Mom Needed a Friend - Cover

Mom Needed a Friend

Copyright© 2024 by DDMarshall

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Margaret Mitchell seduced her eighteen-year-old son Tom into playing at sex with her. They thought it was a very private relationship until Margaret’s daughter, Sara, walked in on them. After learning a rather intimate detail about her mother and brother’s relationship, Sara started questioning her relationship with her boyfriend, Eddie.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Sara drove over to her mother’s after work. Her mother answered the door and let her in. Sara put her purse down and asked, “Mom, can we talk?”

“If it’s about yesterday, definitely not.”

“No, Mom, you have to believe me. I’m over that, and I truly meant it when I told Tom that what you and Tom do is your business. I need to talk to you about something rather personal.”

Margaret uncrossed her arms and sat on the couch. She patted the cushion to invite Sara to sit with her. “What is it, Honey? You know I will help if I can.”

“Yesterday, you said you have oral sex with Tom and...”

Margaret started to get up from the couch, “Damn it, Sara, I warned you... ‘

Sara reached out and put her hand on her mother’s arm, “Please, Mom, let me finish.”

Margaret sat back, folded her arms in front of her, and was ready to tell Sara to leave if she said one more word about what Tom and she did.

“Mom, no one has ever done that for me. I keep trying to get Eddie to do it, but he won’t. I really want to know what it’s like. All my friends rave about it. What do I have to do to get Eddie to do it for me?”

Any animosity Margaret had toward her daughter for causing the embarrassment she felt from finding out about her transgression with her son melted away. Her best friend was asking for her help, “Have you performed oral sex on Eddie? Some men are stubborn and won’t do it unless the girl does them first.”

“All the time, Mom. I asked him to do it again last night, and he refused and then expected me to blow him. I kicked him out of bed and made him sleep on the couch.”

Margaret chuckled, “Well, that’s a start.” Margaret gave Sara some advice and hoped for the best.

A week later, Sara returned to her mother’s house to talk. Sara walked in and put her purse down. Tom was coming out of the kitchen with a sandwich and a Coke. Tom nodded to his sister, “Hi, Sara.” Tom only had his boxer shorts on. Margaret came out behind Tom, wearing a light robe she had not even bothered to tie closed. Margaret took a sip of her wine, “Well, Sara, I may have to take your key away if you keep dropping in on us like this without calling first.” Margaret put her sandwich and wine on a side table and tied her robe closed.

Sara could not miss that her mother did not have a bra on and only the skimpiest pair of bikini panties. “Mom, can we talk?”

“Of course, dear.” Margaret picked up her sandwich and wine.

Sara followed her mother and brother into the den. Margaret and Tom sat on the couch and put their lunch on the coffee table. Margaret picked up the remote and turned the TV off.

Sara could not get over how cavalier they were about being half-dressed in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. When her mother leaned forward to pick up her sandwich to take a bite, the top of her robe fell open, and Sara could see her nipples.

Despite the unusual circumstances, Sara voiced her concerns: “I’m at my wit’s end with Eddie. I have tried everything with him. I teased, I begged, I cried, I left articles for him to read, I cursed him and punished him.”

Tom swallowed a bite of his roast beef sandwich, “I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” He reached for his sandwich plate, but Margaret put her hand on his arm.

“No, Tom, stay.”

Tom sat back, wondering why his mother wanted him to stay and listen to his sister’s problems with her boyfriend. Sara’s social and love life problems were something his mother always helped her through, and they would most likely confuse him anyway.

Margaret put her arm around her daughter, “I know you love Eddie, and he adores you. Is having him do this one thing for you so important that you would ruin your relationship with him?”

Sara shook her head, “No, but is it as fantastic as my friends tell me?”

“I won’t lie to you, Sara. If done properly by someone you love, it can be extremely erotic and, oh so satisfying.”

Tom didn’t concern himself with what the ‘it’ was and really wasn’t interested as he reached for the remote. Margaret slapped his hand.

Sara asked a question that finally got Tom’s attention. “Is it that good for you when Tom does it?”

Tom really didn’t want to get into it again with his sister about his relationship with their mother.

Margaret cleared her throat and smiled at her daughter, “Ahem, I’d say almost as good as your father.”

Tom tried to get up, but his mother already had her hand on his arm, “Sit, and don’t move until I tell you to.”

“Does Tom do it just because you want him to, or does he enjoy doing it too?

Margaret threw Tom under the bus, “Why don’t you ask him?”

Tom was feeling very uncomfortable and had no idea how he was supposed to answer such a question, “Mom, don’t get me involved with your girl talk.”

“Oh, shush up. Your sister is asking for help, and you will help your sister in any way you can. We are family. That’s what we do.”

Despite Sara being uncomfortable talking to her brother about her sexual issues, she enjoyed putting him on the spot, “Well, Tom, do you like doing it for Mom?”

Tom wasn’t going to make it easy for his sister, “Do what?”

“You know, the thing you do.”

“I don’t know. What thing do I do?”

Margaret slapped Tom’s bicep, “Stop teasing your sister.”

