How Can I Get Pregnant? - Cover

How Can I Get Pregnant?

Copyright© 2024 by Sterling

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Two young brides flee a polygamous cult when the patriarch can't father more children. They don't know what it is the old man can't do, so Frank shows them. Later he bluffs his way in to take the old man's place, and ultimately sets everyone free.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Incest   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Prostitution  

But after the long initial meeting among Frank, Ruth, Rachel, Alison, and Abigail, the mothers left, and it was time for Frank to be alone with Abigail and Alison.

The discussion got more serious.

“Is my mother a good lay?” asked Alison.

“What about mine?” said Abigail.

Frank sighed. “Different cultures. So very different cultures. Cultures change. Culture clash.” Then he said, “Do you think the world would be a better place or a worse one if I hadn’t gone to One True Religion?”

“Worse, of course. Much worse,” said Abigail. “But I still don’t like that you fucked my mother.”

“I never did, actually. She made it clear she wasn’t interested.” Abigail smiled a little. “But if she had been, I would have.” Abigail stopped smiling.

“Same with yours,” he said to Alison.

She in turn said, “You could have arrived, said God doesn’t exist, told everyone to leave ... But they would have decided you weren’t the next leader after all and chosen someone else. Or they would have been lost and unhappy. But you didn’t have to father dozens more children, did you?”

“You left because you desperately wanted children, right?”

“Yeah ... Say, according to them, I’m your wife, right?”

“Yeah, me too!” said Abigail. “Would it please you to fuck your wives? Your word is God’s command.”

“I never forced myself on anyone,” said Frank. “I asked them what God was saying to them in their own hearts. I don’t know how they decided. I couldn’t change their thinking overnight, but I could at least give them room to go the direction they wanted to go.”

“But if they said ‘go ahead and do me’ you did it -- with relish, right?”

“Yeah,” said Frank with a sigh. But then he sat up proud and tall. “Hey, I’m a man. Give a man a chance to start a baby, and he’s going to do it. Unless maybe he’s a saint.”

“When we first arrived at your house, you didn’t hesitate to fuck us both. Over and over.”

“Nope, nor did my son. And it was great. You were both great.”

Both girls stuck their tongue out at Frank.

“And then setting us up as the high-class whores!”

“It was your idea.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t know what we were doing -- not really.”

“Sure you did. I even told you what the outside world would think. You were between cultures. Everything you did seemed sincere to me.”

“Yeah, it was,” sighed Alison. “And we’ve decided we were right, and we still do it, even though we don’t need the money that much. Because the men love it so much.”

Abigail said, “But now, we know what they’re likely thinking. ‘She’s so naive she doesn’t know she’s a whore’.”

Alison said, “But we march to our own drummer. It’s good to make people happy. Even men. Even when they’re just being horny and want to fuck something with a cunt.”

Abigail said, “And yet, the only reason we’re in demand is that they know the cunt truly doesn’t mind getting fucked. It’s kind of paradoxical.”

After a pause, Frank said, “If you were me, and you two girls had come stumbling down the dirt road, lost and confused, what would you have done? What should I have done?”

“I’m not sure,” said Alison. “All the world screams, ‘Something else! Something else!’ But I’m not sure what else there was. We were both horrified at the idea of marrying one man. We could have gone to school to be medical lab technicians and lived as old maids.”

Abigail said, “We could have found another Mormon church with plural wives and a potent leader and offered ourselves -- swearing we weren’t married -- lying.”

“Yeah, right,” said Alison. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

After a silence, she said, “But now we get down to business.” She slapped her hand on her thigh repeatedly. “We have two ideas we thought about in advance. First, we’re really mad at you. Really, really mad. We want to spank you. You can keep your pants on.”

“OK,” said Frank, nervously. Alison pulled Frank down onto her lap, face down, and started spanking. “You bad, bad man!” she said. “You horrible man!” Those weren’t just little symbolic taps. She was spanking for all she was worth! Fortunately she wasn’t all that strong. He felt Abigail whacking him too and echoing, “Bad man! Pimp! Motherfucker!”

“Hey, my turn,” she said to Alison. “I don’t get a good angle this way.”

