Bad Portal Wizard King - Cover

Bad Portal Wizard King

Copyright© 2024 by Gnome De Ploom

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Bad Portal Wizard King is number three in the Bad Portal Series. The High Wizard Khurick Atorn is still a troubleshooter for his God, Loditte. In this story, he becomes the High Wizard for the country of Alpthanis. The current Grand Wizard of the Royal League of Magic Users is a pervert. He abuses his young charges, magic users who are children and teens. It does not go well for the high wizard when Khurick catches him at his nastiness. 5 chapters, series finale.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Romantic   Gay   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Magic   First   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Royalty  


This story begins with young Pik - Pickeridge Strunquet. A young lad destined to grow up to be a powerful magic user someday.

The first time Pik noticed his magic peculiarity, he was six years old and trying to sneak up on a tiny baby bunny. The mother bunny was off across a small clearing and not paying much attention to her babies.

The baby bunny ran, and when it dived into its hole. Pik tried to grab it, but his hand somehow went through the ground, and unthinkingly, he grabbed the bunny. Somehow, his hand had passed through the dirt and grass! He did not feel a thing other than a mild tingle. Punching through the ground should have hurt or at least scraped him up.

He bought the bunny back up through the rabbit hole. He knew his hand had gone right through the solid ground. He ‘felt’ the bunny could ‘not’ come back up the same way.

He passed the bunny up through Mrs. Rabbit’s entrance. He petted it for a few minutes and jumped up and left when momma bunny started screeching at him. Boy, she got loud.

The second time, Pik noticed a magic peculiarity. He was nine this time and running fast, trying to pass his sister, Edel. All seven of the Strunquet kids were playing hide and seek and she could get around trees real fast. Pik wanted to get to the safety stone first.

Pik was in such a hurry his shoulder passed partially through a green oak trunk. It tingled much like the first abnormality had with the baby bunny.

He did get ahead of Narcissia momentarily. Luckily, she didn’t see him hit the tree and pass through it. Unfortunately, Pik stumbled when his mind kicked in. He realized what had just occurred. Narcissia caught him when he’d stumbled.

He begged off the game then and went to the well and got some water. He sat under a tree and thought about what had just happened. He felt like he had a belly ache. He had felt a bad feeling deep inside.

He knew that he could have some kind of magic in him. His father is an Earth mage, and his Mother is a minor witch healer and midwife. As far as he knew, he was the only one out of seven to show any sign of magic so far. All magic users had to go to the capital to be trained.

He was frightened because he knew he would have to leave home. He could not hide this magic for very long. After initial training would be apprenticed to a mage. That meant he had to leave home. He would leave his parents and his brothers and sisters, too. That struck a real fear in him. Pik was now destined to leave this farm and village for the city. All mages with any power lived in a city.

After the evening meal, Pik asked his parents for a few minutes to talk with them.

Pik said, “Mother, Father, uhm, I have discovered I have some weird type of magic.”

Umme, Pik’s Mother, said, “What do you mean by weird, son?”

Pik said, “Mother, I can sometimes put my hand or arm through something.”

Ager, his father, said, “You put your hand through something?”

Pik said, “Yes, Father, today I ran partway into a tree and passed right through it without hurting myself. The tree was just fine, too. I have no real control over this magic. It seems to happen when I am excited in some way.”

Ager sighed unhappily, “Well, you know what this means. I guess I need to take you to the Royal League for testing. I will take you there after all the pears are picked and stored in the cellar. Let your brothers and sisters know. I am sure they will be sad to see you go.”

“Yes, father.”

That night, he joined 11-year-old Edel and 12-year-old Ihith in their common bed. The four younger kids slept in the bunk above.

Pik quietly told the two girls he was destined to move to the capitol. They both clutched him to them. Sandwiched between their growing soft bodies, he cried along with them. He knew he would miss this closeness and the sisterly intimacy they shared with him.

Edel has little bumps, but Ihith has a larger, softer area growing out. He knew she was destined someday to grow big breasts, much like their Mother. He was going to miss seeing that transformation from little girl to womanhood.

Pik has many thoughts about that mystery of life. Little shapeless girls blossoming into womanhood. Oh my. They were all three changing. He got hard often now, even when he didn’t have to pee.

He had wanted to be there to see the transformation of his sisters from girl to woman. He had a curiosity about these things. The girls both held his head between their chests as they went to sleep. They were much like three peas in a pod. He fell asleep nestled in their tiny breasts.

Time passed very slowly for Pik. It seemed to take forever for the family to get the pears picked and carried down to the cellar. The passage of time for a child is sometimes quite slow.

Eventually, one day too soon, his father, Ager, hitched up the family cart. The two set off for Eleschester, the capital of their country called Alpthanis. He’d said a long, tearful goodbye to his Mother and siblings. He knew it was unlikely that he would see any of them ever again.

Pik was at the Royal League of Magic Users for a week when something terrible happened to him. He was called into the Grand Wizards office. Things got blurry in there. He was frightened beyond anything he had experienced before.

