Praise the Aunt and the Holy Mother - Cover

Praise the Aunt and the Holy Mother

Copyright© 2024 by MrCurrie

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A preacher's wife utilizes the power of the church to create an unholy, incestuous union with her sister and her son. This story includes unprotected sex between a mother and her son, with the intention of becoming pregnant. It does not include anal sex.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

Brenda dismissed us, sending us to our rooms. After changing into our clothes, we gathered at the front door to bid Aunt Brenda farewell. This time, Mom embraced her warmly and kissed her on the cheek, her gratitude evident in the way she lingered. “Thank you, Brenda,” Mom expressed, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. “We’ve made such great progress today.”

After closing the door behind us, Mom wrapped her arm around my back, her hand firmly gripping my waist so I followed her lead. We walked home more like lovers rather than a mother and her son, ignoring her earlier concerns about the neighbors. Our discussion centered around my future plans, both of us excited about commuting together since my college would be in close proximity to her workplace. At home, she led me into my room and suggested ways of modifying it to turn it into a study room. After eating, we watched TV for a few hours. We didn’t practice any touching, but did sit together, closer than normal.

Near the end of the evening, Mom proposed, “Let’s take our showers and hit the sack. It’s been a long day.”

As I dried off from my shower, I heard a light knock on my door, followed by Mom asking, “Mike, could you cover up and open the door?”

“Sure, Mom.” I slipped on my robe and cracked the door open to see Mom standing in her robe, also fresh out of her shower.

Handing me her sleeping mask, she instructed, “Put this on. I want to practice the melding technique again so we can pass tomorrow and hopefully finish early so we can have fun doing other things for the rest of my vacation. I only have one blindfold, but I promise not to look and we’ll stand close to each other so there won’t be any incidents.”

She inched near me and right after I slipped on my blindfold, I felt her undo my robe belt, before shoving the flaps to the sides. Evidently, she had done the same as she immediately wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into her near-naked body. My hard prick smashed against her at a sideways angle onto her stomach while my balls rubbed against her panties. Feeling her bare breasts mash against my chest, I pulled her into me tightly.

It was another exquisite moment, joined together with my beautiful mother. Her smooth and soft body sent jolts of pleasure through mine. Our breaths quickened in sync, reflecting the shared exhilaration. With our cheeks pressed together, I leaned down and pressed my open lips on her neck, gently sucking, not enough to create a hickey. She moaned and hugged me tighter. When I thought we might ignite from the intense heat, Mom backed off. I heard her pulling her robe together before she closed mine and told me it was okay to remove my blindfold.

I expected her to be blushing but she wasn’t. She wore a cheerful smile, her eyes focused on mine. She ended it with, “Well, I think that should satisfy Brenda that we’re ready to advance. And to think she thought we wouldn’t be able to practice. While we’re at it I’d like to exercise my motherly prerogative.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant, but soon found out as she reached into my robe and wrapped her fingers around my prick. She stroked it up and down, her eyes filling with carnal lust. When her hand reached the tip, she grabbed my head and twisted it as before.

As she slowly stroked back down, I leaned down and tenderly kissed her. It quickly progressed to an open-mouth kiss. Her hand rapidly pumped and squeezed my cock as our kiss progressed to a tongue battle. Leaking profusely, her stroking made obscene noises as her hand sloshed up and down my juicy shaft. When Mom sensed I was ready to erupt, she withdrew her hand and ended the kiss.

Giving me a light hug, she purred, “Goodnight, Mike. Pleasant dreams.” From her sexy grin, she knew exactly what I’d be doing after she left.

Minutes after the door closed shut, I quickly finished what Mom had started and I wondered if she was doing the same. I slept well that night and could hardly wait to meet with Brenda the next day.

During breakfast, Mom’s elated mood was evident, as she chirped, “Today’s the day, Mike! Your scholarship will be more than enough for you to attend the local university. I can’t wait to wrap it up and have some fun for the rest of my vacation.”

“We’re not done yet, Mom,” I remarked, dampening her exuberance. “Aunt Brenda made you feel uncomfortable before and it’s possible you might not want to finish the program if she demands something you’re unwilling to do.”

She reached across the table, held my hands and looked me squarely in the eyes. Her tone was sincere and deeply emotionally as she promised, “Mike, I’m willing to do anything she asks to win your scholarship. I’m fully committed and nothing will deter me at this point.”

