Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon - Cover

Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 13: How many days are there in a year?

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 13: How many days are there in a year? - Our young survivor has made himself a home and friends. Now, his world has become more complicated.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Violence  

I’d stayed over with the twins. We’d spent a few hours playing video games and elbowing each other to try and win a race a bit easier. Around 0100 hours I slipped from my spot on the couch in Scott’s room (the same one Suzie had started this section of my life on) for my nightly walk. After a few passes around the heights embracing the night’s cool air I returned noticing the soft glow of a cigarette on Suzie’s front porch. She tended to keep the porch light off when she smoked since she was usually barely dressed.

She had a rule that nothing could happen while the boys or her husband were home. That’s why our lessons tended to occur on Mondays, every other Sunday, and the occasional other day since I’d chosen Jazz Thursday over her. I wasn’t in the mood to follow the rules.

I slipped around the house and onto the porch from the side and ended up behind Suzie. She was dressed in a nightgown and I knew from experience she had nothing under it. I was within a foot of her when she extinguished the cigarette on the porch railing and I stepped up behind her. I pushed her forward over the railing. She sputtered, “Tom?” Then “John?” then “Daniel? Scotty?”

I lifted the nightgown from the rear exposing her ass to the world. “John?”

“Shh ... Quiet.”

She seethed trying not to speak to loudly, “Not when the boys are home! You know that.”

“For every rule there is an exception.”

I began to rub her lower lips and clit with my hand. She’d trained me well and she was stifling a moan quickly. She tried to straighten herself, but I had no intention of letting control of the encounter shift. I ran a finger from her lips up to her asshole and she spoke in a normal voice, “No. I let you back there once. That’s it. I don’t like it.”

I lowered myself to crouching and ran my tongue through her asshole before moving on to her pussy. I listened with amusement as she tried her best to stifle her own body’s responses. After a couple of moments, I stood upright and saw her gripping the railing with white knuckles. I dropped my jeans (at someone else’s home I didn’t have access to my night skin) and boxers and placed myself at her entrance.

I wasn’t gentle. I slid into her and quickly offered force and a rhythm of 11/4 as the song of the same name echoed through my mind from the previous days session. I found myself replacing Suzie’s chestnut hair with Sarah’s raven locks in my mind and forced myself into the moment. To think about someone else seems ... rude.

My other interrupted in its raspy, vitriol, “The grape would rather rot on the vine.”

I ushered it to silence by turning up the music in my mind and continued the demonstration of speed and force till Suzie’s moans couldn’t be stifled. When she brought her hand to her mouth to quiet the sound I unloaded within her.

I withdrew and spun her catching her lips with my own she melted into me, but as I pulled back, she slapped me, “I told you, not when the boys are home.”

I chuckled then half-whispered, “Bullshit. I know damn well you spent half the night thinking of me down in their room. Thinking about what might happen if I slip off and catch you as you pop into the loo. I bet you were even out her with your fingers dipping into your honeypot thinking about me coming back from my nightly walk.”

Through gritted teeth, “I was not.”

I pulled at her hand, her left and brought it to my nose finding familiar fragrance I continued the whisper war, “Take a taste of that and lie to me again.”

She softened even as the decibels stayed low, “Fine ... I was lying; but some fantasies don’t need fulfilled.”

I leaned in for another kiss and after it broke, “I’m aware, but this hurt no-one and brought us both pleasure.” I then pulled up my jeans and boxers and slipped into the house to return to the couch in the basement.

Two mornings later:

I had slept at the grandmother’s house in my sister’s bed on the night before my birthday. My sister awoke me with her lips around my cock. I just relaxed and enjoyed my perfect sister’s ministrations. All too quickly I cried, “Soon, Sis.”

When she finished swallowing my load she said the words, “Happy Birthday, Baby Brother.”

I pulled her up for a kiss, “Thank you, Mindy I can’t imagine a better wake up call.” I was enthralled. No one ever remembered my birthday. I had rarely had a present in part due to its closeness to Christmas and in part due to my, our parents negligence. “I love you.” I’d had a momentary spike of anxiety when Alex had brought the subject of my birthday up, but I was confident I’d convinced her that it was in a few months.

