Praise the Aunt and the Holy Mother - Cover

Praise the Aunt and the Holy Mother

Copyright© 2024 by MrCurrie

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A preacher's wife utilizes the power of the church to create an unholy, incestuous union with her sister and her son. This story includes unprotected sex between a mother and her son, with the intention of becoming pregnant. It does not include anal sex.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

It was a beautiful day in early June, and having turned eighteen a few months earlier, I worked hard to maintain my high grades. It paid off as I received acceptance letters to both of the universities I was interested in attending. One was located in a city near our home, and the other, a state college, was on the other side of the state. The closer one was my first choice, but the state college would be far more affordable.

Relaxing on the couch, deep in thought on how to earn some spending money for college, my thoughts were interrupted by the ringing phone. I heard Mom answer it in the kitchen and could tell by the conversation, it was her sister, Aunt Brenda.

I returned to rehashing the various jobs I had done in the past to earn cash. After another few minutes, she called, “Mike, come here. I need to discuss something with you.”

Michael was my name but she normally called me Mike, however, it’s Michael if she’s more serious and desires my attention. My mom’s name is Beverly and Aunt Brenda calls her Bev or Sis. I’ve never called her anything but Mom. She has always insisted I address my aunt as Aunt Brenda, explaining it shows respect.

“Sure thing, Mom. I’ll be right there,” I replied, curious as to what my aunt said to her to warrant wanting to talk to me. I entered and sat in a chair opposite her at the kitchen table, as we always did for our meals. My parents divorced when I was less than a year old—my father having no desire to be saddled with a family. Mom and her sister were best friends, routinely talking on the phone, so I wasn’t surprised by her elated state after their talk.

“Mike, Brenda needs some work done on her property and asked me if you’d be interested in earning some extra money for college. She usually hires a landscaping service, but when we discussed your college expenses, she thought it would be better to hire you instead.”

“Sure, Mom. Sounds great. I was trying to think of ways of making some money this summer. When does she want me to start?”

“As soon as you can. She’s anxious to get things wrapped up before the heat of the summer arrives.”

“Great, I’ll change and head down. Thanks for helping out, Mom,” I replied as I rose and headed to my room to change into my work clothes. The money I’d earn was nice but more importantly, working around my aunt was what I looked forward to the most.

My aunt is thirty-six, three years younger than Mom and shares Mom’s cute appearance. Her radiant smile and cheerful, vibrant attitude are truly infectious. She married right after college and her husband soon became the minister in town. They live in a large church-provided manse, located two blocks from us.

Her husband hadn’t been around for the prior ten years or so, traveling around the nation helping other churches implement various programs. His visits were rare and when he did, he spent all of his time at the church. I’m not sure why she remained married to him, other than the fact his family is wealthy, so she lives in style and has an excess of funds to spend as she pleases.

I was more than happy to work for my aunt, if nothing else to ogle her great body to add to my fantasy collection of her. I always looked forward to greeting her, loving her playful nature with all the touching, hugging, and tickling. Although she lives by herself most of the time, she has maintained her thin and shapely figure. She is one of the hotter women in town and even though my uncle isn’t much of a husband, she is pretty much untouchable, because of her relationship to the church.

After saying goodbye to Mom, I headed down to my aunt’s house, becoming semi-hard at the thought of seeing Auntie. Although my mom insists I call her Aunt Brenda, I have always called her Auntie when we’re alone together. Upon arriving, I knocked and heard her footsteps before she opened the door to greet me.

“Mikey, so glad to see you. You’re turning into quite the handsome young man!” she exclaimed. Mom and Auntie had always called me Mikey when I was young. Mom changed to calling me Mike when I became older, but my aunt still referred to me as Mikey. She immediately hugged me, tickling my sides as in the past. I took advantage of it and squirmed around, mashing her breasts against my chest. Finally releasing me, she grabbed my hand and led me to a comfortable chair in the expansive living room.

“I’ve made up a list for you to do. It looks like it might take a couple of weeks, depending on how fast you work,” she related, handing me the assignments. She added, “I think that instead of an hourly wage, I’d like to propose a set amount for the entire job. The normal service would charge me a thousand dollars for this much work. Is that okay?”

I knew she was wealthy, but considering the tasks, the payment seemed overly generous for such a small amount of work. I wasn’t going to complain, though—I needed the money.