Feeling confident that Mom would obey my aunt’s final step of her seduction plan, I smiled warmly and replied, “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate you helping me out.”

After finishing, we briskly walked to Aunt Brenda’s, eager to complete the program. Brenda greeted us in the usual manner and I noticed her attire had changed. Instead of wearing the usual conservative dress, her shapely body was adorned with the floral patterned, mini-skirt and the open blouse she had worn during our week of fucking.

Mom eyed her from head to toe, drinking in her sister’s charms. “You look absolutely stunning today, Brenda. Your outfit is quite alluring—seems a bit out of the norm for a church official,” Mom remarked, raising an eyebrow.

Brenda responded with a smile, “Well, we’re almost at the finish line, and I feel so much more comfortable in these clothes. Besides, I didn’t want you to be the only beautiful woman Mikey is staring at in the room.” They both laughed as we proceeded to our rooms to change.

As usual, Brenda waited for a bit before visiting each of us to question us. When she arrived in my room, she wanted to know everything that had happened. I told her about the body meld and afterward when Mom stroked my prick, while we French kissed.

“Marvelous,” Brenda elated. “I’m a little surprised she seized the initiative to progress that far. I think we have her now. She’s hooked on your prick and I think I know how we can proceed at a faster pace. This is working out so well!”

“The faster, the better,” I replied, running my hand up her leg, confirming my suspicions that she wasn’t wearing panties, as I squeezed her bare cunt lips.

She exclaimed, “Damn, that feels so good. I’ve missed you so much, Mikey. I wish we had more time but it’s time to join your mother.”

We met in the master bedroom and I immediately noticed the chairs were positioned on the walls, so it looked like we’d be standing for the day’s tests. First, we demonstrated how comfortable we were with French kissing. My aunt approved and instructed us to proceed with the body meld to see if we could advance to the next step. It felt wonderful to once again hold my mother’s nude body to mine. While hugging, we shifted our legs to maximize our skin contact. I held her tightly with one arm and moved my free hand up and down her back.

Much too soon, Brenda instructed, “Okay, I’m satisfied you’ve completed that task. Let’s repeat the back and midriff massage.”

I went first and when finished, Mom began. When she moved to my front, her hands traveled lower with each pass, nearing my stiff prick. Her fingers separated, exploring through my pubic hairs. I anticipated the firm grasp of my prick, when my aunt grabbed her arms and pulled her away.

“We don’t really allow that much intimate touching,” Brenda explained. “I allowed you to do it yesterday to prove the point of the mother having rights that sons don’t, but it can’t be routinely repeated.”

I couldn’t see the disappointment on Mom’s face, but I could hear it in her voice when she uttered, “Sis, I’m not sure how this is any different from the other contact we’ve done. You did say it’s just skin touching skin and it shouldn’t matter that much.”

“You’re right and I’m glad to hear you’re shifting away from the sexual innuendos and progressing toward the more mature family bonding, but you set the parameters when you wouldn’t allow your son to touch your breasts,” Brenda explained. Her plan came to light now. She was using Mom’s love of fondling my cock to advance the seduction.

There was a moment of silence, probably due to Mom thinking of a response. She softly spoke, “You’re right, it’s not that much different. I don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t be afforded the same right.”

Brenda responded excitedly, “If you feel that strongly and desire to advance, you’ll have to provide verbal and physical approval.”

Mom softly whispered, “Mike, you have my permission to touch my breasts, but please be gentle. They’re sensitive and haven’t been handled by a man for a long time. Sis, I’ve given vocal approval, how do I do the physical part?”

My aunt didn’t answer but grasped my mom’s hands and placed them on the backs of mine. Moving them to Mom’s bare waist, she guided us upward, toward her breasts. When they were directly below Mom’s mounds, Brenda released her hands. Needing no more help from her sister, Mom continued to lift my hands until they cupped her meaty mounds. She squeezed my hands, signaling her approval for me to caress her breasts.

Wasting no time, I mauled her full, soft tits, while her hands returned to my midriff, her hands squeezing my waist. Spreading my fingers and wrapping them around her round globes, I noted that her breasts were larger than my aunt’s but still didn’t sag. My stiff prick jerked as my fingertips moved to her nipples and encircled them. She gasped as I tweaked her nipples until they filled with blood and firmly pointed out.

