Friend Zoned - Cover

Friend Zoned

Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh

Chapter 4: Soju

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Soju - Wedge Donovan was a rough and ready weapons troop; Roxie Dawson was an aircraft electrician with a dark secret. They meet at Kunsan Air Base and the sparks fly. Wedge falls for this beauty, but he finds out that she's a lesbian. Being lonely and desperate for friendship, Wedge adjusts to life in the Friend Zone, but how long will that last? On the flightline, in the dorm, something's got to give.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Military   Workplace   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Sunday morning Wedge went over to the BX and bought a bicycle, a black Huffy 15 speed mountain bike. He added a headlight, rear cargo fender and folding saddle baskets, making it look just like 2,000 other bikes on base. Wedge added some gold (not yellow) reflective tape to several parts of the frame, and he figured he’d be able to find it in a blackout. He had a microwave coming in his hold baggage, so he also bought an electric kettle, and a griddle. After a ride around the base, he parked his bike in the ‘carport’ under his dorm and locked it up, then went back to his room and opened his other purchases.

He could have the microwave in his room, but a kettle and a griddle were not allowed, so he hid them in his locker until they were needed. Wedge did not have a meal card; he was paid extra for his food, therefore; Wedge wasn’t allowed to eat in the chow hall. He had to provide his own meals, so he got some bacon, some eggs, a loaf of bread and a few frozen hamburgers. Then he sat down and opened a book. It was then he realized that he should have bought a radio, too.

A bit later, feeling peckish, he knocked on Roxie’s door, but she didn’t answer. He suddenly felt very alone. They were just buddies. There was nothing between them at all, he kept telling himself, but he still felt incredibly alone. It was his first truly Roxie free day, and he felt empty and lost.

Not being able to concentrate on the book he was trying to read, he remembered a sign he saw hanging at the rec center. It was a request for volunteers at MARS, the Military Affiliate Radio Service, to help patch phone calls back home, which got him thinking of going over to the MARS shack and seeing what volunteering there would look like when a knock came at his door. He opened it and a guy and a girl were standing in the hallway, holding Roxie up. She was clearly drunk. “Is this yours?”

“If she’s available, I’ll take her,” said Wedge.

Slowly, Roxie’s bleary eyes opened, and she cried, “Wedgie!” She threw her arms around his neck and limply hung from him. “I think I’m a lil’ drunk ... do you think I’m a lil’ drunk Wedgie?”

“I’ll take it from here,” said Wedge as Roxie hung limply from his neck.

“She got into the Soju, it’s pretty potent.”

“I was at the hospital hooch,” Roxie slurred. “They’re my friends at the Hospital Hooch.”

“What is Soju?” Wedge asked.

“Mmmm ... best guess is Korean rice vodka. It mixes with everything,” said the woman who handed Roxie’s purse to Wedge. “Need any help?”

“No, we’re good, thank you.”

“Is this her room?” asked the guy who gave Wedge that glare that officers like to use. He sucked at it so he’s probably a lieutenant trying to perfect The Glare.

“No, she’s my suite mate. I’ll try to sober her up then get her back to her room next door.”

“Thanks guy,” said the woman.

“Thanks Wedgie,” said Roxie and she started giggling. Then she said, “Take me home Wedgie.” When the door was closed, Wedge ducked, slipped an arm behind her knees and scooped her up. “Sho romantic,” she said, her pretty dark brown eyes spinning around. “Wanna know a secret? I don’t date white guys.”

“Because you’re a lesbian?”

“You’re funny. I’m not lesbian, who told you I was lesbian?”


“Oh.” Roxie acted like that was a surprise to her.

“So why don’t you date white guys?” Wedge asked.

Roxie thought about it and then finally said, “I don’t know, but there’s got to be something wrong with them if I don’t date them.”

“That sounds reasonable.” He laid her down on his bed, pulled her shoes off, then pulled a soft, cozy mink blanket over her.

“Give me a ni-night kiss,” she pleaded.

“I don’t know,” he said, “You’re awful...” but she looped her arm around his neck and pulled him to her. Their lips met, and they kissed, not a hot, passionate kiss but a sweet, slightly sloppy kiss. It was the first kiss in a long time for either of them. When their lips parted, Wedge whispered, “thank you, that was sweet,” but Roxie was already asleep.


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