Praise the Aunt and the Holy Mother - Cover

Praise the Aunt and the Holy Mother

Copyright© 2024 by MrCurrie

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A preacher's wife utilizes the power of the church to create an unholy, incestuous union with her sister and her son. This story includes unprotected sex between a mother and her son, with the intention of becoming pregnant. It does not include anal sex.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

As I entered our house, the comforting aroma of freshly baked cookies greeted me. I found Mom resting on the couch, engrossed in a novel, her expression serene. A plate of chocolate-chip cookies sat on the coffee table beside two glasses of milk, tempting me with their deliciousness.

After tossing my gym shorts into my room, I headed back to the living room and joined her, eager to share the day’s events. Picking up one of the cookies, I took a bite, savoring the warm, gooey chocolate before taking a gulp of milk. “Thanks, Mom. Very thoughtful of you to have my favorite treat waiting for me after a hard week’s work,” I remarked, grinning at my veiled comment.

“It’s the least I could do for looking after my sister. She’s the happiest I’ve seen her in years. Hopefully, she’ll hire you in the future for other projects,” she said, her tone sincere and hopeful.

“Me too, Mom. It was fun working with her,” I replied, chuckling to myself, knowing that my aunt’s turnaround resulted from my prick feeding her hungry pussy.

After describing all of the garden tasks I had finished during the week, Mom asked, “How much money did you make?”

“She paid me a thousand, the same as her gardener would have charged,” I replied.

“Fantastic!” she exclaimed. “It seems like a lot but she’s wealthy and can afford to help out her favorite nephew. As a bonus, you kept her company for a week, fulfilling my wish.”

Figuring the timing was good, I began the first part of the plan as instructed by my aunt.

“The money is a nice amount, but not enough to enable me to go to the local college where I’d rather attend. Even with living and eating at home, I fall short as the tuition is so high. When I discussed this with Aunt Brenda, she mentioned that a pilot program is available at her church that awards a five thousand dollar scholarship for eligible college students.”

Her excitement was palpable as she replied, “That sounds perfect. You should apply. How much time does it take and what does it involve?”

“That’s the problem, Mom. It’s only a week long, a few hours a day, but it requires your participation.”

Her elated mood drifted away once she heard the qualifications. “You know I don’t like all that church stuff. Prayers and singing—that isn’t for me. Isn’t there a way for you to do it without involving me?”

“I didn’t think you’d like it,” I replied, disheartened. “I told Aunt Brenda you probably wouldn’t agree. It’s not a big deal anyway, Mom. I’m not even sure we’d qualify. Maybe it’s for the best; I can attend the other university, giving you some peace and quiet without me hanging around.”

Her expression turned genuinely sad, but she remained silent. She tilted her head in thought, as if trying to find a solution that didn’t involve the church. I hoped she’d change her mind and agree to participate, but she didn’t. We talked about other matters before retiring to our rooms for the night.

I didn’t sleep much that night, knowing I wasn’t going to be with my aunt for another two weeks, plus, I had blown the first part of my aunt’s plan to seduce my mother. I finally fell asleep and when I woke up, I sauntered into the kitchen to find Mom preparing us a hearty breakfast. She smiled and appeared to be overly cheerful, probably due to starting her two-week vacation.

“Mike, I’ve been thinking about your college of choice and my sister’s suggestion. I don’t think it’d hurt for us to meet with her and discuss it. Maybe we can arrange it so you could go through whatever requirements they have to get a partial scholarship. It won’t hurt to ask.”

“Great, Mom. I’ll leave it to you to call her and set up a time. I’m not sure what her schedule is today,” I told her, knowing my aunt was probably sitting by the phone, anxiously waiting for a call. I was more than surprised that I had successfully pulled off my part of the plan. The rest would be up to my aunt.

We ate breakfast before Mom called Aunt Brenda. She agreed to meet with us after lunch. That gave us a few hours to work on Mom’s project list. At the appointed time, Mom suggested we dress up, since it was for a church activity. I suited up in my business casual pants and a nice shirt, before joining my mom to walk to my aunt’s place. She wore the same skirt when she entered the garden the previous day. Her blouse wasn’t tight but I detected she wore a bra, as usual.

When we arrived, my aunt greeted us, dressed conservatively. I had to laugh under my breath, knowing how slutty she could be. My mother and aunt hugged as usual and kissed each other on the cheek. My aunt said hello to me, without hugging or getting too close to me, probably worried I might instinctively grab her breasts or ass.