“I love you too baby brother. Anything special you want to do today?”

“Alex and Beth asked me to go shopping with them. Christmas presents.”

“You don’t want to spend the day here with me?” The possibilities ran through my mind. Mostly centering on the lesson I’d had with Suzie immediately after Thanksgiving.

“I do, but I already promised them. I would like to spend the night with you though.”

“Of course.”


“Yes, baby brother?”

“Would you be up to trying something new tonight?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“You have a beautiful ass.”

She smiled at the compliment, then I noticed her face contort as she realized the implication, “Thank you ... oh. Oh, god, we can’t do that.”

“C’mon Mindy. At least let me try it once with you?”

“I’ll think about it. So, what do you want for your birthday?” To fuck my sister in the ass.

“I just told you.”

“No, I mean your ideal present.”

“I just told you, but I never get those.”

“Never? C’mon, don’t kid around”

“A few of my friends back in Manchester or Jo and KC back in Florida got me a gift. Sometimes Ginny sent me a check for 25 dollars it usually came about Christmas time.”

“What about mom and dad?”

“You should know better than that. Anyway, you know how the grandmother is about breakfast. We should really shower and get to it.”

“Hey squirt?”

“Yeah, big, beautiful sister?”

“When was your last birthday party?”

“Not sure I ever had one. If you don’t hurry up we’ll have to shower together to save time.”

“That never saves anytime.”

“I know but it’s at least fun.” We did shower together; it didn’t save anytime.

Shopping was dull. I picked out items for the various people in my life. Scott and Daniel were simple to shop for. Mindy required more effort due to the depth of our connection, though I settled on a rather nice leather briefcase. The squad members were in the middle in terms of difficulty, but eventually I found something for them all. Sarah earned herself Satie on CD (Sharing a bit of my taste with her, while not pushing out of her comfort zone) and I picked up a couple of the albums she’d played for me in the past on CD myself.

Suzie gained a pair of earrings. GG and the grandmother were quick additions. I picked up a mug for Robert. I vacillated the most on Moira and Alex. I didn’t really feel the urge to buy my mother a gift and doubted she would’ve gotten me anything. Social norms did require it and the grandmother would likely be disappointed if I didn’t since any Christmas festivities would be hosted by her. I settled on a manicure kit to replace the tweezers I’d bloodied when I was five. I’d have to fight the urge for an explanatory note.

Alex on the other hand was irksome in a different way. I wanted to get her a good gift, but not one that said, “I’m secretly in love with you.” Eventually, I settled on books. I got a few she might be interested in (and several more for myself.) The trip ended not long after that which surprised me as Beth in particular was known for spending the entirety of the day at the mall.

It was about 1300 when Alex and Beth insisted we stop for lunch. They chose a family restaurant about halfway between the city and Valleyview. I eaten there once before and I wasn’t fond of the restaurant, but I went along with their desires. The hostess led us to the back room, where I saw my sister, Scott, Daniel, Sarah, Ginny, the grandmother, and the squad all seated around a pair of double tables. I asked in utter confusion, “What’s going on here?”

Alex answered, “It’s your birthday party, silly. Did you really think you would get away lying to me?” I do it every day.

“I ... um ... Thank you?”

Beth inquired, “Doz, are you all right?”

“I’ve never had one of these, I don’t know what to say or do.”

Mindy stood up and pulled me to a seat. Lis hugged up on my left and Alex slid in on my right. She whispered in my ear, “You weren’t kidding; you never had a birthday party before?”

“No, love. I never expected anything like this.”

From there it was what I imagined was a fairly standard birthday party. We all chatted and ate, it was fun. Mindy asked a lot of questions about my girls. Scott tried to hit on Mindy. She rebuffed him and I threw a spoon which smacked him on the bridge of his nose. He muttered something about her being off limits and I felt a twinge of guilt about my lessons with Susan. It was good. Eventually there was a cake.

Alex whispered in my ear as I prepared to blow out the candles, “Make a wish.” I inhaled.

I wish you would notice me.

I closed my eyes and blew. I opened my eyes to see a single lit candle staring back at me.

