 11:00,” snarled Tatia turning Karen loose to run back toward the sounds of the others.

“Oh, there you are,” said Brigitte as Karen emerged from the path. “We were getting worried.”

“I ... I thought I had lost my bracelet so I went looking for it. Uh ... Tatia was nice enough to help me find it. See?” She said holding up her arm to show them. Of course the bracelet had been there all along but Karen hoped no one noticed.

The amazon emerged from the trees, a confident smile on her face which did not go unnoticed.

“Your blouse,” observed Brigitte, “it’s torn.”

“I ... caught it on a bush when I was looking for the bracelet.”

“Well, I’m glad you found it. Come, Dear, it’s time to go back to the boat.”

Once, whlie walking back to the landing site, Karen looked back briefly at Tatia who simply returned a very confident smirk. Karen was frightened of the woman, but, she had to admit, excited as well. What was it that attracted her so to Tatia? The woman was crude, threatening even, but when they returned to the boat and Karen was alone in her cabin, the mere thought of Tatia and Karen realized her pants were soaking wet.

Brigitte answered the knock on her cabin door.

“Ah, Karen, Dear. To what do I owe this surprise?”

“I ... I need some advice.”

“Well, I’ll certainly try. Come in.”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” began Karen.

“No, not at all. Pierre is forward talking sailing with the captain. He loves to think of himself as a sailor. They will be talking boats until the wee hours.”

“I need your advice ... about Tatia.”

Brigitte smiled, “Ah, Tatia, eh?”

“Yes, she ... she came on to me on the island earlier this evening.”

“So the bracelet and the torn blouse?” Asked Brigitte.

“I ... I lied. I’m sorry. I was embarrassed and...”

“It’s all right. Pierre and I had already surmised what had happened. So what about you and Tatia?”

“She ... she wants me to come to her cabin tonight.”


“And I’m just not sure that I should.”

“Afraid of her?”

“Yes. She’s so intimidating ... her size, her speech, the way she comes on to me.”

“Karen, let me give you a little background on Tatia. She is of Romanian heritage. She says her family were Gypsies and that her mother gave her an unusual gift, the ability to control women. She has been with our boat crew for about four years now. She lives on the boat and helps take care of it while Pierre and I are elsewhere. She has done her job well which is why we keep her as part of the crew, but ... there is a strangeness to Tatia. Yes, she is big and strong and probably in a fight could defeat any of the men on board if she wanted. But while she threatens with her size and strength, the real threat is what she can do to you psychologically.”

“What do you mean, “asked Karen.

“She has a strange ability to destroy your self esteem. She knows how to make you do what she wants.”

“You mean like hypnosis?”

“No, not exactly. It’s like she first destroys your own self image and then makes you want to be her ... for want of a better word ... slave.”

“Surely, not in one evening,” opined Karen.

“That’s just it. Yes, she can. What would normally take weeks or months to destroy your psyche, she can somehow accomplish in a matter of hours. I’m not kidding, Karen. I’ve seen her do it with other women.”

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