Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon - Cover

Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 7: We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7: We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful - Our young survivor has made himself a home and friends. Now, his world has become more complicated.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Violence  

Susan was kneeling before me while I sat in the office chair in front of her make-up table. She smiled. “I wonder if I’m corrupting your innocence.” she spoke before engulfing me again.

“That’s something I never had.”

She withdrew to answer, “You were never innocent?”

“Depends on your meaning.”

“My meaning?”

“It’s hard to concentrate with you doing that so well.”

“So, you want me to stop?”

“If you want to discuss this you’ll have to.” She stood and moved to the bed. I stayed in the chair in front of her vanity.

“Most men wouldn’t turn down a blowjob for a conversation.”

“I plan on fucking you shortly, before I go next door if it makes you feel better?”

“My, my am I a sure thing now?”

“I’m not taking you as granted or anything, but I have a suspicion on how the lesson will end. Back to the point, whether or not I am or ever was innocent is entirely determined by your definition. If you mean inexperienced, then ‘yes’ I was innocent, probably still am in some areas. If you mean guiltless or naïve then ‘no’, I never was.”

“You don’t think you’re naïve?”

“No. I don’t.”

“You’re fourteen. What makes you think you know so much about the world.”

“I don’t have the blinders of idealism. The world is harsh and I know it.”

“It’s not that simple. You’re still naïve. You’re still fourteen. You’re still going to make dumb mistakes and trust people you shouldn’t. Knowing bad people exist isn’t going to mean you’re experienced in dealing with all the different types of them.”

“I ... I guess that is probably true.”

“You know, when I agreed to your lesson idea, I really didn’t think we’d have these talks. I assumed you’d be like every other man and just interested in getting your rocks off. Instead, you focused on the lessons and we have these conversations.”

“It’s fun, isn’t it?”

“So, why are you running next door?”

“Alex has a date ... she asked me to help her get ready.”

“And you hate that.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“That you have a crush on her? Yes.”


“Go on and head over there.”


“I am not a sure thing ... you need to get that out of your head. Be ready to apologize next time.”

“Fine, I apologize.” I stood and put my bits back into my jeans. She pointed towards the sliding glass doors and I stood and headed next door. I took the time to walk around Susan’s house, so it looked like I was approaching from the street.

Thirty minutes later.

“So, remind me again why, I’m here love?” I asked. Am I really helping the woman I love get ready for a date with another man?

She turned her head and smiled mischievously, “I need a male opinion and I think you’re gentlemanly enough not to peak.” Should I tell her how wrong she is about that? No, definitely not a good time.

“I’ve seen you naked, I don’t need to peak.”

I glanced at my watch as she disappeared into the closet. I realized that she had been preening for nearly an hour so far. It was 1600 and “Kevin” was supposed to pick her up at 1800. Do girls normally spend this long prepping for a simple date or was this special since it was Alex’s first date. I really need to do some research on this Kevin. He’s bound to be up to something. I could destroy him. She may be thankful if I lay the stones correctly.

There were a few real issues with that; I didn’t know who Kevin was. I had a bad habit of not paying attention to people who weren’t directly affecting my life. I didn’t see Kevin ask Alex out. So, I really have no clue who he is or what he looks like. The only thing I know is he is on the Basketball team. I suppose I could ask Scott or Daniel or bother to attend one of the games. No, I really should help her. She wants this to work and I want her to be happy. She should have a good first date, even if I would rather it was with me.

When she stepped out from the closet I laughed aloud. I stifled it as quickly as I could, but it was an uncontrollable response. The damage was done. “Hey, don’t be mean.” she practically whined.

She was dressed in a yellow tank top and plaid skirt with matching heels she could barely walk across the room in, her face was so done up I could barely see her beauty beneath the colors. “Do you want me to be honest?” She shyly nodded here head. “What exactly do you want out of this?”

“I want him to like me obviously.” There was more than a hint of annoyance in her tone.

I summarized what I assumed she wanted, “You want to look sexy but you don’t want him to think you’re easy or a slut. Basically, you want him to be soft clay in your hands.” A more convincing nod followed. “I have to play my male card here, I can’t tell you what he’d like, but I can tell you what to do if you wanted to wrap me around your finger and let’s face it, all guys are pretty much the same”

“You’re wrong.” No, I suppose there is one man on the planet stupid enough to help the girl he loves get ready for another guy.

“Not as wrong as you think. Sure, some guys like blondes or different body types, but the bottom line is we all look at pretty much the same things.” That was a slight exaggeration at least when it came to me, I was generally attracted to the person before I started to look at their body in my experience, but I still looked at and appreciated the same things most men did. I was focused on her eyes, which would normally be one of her best features, but the make-up had caused them to lose that intoxicating effect. I sighed before continuing “All right do you trust me?”