“That’s great, Auntie. I’ll start with the outside work right away,” I agreed, jumping up and heading out the back door to the gardens.

Most of the jobs listed involved trimming bushes along with routine bed maintenance. Once outside I proceeded to work the items on the list. After a couple of hours, my aunt came out to check on me. Her shorts showed off her perfectly toned legs and smooth skin. I couldn’t help but stare, trying my best not to be too obvious.

Catching my gaze, she smiled and suggested, “Why don’t you come in for an iced tea break. You’ve been working really hard.”

“Sure,” I quickly agreed, my terrible thirst urging me on. I welcomed the chance to escape the scorching sun. My bonus was the opportunity to leer at her shapely legs as I closely followed her into her house.

While we sat and talked, drinking our cold drinks, her intoxicating smile held my attention. Her short hair, fashioned in a pixie style that framed her face perfectly, completed her alluring look. After finishing my refreshing drink, I mentioned that I needed to head back out to get a couple more hours of work done before going home for dinner.

As my quitting time approached, she joined me to inspect my work. In a pleased voice, she remarked, “I’m amazed at how much you’ve accomplished. You’re finishing these jobs far faster than the people I usually hire.”

“Thanks, Auntie,” I replied, my eyes darting between her bare legs and her face. “It’s getting late, and I’m afraid I need to stop and head home.”

Her expression shifted to disappointment as she asked, “Why don’t you stay for dinner? I can wash your dirty clothes at the same time, giving your mother a break.” Her hopeful, warm smile made my heart race.

Reluctantly, I declined, “Sorry, Auntie. Mom’s expecting me to return home, but thanks for the kind offer.”

Her saddened expression weighed on me, and as I prepared to leave, she hugged me goodbye, which isn’t unusual for her. I was more than happy to hold my aunt’s curvy body in my arms. We embraced, her arms holding me tightly against her lasting longer than usual. I noticed that she twisted her body to smash her breasts into me. All too soon, she raised her hands, grasped the sides of my head, and stared into my eyes, while my arms remained wrapped around her.

“Mikey, you are so darned cute. My Doctor warned me that I shouldn’t do this, but for you, I’m going to make an exception.” She pulled my head to hers until our lips touched. Her body fell limp and I held on to her so she didn’t fall down. Thinking she might be having some kind of a fainting spell, I broke off our kiss. After a few seconds, her eyelids rapidly blinked, as if waking from a dream.

“I hope I didn’t scare you, Mikey. That’s why my physician told me I shouldn’t kiss people. I have a rare condition that occurs when my lips come into contact with a man’s. I fall into a type of coma where I zone out and have no idea of anything that happens. I gradually come out of it, after my lips lose contact.”

I stared in disbelief, not only of hearing this bizarre condition, but also because I ended it so soon, thinking something was wrong. I’d thought about questioning her on her far-fetched diagnosis, but I didn’t want to risk spoiling any future kissing possibilities. My mind raced as to how I could use this to my advantage with my aunt.

“No problem, Auntie. I’ll have to hold on to you tighter in the future so you don’t fall. I wouldn’t want my favorite aunt to sustain an injury on my watch.”

She laughed as we parted ways. I arrived home at the same time as Mom, and when she eyed my dirty, sweaty condition, she said, “Take a shower and toss your clothes in the washer, while I prepare dinner.”

“Sure, Mom,” I replied. “Aunt Brenda offered to feed me and clean my clothes but I told her that you preferred I eat with you at dinner.”

She paused and looked as if trying to make a decision before stating, “Mike, that’s a great idea. I could use some time off. It’d be nice for you to stay there longer and visit with her while eating and waiting for the laundry. It breaks my heart that she doesn’t get much company, especially with that loser husband of hers gone all the time. If she wants to take over my maid duties in exchange for company, more power to her.”

I didn’t want to act too excited, but I couldn’t wait to spend more time with my aunt. “Thanks, Mom. It’ll give me more time to work on her list, too,” I replied, hiding my exuberance.