Later, they found the grand Wizard dead. He’d reportedly had a heart attack. Every time he thought of that last meeting with Pervras, Pik’s heart beat like hell and he felt very sick. He knew HE KNEW he had killed the evil man. The Wizard had tried being nasty with him.

Pervras had tried to have sex with him. He had taken him to his office couch and Pervras’s hands had been all over Pik. Pik had gotten hyper-excited and afraid, very afraid.

He tried to push away, but then he realized his hand had slipped inside Pervras just as it had the ground and the tree before. Wanting to hurt Pervras and make him stop, he squeezed wherever his hand was. Pervras grunted and slid over to the floor.

Pik got up and looked at the man. He did not seem to breathe. Pik thought for a while and realized he had likely squeezed the man’s heart. He had squeezed the evil man’s heart like it was a rotted fruit. It was not a little squeeze; it was the squeeze of a frightened farm boy. A skinny boy, but one that is still quite strong.

He had accidentally killed Pervras.

Khurick Khurick stepped out on a new world. He found himself standing in the middle of an open sandy stadium. This time, the trip did not require much of his energy. He arrived relatively fresh feeling.

There are thousands of seats around the stadium. Some of them are full. Khurick saw an area to the side where there were devices for working out physically. Another area looked to be for glide training.

Khurick assumed he was about to be challenged, so be it.

He called his best cobalt-colored Wizardly robes and extracted his biggest, most impressive staff.

One man, a man wearing Red, said. “And who are you?”

I said, “Who the fuck are you?”

He said, “I will tell you after we fight.”

I chuckled, “I felt someone draw me here. Someone is going to pay for that wicked deed. Where I live, what he did is called kidnapping. It is considered a most heinous crime.”

I set my staff to dripping sparks. It’s as if a wet fountain of electricity is flowing up the staff and dropping off the head like a fountain of water. A very dangerous flow of electrical power.

The mage in Red started to send red balls of something my way. Yes, red energy balls. Not electricity but some kind of raw mage power. The balls did not move fast; they seemed to float leisurely my way.

I could let them hit me. They would subsume into me with no problem. I don’t want them to know I’m ‘that’ powerful, not yet anyway.

I set three layers of shields.

The red power balls are semi-tough. Each power ball the mage in red sent got through an outer shield and was stopped by the second. I simply created another shield inside the two remaining. I pushed the three ring shields out each time I added one. As I added inner shields, the Red would take out another outer shield. I could have added ten shields between us and brought the attack to a quick close.

For fun, I began adding shields using alternating colors; green, red, yellow, magenta, orange, and so on. I kept it to three. No need to be boastful.

The mage in Red was sweating profusely and looking a bit worse for wear. I was bored. I stopped the sparks and pointed my staff at the sand underneath him. I started a vibration, and the red mage began to sink down into my liquefied quicksand. I waited until he was down to his upper shoulders before stopping.

I walked over to him. I levitated him halfway up and stuck my hand out.

I said, “Hello, Khurick Atorn, Arch Wizard originally from planet Rukac.”

He smiled and said, “Mage Red Andudarin at your service, pleased to meet you.”

He stepped out of the hole in the sand and onto the level part of the fighting ring.

I said, “The person that drew me here?”

He said, “Sorry, we all did that. We did not have a Wizard. All you see before you are mages. We have no wizard-level practitioners.”

Red said. “Sir Wizard, our old Grand Wizard died unexpectedly a few days ago. Usually, when we need a new Wizard, the Royal League does a summoning. Then, our next Wizard appears magically. It always works. It is our tradition. That way, we get excellent wizards.

I said, “Hmm. You’ve summoned a Wizard, all right. I knew I was going to travel somewhere. I felt the draw to leave where I was before this. This must be where I am intended to be, or my own Master would have already intervened and sent me somewhere else.”

Red said, “Your master is...”

I said, “A nameless god. He and I seldom talk. He sends me places, sometimes I am there for many years, other times for several months like my last sojourn. I travel at his behest and timetable. I’m here however long it takes me to fix things. You said ‘almost always?’ I sense a story.”

He said, “Well, welcome to Eleschester City, the capital of Alpthanis. Alpthanis could be considered a very large island or a small continent. We are members of the Royal League of Magic Users.”

I said, “I am to be the new boss around here?”

He said, “Certainly. This is how we get our new Grand Wizards. You were called; the Universe sent you. You had to defeat the senior mage; that’s me. We have done this for thousands of annums. So far, no Wizard has failed to take the mantle. It is a pretty posh job, after all.”

I said, “Alright. Do you have food here? I think I ported a billion parsecs. I could do with a bite.”

Red said, “Certainly, follow me, Sir Wizard. By the way, what kind of Wizard are you?”

Khurick said, “Oh, pretty much every kind except for necromancy and devil worship, I won’t do that crap. I may look young, but I am not. I have been studying for an inordinately long time, several normal lifetimes. I have found a few dragons that are better than me, but hey, they were REALLY, really old by comparison.”

He said, “So, this was not your first magic duel?”

I said, “Ha-ha. Good heavens, no. I traveled a lot on my home planet. Any time you went to a new town or city, you were expected to duel with somebody. It was entertainment for all. In most cities, it was done in a large arena with the local population watching. It was quite exciting. It helps keep you sharp, too.”

