The Rebel Trap - Cover

The Rebel Trap

Copyright© 2024 by Xanzibar

Chapter 1: Hutt Diplomacy

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: Hutt Diplomacy - Set in an Alternate Universe in which the Rebellion won a pyrrhic victory when they blew up the Second Death Star. The Emperor escaped and the Rebels fleet was decimated. The Rebels now on the run once more, have to go the most unsavory place in the universe to obtain the power cores necessary for rebuilding a space fleet, Korbba the Hutt. Only this Hutt has not fogotten what Princess Leia did to their cousin Jabba.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Alternate History   Space   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   PonyGirl   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   Politics   Prostitution   Revenge   Royalty   Transformation  

Leia did not know what came over her. Here she was on a shuttle to talk to a Hutt. She was sent as an emissary to the flag ship of Korbba the Hutt the last year losses for the Rebellion were damn near catastrophic with the trap being laid and the destruction of the Rebel Fleet. The only bright spot was that the Death Star was destroyed but the emperor still lived and Luke had not been seen since the explosion.

The Star Destroyers finished off what was left of the Rebel Fleet. If it was not for the Imperial Shuttles left on Endor they might not have escaped with as many soldiers as they had. Leia was forced to garner the help of the Hutts.

She shivered at her last time with the Hutts she was made a pleasure slave of Jabba. This time she would try and negotiate with Korbba the Hutt for some desperately needed power cores for the new cruiser factory at the hidden Rebel Base.

The fact that she would go this deep into Hutt Space to get them demonstrated how truly desperate times these are. She took a deep breath and pulled her cloak tighter around herself as she tried to calm herself.

As the Rebel Shuttle docked Leia waited for the go ahead from Korbba’s crew. The vessel was very impressive it was just under the size of a Corellian cruiser but if she had to guess it was luxury liner converted to be a pirate ship of battle.

Princess Leia had a very uneasy feeling as it felt like a long time, she had to wait to get permission to leave her shuttle and board the Hutt flagship.

Finally, after about an hour she got the buzz that she had permission to board. She hated the fact that she could not have her normal bodyguards but that was the price of admission. At least the Hutts still feared the Rebellion after they took out one of the most powerful Hutts.

Leia was greeted by two guards with blasted pointed.

“This way Princess, Korbba will see you now. The guards did not even confiscate her blaster. She suddenly felt better about the audience.

Leia was impressed by the accoutrements of pleasure all around her there was more than a few.

Korbba looked smaller than Jabba the hut and slightly darker. The gangster looked at Princess Leia.

“I was told you had business to discuss today, Leia, but I must caution no disrespect will be tolerated today. I am not my cousin Jabba, and you are not on Tatooine. I can assure you I will not be so daft as to allow a Jedi near me.

“I had to do what had to be done, Sire.” The Princess said trying to sound as respectful as possible realizing she was badly overmatched, the Hutt had five Mandalorian working with him as well as the meanest Wookie she had ever seen. At that moment she was glad Chewie was not evil, may he rest in peace.

“Well let’s just say I will not hesitate either. “Korbba responded. Leia did not like this at all. He immediately brought back Jabba.

“Anyways, Princess, what business do you want to discuss?” Korbba asked slightly annoyed.

“It has come to our knowledge that your organization has a significant amount of power cores in your possession, I am authorized to procure them if they are for sale.” The Princess announced.

“What is to stop me from incinerating you right now Princess?” Korbba shot back.

“Nothing, but my friends did not leave Jabba alone for making that mistake. And let’s face it he was more powerful than you.” Princess reminded the Hutt of what happened the last time a Hutt messed with the Rebellion. “I mean if you want to mess with an armed force that has taken out two death stars that is up to you, I would not presume to tell you how to run your business.” The Princess ominously threatened.

“Pah! Your fleet was annihilated destroying the Second Death Star. Your Ilk are on the run. I am sure the Imperial Interrogation Officers would like a second go at you. I am sure they will properly break you this time. “Korbba boasted to Leia.

“Again, if you think you can take us be my guest.” Princess said gesturing to an imaginary path behind her.

“So what is your offer Princess.” Korbba asked pretending not to hear Leia ultimatum.

“Your power cores for ten times the market price.” The Princess said.