While teasing her sensitive nubs, gently tugging and twisting both of them, her hands gripped my stiff prick. She wasted no time in exploring every square inch again as if it was a brand new experience for her. Our eyes remained covered with our blindfolds, so I couldn’t see what I was fondling, but my fingers painted a perfect picture in my mind. I would alternate between squeezing her fleshy mounds to twisting her nipples.

I sensed from her reaction that her nipples were as sensitive as my aunt’s as she groaned and squirmed when I lightly squeezed them. Her hand firmly twisted the head of my hard prick at the same time I flicked one of her nipples. She reverted to a slower stroke when I released her nipples to squeeze her tit flesh. We breathed heavily and groaned while we pleasured each other.

My aunt interrupted our enjoyment, saying “Okay, we’re almost at completion. You two have done a fantastic job. There is one more thing I need to check before the final step.”

I couldn’t see what was happening, but I heard my aunt shuffling closer to us. Mom and I caressed each other and there was a moment of silence before I felt mom’s hands release my greasy prick.

The next thing I knew, my blindfold was being pulled off. Mom’s wide smile greeted me, her mask already removed. My aunt stood off to the side and I noticed Mom holding my blindfold. She had taken it off—voluntarily. Her gaze locked onto mine and once again her hand latched onto my prick.

When she glanced down, I felt she wanted me to follow suit. I could see her beautiful breasts protruding out with my hands holding them. Going lower, I saw her hands wrapped around my prick, but more riveting was my mother’s beautiful, curvaceous body. I was disappointed to see she still wore panties but overjoyed to see the rest of her. I lowered my hands to trace her curvy waist before moving back up her smooth skin.

“You’re beautiful, Mom. I can’t believe how hot you look!”

My smiling aunt chirped, “Perfect, you passed one of the final tests of the program. Bev, you removed your son’s blindfold with no persuasion, indicating you completely trust your son. The mother-son bonding checkpoints are almost complete.”

“Almost?” my mother quietly replied, her voice reeking with lust as she stroked my cock.

My aunt continued, “Yes, the only step left is more of a memory recollection than anything. Do you know what the most significant bonding there is between a mother and son directly after birth?”

“Feeding, I guess, or maybe cuddling, or being held in my arms,” Mom answered.

“Feeding is right, breastfeeding to be exact,” explained my aunt. “There is no stronger bond than a son milking from his mother. Those memories disappear after a few years, so our final test is to try to bring those strong bonding memories to the surface.”

“You want Mike to breastfeed from me? To suck on my nipples?” Mom asked, her voice cracking. To my surprise, before Brenda could answer, Mom enthusiastically agreed, “I promised Mike I’d do whatever it takes to complete the tasks you assign us. No matter how challenging they might be, we’ll face them head-on. If this is the last step, let’s get it over with.”

She gripped the sides of my head and was about to guide me to one of her breasts when Brenda stopped her. “It’s not proper to do it standing up. When feeding an infant, you normally do it lying down. Lie flat on the bed so Mike can repeat what he did as an infant.”

Mom didn’t argue, quickly assuming a prone position, stretched out on the bed. My eyes zeroed in on her panty-clad crotch. She was definitely not shaven like her sister. I could see her crinkly bush pushing up her panties and some errant hairs peeking out the sides. My prick jerked when I noticed a large wet spot at the bottom of her panties. I shuffled closer to the bed, to lie down when my aunt stopped me. I’m not sure when she opened the package, but she held a condom in her hand.

When she slowly rolled it onto my hard, jutting prick, Mom noticed and alarmingly asked, “Sis, why does...”

Brenda interrupted her, explaining, “This is a precaution so your son doesn’t get overstimulated and releases on you. The church disapproves of a son’s seed coming into contact with his mother’s flesh.”

It was ridiculously funny and I couldn’t help but think Mom would see it as wrong and object. She didn’t say a word, but instead, closed her legs, indicating I could straddle her to continue the procedure.

Positioning myself outside her legs, I reached up and kneaded her breasts. Moving my fingers to her upright nub, I squeezed and teased it until it proudly stood upright. Bending down, I latched onto it with my mouth, immediately driving her crazy. She shifted her legs up and down in an attempt to squelch the itch burning in her crotch.

She groaned as I sucked and nibbled on her nipple. I relentlessly teased her nub with my tongue while groping her other full breast with my free hand. Her breaths turned shallow and rapid as she panted. I switched my mouth to her other nipple and began feeding off that one.

