The Fletcher Family Make a New Start - Cover

The Fletcher Family Make a New Start

Copyright© 2024 by Mustang

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The Fletcher family arrive in Fort Meade, Florida to start their new life. Sam introduces his wife, Ellie, to several of the farm workers. Richard and Mary welcome Sam and Ellie in their own unique way.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Fiction   Farming   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

Richard guided them out the kitchen door of Sam and Ellie’s new home. There were lush gardens of different colours of hosta along a gravel walkway. The side of the house had a large, overgrown plot of land that used to be a vegetable garden.

“The soil and climate are good for growing most any kind of fruit or vegetable,” Richard explained.

They looked at the gentle slope of the land down to the water’s edge. “The lake is a relaxing place for a swim after a hard day’s work,” he added.

“Of course, swimsuits are optional,” Mary teased.

“You swim naked?” Ellie asked, surprised.

“Almost always, and it also leads to some good fucking.”

“We don’t have any swimsuits, only our underwear.”

They made their way down the dirt road to Richard and Mary’s house. They had their garden in full bloom, with several items ready for picking.

Just before entering the back door, they heard the loud whinny of a horse. “That’s Jack; he somehow knows we’re here,” Ellie said. She hurried to the barn and entered, finding his head sticking out over the railing of his stall. She hugged him tightly, and he snorted and nodded his big head. Sarah joined her in going to Sadie and hugging her long neck.

“It’s good to see you again. We’ll take you to your new home and give you a good brushing.” The others in her family also greeted Jack and Sadie, receiving cries, snorts, and head nods.

“It looks like someone is happy to see you,” Mary remarked of Jack’s long cock, which appeared below his belly.

“Jack was always up for a good, long ride,” she commented, taking a tangle out of his long mane. She didn’t dare turn around, or they’d see her blushing cheeks. Only she and Sam knew what Jack did to her.

Other sounds came from within the barn. The air was filled with the bleep of young lambs, the grunt of several pigs, the moos of several beef and milk cows, and the rustle of chickens pecking at the floor. They could hear doves cooing above them. The stall next to Jack had two donkeys nibbling on feed.

“We’re close to being self-sufficient here,” Richard said. “We farm fresh eggs every morning, and when we need large orders of bacon, pork, lamb, chicken, or beef, we take an animal to the local butcher in town for slaughter. What we don’t need, he’ll buy from us or credit us in trade.”

“While Mary helps Ellie, I’ll show Sam around. You kids can come with us or stay and get to know each other.”

While the others walked to the house, Richard led Sam to the shed beside the barn. Sam noticed a man’s back, and he was attending to a donkey.

“How is Lincoln doing?” Richard asked.

“Doin’ just fine now. I trimmed his hooves, so they should be good for another two months or so. I’ll do Mary next.”

“Mary and Lincoln, how original,” Sam joked of the names of the former president and first lady.

“I didn’t want any jackass using my first name,” the man joked before approaching the stranger.

“Moses Abraham, do you remember my brother, Sam?”

“Nice to meet you again, Moses,” he said, offering his hand.

Moses was about Sam’s height of six feet, with short, wiry hair that showed under a wide-brimmed hat. Several patches on his overalls proved they’d seen better days. He took a rag from his back pocket and wiped his hands. Sam felt the roughness of his palm, like sandpaper, etched over his years of hard work.

“Moses is my foreman. You’ve met him before. He runs and repairs everything we have. I swear that sometimes it’s me who works for him.”

“Sam was telling me you and your family had a rough go of it in Kansas.”

“Between the depression and dust bowl, we couldn’t keep our farm going, so we’re here to make a new start.”

“You’ll find life can be just as rough, but we’re doing quite well despite the poor economy. Sam says you’re going to oversee the other half of the orchard farm. If Richard is half as good as you are, Sam, we’ll get along just great,” he joked, slapping Richard’s back.

“If you judge a person by their skin color, then we won’t get along.”

“I think we’ll get along just fine. I judge a man by the sweat on his brow and the roughness of his palms.”

Moses laughed, showing his brilliantly white teeth. “I see your mother raised two good sons. Don’t expect our women to have such rough hands, or they’d shred our cocks raw when they pump us for our pleasure,” he laughed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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