After showering, I returned to the kitchen and sat opposite Mom. While eating, I mentally compared her to my aunt. They had similar features, both of them beautiful and alluring. I couldn’t decipher the size of Mom’s breasts, as she didn’t hug me like my aunt. We enjoyed a great relationship, but had never touched much growing up. She maintained her hair at shoulder length and usually tied it up when at work, allowing it to flow freely when she was home with me. She was a brunette as was my aunt, both with beautiful brown eyes.

Shifting my gaze from her large, round eyes, I paused at her full, soft lips. I thought back to my aunt’s condition and wondered whether it was hereditary and that was the reason my mother never kissed me. I was so deep in thought, Mom caught my stare, and knocked me out of it, asking, “Michael, have you heard anything I’ve said?”

Returning my attention to her, I quickly fabricated an excuse, saying, “Sorry, I was mentally prioritizing the tasks on Aunt Brenda’s list. I promise not to drift off again over dinner and pay more attention to our conversation.”

“That’s fine, Mike. I know you have a lot on your mind. I’m so proud of you for doing so much around here and now you’re helping my sister as well,” she replied, her warm smile making my heart flutter.

Once we finished eating, we moved to the living room, watched some TV, and eventually retired to our rooms for the night. I punished my cock that night with yet another fantasy of me fucking my aunt. I struggled to sleep restfully, thinking how the next day might turn out.

I slept late the following morning, rising after Mom had already left for work. I grabbed a quick bite and threw on a pair of silk gym shorts to wear while working, since the weather had turned hotter. As an added bonus, it’d be easier to shift my hard cock rather than struggling with my confining jeans. I grabbed a pair of pants to take so I could wear them when I returned home at night so Mom wouldn’t become suspicious.

Aunt Brenda answered the door, adorned in the same shorts as the day before. Her crop top style blouse looked like it was designed to end at her waist; however, it was sized for a smaller-breasted woman. Her meaty mounds pushed the material outward, causing the hem to rise, displaying several inches of bare skin above her shorts. This resulted in the front of her blouse tenting out provocatively, presenting an inviting opening at the bottom. The morning hug along with seeing her exposed skin gave me an instant erection. I backed my hips away from her, not wanting to alarm her.

When she released me and moved backward, her eyes traveled up and down my legs, checking them out. “Mikey, I see the heat is getting to you, too. Now, I can stare at your legs all day, the way you’ve been gawking at mine.” She grinned widely, acknowledging my lustful leering.

I’m not sure if she saw me blushing, but she didn’t say anything more about it. Without waiting for a reply, she continued, “There’s no need to knock on my door when you come over in the mornings. We’re family and it just makes more work for me, having to drop what I’m doing to open it.”

“Sounds good, Auntie,” I replied. “When I explained to Mom about your offer to feed me while washing my laundry, she thought it was a great idea and looked forward to spending some time by herself.”

“Oh, that’s super, Mikey,” she chirped, elatedly. “I’d love to take care of my nephew. I don’t get to pamper a man much anymore. It’ll be so much fun.”

I tossed my jeans in the spare bedroom and headed out the back door to continue my work. I labored through the day until late afternoon, when my aunt showed up to inspect my progress. “You’re doing a wonderful job, Mikey. I can’t believe how everything is shaping up so nicely. Why don’t you quit for the day? After your shower, I’ll have dinner waiting for you. Throw your dirty clothes outside the door so I can wash them and use the robe I placed in your bathroom to wear while we wait.”

Heeding her instructions, I heard her footsteps outside the door while I was in the shower. After she picked up my clothes and left, I dried off and slid on the plush terry cloth robe. It was sized for a smaller man, the shoulders a little tight with the hemline falling to mid-thigh. The material was soft and felt great against my freshly-washed skin. Hopefully, it was heavy enough to conceal the inevitable hard-on that was sure to spring up from being around my aunt.

While eating, we enjoyed a lively conversation. When finished, she rose and cleaned off the table. My prick stiffened as I watched her shuffle around the kitchen. Her sexy firm legs were like magnets for my eyes. I stared and yearned to squeeze her luscious limbs, cautiously averting my eyes when she turned in my direction.

The washer alarm rang, signaling the clothes were finished. My aunt excused herself to transfer them to the dryer. On her way, she suggested, “Why don’t you move to the living room to watch TV? I’ll join you in a bit.”

When she returned from the laundry room, she settled beside me on the couch. Her leg rubbed against mine, our bare skin touching from where the robe didn’t cover. Fortunately, my hard prick pressed against my stomach and not straight out.

