Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon - Cover

Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 17: Send Me Home Like an Elephant Stone

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 17: Send Me Home Like an Elephant Stone - Our young survivor has made himself a home and friends. Now, his world has become more complicated.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Violence  

I’d just stripped and settled into my room at Robert’s house after a rather pleasant Jazz Thursday session and had One for Daddy-O reverberating through the muck that passed for my soul when I heard a knock on the wall.

“What do you want, Robert?”

He stepped through the beads, “How’d you know it was me?”

“Process of elimination. Moira would either avoid coming down here in order to hope I’d keep my word about that stupid band or march right in cause she has deluded herself into thinking she is my mother. I have methods of telling if Alex is coming. Beth and Scott would both me louder than you were, and Mindy has only been here once.”

“Can you ... put some clothes on?”

I didn’t ask you to come into my space, you can be irked by my scars. I don’t even have my back to you, asshole.

“You’ll have to deal with my scars, since you’re invading my space.”

“I ... was talking about your uh ... your ... thing.”

Is he that prudish?

“Just tell me what you want. I was going to relax for a bit and then shower.”

“Your mother was upset over the conversation you two had the other day.”

“She got what she wanted, despite invading my privacy and disturbing my friend. Though, it’s going to be funny since it’ll amount to nothing. Parades, games all that I’ll be with the cheerleaders cause I’m not giving up my squad. Just leaves the stupid class itself and a couple of concerts.”

“She wants to fix things; for us to be a family.”

“Did she send you or did you volunteer for this?”

He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, “She was crying. I want to make it better.”

“There isn’t any fixing the relationship between Moira and I. I don’t know what all she’s told you, but I tried to take care of her for a long damn time before I gave up and I have absolutely no intention of bothering again. I’ve got this summer and two years, then I’ll be away at college. I doubt I’ll ever speak to her again after that unless I visit the grandmother and she happens to be there.”

He stood and began pacing back and forth across the width of the room. The renovated section of the basement was long, but not particularly wide. “She told me a lot of it.”

“You shouldn’t trust her to tell you the truth.”

“She said it was like waking up in a hole. Every time the hole was deeper and she knew it was her fault that she was in it. She’d gotten in willingly and couldn’t get out. Each time she tried, she’d slide back in, and the hole felt that much deeper.”

I waved my hand dismissively and picked up the book I was reading at the time. He continued anyway, “She loves you and I want this to work. I want her to be happy and I want you to be happy.”

“Those two things are likely mutually exclusive.”

“They don’t have to be. We can go to family counseling. With the trauma you’ve both been through it’ll help.”


Had enough of therapists after the last two.

“Please? Try? She wants things to get better between you two. She promised me she’d do anything.”

“Sit.” I pointed at the unoccupied couch as I was sprawled on the love seat. “My 11th birthday. Moira had gone through a sober spell after she ran into a ditch while driving drunk and I had to call an ambulance after she smashed her head open and broke the toilet in the bathroom. I’m not sure why she remembered my birthday, she never did before or since.”

“When is it?”


“I would’ve bought you something.”

“Are you rich?”

“What? No! I own some property and I work a lot, but I’m not rich. I do okay.”

“Then, you need to stop trying to buy me things to make me like you. If you want something we can negotiate a payment, but I told you that I’m never going to see you as a parent. I gave up on that concept a long time ago.”

I watched his face contort with sadness before I continued, “Back to the story. So, she was sober for almost a month before my birthday. She even asked me what I wanted to do. I wasn’t dumb enough to expect a present. She had two part time jobs and drank at every opportunity. Pretty sure there were some harder substances too. The primary bread winner was my father was an E9 that smoked by the carton and drank by the case, even with base housing we were barely making ends meet; but in the time I’d been back in the states I’d developed a fondness for a certain chain restaurant. So, I said, ‘Alright. I’d like to go to Denny’s for pancakes.’ She gave me her promise that on my birthday we would go.”

“And she didn’t come through?”

“On my birthday I woke up excited and ready to go get my pancakes. Where was Moira? She was passed out drunk with a man and a woman in her bed. My father woke up and then immediately found them in her room, sent them on their way, beat the crap out of her and then turned on me for allowing such behavior in his house. At that point I thought I was done with my mother. I was done. No more cleaning up her vomit, no more dragging her back to her bedroom if she passed out somewhere else, no more running random fuckwits out of the house before my father found them.”

“She’s trying to get better, she’s been sober for...”

I held up my hand, “Just stop. A week, a month, a decade; it doesn’t matter. I don’t trust her and I know that she doesn’t care about me regardless of the bluster. I broke my leg after a match. I was on crutches for a few weeks, despite it not being a bad break. About a month into that I hobbled into the kitchen to make something to eat and she was apparently sober enough to spout out, ‘What happened to your leg?’ A few months after that I went on my world tour year and ended up here. Moira only cares about one person and they aren’t in this room.”