Red said, “Why in heaven did you do that?”

I said, “My world, Rukac, is quite peaceful. We do public duels as a reminder to people of how bad things were in the old days. Think of it as high theater. It reminds you how bad it used to be.”

I continued, “Rukac has atrophied or is very advanced, depending on your view. It’s a kind of decadent civility. We have almost no war anymore. Most diseases have been conquered in one way or another. Our environment is in balance. In one word, it has become incredibly boring.”

Red visibly shuddered, “Not sure I could live there. I like excitement and change too much. Here we are. These are your quarters. Your attendants will take care of you, Arch Wizard Khuric Atorn. You are also the Grand Wizard of the Royal League of Magic Users. Until tomorrow morning.”

I said, “Thank you, Mage Red Andudarin, until tomorrow.”

I went through the door, wondering what or who to expect.

My mind was going over how I had arrived here. The Alpthanis language was already imprinted into my mind. That item may be integral to their call for a new Grand Wizard. If a wizard arrived without their language and then was set upon by someone like Red had, people could surely die.

I walked in from an outer room and was rapidly surrounded by a bevy of teen girls jumping up and down in gleeful exuberance. They all vied for my attention. They were all in skimpy diaphanous outfits of different pastel shades. The outfits allowed me lots of peeks at a breast here and a bum there. One girl even flashed me with her small, fluffy-looking privates.

I now had an idea of how posh my new posting was going to be. This is really posh, and I don’t mean the sybaritic setting. The furnishings are something else. How decadent can you get? Evidently immeasurably or over-the-top decadent.

The girls are certainly the coup de grâce; they will likely be the end of me. It was hard to count with them all in constant motion demanding my attention. I think there are around a dozen.

The previous Wizard was apparently a crotchety old jerk. He had renamed the pretty girls One through Twelve. Really? He had decreed they were now their legal names.

I wholeheartedly approve of their outfits. I had seen nothing this gossamer since Eleugow in Old Rukac City many, many decades ago.

One girl came forward and asked, “Master, what would you command us to do? Is Master hungry? Does Master wish for a bath? Does Master need a girl at this moment? You have twelve volunteers ready and willing. You have but to ask. Your every desire is our command.”

‘Oh my.’ All twelve moved to the floor and knelt in a typical slave-girl pose. Shit! Each of their semi-transparent tops fell forward. They provided me a direct view of their young, bare breasts. Young teen breasts, hanging right there like ripe, sumptuous fruit. They elicited an instantaneous licentious need deep inside my core.

I started at the girl One. I slowly walked left until I’d looked longingly at the twelve pairs of pretty young breasts. Breasts hanging down in every respect, inviting me to partake of them. The breasts didn’t really hang so much, but they did seem to change shape in this position. So very - very pretty. 24 perfect breasts, each different in their own inimitable way.

I mistakingly canceled my Wizard’s robe. I heard twelve girls gulp when my tumescent cock was revealed. Even dressed, my slacks could not hide my interest and joy. It was evident I appreciated their pulchritudinous and irresistible charms.

I said, “Girls, please stand up and turn around. Now bend at the waist, please.”

I walked from girl ‘Twelve’ back towards girl’ One.’ With the girls bent over, the back of their dresses raised up exactly the correct amount. I walked back and forth, examining them several times. I could not stop myself. Their privates are completely revealed this way. So many lovely bums and cute, youthful genitalia.

Two girls are blondes, two are honey blondes, and two are redheads. Two girls are brunettes, two have black hair and two are completely bald on top and on the bottoms. The guy that selected these girls is a bona fide sicko. They must be the most beautiful twelve girls in this country.

I continued reviewing their lovely luscious little bums and pussies. I ran my hand all over every sweet bum. I pet their fuzzy areas. They obviously liked my attention. Each moaned, giggled, and groaned as I touched their nether areas.

I had them stand up and turn around. I was hungry, but I could be persuaded by a slender leg or a flirtatious smile. They all shared this quality. I suspected they were specially picked to deny the other mages these very hot and ready girls.

I mumbled the enchantment for nipple enhancement. It was time for another inspection pass.

At teen girl number One,’ I began kissing each girl as I went back down the line. They looked virginal, a few kissed agreeably, and most were completely inept. As I kissed ‘One,’ I gently took her nipple and rolled it until she slid to the floor, screeching noisily. Her hips thrust about, moving as if I was already inside her. I hoped I had not overdone the enchantment.

“Wow, oh Wow, my Maaaassttrrrrrrrr...”

‘Two,’ also a blonde, was right there, eager for her kiss. Her breasts are small, round, and full. I palmed them through her top.

“Maaaasssstterrrrrrrrr ... ohhhhhhh...”

I touched her nipple, and she fell like a marionette that had the wires cut.


‘Three’ is a darker honey blonde. The hair on top is lighter than on her vulva. I smelled her. I ran a hand under her short dress and slid my finger through her furrow. I saw a nipple peek through a hole. One lick of her nipple and she screamed,

“MMAASSTTEERRrrrrrrrrrrrr, UHHhhhhhhh, fuck me ... please...”

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