After thirty minutes of enjoying her close contact, she excused herself to take my clothes out of the dryer. When she returned, she extended her hands to hold mine, pulling me off the couch. Once again, she hugged me and thanked me for everything. She placed her hands on my head again and pulled me down for a kiss.

As before, her body relaxed when our mouths touched. I was careful this time and held her tightly so her lips wouldn’t release. I kicked myself for not having a plan on what I’d do if it happened again, but the image of those legs all day overrode all decisions. While holding her with my left arm, I reached down with my right hand to caress her leg directly above her knee. I ran it up and down her smooth thigh, relishing the feel of her firm flesh.

Taking a risk, I grabbed the back of her upper leg and squeezed. It was an exhilarating feeling, caressing her bare leg. Her thigh muscle felt far better than I had fantasized, firm and hot. Venturing upward, I cupped her covered bun, squeezing her round ass cheek. I could feel a burst of exhaled air leave her nose, so I quickly moved my hand to her back and released my lips. She slowly regained consciousness like the previous time.

“Whew, that was nice, Mikey,” she gushed. “When I zone out, it’s very refreshing when I come to. It’s a really nice relaxation technique. I appreciate you putting up with me. I wouldn’t trust anyone else, as they might try to take advantage.”

Guilt gnawed at me because that was precisely what I was doing, but relief washed over me when she didn’t mention me groping her. “That’s great, Auntie. I’m glad to offer any help I can.”

She smiled and commented, “I’m going to take a shower while you change. After I’m done, I’ll return to see you off.”

“See you in a bit,” I replied while heading to the spare bedroom to change. When finished, I heard the shower stop running in her bathroom. Going out to the entryway, she met me, clad in the same style of terry cloth robe I had worn. I wasn’t sure if she was naked underneath, concealed by the heavy material, but I fantasized that she was. I was ready to open the door, when she suddenly gave me a goodbye hug.

All thoughts of not taking advantage of her flew out the door with her tight embrace. As she pulled away I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers again. As soon as she fell limp I ran my right hand up her thigh under the robe and sure enough, she wasn’t wearing panties. I had my hand on her bare ass and squeezed it like a new found toy. My mind brought up the image of her enticing blouse, open at the bottom, that she wore throughout the day. I so much wanted to explore underneath.

Without realizing it, I had brought my hand up and had reached into her robe. I soon found my prize, cupping a bare breast. It was larger, firmer and smoother than I had imagined. I squeezed it as if milking it before wrapping my fingers around her nipple to find it hard and pointed. Her breathing rate had become much heavier, but there was still no indication she was conscious. After several minutes of playing with her tit, I began to worry again she might come out of it, so I reluctantly withdrew and adjusted her robe. I returned my hand to her waist and released her.

Dreamily, she opened her eyes and softly spoke, “Oh, Mikey. You are so good to your aunt. I feel so relaxed and won’t have any trouble sleeping tonight. See you tomorrow. Give my love to your mother.”

Saying goodbye, I departed with a grin as big as my hard-on. Hastily, I went directly to my room when I returned home for a much-needed masturbation session. With my groping memories with my aunt still fresh, I strangled my prick, pumping it fast and hard.

Suddenly, a vision of my mother’s lust-filled face materialized, igniting a fiery passion within me, culminating in an explosive eruption. Blobs of cum painted my stomach with sticky semen.

I sighed, feeling guilty that I had used my aunt’s body as a surrogate for fulfilling my ultimate fantasy—Mom. It wasn’t the first time and I knew it wouldn’t be the last.

Relieved and thinking a little clearer, I joined Mom in the living room to watch TV. After an hour, I remarked, “Mom. I’m exhausted and am going to bed. See you tomorrow night.”

“Good night, dear,” she replied, her expression one of concern and love.

I woke up early the next morning, anxious to join Aunt Brenda and help her ‘relax.’ The moment I heard Mom drive away, I jogged to my aunt’s house, entering through the front door as she had instructed. I heard her rustling in the kitchen, probably fixing herself some breakfast, so I walked in to say good morning to her.

She faced away from me, affording me the opportunity to check out her scantily clad body. She wore another short blouse, open at the bottom, along with a short tennis skirt, adorned with a colorful floral pattern. Her exposed, beautiful legs captured my attention, and I could hardly keep myself from running up and stroking them.