“She has changed. She hasn’t had a drink...”

“I don’t care. You want something. Tell me what you want and I tell you my price and you cannot afford to get me into therapy. Oh, and if you’re wanting me to carry an egg; that ain’t happening either.”

“Carry an Egg?”

“You have a pic of you in that uniform with the helmet for egg carrying in the living room.”

He shook his head. He was obviously frustrated with how the conversation was going, “Eat dinner with us at least once a week.”


“It’ll help us get closer together. Help you rebuild your relationship with your mother.”

“A two-week cabin rental and I’ll need some new clothes. I’ve outgrown most of last years.”

“School clothes are fine. I’d cover that either way. but what cabin rental?”

“I assume there is a state park near here that does have them considering how woodsy this place is.”

“Yeah, a few. I like Pine Ridge the best.”

“So, two weeks in one of those and I’ll join you and Moira once a week for dinner the duration of the school year. I can beg off say ... four times”

“Why the outs?”

“Four weeks of vacation from the job. That’s not an invitation to negotiate, you try and I go higher not lower.”

“When do you want me to book the cabin for us?”


“You, Me, and your mom.”

I laughed, “No. Just Mindy and I and I’ll need to pick a date with her.”

“Why do you want two weeks in a cabin with your sister?”

“She is going away to law school in the fall and I want to spend time with her before that and I happen to like remote areas.”

“The cabins at pine ridge are more vacation homes; Kitchen, cable, nice views, hiking trails, there is a lake with good fishing.”

“I’ll clear it with Mindy and get back to you.”

“I guess it’s the best I’ll get. The band thing ... you promised your mother; are you going to keep that promise?”

“I always keep my promises. I don’t want to become my mother after all.”

“Okay.” He was frustrated, obviously hoping for a more rewarding conversation and a better outcome for Moira, but he’d have to get over it. He left, slipping through the beads and I made a mental note that I still needed to buy a padlock and hasp for that door.

A weight-bench appeared in my room between then and the next week when I returned to it. There was a bow and a birthday card on it.

The next morning:

I’d made the walk from the heights to Valleyview while I was on my way up the hill towards the grandmother’s I heard singing. I heard, “Three little maids from school are we. Pert as a schoolgirl can be.”

I turned and glanced at the rows of houses above. I saw a sandy-headed boy picking daisies. I called out, “Pretty brave, yum-yum.”

He looked sheepish, “Um, sorry.”

“You new round here, yum-yum?”

“I moved in last week; I’m Brian. Stop calling me that.”

“Would you prefer Peep-Bo?”

“I ... can we just pretend that you didn’t see that.”

“Sure, but you won’t lose the nickname.”

I know what you’re thinking, kiddo. You’re wrong, Brian is straight as an arrow. Just loves Gilbert and Sullivan. It was a weird meeting, but he would spend years in on the periphery of my orbit.

After that I continued up the hill and entered via my standard method; from the walk, over the roof, and into the window. I headed downstairs and found myself staring at Mindy’s bare ass. She was laying with her feet flat on the floor and the top half of her body on the bed. She was engrossed in what was presumably a paper as she had her laptop out and was clicking away. I slipped my pack off and grabbed the bottle of lube from the front pocket and then stripped. I was already rock hard at such a gorgeous sight. I rubbed a bit of lube on my cock and then tried to be quiet as I approached my sister’s amazing body. I set the lube on the bed and I pushed her legs apart just a bit to gain access and she turned her head, “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Keep working, sugar-spun.”

She wasn’t wet, but that was what the lube was for. I entered her and began a slow rhythm. The lack of lubrication on her end wasn’t a problem for long. I glanced at the screen, “You weren’t working.”

“I was playing jezzball, creep.”

I’d had months to learn my sister’s idiosyncrasies. I knew where to caress and where to pinch. I regulated my pace by her breathing. I took another squirt of lube and applied it to two of my fingers. I was gently fucking her and stuck those fingers into her asshole without any build-up, “Oh ... My ... God!”

“Pretty sure the neighbors heard that one, Sugar-spun.”

She’d gone nonverbal. All communication came in the form of gasping and ramming her hips back at my own and the arm that had two fingers knuckle deep in her rear. I pulled my fingers out and she whined in protest which I found hilarious. I pulled my cock from her now dripping pussy and placed it at her backdoor and she whimpered with anticipation. I squirted a bit more lube on my cock, just for safety and thrust in. It wasn’t long before she passed out and I flooded her bowels.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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