Tom knew perfectly well what his sister was asking about. The week before, his mother had mentioned that it was sad that Eddie was reluctant to perform oral sex on his sister. As they cuddled and kissed, his mother confided in him she was worried that Sara might be becoming a bit obsessed with forcing Eddie to do something he didn’t want to do. She was afraid it would affect Sara’s relationship with Eddie.

Tom turned a bit towards his mother and put his arm around her as he answered Sara, “I love everything I do for Mom. And yes, the oral sex is fantastic, both giving and receiving.”

“Can you show me how you do it?”

Margaret’s eyebrows rose, and her mouth opened wide in shock, even more than Tom’s.

Tom stood up and raised his voice, “What the hell is wrong with you, Sara? Do you think Mom and I will put on a show for your entertainment?”

“No, God, no, no, never that. I meant show me.” You do it for Mom. Can’t you do it with me ... just one time, so I will know what it’s like?”

Tom sat back down, not knowing what to say.

Margaret chuckled, “Oh my Tom, I do believe you’re being propositioned.”

Tom looked at his mother for guidance, “Mom?”

Margaret kissed Tom’s cheek, “Do it, Tom, it will mean a lot to your sister. You may not completely understand, but this is very important to her.”

By the look on Sara’s face, Tom could tell she was serious, “As much as it pains me to say this, I do love you, Sara. I also like Eddie and think he is the guy for you. If we do this, Eddie better never find out.”

“I promise I will never tell him. Can we do it now before I lose my nerve?”

“Go ahead, kids. Use my bedroom.” Margaret patted Tom on the back, “We haven’t made the bed yet.”

Tom and Sara went to their mother’s bedroom, and Tom tossed the covers on the unmade bed aside. He got into the bed and laid on his back. “Okay, Sis. Get on top.”

Sara took off her slacks and looked at her brother lying there in his boxer shorts. For a moment, she had second thoughts. Then Sara thought of her mother doing it with Tom. If her mother could do it with Tom, she certainly could ... just this one time. She took her panties off and covered herself as best she could as she climbed up on the bed and straddled Tom’s chest.

Tom put his hands on his sister’s hips, and his fingers held her butt to steady her and guide her to his mouth. Tom couldn’t help but admire her neatly trimmed golden pubic hair that she had shaved into a heart shape. Tom felt himself getting a hard-on.

“Get your hands off my butt, Tom. Who gave you permission to touch me like that?”

Tom jerked his hands away and held them up like he was being held at gunpoint, “Okay, Sara, get the hell off of me and go find somebody else to lick your pussy. I’m sure plenty of guys out there will do it for you. Because right now, I’m not the least bit interested.”

Tom pushed his sister off of him and started to get up. Sara grabbed his arm. “I’m sorry, Tom. I’ve come this far, please. I really want to know what it’s like. I don’t have anyone else. It just feels so naughty when it’s my brother. I’m sorry, you can touch my ass.”

“Look, Sara, I will be honest with you. I love you, but with your attitude, I don’t find you attractive as a sex partner. I’m only doing this because Mom said you needed me to help you. You’re way too uptight and judgmental. When Mom and I fool around, it’s fun. I do for her, and she does for me. What will you do for me if I do this for you?” Sara started to say something. “No, don’t tell me because I already know ... Nothing. And you know what? I’m fine with that, but if you don’t relax and have a little fun with it, you are going to be very disappointed.”

“Okay, can we try again?”

“All right, but don’t blame me if you lose your nerve or don’t relax a little. It’s up to you, Sara.”

Every muscle in Sara’s body was tense as she threw her leg over her brother.

Tom again put his hands on her hips to guide her, “Relax, Sara, and maybe you will enjoy it as much as Mom does.”

Sara sucked in her breath with a hiss as Tom kissed her pussy and ran his tongue over her pussy lips, “Oh my God, Tom, you really did it.” Tom didn’t answer as he licked her for a second time. Sara squeezed her eyes shut and tried to relax. She concentrated first on relaxing her calves and then her thighs. Tom sucked and licked her pussy lips. Sara gasped and forgot all about trying to relax her legs. All she could think about was what was happening between her legs. It was so different from anything Sara had ever felt before. She couldn’t compare the sensation to anything she had done with her fingers or Eddie’s cock. It was a delicate coaxing of arousal that slowly built. That it was her brother between her legs pleasuring her no longer mattered. The sensations promised fulfillment of a gratifying sexual experience.

Despite Tom’s initial reluctance to do this for Sara, he couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it. This being Sara’s first experience, Tom wanted it to be good for her and took his time. He licked and sucked her pussy lip and licked her vulva, avoiding her clit except for a quick lick until he felt she was fully aroused.

Tom felt she was ready and slowly licked her clit, and Sara shuddered. One hand gripped the headboard, and the other went up her blouse to squeeze her breasts. Sara groaned and shuddered through her orgasm. Not ten seconds later, a second orgasm racked her body. Sara threw herself off Tom and curled up into the fetal position with her hands between her legs. She lay twitching, then unmoving for a full minute before turning to face Tom. She didn’t say anything as she crawled back over to Tom, and he took her into his arms. Sara kissed her brother, “Hold me, Tom, hold me tight.”

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