How Can I Get Pregnant? - Cover

How Can I Get Pregnant?

Copyright© 2024 by Sterling

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Two young brides flee a polygamous cult when the patriarch can't father more children. They don't know what it is the old man can't do, so Frank shows them. Later he bluffs his way in to take the old man's place, and ultimately sets everyone free.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Incest   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Prostitution  

From the beginning, Frank kept mulling over in his mind the story the girls had told about their past. That community they had left ... One True Religion. Frank didn’t think much of religion, but he didn’t mind as long as nobody got hurt. But it sounded like people were getting hurt. All those women were essentially slaves to Reverend Adam. The boys were sent off to labor camps, and the girls, sired by Reverend Adam’s predecessor, all signed up to become yet another wife of Reverend Adam. Once married, their role was to have as many babies as Reverend Adam could give them.

But now, Frank thought, with a surge of warmth inside his briefs, they weren’t able to have the satisfaction of motherhood! Adam didn’t have what it took any more. But what if Frank could take his place? Take his turn fathering dozens of children? He could introduce some changes to make the lives of the girls and women easier. But not to interfere with the idea that they would keep having babies one after another. There was a powerful animal need deep within Frank that hungered for that, and that animal was guiding him now.

Frank was 52 years old, healthy and fit. Alison and Abigail seemed to have a life they loved, and his son Jason had a way of earning a living. With the proper adjustments, Jason could also father any further children Abigail or Alison wanted. Frank was not in the least surprised to hear that both girls were fine with the idea of bearing Jason’s children instead of Frank’s.

Why not find his way to One True Religion and see if he could help them out? He was positive he could do the main thing he and they wanted -- impregnating the females. But what about being a religious leader? From the beginning, he had from time to time asked Alison and Abigail about their previous life, and they were happy to reminisce. Now he asked with more focused attention. He learned the history of the group and its theology.

Then he focused on the details of their trek down to civilization. What buildings had they come near? What was that first stream like? What about the second? He bought the topo map of the area and studied it. Given what they had said, there was just one place that One True Religion could be. Isolated, in a little valley surrounded by hills.

He let the girls and Jason know he was thinking about embarking on a long trip, though he couldn’t tell them where he was going. The girls in particular said they would miss him, but didn’t try to stop him if that’s what he really wanted to do. After a few months, he bade the three of them (and his two infant children) farewell and set off.

Frank had kept the Utah house when he bought the brothel, for a number of reasons, chief among them that he or Jason could retreat there and just live inconspicuously for a while. He now went to live there for a few final days.

He was going to avoid the guarded main entrance for the same reason the girls had not used it when leaving. He hired a local acquaintance to drive him to a certain place on a dirt road that would leave him with just a half-day’s hike through the woods.

As he approached he knew he was in the right place. Some young girls who were gathering something in the woods noticed him first, and hurried back to the buildings. As he kept approaching, he came upon women working in the vegetable gardens, and said he wanted to speak to whoever was in charge. All of them wore the same sort of brown flowing dresses that appeared to be a sort of uniform here -- the same kind that Alison and Abigail had been wearing when they had escaped.

As he approached the biggest building he was greeted by a trio of older-looking women. They said they were the people Reverend Adam had delegated to running the place, a sort of council of elders.

He approached as if he were in a sort of religious trance, and told them that he had been a member of another closely related branch of Mormonism, and had had dreams of a place that God meant him to go. The dreams he related included details that no outsider could know about One True Religion but that he knew from Alison and Abigail. Then God had spoken and commanded him to come here, including where to enter the woods and which way to walk.

It was easy to nonchalantly determine that Reverend Adam was still alive -- had he not been then his path would have been simpler -- unless someone else had already taken his place. As it was, his destiny was to commune with Reverend Adam and let God guide them jointly as to what was to be done next. He knew from the girls that as of a couple years before, Reverend Adam was getting confused more and more often.

The women seemed inclined to believe his story -- many seemed downright relieved. Alison and Abigail had reported a palpable unease spreading through the community before they left that extended beyond the absence of babies. Nothing in their religious teachings prepared them for what to do if Reverend Adam died. And while not dead yet, he was in no position to lead them actively or give them instructions for some sort of transition. They trusted that God would guide them, and Frank fit the bill exactly -- a man whom God had brought to them to become their new leader.

When left alone with Reverend Adam, the older man did come to consciousness briefly but seemed unable to communicate anything. He had probably suffered multiple strokes. Frank met with the three elders and told them that God had told him that it was time to stop giving Adam the medicines the doctor had prescribed. If God meant Adam to recover and live, He would see to it, and if not, then it was time for him to join the Lord our Father and Jesus in heaven. All the girls and women set to praying fervently for Adam’s recovery. Within hours of missing his medicines, Adam went deeply unconscious. Pretending to pray was by no means Frank’s favorite activity, but fortunately the old man croaked within three days.