She squirmed and twisted, nearing her orgasm. Reaching down, she grabbed my rubber-encased prick and stroked it, instinctively pulling me to her steaming, panty-clad pussy. “Oh, Michael!” she exclaimed. “That feels so good. My nipples are so sensitive.”

Brenda moved behind me and through my legs, grabbed mom’s panties at the waist and removed them.

When Mom realized her undies were being pulled off, she frantically asked, “Uh, Sis. Why are you removing my panties?”

“This is a routine stimulus check to make sure everything is okay. Your excitement is elevating faster than normal. How does this feel?” Brenda asked, jamming several fingers into Mom’s hairy snatch, rubbing her clit with her thumb.

Her reaction was immediate. “Oh my god! I’m cumming, Sis! Oh, it’s been so long!” Mom exclaimed, experiencing an orgasm, her cunt squeezing my aunt’s probing digits.

Brenda continued her assault on my mother’s pussy as I continued to feast on her sensitive nipples. Brenda grabbed my leg and from the pressure, I knew she wanted me to reposition my legs inside my mother’s legs. I moved my left knee between Mom’s legs and pushed outward. Her leg immediately spread out to the side. I moved my other knee in and Mom moved her other leg out without me touching it.

She approached another orgasm as my aunt continued stroking in and out with her fingers. “Oh, here comes another. I can’t believe how excited I am,” my sex-crazed, convulsing mother screamed as she madly twisted around on the bed. Suddenly, my aunt removed her fingers.

“Please stick them back in. I need to release so bad. Please, Sis!” Mom pleaded, her voice filled with lust.

My aunt finally fulfilled the promise she had made to me, saying, “Bev, I think I’ve done enough but since we’re family and nothing leaves this room, I think I can help you achieve the orgasm you so much need.”

Grasping Mom’s hand, she guided it to my cock. When Mom wrapped her fingers around it, Brenda held Mom’s hand, pulling my prick toward Mom’s creamy box. Mom didn’t struggle and begged, “Mike, help your mother. Forgive me for doing this but I need it so much. Please put it in me and help me cum.”

I inched closer and when prick bumped Mom’s pussy, my aunt guided my hard, rubber-encased cock through her wet slit. Mom tried to pull me in but Brenda prevented me from entering, maintaining the teasing.

Brenda instructed, “Sis, this is one of those moments where you need to provide verbal and physical consent so there is no mistaking it’s your choice. You’ve given verbal consent and now you must show your physical approval. Mikey, kiss your mother and tell her how much you love her.”

I reluctantly released her engorged nipple and shifted forward to kiss my mother. She moaned, started to form a word, probably trying to ask how to send a physical signal when I pressed my mouth squarely on hers and jammed my tongue inside.

She didn’t attempt to talk as our tongues danced together. Brenda guided Mom’s hands to my waist. My cockhead was snugly seated into the entrance of her gripping pussy, constantly being squeezed by her outer pussy lips.

Brenda moved Mom’s hands to my ass, when my mother quickly reached back and firmly held both of my cheeks. While sinking her fingers deeply into one bun, her other hand snaked between our bodies and grabbed the base of my prick. Finding the bottom elastic band of the condom, she yanked it off, tossed it aside, and stuffed my bare, throbbing cock back into her snug pussy.

Her hand returned to my other cheek and with both hands, my lust-crazed mother pulled my rock-hard prick to the bottom of her cavern.

Mom’s loud grunt drowned out Brenda’s shriek of surprise, watching my bare cock sink into Mom’s hairy pussy.

I remained lodged deeply in her, not believing how fast her pussy sucked me down to the root. Moving the base of my cock around her sensitive lips caused her to squirm while humping and bucking. I withdrew until the head was almost out of her tight sheath and immediately jammed in again as hard as I could. I repeated over and over, which became harder, due to her wild pelvic gyrations.

We both ceased kissing to catch our breaths as we both raced toward our climax. The buildup from the week took its toll on both of us. My face pressed against the right side of mom’s face, our hot breaths washing each other’s ears. My aunt sat a few feet away, furiously shoving her fingers into her bald pussy, watching a mother and her son fuck.

Moving near my mother’s ear, I whispered, “Mom, I love you so much. Your pussy feels so tight and hot. I want you to cum with me.”