Brenda arranged two chairs in a line, facing a third chair where she sat, creating an easy conversational setup. After taking our seats, she began her spiel. “I’m thrilled to share news about this program offered by the church. There are only three pilot programs in the US, and I was fortunate enough to secure one. It only requires an hour a day and will likely take only a week for both of you to complete. I wanted to assist Mikey with his education, so I fought hard for it.”

My mother expressed the same look as when a salesman tried to sell her something. She soon replied with the same concerns she had given me. “Sis, I appreciate how you were thinking of Mike’s education, but you know I don’t attend church and certainly wouldn’t enjoy participating in the typical activities. Can’t you claim we went through the program or just use Mike and leave me out of it?”

Aunt Brenda quickly refuted Mom’s assumptions, “I know you don’t like that sort of stuff, Bev, but this is different. This isn’t a strict religious program. It concentrates on the core principles of the situation and doesn’t involve the normal church protocols. You two will only meet with me each day and I promise I’m not going to make you pray or do any of the things you’d do at church. I have a specific checklist, designed by a team of researchers so it’s scientific in that respect. If at any time, you feel it’s not for you, you can quit.”

Mom’s demeanor brightened as she absorbed my aunt’s informative description. Gratefully, she responded, “That doesn’t sound too bad. I planned to do some fun things with Mike during my vacation. Let me know what we’ll be doing and when we can start.”

Brenda, anxious to recite her rehearsed story, elated, “Excellent, Bev! The church feels family relationships have deteriorated for the last few years and has funded a lot of research on some of the core problems. What they’ve discovered is that mother-daughter relationships are solid and long-lasting. On the other hand, they’ve found that mother-son relationships don’t last much beyond when the son turns twenty or so. Their research found that sons do not bond as well as daughters and as a result, sons split apart from their mothers, resulting in a weaker family unit. They also discovered that this behavior is carried into the son’s future family, making it weaker as well. So the program solely focuses on strengthening the mother-son bond.”

Mom’s brows furrowed as she replied, “That doesn’t apply to Mike and me. We enjoy a wonderful relationship. In fact, I think we’re stronger than most because it’s just been the two of us, growing up together and overcoming the odds. I don’t see how we’d fit into this program.”

Brenda, ready with a prepared response, answered, “You and Mikey do get along well, but both of you subconsciously build barriers that you don’t know exist. This is natural because of the male-female relationship. In order to keep sexual tensions at bay, couples will erect defenses to keep the other person distant.”

Mom quickly rebutted, “That sounds like nonsense. I definitely don’t have any sexual feelings toward Mike and there is no reason to put up any so-called defenses. As I previously stated, we have a very healthy relationship.”

Brenda reached over and grabbed Mom’s hands in hers and explained, “Remember when you came in today and we hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks? Let me demonstrate something.” She reached over and grabbed my hand and placed it on Mom’s arm, guiding it up and down.

Goosebumps instantly popped up on Mom’s arm, demonstrating the effect of my touch. Aunt Brenda commented, “See, this happened because you two rarely touch, not because you don’t love each other, but because of unconscious sexual posturing. When was the last time Mikey kissed you on the cheek, as we did? It’s a fact that sons and mothers have a more stressed relationship. This program is designed to separate the sexual aspect out of the relationship by desensitizing each other.”

Mom pulled her arm away from my hand as if it was burning and from her facial expression, it appeared she accepted some of the fabricated nonsense my aunt had spun. Mom surprised me when she remarked, “I guess I can see your point. We rarely touch. I haven’t thought much about it, because I’ve been too busy raising Mike to notice. Now that you’ve brought it to my attention, I’m concerned that I might have inadvertently harmed our relationship. When can we begin?”

My smiling aunt happily replied, “Right away. We might as well start today. The guidelines are simple. I go through my list to help each of you desensitize. We don’t expect an instantaneous result. I’ll show you the method for each step and then both of you will have to practice and continue at home. The following day I’ll meet with each of you privately for a few minutes to check on your progress. The pace will be determined on how fast you successfully complete each point.”

Mom appeared eager to progress through the checklist, and speed things up. Turning to Auntie, she urged, “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.”

Brenda grinned widely and instructed, “Mikey, while holding one of her hands, use your free hand to stroke her arm. Every so often, squeeze her muscles, while maintaining as much physical contact as possible.”

