The Fletcher Family Make a New Start - Cover

The Fletcher Family Make a New Start

Copyright© 2024 by Mustang

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The Fletcher family arrive in Fort Meade, Florida to start their new life. Sam introduces his wife, Ellie, to several of the farm workers. Richard and Mary welcome Sam and Ellie in their own unique way.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Fiction   Farming   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Cream Pie   Oral Sex  

The Fletcher’s long journey to a new life was largely uneventful. Though it was the late 1930s, there was still an element of danger in daily life. Fearing they might be robbed or killed for their possessions, Sam kept his trusty Winchester rifle and pistol at the ready. Sleeping in their makeshift tent at night, Buck kept a keen eye and nose on guard for any danger to his family.

The oversized load of all the Fletchers’ worldly possessions put their old Mack truck to the test. Sam entrusted Donny to drive the big truck so he could rest when needed. Donny was ten when Sam bought the truck and made portable wooden blocks so he could reach the pedals to drive it.

Two flat tires and an overheating engine delayed their arrival by a day. Their road trip took them from Kansas through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama to Florida.

The changing landscape was like driving into another world. Ellie mentioned that it was hard to believe they were still in the same country. The hot and dusty, arid conditions of the Midwest gave way to hot and humid, lush lands covered in palm trees and vegetation in every shade of green imaginable.

Washroom facilities were hard to find for keeping clean, so Ellie insisted any sex between them had to be by hand or mouth. Sam and Donny benefited from Ellie and Sarah’s ability to take their cum down their throats. The girls found the changing climate becoming warmer, and much to Sam and Donny’s delight, they wore the revealing dresses they’d made back home.

Driving through more populated areas, they’d use a local grocery store to make their meals for the road. Entering Florida, they took advantage of roadside fruit and vegetable stands to keep up their nutrition.

They remarked on passing countless farms and orchards so thick with fruit trees that they could smell the apple or orange-scented air.

Finally, their long journey was ending. They skirted the city of Tampa and travelled east along Highway 60 to the eastern edge of the small town of Brandon. Following the map his brother, Richard, had made, Sam drove along Highway 640 and then Highway 98 south to Fort Meade. He drove through the town and continued east. Several turns later, they passed the third farmhouse to the fourth and turned right at the Fletcher mailbox, up the palm tree-shaded driveway to Richard’s orchard farm.

“Look at the size of their farmhouse!” Ellie remarked as two barking dogs announced their arrival. Against the clear blue Florida sky, the large two-story white clapboard house stood out.

To the right were two large barns and several smaller sheds. Numerous vehicles were parked side by side, plus several farm vehicles.

Richard Fletcher and his wife, Mary, stood together, holding hands, as the old truck came to a dusty stop. The engine did its usual clanky sputter, then stopped, likely exhausted from the longest road trip of its life.

“David and Joan, your Uncle Sam, Aunt Ellie, and your cousins are here!” Richard yelled into the house.

Richard and Mary began to walk towards the truck as the family stepped down to the ground. They stretched their arms above their heads to release the tension from sitting for so long.

“Jesus, Richard, you described Ellie to me, but I don’t remember her being so beautiful!” Mary exclaimed, admiring the slender figure in the floral print dress.

“It has been about ten years since you last saw Sam and Ellie.”

“I see we already have the same taste in clothing, with buttons to make a dress as low in front or the split hem as high as we dare,” Mary said as they approached them.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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