With all our thrashing and breathing I’m sure my aunt couldn’t hear our whispers. She concentrated on punishing her own pussy, while watching our incestuous union. In between groans, Mom gushed, “I love you too and I hope you don’t think I’m bad for doing this but I need relief. Please help me cum, baby. I’m so close. Pinch my nipples and kiss me. Please be a good son to your mother and help me!”

I pressed my mouth onto hers and immediately, her tongue sought mine. Raising my hands to her meaty mounds, my exploring fingers found her nipples. As soon as I twisted and pulled her sensitive nubs, her body shook as her orgasm commenced, her velvety walls crushing my steel-hard prick. I continued to plow into her cavern and felt a load of cum shooting to the head. I jammed in as far as I could, releasing my first big blob of sperm, spraying her cavern with my baby-batter.

She climaxed as I madly thrust in and out of her convulsing cunt. After a dozen more hard strokes and the contents of my balls were drained, we slowed our pace, exhausted from our frenzied fuck. I couldn’t believe after dreaming about this for so long, it was over so quickly. I did feel good about Mom finally achieving sexual relief though. She became so relaxed that her body fell limp and her mouth dislodged from mine, attempting to catch her breath.

Sudden fear swept through me, as I realized I had unloaded my entire load of sperm into her pussy. I knew Aunt Brenda had planned on the rubber preventing any mishaps and didn’t know what kind of repercussions would result from our unprotected sex.

After resting on her warm body for a few minutes, I rolled off and looked over to see her deep, adoring stare, a silent but powerful signal of her love for me. We didn’t need to say anything to communicate how we felt.

Brenda walked over and sat down on the bed, breaking our mood. “Congratulations! You’ve passed the program and will receive the scholarship. As far as what happened here, as I said, we’re family and this can remain our secret. The only thing that will go in my report for today is you two have bonded and the program was a complete success. Sis, you better go to your room, clean up and dress.”

Mom acted as if she had run a marathon, slowly rising and leaving the room with her panties in hand. I admired her long legs and great looking ass as my aunt walked her to the door. Brenda quickly shut the door, turned and ran back with the same lust in her eyes as my mother. My prick, still semi-hard, drew her in.

Lowering her mouth onto my cum-coated pole, she proceeded to clean every drop. Slurping up and down my prick, she voraciously sucked in an attempt to revive it to full staff. It was evident she was excited from witnessing the mother-son fucking.

“Damn, sweetie, that was so hot,” Aunt Brenda gasped. “I’ve never been so excited in my life. I can’t believe she yanked the rubber off. She must be on the pill and wanted to feel your bare prick. You and your mom were so hot together. That made me so fucking horny!”

I couldn’t believe it when my cock sprung to life, becoming hard again. Between the frantic sucking from my aunt and mentally reliving the connection with my mother, my prick jerked and filled with blood.

Giggling at my hardness, she wrapped her hands around my cock, stroking it up and down while gazing at me with undeniable lust. Climbing onto the bed, she didn’t even bother removing her short skirt as she aligned herself and impaled her bald pussy onto my hard cock. Her wet, slick slot easily slid down my entire length, filling her hot channel. She humped up and down, furiously moaning and grabbing my shoulders to achieve better leverage. She was hotter than I’ve ever seen her, even during our final farewell fucking.

Helping out, I thrust up when she lowered down, causing her to groan louder. When she looked down at me, all I saw was a crazed, lusty woman in heat, trying to put the fire out in her burning snatch.

She croaked, “Oh, god. I’m getting close again already. I came once at the same time as your mom. It was so fucking hot, watching her fat pussy lips convulse around your cock as it plunged in and out. I don’t know why mother-son sex turns me on so much, but it does. Please tell me what you whispered to your mother while you two were fucking. Act like I’m her. Please, Mikey!”

Reaching up, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her down to my face. I locked my lips on hers and as we kissed I brought my hands around to tease her nipples. Obeying her wishes, I murmured, “I love you, Mom. Your tight, hot cunt feels so good wrapped around my cock. Please fuck me hard, Mommy! I’ve wanted this for so long. Please cum on my cock. I love you so much!”

That excited her more than I thought it would, her pussy quivering as she madly bounced on my rod. She uttered, “Oh, Mikey. I love you too. Your prick feels so good. Cum with your mother!”