Gripping Mom’s right hand with my left one, I moved my right one up and down her arm, underneath the loose sleeves of her blouse. Squeezing her upper arm, I moved back down. Goosebumps popped up at first but disappeared after the third or fourth stroke. Emboldened, I ventured higher and lightly ran my fingers near her armpit and tickled her, which caused her to squirm and giggle.

When it was Mom’s turn, Brenda repeated her instructions. Mom’s soft hand sent shivers down my spine as she caressed me. She finished and pulled her hands away, awaiting further instructions from my aunt.

“Stand and face each other,” Auntie ordered. “One of the most important ways two people can express their love is through a hug. Please, do it now.”

Although we hadn’t held each other for a long time, she embraced me tightly, ensuring we passed the checklist without dwelling on it for too long. Her breasts pushed into my chest, resulting in my prick hardening.

After a few moments, enjoying the warmth of our bodies smashed together, Aunt Brenda whispered, “Kiss each other on the neck. Skin is very sensitive and studies have shown lips pressed against a sensitive area can accelerate the process.”

Without waiting for Mom to proceed. I kissed her neck, opening my mouth and grabbing a chunk of her firm flesh with my lips. I could smell the scent of her perfume and shampoo as I nibbled on her neck. After I released my mouth, Mom kissed me in the same manner. I was surprised when she also opened her lips and lightly sucked my flesh. All too soon, she backed off as we separated from our hug.

“Excellent!” Aunt Brenda proclaimed. “You’re progressing very fast. At this pace, you’ll be done before the end of the week. We’re finished for today, but remember what I explained to you before. You have to practice these procedures at home until I feel you’re comfortable enough with each other to continue. Let’s meet here at three, tomorrow.”

Mom and Brenda conversed for a few minutes, before bidding each other goodbye. Mom held my hand and led me outside to return home. She continued to clasp my hand while we walked the short distance. Once we made it through the front door, she explained her unusual display of affection, “Mike, we need to comply with her wishes. We have to go through this as fast as possible. Holding hands with your mother didn’t kill you, did it?”

I cheerfully responded, “No, Mom. It was nice. I’ll do whatever it takes to earn this scholarship. I’d much rather attend the local college than the one on the other side of the state.” I hugged her and kissed her neck as soon as we embraced. I think it took her by surprise, but she didn’t back off and returned the kiss on my neck. I couldn’t believe how well my aunt’s plan worked.

For the rest of the day, we worked on our project list, taking time to touch and rub each other’s arms whenever we could, along with hugging several times. After our showers, we watched TV in our robes. When it was time to retire to our rooms, we embraced each other and unbelievably, Mom still wore a bra. My thoughts rang loudly, “Does this woman ever let them go natural?”

The next day, we continued working around the house, until it was time to meet with my aunt.

The first order of business was for Mom and me to demonstrate our progress by having us stroke each other’s arms. “Very natural looking,” Brenda complimented us. “It’s apparent that you’ve been practicing and have become comfortable with each other. From now on, I’ll need to meet each of you privately before we begin. Afterward, the rest of the procedures will be conducted in my master bedroom. It’s larger than the other rooms and it’ll offer privacy, in case a nosey neighbor or church administrator drops in unannounced. Follow me and I’ll assign your room to you.”

She showed Mom one of the spare bedrooms and directed me to another. Once my aunt and I were alone, she asked, “How’d it go last night and today before you arrived here?”

I related, “We touched and hugged several times, although, much to my dismay, Mom wore a bra under her robe after she showered.”

She listened intently while I described our activities, nodding with approval until I had finished. “Sounds like everything’s proceeding nicely. It’ll be interesting to hear her side of the story,” she remarked. Glancing at the clock, she noted, “It’s time for me to meet with her. Remove your clothes, slip on the robe I placed on the bed, and meet us in my master bedroom.”

I did as she asked and had only waited for five minutes when they strode in, Mom wearing the same type of robe as mine. Two chairs were placed facing each other. We sat down and my aunt wasted no time in explaining, “Lift your mother’s foot, massage it and then slide your hand up to her knee. After that, repeat with her other leg.”. Grasping Mom’s foot, I rubbed her soles and massaged each toe individually for several minutes before my hand slowly slid up her smooth calf. When I reached her knee, my fingers slid underneath to the soft flesh under her knee. Slowly descending down her lower leg, I released her and repeated with her other one. In total, it only took ten minutes but it was the highlight of my day.