“Good morning, Auntie,” I greeted her. “That skirt looks really lovely on you today,” I blushed from my forwardness.

She faced me, smiling, and replied, “Thanks, Mikey. It’s turning so sunny and hot, I felt like wearing something to match the weather. Please sit down and let me serve you breakfast. It’s so lonely eating every day by myself. I appreciate your company.”

Leaving home in such a hurry, it suddenly hit me that I hadn’t eaten. “Thanks. I rushed out of the house so fast that I didn’t take time to eat. Guess I got lucky that you have enough for both of us.”

After I sat down, she brought over the plates of food, and replied, “No problem, Mikey. I love feeding you as it gives me an excuse to chat with you. Whenever you’re expected, I always make a little extra in the hopes that we can visit longer. You know, it gets pretty lonely around here sometimes. Having you over brightens my day and makes the house feel a little more like a home. I really cherish these moments we get to spend together. Let’s make it our daily routine and I’ll make sure you’re well-fed each morning.”

“Sounds great, Auntie. It’ll be nice starting the day with a nourishing meal,” I replied.

While we ate, we discussed what I’d be working on for the day. Thankfully, my shorts didn’t have a tent by the end of the meal, so I was able to stand without too much embarrassment. I was prepared to start working in the yard when she walked over and stood in front of me. She squeezed in between me and the table, so she was almost sitting on the hard top.

She was close enough I could smell a floral scent from her morning shower. With a playful look, she hugged me and when she released me, she began tickling me on my sides. I squirmed as usual when a thought struck me. It opened up a perfect opportunity to flirt with my sexy aunt. I grabbed her exposed midriff and tickled her at the same time. She giggled and moved around causing my hands to venture upward, to the bottom of her ribcage. Her skin was so smooth and firm and was hot to the touch. I wanted to continue, but she ended it by wrapping her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

She giggled and commented, “That’s the first time you’ve tickled me back. I might have to refrain from teasing you, since you’re older now.” As we parted, she backed closer to the table and before she could move away I lowered my lips to hers, holding her tightly so she wouldn’t fall. She relaxed as usual, enabling me to lower her to the table to support her weight.

Leaving my lips on hers, both of my hands were free to explore. I brought them to her sides and ran them underneath her open blouse.”What luck!” I exclaimed to myself. She wasn’t wearing a bra and both of my hands were soon filled full of her firm, round breasts. I squeezed them while carefully maintaining lip contact. Her breath became heavy again, but I wouldn’t stop.

I gripped each nipple with my fingers and lightly pinched them. They popped out, filling with blood. Her breathing rate increased, as she struggled to inhale air through her nose. I felt her lips begin to break off, so I quickly lowered my hands and wrapped my hands around her to bring her back up to a standing position.

Coming to, she exclaimed, “Wow, that was relaxing, but I feel like I’ve run a mile, I’m panting so much. I need to remain here for a few moments and catch my breath. I’ll catch up with you outside.”

“See you later. You don’t need to help me. It’s all simple work today,” I remarked as I left. I kicked myself for not exploring those beautiful legs and thighs. With most of the tasks checked off the list, I worried that my groping entertainment would soon come to an end. Early in the afternoon, my aunt joined me outside to check on the work. I eyed her as she walked around, inspecting what I had accomplished. At one garden bed, she bent over to straighten an ornament.

I stared at her succulent wares, having a perfect view of her backside. Fortunately, there is a high cedar fence around the yard, so it was private, preventing spying from nosy neighbors. When she leaned over, her short skirt rose, showing off her perfect thighs and then her light pink panties came into view. They were tight and rose up on her ass cheeks. I was so busy staring at her sexy, panty-clad ass, I almost missed the fact that her open blouse allowed me to see the bottoms of her hanging breasts, pendulously swinging as she worked in the bed.

I had to adjust my shorts to accommodate my rock-hard prick and glanced down to make sure it wasn’t too noticeable. When I looked back up to gawk at my aunt again, she stood, staring at me.

She didn’t say anything as she walked by me to go inside. When she opened the door, she yelled, “Great job, Mikey. Come inside for some dinner now.” I wrapped things up, went in to clean up and met her in the kitchen to eat.