Fuck! Well, it’s not as if wishes are real, I stopped clapping for Tinkerbelle years ago. Actually, I don’t think I ever clapped for her.

I had to sit through a round of Happy Birthday. Luckily there were no bumps or any other weird birthday traditions. After the song and cake, Lis whispered in my ear, “The girls and I have big plans for you this afternoon.”

I returned her whisper, “What kind of plans?”

She answered a bit louder than a whisper, “Alex is going home with her mom. The squad is going to have an emergency practice at Stacy’s empty house. All of us, anyway you want us.”

My other seemed delighted, “A buffet! A buffet!”

My eyes went wide. This was definitely going to be the best birthday I could ever have. Presents were next; my friends and family had gotten me gifts. Sarah gave me a couple of wrapped Jazz CD’s Kind of Blue by Miles Davis and Tower of Power by Dexter Gordon. Through luck alone they weren’t among the ones I’d just purchased for myself. Scott gave me a few coupons for free rides. Daniel asked if he could sign his name to that. My aunt gave me 100 dollars cash. The grandmother gave me a red checkered scarf.

Alex whispered in my ear that she had a present for me, but she would give it to me tonight, I asked her to make sure it was late tonight, I didn’t tell her that I didn’t want her showing up too early so that I would have time to enjoy my sister’s affections. The girls had gone in on a navy-blue jumper.

Mindy’s present was last, though I had hoped to get what I wanted from her later tonight and was initially a bit disappointed when she handed me the box. I opened the card first mostly to tease her. It was your standard boy’s birthday card, though she took the time to draw a rather prodigious cock on the hallmark little boy holding hands with his sister. I smiled and put the card in the envelope and opened the box, ripping the paper from it. I found the corduroy blazer; I’d eyed it when we were shopping at the beginning of the school year. I had balked at the price tag. I could have afforded it as I still had plenty of money from the stash I’d stolen from my father, but I decided to skip it as a frivolous expense.

“Mindy, you shouldn’t have.”

“It was on sale baby brother. Check the pocket though.” I slung the jacket on, it fit my new frame perfectly. I wasn’t sure how she’d managed to estimate the size considering how quickly my height had grown since I’d come to the grandmother’s.

I reached inside the pocket and found a tube. I pulled it out and glanced down at it. Lube, its lube. Must not realize I keep some in my bag. I put it back in the pocket and glanced at her, “Mindy, thank you I really don’t know what to say.”

She nodded, “Happy Birthday, Baby Brother.” My Brilliant Big Sister was going to let me have her ass! This really was the best birthday I could ever have. The party wrapped up, not long after that and I ended up in Lis’s little white car as we continued on to Stacy’s house. Beth had begged off. That left Stacy, Jill, and Angie in Jill’s truck and Lis and I in her car.

I’d not been there yet and found she lived in a town beyond The Heights. You had to cross a bridge to get to it and there wasn’t any other means of access to the tiny hamlet. Her home was spread out with a detached garage and a ranch style floor plan.

I entered and we made our way to her bedroom which was quite large. I noticed a circular hole in her door about the size of a quarter, but wouldn’t understand the implications of it for a while. Stacy handed me a pair of small blue pills she had laid out on her dresser, “What are these?”

Stacy answered, “My dad takes them to be with my mom. He got them back in April, I thought they might give you a little spring in your step. I’m on the menu by the way.”

“I thought you were still figuring yourself out?”

“It’s your birthday. I’ll deal with feeling weird tomorrow. It’s just for today though.”

Stacy turned her stereo on and it was pop drivel with a dance beat. She pulled a beer from a cooler she’d obviously set up before my party since the ice was half-melted and each of the girls took one for themselves. They’d learned not to offer me one. In addition to the beer, I noticed a fifth of something harder. Then they gathered in a circle and Lis held out her hand with pills collected in her palm. All four of them took a white circular pill, “What’s that?”

Lis answered, “Molly. Thought it would liven the party. I would’ve offered you one, but figured you were too much of a straightedge.”

Every time one of them says that it’s dripping with disdain.

She held out her hand and I took one of the pills and swallowed it, “What should I expect?”