After I finished, Mom picked up my leg and repeated my actions, not waiting for my aunt to instruct her. Her sinewy fingers glided up and down my legs, opening and closing around my leg hair, playfully tugging on it. When she had completed the procedure, she lowered my leg to the floor and patted me on the knees.

Aunt Brenda stepped up the game, saying, “Mikey, stroke your mother’s leg from her knee and move upward, halfway up her thigh. Go underneath her robe, but don’t push up the material.”

Placing both hands on her left knee, I ran my hands across her thigh, tightly holding and squeezing her firm, smooth flesh. My earlier comparison was right. Her thighs were leaner than my aunt’s. Four inches past her knee, Mom gasped as if a jolt of electricity struck her. I stopped but didn’t release her.

Aunt Brenda noticed Mom’s reaction and consoled her, “Don’t worry, Bev. It’s a natural reaction. Remember, it’s skin, exactly the same as on your arm. There’s nothing special about it. You haven’t been touched there for a while so it’s overly sensitive. That’s the whole point of this procedure, to desensitize your skin. Try to relax and it’ll soon be the same as when you rubbed each other’s arms.”

Mom nodded in agreement and I continued to squeeze and progress up her thigh. I explored higher than my aunt instructed but stopped three or four inches away from her crotch. I repeated on her other thigh and once again, she sucked in her breath when I caressed her sensitive flesh.

After I removed my hands, Mom repeated my actions. I quickly learned why she sucked in her breath. It was stimulating having someone stroke and squeeze your thigh. Her delicate fingers felt so good massaging my legs and as usual, I was hard most of the time. Fortunately, the robe covered any evidence of my excitement.

When Mom finished, Brenda explained, “It may be difficult to practice this procedure when you’re home unless both of you wear shorts. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, we can spend more time here, desensitizing your legs. In any case, it’s time we move on. Please stand and hug each other.”

As soon as we stood, Mom pulled me tightly to her body. I knew right away she was braless as I could feel her squishy breasts flatten out on my chest, even though there were two layers of cloth between us.

After a few minutes of bonding, Aunt Brenda ordered, “Kiss her neck as before and while maintaining lip contact, move to her cheek.”

Gladly obeying her instructions, I lightly sucked Mom’s neck flesh, sliding my lips to the side of her face. When it was Mom’s turn, she replicated my actions. We had progressed so well, I figured it was over for the day, but my aunt sprung an additional surprise on us.

Continuing our lesson, she explained, “Lips are very sensitive and it’s necessary to begin working on desensitizing them. Please kiss each other, pressing your lips together.”

Mom immediately retorted, “You want me to kiss my son—on the lips? Don’t you think that’s a little over the top?”

My aunt quickly replied, “Don’t associate it with a kiss. It’s a form of skin contact and shouldn’t be considered as sexual. That’s what we’re trying to remove from the relationship. It’s not that uncommon for families to kiss each other on the lips.”

Mom’s expression softened, apparently convinced of the explanation. When she moved her head toward mine, I wasted no time in planting my mouth on hers so she wouldn’t have the chance to back out. Mashing our lips together for the first time had an immediate effect on my overzealous prick. We remained that way for several minutes before Mom backed off. She didn’t look unhappy; in fact, I thought I detected a smile and a sign of lust in her eyes I hadn’t seen before.

Once done, my aunt directed, “That’s it for today. We’re really moving along swiftly. Return to your rooms and change.”

After we left my aunt’s house, Mom intertwined her arm with mine, holding my hand tightly as we walked home. Her cheerful, elated attitude made for a lively and spirited conversation during our return journey.

Once inside, Mom suggested we wear shorts and continue with our assigned homework. I slipped on the same silk gym shorts I had worn at my aunt’s. She emerged from her bedroom, wearing shorts that I hadn’t seen her ever wear. Her brief attire displayed her sexy curves that weren’t evident before, and I found myself craving to stroke her luscious flesh.

We finished some more items on Mom’s project list, gently touching each other’s legs and arms whenever we were near each other. I was careful not to go too high on her thigh so as not to scare her off. After a while, she suggested we take a break in the living room and watch some TV. She brought in some drinks and sat on the couch, patting the cushion beside her, indicating where I should sit. I plopped down beside her, the sides of our bare legs touching each other.

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