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Copyright© 2024 by OmegaPet-58

Chapter 11: Mae in the Middle

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 11: Mae in the Middle - On a dark forest highway a tired young driver wrecked. Rescued by a nurse, she cared for him in her cabin. Temporarily crippled, he needed her help even to pee. That's when she saw he was big and delicious like her late husband and began "oral therapy." In love, they delighted in each other's bodies and fantasies. But he was very poor; how could they turn their sexual intensity into a working relationship? Will her son bond with him? How will her (female Native American) lover fit in?

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Black Female   White Male   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Sex Toys   Squirting   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Size  

Ron rushed to the door and flung it wide, then rushed into a hug with Mae.

“I’ve missed you! I was afraid you had a fight with my mom. You used to come over here all the time. Were you mad at me? At us?”

He trailed off, his voice full of worry.

“Ron! No way. The last time I got mad at you was years ago when I caught you holding my rifle without permission. I think we should go fishing. What do you think?”


“Ron, don’t shout. It makes Brandon’s head hurt. Of course you can go fishing. Also, you should take him with you so you can teach him how to fish, too.”

“Brandon doesn’t know how to fish? That’s so crazy!”

“Ron, did you forget? He didn’t have a mom or dad taking care of him when he was a young boy.”

“I’m sorry, I did forget. Sorry, Brandon.”

“It’s forgotten. I guess you and Mae need to teach me, Ron. Is that OK?”

“Sure! Mom, Brandon needs a rod.”

Once again, Brandon was suppressing his laughter on the way to choking while the women smirked at each other.

With effort and extreme self-control, Dee said, “Don’t worry, Ron, I’m taking care of Brandon’s rod. And (cough!) Mae is going to help me with that. Ron (cough!), go wash up for dinner!”

There was a lot more coughing as plates and utensils were being set out on the table.

“You are really naughty women, you two,” observed Brandon as Mae lost control, giggling into her arm.

Mae revisited the topic she had discussed upon her arrival while they were enjoying dinner.

“Brandon, I have set aside extra equipment for you to learn to fish. Along with that, though, I want Dee to give me some money. Then you and I can go shopping for a rifle for you, so you can go hunting, too. It’s a useful skill for living out here in these woods.”

“That’s kind of you to offer, Mae. I can imagine you coming by and saying it’s time for you and I to go out and play with my gun.”

Once again, Dee was battling a coughing fit. Ron looked worried.

“Mom, are you sick?”

“No, (cough!) I’m OK. Just, uh, wrong pipe. Don’t worry.”

“Mae, thank you, but I need to say no. There’s something I haven’t told Dee about myself. I’m not seeing very well. I shouldn’t be shooting a gun until I go to the eye doctor. It wouldn’t be safe.”

Dee put down her cup and fork with unnecessary force, causing a sharp noise. Her cold glare and icy tone brought him up short, gasping.

“Are there any other issues you haven’t told me about, Brandon?”

Ron gasped. He couldn’t remember ever hearing that angry tone from her. Mae was also shocked.

He spoke quietly, sheepishly.

“I don’t believe so, Dolores. I’m very sorry. It won’t happen again.”

She wasn’t having it.

“Did you think, for one minute, that I wouldn’t want you to see an eye doctor? If necessary, buying you glasses or contacts? Have you ever been to a dentist?”

Dolores flung her napkin down on the table, stood abruptly, and kicked back her chair. There was no doubting her feelings as she stalked away and locked the bedroom door behind her.

Mae’s mouth was hanging open. Ron’s eyes were wet, and he left the table pulling his bedroom door shut behind him.

Brandon looked at Mae, saying the only thing he could come up with at the moment.

“Mae. I’m sorry for ruining our dinner. I’ll walk you out.”

Mae said, “No, Brandon, you need to fix this. Right away. You’ve let her down.”

“I know. I know. Mae, drive safely. I guess I’ll see you next week sometime.”

Mae offered a sad little kiss on his cheek and turned to leave. Halfway to the door, she stopped.

“No. This is insane. Brandon, I want you to put on your heavy coat and sit outside. I’ll come get you.”

After the meal, Mae took twenty minutes to clear away the dishes and wash up.

Then she knocked on Ron’s door.

“Can I come in?”


Mae took one look at the upset boy and opened her arms for him. Ron’s façade crumbled, and he was leaving two obvious wet spots from his eyes on her t-shirt.

“I don’t understand. Mom hated him, all the sudden. He said something about his eyes, and, and...”

He broke off, crying.

We were going to go fishing. I thought he liked me.”

“Ron, he does like you. The problem is with those two. It’s not you. They’re having a fight. That’s the best way that I can explain it. NOT you, Ron. I think it might even be me. Part of it, anyway.

“I promise you. I’m your Mae, no matter what. We’ll go fishing tomorrow, I promise. Brandon might go with us. I hope he does. But you and I, for sure. Because I’m your good friend, Ron.”

“Try to sleep tonight and let us crazy adults figure this out. Give me a big, strong hug, and get to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

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