Her eyes widened, “I didn’t think you’d do it. You’ll get kind of hyper and it’ll just make everything feel better.”

“Like when I as high on adrenaline after the fight with Mal?”

“Oooh ... oh god, this is going to be good.”

Jill asked, “So, who do you want first? That way the rest of us can play till it’s our turn.”

“Stacy, you have an empty?”

She grabbed a glass bottle out of her trash can and handed it to me. I set down and indicated they should too. “Stacy and Jill are a packaged deal, but we’ll late fate decide the order of events.” I closed my eyes and set the bottle on the ground in front of me and twisted my wrist and it landed on Stacy.

“Everybody strip ... Stacy and Jill, since you won, I think we should start with a double header.”

The two shared a smile and slipped off their clothes. I sat on Stacy’s bed. It was only a twin, but that shouldn’t change much. I glanced around the room. Lis was sitting on a very purple daybed next to Angie who was sitting on a beanbag chair. I was surprised they weren’t involved yet, but I guessed they were looking for a show.

Stacy and Jill took to their knees on either side of me and shared a deep and loving kiss before bringing their tongues to my shaft which nearly instantly achieved full mast. I enjoyed getting a blowjob, but it was far from my favorite sexual act. I preferred to be fucking or bringing my partner closer to their peak at the same time, but when you get a second tongue involved they were far too good to resist. So, far I’d managed to get this experience from the two perfect lovers I was currently enjoying and a pairing of GG and Mindy.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations. Stacy may not be ready to admit she was bi, but anytime she got her mouth on my cock she was like a starved dog given a rack of ribs complete with the occasional lip smack as she pulled back to let Jill get a turn with my bell end. As much as I was enjoying the sensations, I decided to work on my ginger princess’s fetish. I opened my eyes and reached down and ran my fingers through Jill’s pretty blonde hair and down the side of her face before putting a finger under her chin and indicating she should rise. She rose with the grace as if standing as part of a plie. I patted the bed next to me and she sat down. Stacy continued sucking, licking, and being completely enthralled with her assigned duties.

I kissed Jill. When the kiss broke, she sheepishly said, “Um ... I’m not available today.”

“Why?” She pointed down and I noticed the string. I smiled, “That won’t stop me from eating you and we can get a towel.”

She shook her head and blushed, “I ... I think it would weird me out.”

I nodded and returned to my original plan, “Did you ever notice how much our Ginger Princess loves cock?”

Prior to my first time with Stacy, I’d discussed the fetish I was pretty sure she had with Jill and she’d agreed to play along. I was right, so now Jill smiled and fed into the game, “No. She really gets ravenous though.”

“It must suck knowing she likes cock more than the girl she claims to love.”

Stacy groaned, but didn’t stop. Jill answered, “I love her enough that I can accept she’s just a hopeless cockslut.”

I glanced at the beanbag chair and found Angie and Lis had gotten tired of waiting and were enjoying the sapphic arts. “Shame ... I bet she really wants fucked. She’d probably do anything for a cock in her. What do you think we should have her do.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure she should beg you for it.”

Stacy pulled off, “Stop! It’s not funny.”

“I’m not going to ask the little slut to beg. I just want her to admit she wants my cock, more than the girl she loves.”

Stacy countered, “I don’t. I’m just doing this cause it’s your birthday.”

“Jill, why don’t you see if Stacy’s lying.”

Jill pointed and gave a come motion with her finger and Stacy stood and stepped closer. Jill ran her fingers through her lower lips and Stacy bit back a grunt of pleasure, “She’s soaked. She must truly adore your cock.”

“Shame. She won’t get it. You sure you don’t want a turn today?”

She nodded, “Nah, It’d weird me out.”

“Alright, guess I’ll have to interrupt Lis and Angie’s little games.”

Stacy objected, “Just get it over with.”

“I’m sorry, what is it you want to get over with.”

“Just fuck me. I said you could, cause it’s your birthday.”

“I’m not into pity. It would be one thing if you wanted me to ... it would be one thing if you admitted it.”

Jill began giggling. Stacy shot her a death glare that paled in comparison to Beth’s patented one. Stacy shook as she whispered, “I want you to fuck me.”

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