Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon - Cover

Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 14: For Valerie or Every last inch of me shall perish

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 14: For Valerie or Every last inch of me shall perish - Our young survivor has made himself a home and friends. Now, his world has become more complicated.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Violence  

It was a Monday. In Susan’s bedroom; she was splayed out before me covered in nothing, but a blindfold. I’d played with her senses for the better part of an hour prior to the actual sex. I was doing my best to keep her on edge, still using my assortment of tools to distract her as we coupled when she cried, “Oh, you’re a God”

I like the praise.

Then she half-whispered, “I love you.”

That’s bad.

Then a bit louder, “I love you, Scott. You’re fucking mommy so good.”

That’s weird.

I stalled staring at her mostly in disbelief. I had difficulty processing what she had just said. I had no issues with consensual incest (I was guilty myself. Three times over at the time), but pretending I was someone else seemed rude.

Does she want to fuck Scott? Has she been pretending I was him this whole time? It makes sense. I look like the twins. We’re all three blue-eyed blondes. Even the heights are that different now. The only real difference are my scars ... well, I’m also bigger than Scott.

She seemed to realize what she said and why I’d stopped. I slipped off the bed and went to the office chair grabbing my jeans in the process. She begged, “I’m sorry ... it ... it’s just a fantasy. A fleeting thought.”

“Have you been pretending I’m Scott this whole time?”

She shook her head, “No, I ... I’ve had fantasies about my sons. One just slipped in today, but normally I’m in the moment with you.” I could see the guilt radiating off her. She was lying.

“I ... I think I need time to think about this. I need to process it.”

She nodded. I slipped my clothes on and headed out the sliding glass door and towards Robert’s house. I wanted advice. My instinct was to go next door to Sarah, but regardless of how wise she seemed, “My regular sex partner has been fantasizing about her son while I’ve been fucking her.” Is probably not the kind of situation she could advise me on.

Mindy knows. She knows that I’ve been sleeping with Susan. I could ask her opinion. GG as well, but her views tend to be painted by her proclivities.

I ended up moving past Robert’s house to the river and sitting down on the bank. December’s welcoming chill, bit at my cheeks.

My other added, “You trusted the fox. Should it shock, she wants her own eggs?”

Bloody hell, you could at least not mix your metaphors. Does it really matter? We’re both using each other. I’m using her for experience and it’s been paying off. She’s using me cause she wants Scott specifically and not just any body young. Does it change anything?

The answer that echoed back was ‘Yes”, even if I wasn’t entirely certain why.

Am I really going to learn anything else from her? At first these lessons were necessary; I learned to eat pussy, stuff about women’s bodies, staying power ... but I’m sleeping with seven others. Fuck? Is it really seven? GG and Mindy can provide the same guidance role Suzie does and I love Mindy, but Mindy will be gone at the end of the summer. That works both ways. Time I spend with Suzie is time I could be spending with Mindy or Alex.

I continued to think myself round in circles, till the a bit after the sun had gone down. I climbed the bank back towards Robert’s house and slipped through my private entrance and slept. Tomorrow, I’d drop off my gifts for the squad, Suzie, Sarah, The twins, and Alex ... then head to the grandmother’s for Christmas.

24 December

I did the rounds early. I left Stacy’s gift with Jill’s, dropped off the twins’ and one for Suzie, Then one for Sarah and Alex. I still had Angie’s, but would need to beg a ride to drop hers off since she lived near the school and that four mile walk didn’t seem appealing.

That’s how I found myself knocking on Beth’s door. When a younger girl opened it I was ... confused, “Hi, This is the Danvers’ place right?”

She looked vaguely like Beth. The same complexion, the same black hair, she was shorter. Obviously, a couple of years younger and she had blue eyes.

“Yes. You’re one of Beth’s boyfriends.”

“Just a friend. Who are you?”

“I’m her sister.”

“I think she would have mentioned a sister. We’re pretty good friends.”

“She hasn’t mentioned me at all? Deirdre?”

“No, but I’ve read your myth.”


“Deirdre of the sorrows.” Oh, that’s interesting. Unwanted I assume by the style of dress and appearance. I’ve seen that on TV before, Guess I should read up on it.


“Irish mythology. Think Helen of Troy, but with more bloodshed and ravens. Oh and suicide by chariot diving.”


“Again, just a friend.”

“Sure...” She disappeared into the house leaving me with an open door. I stood on the stoop till Beth eventually appeared. “Hey, what’s up?”

“You have a sister?”

“She is my cousin. She just lives here and thinks she is my sister.”

“How come I’ve never heard of her before.”

“She goes to Emerald Hills. Traitorous bitch.”

“Ok. Well, Here.”

I handed her the box.”

“What’s this?”

“Christmas gift. Bought one for everyone. Figured I’d drop yours off since you were close to Robert’s and it was nice to meet your blue-eyed clone.” With an unwanted appendage?

“She’s off limits.”

“Off Limits?”

She stared at me with her “I’m Queen Bitch Glare.” And coldly spouted, “You nail her, hit on her, or ask her out and you’ll regret it.”

“I’m almost tempted just to see what you’d do.” She’s probably about my age, so that’s a bit young for me. Maybe in a couple years. I smiled and added, “You might tell her to zip her fly if she doesn’t want to wink though.”

Her face flashed on fear and then she grabbed my collar and pulled. I was shoved up the stairs, “DON’T SAY A FUCKING WORD!”

I noticed the floor plan for Beth’s home was the same as Robert’s less the addition to the rear. I was shoved through the attic door into Beth’s room. I took it in. It was ... Normal? I’d expected a lot of things, but what I found was a mat by the window, a double bed, nightstand, dresser, a couple of bookshelves, a few posters, and an ensuite bathroom with a make-up table. I walked over to the bookshelves and began scanning. One was entirely movies and the other was books. There were a lot of history books, historical bios, and romance novels. The movies were almost entirely romance films with a heavy emphasis on older films. The two Hepburns seemed to be favorites.

She snarled, “I wanted to talk about my sister, not have you go through my stuff.”

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