Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon - Cover

Tapestry Book 2: Crescent Moon

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 1: Anybody Remotely Interesting...

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1: Anybody Remotely Interesting... - Our young survivor has made himself a home and friends. Now, his world has become more complicated.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Violence  

Anybody remotely interesting...

She ushered me out the back door. I wasn’t quite sure how to take that. I suppose it was better than walking a girl to her door after 20 minutes of fumbling in the back of a car. I didn’t think to check my watch. It was all I could do to stand and walk down the hill. As I progressed to the center of town the moon hung above me a welcoming crescent. It hung as if it had pierced the blackness, an earring to the sky. It was calming, it was comforting. I stopped on a patch of grass that made up someone’s front garden and stared at it for a moment before my legs gave out. I’m not sure how long I lay there, the dew wet grass on my back the crescent moon above but eventually I arose and continued my journey.

As I walked toward the grandmother’s house, I was more confused than anything else. I don’t feel any different, but I should feel different. My mind, I will admit, was not functioning at the highest level it was capable of, but even so I had difficulty wrapping my head around the concept. I didn’t feel any different. I was still me. Still heartless, guess I shouldn’t have expected what happened to change that. I wasn’t anymore manly any more decisive. I was supposed to be different. This was supposed to be one of those important events that changed who you are. It was supposed to be a rite of passage, something every boy had to do to reach manhood. One of those moments that defines a life. It was supposed to feel I was like a foot taller, like I was more than I was prior. It was supposed to matter, but it was just another night with me walking. I didn’t feel any different. I wasn’t any different. I was me. Sexuality added nothing to me, it seemed at the time. I was no longer a virgin, but that was the most insignificant fact in the world.

All I felt was woozy, tired, somehow off and confused. Did this mean something? Was it a one-time thing? Did I want it to continue? I enjoyed it, well what I was awake for, at the same time it seemed like an unnecessary complication to my life. Did she want it to continue? Maybe, she definitely was the instigator. I suppose that would depend on my capabilities. I was unconscious for the beginning and untrained. I couldn’t have been proficient. I hadn’t kissed her. That seemed odd. Almost everything I’d read and witnessed indicated kissing was important in these things.

Was I in a relationship with Susan? One night seemed a far cry from a relationship, but I really didn’t have much to compare it too. What was normal? What the hell do I tell Scott? I had a more than passing belief that he would be upset. I’m sure this violated one of the unwritten rules about American Masculinity. Do I tell him anything? I didn’t have a moral objection to lying; however, I preferred not to do it when I could avoid it. If you don’t lie often, you are more likely to be believed when you need to lie. Where was my Other? He was never this quiet. Wasn’t all this illegal and did it matter? After the fact I’ve always wondered if I had been drugged that night, because though I can count the number of times I’ve imbibed alcohol on my fingers I never gained that woozy sleepy world isn’t real feeling again.

The questions were new but could have been brought up by a kiss. Allegedly this was the moment every boy dreamed, every boy worked towards, devoted all his energy towards and it was meaningless. There wasn’t a revelation of any kind. I wasn’t something more than I was prior. I wasn’t any different. I hadn’t gained anything; I hadn’t lost anything. It was all just the same. To be honest I was more, disappointed than anything else. The moment should feel more important than it was.

At the time I was definitely having issues, besides my random run of questions and half paced thoughts. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open as I walked. I might actually have fallen asleep while still in motion. I do remember hitting the ground at least twice. I flashed back to when I’d read “The Long Walk.” I chuckled out loud as I realized four miles per hour was a near impossibility in my current state. Susan’s house was barely six and half miles from my grandmother’s home and it already felt like I had been walking for hours. I was very focused on getting back and getting into bed. I had no desire to pass out along the side of the road or in someone’s garden and I knew it would be more likely the longer I took. A shower too, I wasn’t covered in sweat, but I felt sticky nonetheless.