There was a more hesitant nod in response. “Wash your face. I’ll borrow your phone and see about getting the make-up right. Then I’ll pick you out some clothes.” I stepped out into the hallway.

Sarah was standing there as if she was waiting on me, “Everything all right, I thought I heard something...?”

I wasn’t sure what she was referring to we hadn’t been excessively noisy, “Yes. Ma’am, may I borrow your phone.”

She looked around for a second before saying “Yes, of course.”

I walked to the living room and picked up the phone. I dialed the only woman I knew who wore make up well who might be willing to help. “Hello”

“Hey sister-mine, you busy?”

“Proofreading a term paper.”

“If I do that for you this evening, will you do me a favor?” My sister would have no doubts about my intelligence and I had helped her with assignments before, obviously that would end when she started law school next year.

“Are we feeling needy, baby brother?” I wish I were that simple.

“No, not that kind of favor well not yet anyway, I need a make-up artist and you’re the only one who seems to do that well.”

“Taking up cross dressing, turd? I mean I think you would look hot in drag but still.” She’s running hot and cold today, from baby brother to turd in ten seconds flat.

“Alex has a date. She seems to have made a mess of it; I think that’s Beth’s influence.”

“Isn’t that the girl you love? Why are you helping get her ready for someone else?” Sing it sister-mine

“In order; Yes, I don’t know, and please?”

She hesitated for more than a minute, “All right where?”

“The blue house next door to where you picked me up last week.”

“I’m on my way. And John?”


“You owe me one; I’ll expect you to pay off tonight.”

Apparently, her needy comment was projection, not that I minded paying off. The favor game had gotten a lot more fun once “Do all my chores” was replaced with “eat my pussy then fuck me senseless” although now the payoff was generally the same regardless of who owed who one. I answered with a mocking salute, “Always happy to serve the messiah.” I enjoyed the occasional hints at our first time.

“I’ll have an outfit laid out for you.” She added a cackle to end of that sentence that made me cringe. “See you soon.”

I hung up the receiver. It would take her maybe 10 minutes to get here if she left right away. Her comments about the outfit laid out for me already had me regretting this deal, not that a night serving my sister wouldn’t normally be fairly pleasurable for me. Though I suppose it would be interesting to see what I look like in a dress. Ooh and I could do that twirl thing. That looks fun.

I walked back toward Alex’s room. She was stripped down to a bra and panties. I really wished I were a bolder man. I walked over to her closet and glanced in. She said in a deadpan humor, “John, you shouldn’t have come in, I realized you were right about the outfit and was changing.”

I glanced back at her ignoring her pretend embarrassment half the time she stayed over she slept in the nude anyway, “Wash your face. You’re way too beautiful to wear a mask and I have a professional on the way. I’m not sure what it’s going to cost me though I’m certain I’ll enjoy it, so hopefully she’ll be worth it.”

“Beth’s busy, I already checked.” Good to know I was second choice on this task.

“Yes, but I wanted you to accentuate your beauty, not preen like a deranged peacock.” Beth wore entirely too much make-up, although Alex was wearing more now than Beth normally did. Beth was pretty, but seemed to want to cover it up. She did seem to be putting on weight though as I could no longer count her ribs from across the room.

I returned my attention to the closet until I found what I was looking for. It was a slightly low cut, light blue blouse, with a section of white fabric that would have covered over her cleavage except in very specific lights. The cuffs were also white. I sat in on the bed. She glanced at it and then me and queried, “Why that one. It’s so plain.”

“Yes, that’s part of the point. You look more demure, especially with a jacket, but the white parts are thin. So, if you want to show off you can control the way the light hits it, Which allows him to think he’s sneaking a peak.” I picked the blouse back up and held it to the light. “If he’s good boy you can show him paradise, if he’s bad” I pulled it back “you can deny him.”

She looked back at me before I placed the item back on the bed. Her expression was as if she were seeing me for the first time, it was a bit off putting. “Which jacket should I wear?”

“What do you have?” She pointed to the top of the dresser. There was a heavy brown woolen coat that looked completely inappropriate for the season and a dark green windbreaker. I vacillated for a second, regretting that Beth was busy; I knew she had several light jackets that Alex could borrow. I had a flash of brilliance, “Wear mine.”