We ate while discussing my work progress during our meal. I found it increasingly difficult to concentrate, thinking of how to proceed on my next ‘relaxation’ session.

After we finished eating, she cleared the table. Just as I anticipated receiving another hug, she surprised me by suggesting, “Take your shower so I can throw your clothes in the laundry. I’m taking one, too and afterward, I’ll join you in the living room.”

With plenty of daylight left to continue working outside, it came as a surprise that she wanted me to quit for the day. There was no way I’d complain about sitting on a couch with my aunt wearing our robes so I headed straight for the shower.

When I finished drying, I heard a light knock and my aunt say, “I have your clothes in the wash. Could you come to my bedroom and help me with something when you’re done?”

“Of course, Auntie. Be right there,” having my own idea of how I could help her in the bedroom, but figured it was a task she wanted done that wasn’t on the list. That’s probably why she prematurely terminated my outside activities, to work on inside jobs. I threw on my robe and headed to her bedroom. She lay face down on her bed, with a sheet pulled up to under her armpits, leaving her lovely neck, shoulders, and the top of her back exposed.

She turned her head toward me and smiled seductively. Thinking my dreams were coming true, my cock hardened. She brought me back to reality when she asked, “If you wouldn’t mind, could you massage the tops of my shoulders? I feel a little tense today.”

“Of course, I don’t have much experience, but I’ll do my best,” I offered. I stood near the bed and reached over, placing my hands on her shoulders. It was awkward leaning over and I was afraid she was going to notice my robe tenting out.

She solved my dilemma when she suggested, “It’d be easier if you hop onto the bed and straddle me to get better access.”

I quickly positioned myself on top of her and resumed rubbing her smooth neck and shoulders. Her content, steady humming built my confidence that I was applying the correct amount of pressure.

She raised her hands and pulled the sheet down as far as she could before it hit my legs, explaining, “It feels so good and you’re doing such a great job, would you mind continuing with my back?”

I gladly complied, stroking her entire back and the sides of her ribs. Her large breasts lay buried in the mattress, but I could see part of the sides that were flattened and squished out. They begged to be held, but since she was fully aware of her surroundings, I didn’t risk ending my fantasy. When her humming turned into low groaning, I decided to test how far I could escalate my caressing.

I shifted my legs back and massaged her lower back, moving the sheet down with each down stroke. I shoved the material lower, until it was halfway down her ass, exposing the tops of her firm cheeks. When I gently rubbed her buns in a circular motion and she didn’t react, I continued to uncover her as my exploring hands captured more territory. She groaned, seemingly happy to allow me full access. I inched backward and pulled the sheet down to her ankles, stroking the backs of her legs. Feeling my rock-hard prick bob and jerk, I was thankful she couldn’t see the tent in my robe.

Resting on my haunches, below her feet, I worked her lower legs, running my hands up the backs of her thighs, ending at her ass cheeks. When I leaned over to rub her soft buns, my robe brushed across her legs with each stroke. She stirred and acted as if she was done, so I figured my entertainment was coming to an end.

“Mikey, your robe is chafing the backs of my legs,” she huskily croaked. “Would it bother you much if you removed it?”

I quickly shucked my garment, not saying anything, knowing I wouldn’t be able to hide my excitement in my voice. Pressing my legs on the outside of hers, I ensured our flesh remained in full contact as I continued my massage. Wrapping my hands around her legs, I caressed the fronts and backs, moving up and down the length of her lithe limbs. The higher I ventured, the hotter her flesh felt, but paled in comparison to my boiling blood. While rubbing her mid-thighs, my gaze focused on her glorious rounded ass. Her groans shifted to moaning while her breathing rate increased rapidly.

She squirmed and in the process, raised her hips. With both of my hands wrapped around one thigh, she moved her other leg outward. A waft of pussy scent hit me when her bald, wet pussy became exposed. My prick throbbed as I gazed upon her glistening slot.

All too soon, she lowered herself and instructed, “My legs are fine. Move back up and work on my shoulders. They still feel tense.” Crawling forward, while straddling her, I carefully distanced myself, so my stiff prick wouldn’t bump against her backside.

After digging my fingers into her shoulders for a few moments, she groaned and uttered, “That should be enough. It’s time for a reward for such a good massage.”

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