The air was early September cool, ushering down the piercing moon lighting my way, all the haze in my mind. Eventually I persevered and found my way off the hill and to 60. I hiked down the highway, my head clearing ever so slowly. It must have been between 12 and two because during most of the walk I barely saw a pair of headlights, stepping off the road and over the hill each time I did. Eventually I reached Valleyview, I was dehydrated. My mouth was dry and now in my less hazy state of mind I realized a shower was out of the question. I had little doubt I could sneak in the gate and across the roof to the attic window, but my sister’s room was between my room and the upstairs bathroom and it would be impossible to get there undetected. I had no real sense of loyalty from my sister, I didn’t know for sure if she would back me or not. This was assuming my aunt hadn’t taken an interest in my life and decided to wait up for me. That would be an interesting explanation. The most obvious would be that I simply fell asleep at Scott’s house and declined a ride, should they decide to check I had some faith that Susan would be able to back that up, even without a bit of warning. My breath might be a tip off, I had drunk the glass of wine, but I didn’t know if they would be able to smell the alcohol or just the grapes.

I began climbing the hill, I would need to survey the area before entering, I had no idea how they would react to me being out this late as I usually came home early and then left via the window once I was certain they were asleep. I still hadn’t gained a full understanding of the way my new “family” reacted to various situations. Would I be punished if caught, had they noticed at all? It really didn’t matter that much, I had to return. I was far closer to hitting the ground then I wanted to admit. I stared in through the fencing, the padlock and chain had already been placed on the gate. I pushed the bottom of the fence in and slipped through the gap between the fence and ground. A quick scan of the house, showed the only light still on was in the 2nd floor bedroom which belonged to my sister. I climbed onto the walkway and onto the roof. As I reached the window, I glanced in. As I saw nothing I pulled out my pocket knife and edged the window lock open. I raised the window slowly, my eyes on the stairs watching for any light, any movement up the stairs.

Gradually higher, I raised the window until it reached its full berth. I slipped in and walked over to the bed. I crashed onto it. Everything would have to wait. Everything grew dark as I felt unconsciousness calling me.

“Late night, runt?” I heard the voice from behind me. My sister’s voice hinted at amusement and the familial arrogance as it banished the darkness I was so ready to embrace. I had been caught.

“Mindy, can you please cover for me?” I asked trying to sound as innocent and child-like as I could. I hadn’t tried this con on her, and as I grew older I likely wouldn’t have another chance. I forced my head to raise and look in her direction. I wasn’t sure what my expression told her. I didn’t have the energy to move to any of my practiced glances.

She was sitting on the ugly white dresser. I had to have walked right by her. She was wearing the same sheer blue nightie she’d worn the previous times she’d come into my room, to tease me. The crescent moonlight from the two half windows highlighted her angular jaw and prominent breasts. She was quite cute. My addled mind finally started to piece things together. She had come up to play her part in the teasing initiative and found me missing. She had waited or at least listened for my footsteps to spring her trap. She wanted something of course, and I was completely in her power.

She offered with a smile, “I’ll want details in the morning and you’ll owe me. Knock off that childish crap too.”

I didn’t hesitate, “Everything but the names but I’ll need help, need water and shower.” My monosyllabic-ness was stretching back in. She moved closer, she seemed to be gliding. I don’t know if she was just that graceful or if my addled brain was too stressed. Her hand touched my right eye and spread my eyelid. The room was dark, but I still winced at the pain.

“What did you take?” Her tone was accusatory now.

“Glass of wine” I responded I had no time to lie.

“What else, brat?”

“Nothing that I know of” She murmured something underneath her breath. I don’t know if she assumed I was lying to her or not, I’ve never bothered to ask.

“All right come on” she said as she stretched an arm under my own and wrapped it around to the other side. She slowly led me towards the stairs. We had to go down very slowly. We passed through her room to the shower. I stripped and stepped in, falling as I did. She turned on the water for me. When the water hit me my consciousness picked back up. I swallowed several mouthfuls before I managed to stand. I started to feel better. Whatever was wrong with me hot water was the cure. Mindy had taken off her nightie. She sat on the edge of the tub. Her beauty was even more apparent than normal.