“The heavy coat would make you way to hot, sweaty type not attractive type hot, and the windbreaker wouldn’t look right, but my jacket would work it should look casual and allow you to cover anything you want. It might be not fit quite right, but it should be fine.” I picked my jacket up and handed it to her. My denim jacket had been dragged with me from Florida. It wasn’t lined and I would need a heavier jacket anyway, if the winters were bad enough to warrant that heavy woolen coat. I probably needed some jumpers too. I wasn’t thrilled with another shopping session, but I could probably convince my mother to fund it since she seemed intent on buying my affection with her new beau’s paycheck, “Consider it a gift.”

“I can’t take your jacket.” Why not? It fits the outfit you need.

“Yes, you can, I need a new one before winter anyway. Besides, you’ll look good in it. Where are your black jeans with the stripes on them?”

“In the dresser, third drawer down. why?”

“Grab them. Your ass looks fantastic in those. You should see the way everyone drools when you wear those.” You really do have a fantastic ass. Damn, don’t get hard now. I shouldn’t have said that, between that and my comments about her beauty; she might realize my feelings for her. I glanced at her and noticed she was blushing fiercely.

“Are you sure about the outfit?”

“I know what I like to see y ... Girls wear, but if you doubt me you can ask my expert later.” I almost slipped up again. Shut up, John.

There was a fairly long pause as Alex and I locked eyes. I was extremely happy when Mindy walked in carrying some sort of large pink case. Mindy was in jeans and a light green jumper.

Bump a bump Brilliant. That happens with Mindy and Alex now.

The looked at Alex as if sizing her up. Alex was still in her underwear and I couldn’t help but admire the outline of her slit through the pink panties. I quickly looked away.

“This is the patient in need of my expertise?” Mindy winked at me as she quizzed.

“Yes. Alex you’ve met my sister, Mindy. She’s going to help you with the make-up. Oh and wear trainers. Being able to walk across a room is far more attractive than falling over.” I have never understood the obsession with high heels.

“Are you going to give us some privacy, brat?” Mindy said in such a way that I knew it was an order not a question. I sighed and walked back toward s the living room. The door shut behind me and I vaguely heard high pitched girl squeal behind me. I suddenly regretted putting them in the same room, I had come to love my sister, but she was manipulative and enjoyed spreading chaos. I didn’t have any guarantee she wouldn’t say or do something that may damage my friendship with Alex. Mindy knew far too much about my feelings for her, I regretted confiding in her now.

I sat down on the living room couch and took a breath. There was music that had started since I was in the room a few minutes prior. I didn’t recognize it at the time, but it was Tower of Power by Dexter Gordon. “Glad to see you’re feeling at home.” Sarah said. I suddenly realized she was sitting on the chair across from me.

“Pardon me, Ma’am?”

“You’re polite, but you walk around like you live here and you just invited your sister over without asking. I like her by the way.”

“I’m sorry if I crossed some kind of line, ma’am. Mindy is just here to help Alex with the make-up. I apologize if I offended you in anyway.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. Alex and you seem to have gotten awfully close ... and I want you to feel at home here even if you’ve only been over a few times. I think you’ve been a good influence on her. She’s going out on her first date..., um She has a several friends now; Beth, you, Melissa. I don’t really like the twins, but she seems a lot happier than when she spent all her time studying.” Her words seemed alien to me, it wasn’t how I saw Alex.

I took in Sarah for the first time. Her hair was black as opposed to Alex’s light brown and it came to a slight curl at the ends. Her eyes were the same shade of brown though; they were intoxicating in their own right. She was a head and half taller than Alex. Her breasts were more prominent and full. She was wearing a pair of red pants and a jumper. Her scent was unique, kind of like grapes. It was nowhere near as strong as Alex’s strawberry but it was pleasant and I had to fight the urge to move closer to her. She was beautiful. Her voice accentuated everything. There was a word made just for her voice, Dulcet. I’d known she was attractive before, but never appreciated how beautiful she actually was.

“So, what is this music, ma’am. I kind of like it.”

“Dexter Gordon. If you like that you should come over more often and I’ll play some more for you. Music is so much better on vinyl. Oh and don’t call me, Ma’am. Sarah is fine.”

“Yes, ma’am. I mean I’ll try; it’s a bit of a habit for me. I’d like that; the music I mean.” I was flustered and fumbling with my words. Why am I flustered?

She seemed to sense my unease, “Just close your eyes and listen for a moment, I’m sure your sister and Alex will be done shortly.” I followed her advice. I opened my eyes when the record reached the end and she went to change it. I couldn’t help but admire her bum. “This is one of my favorites, John Coltrane My favorite things, he plays soprano sax on this album.” She sat back down in the chair. I let myself drift with the music.

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