We locked lips, French kissing as I began to twist and pull her engorged sensitive nipples. That’s all it took. Her whole body shook as her pussy clamped down on my cock. I didn’t think I’d be able to cum again so soon, but her hot pussy and the recent memory of fucking my mother was enough to push me over the edge. I thrust up hard as I climaxed. She coated my cock with an abundance of fuck juice from her climax. I don’t think I spurted out anything as I drained it all with my mother, but my cock didn’t know and still jerked and pulsed, unaware that the well was dry. I kept drilling her until she collapsed on top of me, spent from the fucking.

She hoarsely whispered, “Damn, that was definitely worth five grand. If you can get your mother to do a repeat performance of fucking in front of me again, I’ll pay for your entire tuition. It’d be the best investment ever!”

She climbed off, her dripping snatch drooling her cum onto my prick. “You better dress and meet your mother before she comes to see why you’re late.”

While I dressed, she warned, “She might have second thoughts once her head clears. It’s one thing to fuck your son when you’re horny and need relief, but a wave of guilt could consume her. Don’t push yourself on her and give her some distance for a few days.”

When ready, we walked to the living room. I was relieved when Mom came out with wet hair, evidence of a shower. That would explain how I made it out before her, even with the time it took for my aunt to suck and fuck me raw. I wondered if I looked as totally spent as I felt.

Mom looked refreshed after her shower, cheerfully chatting with my aunt as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. She grabbed my hand and we walked home, not in an embrace as before but holding hands. Mom talked a lot about the activities we could do the next week since we had finished the program, never mentioning anything about our recent, inappropriate coupling.

Once home, I showered, threw on my robe, and joined Mom in the living room, who still wore her dress. While we sat together on the couch, she reviewed the next day’s agenda, including a trip to the campus. After the emotional roller coaster, I felt exhausted and informed her I was calling it a night. She replied, “Sure, see you in the morning. It’s going to be such a fun day.”

She rose and pecked me on the cheek. Disappointment swept through me that she didn’t show more affection, but it stood to reason. The program had concluded and there was no need to continue as before. I didn’t feel bad if Mom wanted to revert to our normal relationship. I still loved her and my aunt would always be available for some exciting adventures, so life was still good.

The next day, we drove to the campus, walked around, looking at the various buildings, and determined it would be easy for us to commute together. Plenty of public transportation was available close to her workplace that I could take to get to the campus and back. This would allow for even more savings. We drove to a nearby mall in the afternoon, where we separated to shop at our favorite stores.

Mom handed me several bags when we reconnected to return home. One was light, with the name of a lingerie shop printed on the side. As I was about to peer in the bag to see what she had bought, she wrapped her arm through mine, preventing me from investigating the contents. The drive home proved to be very pleasant and I looked forward to future commutes with her in the fall. Her cheerfulness and pleasant demeanor enhanced our time together.

We ate and watched TV for a few minutes, when she suggested we prepare for bed and change into something more comfortable. After my shower, I slipped on my robe and heard Mom open my bedroom door.

Standing outside my closed bathroom door, her voice trembling with concern, she pleaded, “Mike, I’d like to talk to you in my room when you’re done, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, Mom. Be right there,” I replied, wondering what she wanted to discuss. I hardened, thinking about the previous day’s events, my hopes rising that she wanted to continue where we left off. Taking a precaution, in case I got lucky, I rolled a condom onto my stiff prick. Even though she yanked it off before, it might have been in the heat of the moment and she’d want to use one in the future.

When I knocked on her door, she invited me in. She lay on her side in bed with the sheet pulled up over her breasts. Her bare shoulders led me to believe she was nude underneath, but I couldn’t be certain. The top covers were heaped up on the other side with only the thin sheet stretched over her body, showing the curves of her legs and waist. I knelt on the floor, next to the bed, so we could talk.

She muttered, “Mike, I want to talk to you about what happened this last week. Aside from the obvious, what did you enjoy the most about our time together in the program?”

Blushing from her comment, I hesitated, because the first thought that came to mind was squeezing her breasts while burying my prick deep into her pussy, pretty much the highlight of my life. Thinking of a more sensitive response, I replied, “Mom, the best part from this last week is how close we’ve become. I know we’ve always loved each other as a mother and son, but now I feel it’s a lot deeper. You’re not just my mother, but also my best friend. Our mutual trust allows us to confide and share everything.”

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