The two young women hauled Frank sideways until his bottom was right on Abigail’s lap. “You horrible, lying man! You deserted us, leaving us here as whores with your son pimping us out!” Abigail was stronger than Alison, and she wasn’t holding back. That really hurt! Frank tried to be brave, but Alison noticed. “Not quite so hard, Abby,” she said. The girls pushed him, and next thing he knew he had landed awkwardly on the floor.

“That was one idea,” said Alison. “We said we had two.”

“Umm, I’m not sure I want to know what the other is!” said Frank.

“Yeah, I think you do.”

The children were all asleep. Sitters were standing by in case any of them woke up.

Frank, Abigail, and Alison were all naked. A dozen candles gave a soft light.

These were mothers. Their breasts had been sucked on by infants. Their bellies had stretch marks. But they were attractive. They might be fertile. They were mothers Frank would like to fuck. His cock rose accordingly.

Frank stood on the floor. The two women sat on the bed, fondling his stiff cock.

“That cock has fucked a lot of pussies,” said Abigail. “And sperm has shot out the end to start a whole bunch of babies. Dozens. A very successful stud.”

Alison said, “No, Frank is the stud. His cock is just the tool. And down here,” she said, hefting his balls. “The factories that churned out the blueprints for dozens of children. Pretty good blueprints, it seems.”

“Your cock is hard and stiff,” said Abigail. “It’s not usually that way or it would be really awkward fitting into your pants. Why is it hard?”

“Because I’m with two sexy young women and I want to make love to them.”

“What, specifically, does your cock have to do with ‘making love’?”

“I want to slide it into your vaginas. I can’t see your vaginas, but I can see the hair and the slits. I know there are vaginas inside.”

“He’s very clever,” said Alison. “Which vagina? I know that, even if you were the one true voice of God on earth, your cock, clever and magnificent as he is, can’t be in two vaginas at once.”

“Whichever one you choose. Then when I’m done with that one I want to slide into the other one as soon as I can.”

“But you have to choose.”

“OK, I choose Alison first.”

Alison stuck her tongue out at Abigail, and Abigail reciprocated. Alison said, “Why on earth would you want to take that big hunk of meat and stick it up into my body? Down in the land of pee and poop, no less?”

“Because it would feel fantastic. And it would feel fantastic because that’s the way nature made me. It made me want to shove my stiff cock into every hot pussy it can. That’s so my body can shoot sperm up inside and start a baby and I can be a daddy. My genes wouldn’t have made it as far as me unless my daddies and granddaddies and all hadn’t really wanted to shove their cocks into any cunt they could find and squirt sperm to start babies. Father to son. That’s the only way a father can make a son. Squirting his sperm into a hot cunt.”

“Hmmm,” said Alison. “I don’t usually think of it that way ... But why should I let you do that?”

“No reason at all, unless you want to let me.”

Alison suppressed a smile. “Why would nature make me inclined to let you do that?”

“So you can be a mommy. The only way your mommies and grand-mommies and so forth could have gotten that way is by letting a man shove his stiff cock way up their cunts and dump sperm inside where it’s wet and inviting. For sperm, that is. Penises too. And the men the penises are sticking out of.”

“Hmmm. But I’m on a pill so I can’t have a baby right now. I don’t want one now, actually.”

“Doesn’t matter. Your mommies and grand-mommies and my daddies and granddaddies didn’t know anything about that. They just wanted to fuck. Get the cock up the cunt and let it squirt out sperm.”

“I gotta say, that sounds pretty convincing,” said Alison. “I do awfully feel like lying back here with my legs wide apart and even peeling my labia apart so you can see my cunt. See? There it is.”

“But wait!” said Abigail. “You’d want to stick your cock in my cunt just as much and squirt sperm there instead?”

“Absolutely! And as soon as I’ve squirted into Alison and recovered, I hope I can shove it way up in you and squirt there too!”

“OK, well let me help you with Part A,” said Abigail, leaning over and fondling Frank’s cock gently before aiming the tip right between Alison’s prominent pussy lips.

“You sure your pussy’s ready to get it?” said Frank.

“Oh, yeah...” said Alison. “My cunt is hungry for it. Do it! I mean, please, when you’re ready.”

Frank slid his cock in slowly, Alison’s pussy giving a delicious, firm embrace, then slid back out again most of the way. He sighed.

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