“You expect me to believe you have that many credits. What makes you think I would part with my power cores; they are much more valuable to me. I had plans to build a Hutt Fleet to unite the clans.” Korbba said.

“With the money we are offering you can still do that and acquire more Power Cores. We need them now. You can always wait to shop for more. You know the Empire will not stop with us. You will be next.” The Princess stated.

“You know I do not like to be threatened in my own chamber Princess. I did not appreciate that. Also, I think you made a very bad miscalculation in coming here.

Princess Leia did not wait for the rest to go down, she knew a double cross when she saw one. No way would she get taken alive. Never again she vowed. Princess Leia sleek but powerful blaster was aimed at Korbba.

“Back off your Vacuous mass! If you ever want to live another cycle you all will back off. Now!” Princess Leia shouted. What made Princess Leia’s stomach turn was the unflinching nature of his entire court. Not one person picked up their gun, in fact if she did not know any better she would have thought they were expecting this.

“You know you were pretty foolish to come here directly from your hideout. You were even more foolish to not turn off your nav systems when you docked with my ship. “ Korbba continued.

“What are you talking about?” Princess Leia asked confused.

“We have the location of the last hidden rebel base.” Korbba announced and emitted a laugh that made Princess Leia skin crawled, the laugh was almost identical to Jabba’s when she was caught trying to free Han.

“You are bluffing, no one could possibly get the location from my ship.” Princess Leia declared in a voice that indicated a worried wavering.

“You are correct. It should not have been possible, but you were in such a hurry to get those power cores to make a new fleet, that you stupidly kept your comm link open in case we gave you clearance. I purposefully told my boarding officers to withhold it. Then I had my friend here break into your ships com system, and we’ll let us just say it was very easy to find considering it only took him less than a standard planetary hour. “ Korbba explained.

“Ok nice try asshole I am out of here!!” Princess Leia started to walk backward to her ship. Blasted, that is why they took so long to give her clearance. I messed up. Leia thought.

“-94.93 and -853.25, -932.67 Fourth moon of Karlsok.” Korbba declared aloud to Leia.

Princess Leia closed her eyes cursed aloud in her head as he declared the exact coordinates of the Rebel Base.

“So what do you want, credits? Please, we are the galaxy’s only hope.” The princess pleaded.

“No, we Hutts existed before the Empire, continue to exist, we do not care about your alliance. But I am feeling generous today. I will withhold the obvious windfall I will receive from selling this information; if you agree for you to be my slave to do with as I please and in return I will make sure the empire never gets that information.” Korbba the Hutt offered.

The Gamoran guards all chortled at the same time. Leia shivered hard as her memories of the last time she was a prisoner of a Hutt. The laughter of the Gamoran guards started to bring back those horrible memories.

“Now, if you agree you will take out all weapons and place them in front of you on the ground. If not I will send the transmission to our agent that works with the Empire. We will receive a quite hefty sum for giving you up more than your mark up for the power cores. I am making this offer, as the only way to save your pathetic rebellion. I am only doing it because of my cousin. You are property to us and we value our property. He acquired you fair and square and possessing you will benefit me immensely for my efforts to take over his operations on Tatooine. But if not I guess the windfall of credits will have to do. I will give you until the time this worm takes to go back to the bottom of this stick to decide” Korbba said.

Princess looked distraught as she knew he had her but was still trying to process a way to get out of this trap and none came to mind. She looked at the timework nearing its end.

When Korbba thundered an order out, “When that worm gets to the bottom I want you to broadcast the location immediately. “ Korbba said as the stand-off was intense, Leia ultimately near the last moment lowered her eyes and faced them to the ground not wanting to broadcast the defeat in her eyes.

The air in the chamber was stale as the anticipation was palpable.

Then the sound of a gun being tossed to the ground, followed by another, followed by a series of small blades concealed in her outfit, finishing off with a sharp blade that was being used to hold her hair.

“Good. Your rebellion lives for now. How long it remains so depends on your behavior Princess.” Korbba said.

“I am going to enjoy this very much. You are a symbol amongst our kind. Jabba was a very powerful leader amongst us, his operation on Tatooine was one of the most profitable ventures for our race in all of Galactic History. But there are currently three other Hutt clans in contention for his empire, by showing your new status I will gain much perhaps even the entire Mos Eisley operation.