The three elders firmly confirmed to any doubters that God had sent Frank to take over leadership of the community. As such, what he spoke was God’s will and not to be questioned. The fact that no babies were being born was a problem on everyone’s mind. The physical solution to that problem was obvious to all, and a new man would need no extraordinary abilities to provide the solution. But there was the social and religious part. In a solemn gathering, he announced that he would take on all of Adam’s widows as his own wives. As he looked carefully at the faces of the women, most seemed content, some seemed actively excited, and a few others looked a bit puzzled. They later admitted that it hadn’t occurred to them that anything else might happen.

Frank freely admitted to the elders that the details of God’s will were not clear to him in all respects, and they were untroubled by that. He trusted that the three elders would coach him on the community’s customs so that everything could continue much as it had before.

As a husband to many wives, Frank must have a private audience with each one, in order of seniority. The oldest was bed-ridden, though mentally sharp. He asked her to join him in prayer and tell him what God suggested would be a suitable way to consummate this new marriage. She suggested he place his hand inside her underpants briefly, and he was happy to limit their sexual encounter in that way. Another of his wives was clearly demented, and alone with her he just went as far as kissing her on the cheek.

The three of the council of elders were among his older wives, and two thought God was content with him simply placing his hand on her private parts in an attitude of prayer. One, by the name of Doris, suggested sexual intercourse, and with a gulp Frank set out to comply. She was old and had extra flesh, but there was a pussy right there, and he hadn’t been in a pussy in a couple weeks. He got it up, verified with his fingers that a penetration would be smooth and easy, shoved it in, and, trying not to test his endurance, came in 30 seconds. Doris seemed delighted. Losing all pretense of prayer, she said she had missed it, that the late Adam hadn’t done that to her in fifteen years, and the word was he hadn’t done much of any at all in the last five, with any of his wives. “If you can manage to do the deed with an old lady like me, I’d say you’ve got the main thing we want in a leader!” Suddenly she regained her demeanor of holiness and said, “Well, of course God’s will covers many things, but in that respect at least...”

Frank explored the area between his next wife’s legs, spreading her lips gently, prodding to determine the lubrication status. “Oh, Reverend Frank,” she said with a bit of anxiety. “This is something new.”

Frank said, “I’m trying to make sure you are ready so it won’t hurt.”

The woman looked at him with wonder. “Adam would never do that. He just shoved it in. It often hurt. But we got used to it.”

“Well, God has given me a different idea,” he said. Some gentle, rhythmic caressing right on the relevant little nubbin had the expected effect. His fingers revealed she was getting wetter and hotter inside. The woman looked at him with wonder.

He then turned over onto her, placed his cock tip, and shoved. It went right in. This wife obviously had low expectations for the pleasure of the encounter, and he felt no need to bring her to ecstasy. He pressed in and out, cock embraced with a tight, wet hug. It wasn’t half a minute before he lunged deep and delivered his life-giving seed deep inside.

There were several wives who seemed unlikely to conceive and had no interest in sex.

There was this ideal within polygamy that a man should treat his wives equally, a laudable goal. But it was interpreted sometimes in the literal sense of entertaining them in his bed the same number of times. Frank explained how that was a misunderstanding. The important thing was that a woman not feel neglected. If she wanted more time in bed than she was getting, she should let him know. This was a big relief to many of his older wives. After an initial bedroom visit with each of them, many never again joined him in bed at all, though he made a point of talking with them privately now and then to keep track of how they were feeling overall.

One woman in the prime of life joined him in bed, and he began exploring with his fingers to try to make her ready. But she was already hot and well-lubricated. “Oh, that’s a nice surprise,” he said. “Are you always like that?”

“Oh -- oh, no, Reverend Frank. It’s ... Well, we never discussed it with Adam. He just turned over onto us and did the act. But it hurt. So I took to exploring that part of myself before going to bed with him. I ... I hope you don’t mind.” She looked down shyly.

“Not at all,” smiled Frank. She was hot and sexy, and she had exposed to him her fully aroused female opening. He mounted and thrust into her, then in and out with enthusiasm. He enjoyed her body and the act for a full minute before giving her the seed.

A luscious young thing joined Frank in bed. She was fully aroused. He mounted, penetrated, and fucked away. Fucking a hot pussy was a man’s strongest desire, deep down, and as long as he knew it would end with the reward of ejaculation, it was delicious to keep at it a good long while. She seemed to be enjoying the experience a lot herself, which intrigued him. She bit her lip and began to look anxious. Frank fucked away. Then he felt her shudder and felt contractions in her pussy. That sent him over the top and he left a blob of sticky goo deep inside at the same time he felt deeply satisfied. As he caught his breath, he said, “I guess that felt good. Does that happen often?”

The woman looked ashamed and confused. “It can’t be holy, can it? A few of us have noticed the same thing happen now and then and hoped it wasn’t the work of the devil.”

Frank laughed out loud. “You don’t know what a female orgasm is? It’s wonderful -- something to celebrate. God thinks it’s great if you enjoy the sexual act too. Sometimes a woman gets that same sort of ecstasy and feeling of satisfaction. The more you enjoy it, the better.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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