How Can I Get Pregnant? - Cover

How Can I Get Pregnant?

Copyright© 2024 by Sterling

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Two young brides flee a polygamous cult when the patriarch can't father more children. They don't know what it is the old man can't do, so Frank shows them. Later he bluffs his way in to take the old man's place, and ultimately sets everyone free.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Incest   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Prostitution  

Frank hadn’t had a clear plan in mind when he convinced the girls to let Jason have sex with them. Part of it was hoping that visiting him would become a higher priority for Jason -- and in that he suspected he had succeeded.

Then Abigail said something that knocked Frank’s socks off. “Frank, Alison and I were thinking. We’ve always been taught that serving God is our life’s mission. Now we know that not everything we learned back in One True Religion was right. You’ve shown us some new things. We enjoy luxuries that we never could before -- washing machines, pork chops, hot showers, nice clothes, on and on. We want to give back. You showed us that men love to have sex, and shown us how we can really enjoy sex too. Are there other men who we could serve, by letting them have sex with us?”

“There are,” said Frank, stammering. “And that is very kind of you. It’s ... Well, I’m surprised you mentioned it, but you are completely correct.”

It took time for Frank to digest Abigail’s suggestion. Of the various ways he had considered for making a living, Alison and Abigail’s sexual availability put up for sale stood far above the others. Prostitutes didn’t typically make a lot of money, but Frank thought he detected a key difference. If Abigail and Alison let men have sex with them because they truly wanted to let the men feel happy, the men would sense it and the girls could command a hefty price.

Frank sat both girls down for a talk. “Abigail said she would like to serve by letting other men enjoy having sex with her. Is that how you still feel?” Abigail nodded. “And you?” he said, addressing Alison. She nodded too.

“That is good to hear. It ties into something else I’ve been meaning to mention. As you know, One True Religion paid its bills because men and boys labored in the work camps. Out here there are no work camps to pay our bills. Most people have to work. Unfortunately, I lost my job and am having trouble finding another.”

Now was the crucial question. “If you invite other men to have sex with you, I suspect many will enthusiastically take you up on the offer. To express their appreciation, many would also be delighted to pay you some money. If you accepted their money while letting them enjoy sex with you, it could help pay the bills.”

The girls didn’t miss a beat. “Oh, that sounds even better!” said Abigail. Alison nodded.

But Frank had to make things clearer. The girls would soon enough learn what the world at large thought of prostitution.

“You learned a great many rules in your old lives, feeling that all were devised as part of serving God’s will. Now you have learned that the world offers many good things and God has no objection at all. One rule they have here in the outside world is that a man can have only one wife.” The girls frowned and nodded. That was one fact about the outside world they knew very well. “So you are not my legal wives, just women I live with. God knows we are married.” Now to the key point. “The world here also looks down on women who have sex for money. They think of them as very bad. But that’s another unfair rule that the broader world gets wrong. If a woman wants to make a man happy by letting him have sex with her, and he wants to pay her for the opportunity, that’s just fine. And God has confirmed to me that it is the best course.”

To his relief, Abigail and Alison just nodded and smiled.

When girls are raised in a strict religion that isolates itself from the outside world and condemns it as immoral, and they go out into that world, there ensues a complicated emotional turbulence from which arises a new morality and purpose. The girls’ own moral sense told them that if they wanted to earn a living by doing something that was a lot of fun, they would disdain the judgment of the sinful world. This new man Frank who spoke for God commanded it, so that was enough to seal the deal, but it also fit comfortably with their own intuitions.

Frank made inquiries and made connections. Pictures of Alison and Abigail were met with approval.

For the first set of encounters, Frank rented a cheap motel room for a day. He explained to each man that the girl he was about to meet would be genuinely happy to give him pleasure, if he was kind and respectful and adopted the same spirit. If he didn’t, the girls might refuse to have sex with him. If his disrespect was not entirely clear cut, he would get a partial refund.

It worked! Now and then a man was disrespectful, but the girls understood that these men were raised with the same attitude of looking down on girls who offered sex for money, and they concluded with a sense of superiority that some just couldn’t get beyond that.

William had flown across the country for this opportunity. He would get to spend the night with two girls, both of them six months pregnant, both reportedly friendly and positive.

He got to put his hands all over them, got to feel the babies kick. They gave him a back rub, and touched him with delicious care all over his body. He knew he could do it doggy style with these girls, but when it first happened, with the blond, and the luscious girl butt appeared, lips held open, it was amazingly positive. He finished inside her. At the age of 62 his sexual stamina wasn’t what it used to be but he kept touching the girls’ amazing bodies. The girls were willing, with good nature, to go to sleep with one of his middle fingers stuck up into each vagina. He slept too, but not so much, and in the morning mounted the brunette doggy-style and thrust away in a deeply satisfying way. She placed his hand on her tummy so he could feel the baby kick as his cock penetrated her, over and over. He left a load of sperm up inside of her, just as he had her sister the previous evening.

Boys and men who are thrilled at the prospect of sex with a hot, smiling girl often don’t attend carefully to a girl’s pleasure, so the girls mostly did not achieve orgasm during any given act of sex. But they got aroused, and also found themselves staying aroused between men. Alison confessed that when she was alone between sessions she would sometimes touch herself down there and give herself an orgasm. Abigail was more hesitant, but eventually decided that was a good idea too, and not something to be ashamed of.

Without intervention, successive ejaculations build up inside a girl’s vagina and they leak out. And most men didn’t like to be reminded that another man had been doing his thing in that very vagina not long before. For Alison and Abigail, a quick insertion and removal of a low-flow tampon did the job on the inside, and they could use wipes around the outside. Their female parts were then all set up to let the next man enjoy himself immensely while filling her vagina up with his own fluid.

Word spread. There was soon a waiting list. Frank let it be known that the way to move up on the list was to offer a tip. A tip of $100 was what they started out with, but the waiting list stayed full, so the required tip increased.

Alison and Abigail were not especially beautiful, nor did they have especially large breasts or wide hips or big butts. They didn’t wear make-up but at their age they didn’t need to. They were attractive 19-year-olds. And they were wholesome. Modest dresses of the kind they had worn at One True Religion were kind of appealing to men, and they also didn’t keep them on one moment longer than the men wanted them to. But what few other prostitutes in the world offered was a cheerful welcome, a genuine smile, a warm invitation to penetrate them, a shy admission that it felt really good to be getting it, signs of pleasure and encouragement as a man approached climax, and genuine delight that the man had felt so good and they had been able to satisfy him.

As the money flowed in, it was soon measured in thousands and then tens of thousands of dollars. Frank was in far better financial circumstances than he had feared a year before! So it was time to make plans.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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