“But for now first things first, Strip!”

Princess Leia stood still, her heart racing with adrenaline as she listened to Korbba’s demands. The gravity of her situation hit her hard, but she refused to let fear show on her face.

With a sly smile, Leia slowly began to peel off her outer garments, reveling in the way Korbba and his court hungrily gazed at her exposed skin. As each piece fell to the ground, Leia felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. She was in control, even in this vulnerable state.

Feeling emboldened, Leia continued to strip until she stood before the Hutt and his court completely nude. But instead of cowering or feeling ashamed, Leia stood tall and met their lecherous eyes with an alluring smirk. She may have been physically outmatched, but her confidence and sexuality were weapons that could not be denied.

“Nice my Leia Kanki ... now walk over there and get dressed in the clothes my other slave has prepared for you.”

Leia’s heart sank as she caught sight of the outfit Korbba had waiting for her. It was the most humiliating, slutty slave outfit imaginable. Made of sheer, black material that barely covered her body, it left little to the imagination. The top was a tight corset-style piece that pushed her breasts up and out, leaving them on full display for all to see. The bottom consisted of a tiny thong that barely covered her private parts, with a fringed skirt hanging just below her hips.

But the worst part of the outfit was the shiny high heels that Leia was expected to wear. They were sky-high stilettos that would make walking practically impossible. She knew she would be forced to stumble and teeter around in them like a helpless fool, adding to her humiliation.

With trembling hands, Leia slipped into the outfit, feeling exposed and vulnerable as every inch of her skin was exposed for Korbba and his court to see. The fabric clung tightly to her curves, emphasizing every dip and curve of her body. It left no room for modesty or self-respect.

As she made her way back towards Korbba, she could feel the stares from his court burning into her skin with an almost physical force. She tried to ignore their lecherous gazes and focused instead on maintaining some shred of dignity.

But then Korbba ordered her to walk towards him in those impossible heels. With shaky steps, Leia tried to move forward but stumbled immediately, nearly falling over on her face. Korbba laughed at her feeble attempts before ordering one of his guards to help steady her.

Leia felt completely humiliated as she walked towards Korbba in those ridiculous heels. She could hear the snickers and jeers from his court as they watched their once proud Princess stumbling around like a cheap whore.

Once she reached Korbba’s side, he reached out a slimy hand and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

“I am the only thing you need to worry about now, my dear.” Korbba barked, his voice oozing with arrogance and power.

Leia swallowed hard, feeling a wave of fear wash over her. She had been captured before by the Empire, but this was different. This time, she was completely under the control of a ruthless crime lord who had no qualms about using her for his own pleasure.

“Got it.” Leia managed to utter out, her voice trembling with both fear and disgust.

“That’s ‘got it, master’ ... or should I say ‘slut’?” Korbba chortled out, a cruel smile spreading across his face.

Leia’s eyes widened in shock and horror. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Part of her wanted to resist and stand up for herself as a proud Princess of Alderaan. But another part of her knew that it would only lead to more humiliation and pain.

“Got it ... Master,” Leia forced herself to say through gritted teeth, feeling bile rise up in her throat.

Korbba’s smile only grew wider at her submission. He reveled in breaking strong-willed women like Princess Leia into meek and obedient slaves.

“We’ll have lots of fun together, my little slave,” Korbba purred as he released his grip on Leia’s chin. “But remember this: if you ever try to escape or betray me in any way ... well let’s just say your Rebel Alliance won’t live long enough to regret it.”

Leia shuddered at the threat in his words. She knew that Korbba had the power and connections to make good on his promise. And as much as she hated to admit it, she needed his protection for the time being.

“Understood, Master,” Leia said with aforced smile.

The court around Korbba snickered and murmured, clearly enjoying the spectacle of their new prey. Leia felt their eyes on her, a thousand sets of eyes leering at her body, her naked face, her fear.

“Now, slave, let’s get started,” Korbba said, gesturing to his guards. “Bring the chair.”

One of the guards approached with a throne-like chair, its back ornately carved with images of Hutts in power. Korbba motioned for Leia to sit on it. As she did, she could feel the cold, hard surface beneath her.