I began to soap up. “So, what do you want to know?”

“Everything but the names.’

“Had a glass of wine. Fell asleep. Felt something warm. Got slapped across the face, woke up. Realized what was going on. Had sex a couple of more times. Walked home by way of the ground a time or two.”

“Alex?” That would have been perfect.

“I wish. Someone older.’


“Of Course.”

“Sarah?” Wow, that’s a thought.

“Do I look that lucky?”

“Safe?” As houses. No, I should lie.

“What I was awake for at least, not certain about prior to that.”

“Do yourself a favor... ‘


“Don’t drink anything you didn’t see made.”

I showered and Mindy helped. I really didn’t need the help anymore but her running her hands over my body was extremely pleasurable. “Could you tell me why I don’t feel different?”


“It’s supposed to be a big moment I’m supposed to be a man, but I don’t feel any different.”

“I’m sorry, baby brother. It’s not special, it’s just a gateway.’

She took my dick in her hand. It swelled to its full size. I was surprised I was capable after four orgasms. She surprised me by taking me into her mouth. She had given me hand jobs before and I had sex earlier but I was completely unprepared for my first blowjob. It was wonderful, the warmth and suction, the tongue occasionally running along the underside of my dick. The water started to turn cold about the time I said, “I’m about to cum.”

She swallowed every bit. I put a finger on her chin and guided her up to kiss me, “Thank you that was amazing.”

“Don’t expect it, remember I control these things, besides you’re a little thicker than I like and I swear you’re getting longer too.’

“As you wish. Mindy?”


“Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Yeah, baby brother.” She and I walked hand-in-hand to her bed. I crawled in and she joined me. I wrapped my arms around her and I drifted off to sleep.

Despite her protestations the night before, she woke me with a kiss which quickly turned into a necking session. She’s naked! My perfect sister is naked in bed making out with me. God her tits, I’ve never felt them without clothes in the way. “Gentle Baby Brother.” Gentle it is, light caresses my hands are feathers. Wow, I don’t think I was this hard last night. Wait, my dick is it lined up with her? Does she want me to fuck her? I want to, believe me I want to. It would be so much better with her than with Susan? Wait, why would it be better? I’ll just let it happen.


I pulled away, “What’s wrong Mindy?”

“We can’t do that, Baby brother.” Oh, hell.


“It’s incest.” What the hell kind of logic is that?

“Everything we do is incest.”

“It’s different. We can’t, not yet.” Not yet? THERE is hope.

“All right, I’m sorry.” “It’s all right, I almost let you. I wanted you to. New rule your dick stays away from my pussy.”

“You’re the boss, it’ll stay away till you put it there yourself.” Though, I make no promises about arranging for that to happen. Heh-heh She disappeared beneath the covers and I felt her mouth encircle me, “Mindy, damn” So good, ooh the tongue, I like the tongue. “Soon, sister mine soon.” So Soon it’s now. Who am I kidding? I pulled my sister up for a kiss, “Thank you Mindy, you are the best sister on the planet.”

“You better believe it.”

“Can I return the favor?”

“I don’t know baby brother. Did you do that last night?”

“No, you’d have to teach me. But it’s only fair.”

“Maybe soon, I’m supposed to clean the kitchen today, you will do that for me won’t you baby brother.” Is she ever going to do this stuff with me without wanting something?

“Of course, Mindy.”

My day was normal after that. It was just another Monday, Breakfast as demanded by the grandmother, a ride to school from my aunt, meeting up with Alex in English. We wrote on our shared notebook equidistant between us, “You alright?”

“Fine love.”

“You seem different.”

“Don’t feel different. How do I seem?”

“I don’t know.”

“Staying over?”


“Can we swing by your place, I want to have a word with someone first. I’ll sweet talk Lis or Angie into a ride there.”


“That would be telling.”

“C’mon pretty pwease?”

“Tell me how I’m different and I’ll talk.”

“I don’t know, you seem dangerous today.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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