“This is your place now, slave,” Korbba said. “You will sit here and entertain my guests. And if you ever forget your place, you will feel my displeasure. Do you understand?”

Leia nodded; her voice hoarse. “Understood, Master”.

“Guards display her properly; I want my guest to see my property.” Korbba declared to his audience who started laughing. Leia did not know why they were laughing until the guards came over and pulled her thighs wide until they were touching the sides of the chair. They hit a button and no matter how hard Leia tried she could not close her thighs from being splayed.

She was frightened as she felt vulnerable exposed like this in front of her enemies. That is when a malastaar merchant walked up to her chair with a goblet and reached down and started sliding his hand along the inside of her thigh.

“Her skin is so soft Korbaa” He declared feeling Leia as he would appraise a piece of furniture. Leia submissively mewled at his touch.

Leia’s heart raced as the merchant’s hand slid up her thigh, his touch making her skin crawl. She felt a blend of revulsion and fear at being handled like an object on display. Yet, she knew she had to play along if she wanted to survive this ordeal.

“Indeed,” Korbba replied with a smug grin, enjoying Leia’s discomfort. “She is a fine specimen, one that will fetch a high price in the right circles.”

Leia gritted her teeth, suppressing the urge to lash out at the merchant. She knew that any defiance on her part would only lead to more humiliation and potentially put her life in even greater danger.

The merchant continued to run his hand along Leia’s exposed skin, his gaze lingering on her curves with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Leia felt a wave of disgust wash over her as she realized just how vulnerable she truly was in this moment.

“And look at this,” the merchant exclaimed, reaching out to cup one of

Leia’s breasts. “Just look at these perfect orbs. They’re just begging to be touched.”

Leia winced at his crude words, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for Korbba to intervene. But the crime lord only stood there, smirking as the merchant handled Leia like a piece of meat.

“I must admit, your slave is quite the treat,” the merchant continued, running his fingers along the delicate lace of Leia’s corset. “She’s everything we could have asked for and more.”

Korbba nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving Leia as she sat there exposed and humiliated.

“Indeed, she is,” he sighed, a gleam of triumph in his eyes. “And she’s all mine.” Korbba declared harshly as if to declare his power by announcing his ownership of Leia.

Korbba then looked over to Leia and smirked. “Guards, I think my slave needs a nice application of Alflolusian cream.” Korbba said oft-handily. Leia’s eyes got wide and then confused. Surely he did not possess actual Alphlolusian Cream, the substance was a thing of myth. A urban legend. Alphlolusian cream, was a cream made by group of aliens long ago went extinct. It had properties that were said to make any substance known seem like a cup of coffee. It was the unicorn of recreational drugs, no one ever seen it more less have it on hand.

“Oh Korbba, did you actually find Alphlolusian cream?” Another Malastaar merchant asked in curiosity.

“Of course not, but branding is everything, you know that better than most, Ark Ark!” Korbba answered as if proud of himself over his rouse of naming the substance Alphlolusian cream.

“Ah, a clever strategy Master Korbba, if you ever need help distributing your creation, I would be more than willing to assist” Ark Ark said back.

“Oh bet you would, you Dug” Korbba responded calling the Gran the name of the other race that lives on Malastere, Dugs, who were known for their pod racing prowess.”

What the Gran did not know is that Korbba through one of his gambles won a small seemingly worthless uninhabitable planet, or so he thought. When Korbba went to inspect the rock if it had any value, he hired the same company he always used. Because minerals were his chief business. It was how he acquired such a large fuel and energy reserves in the first place he always spared no expense when it came to surveying the planets he acquired a stake in. The company he used, possessed the most state-of-the-art sensor equipment in the entire galaxy. Most people did not use them because of the labor and effort it takes to set up their probes. Which was how the Rebels went unnoticed on multiple occasions. The process could take a year in some cases depending on the size of the planet. To Korbba the attention to detail has never failed to recoup his investments. Most people thought he was insane, but every planet has something valuable, he ALWAYS found something of value, because of survey efforts he always found something that made him money, he never lost money on any abandoned planet or asteroid he acquired.

Korbba found that this small uninhabited planet was not always uninhabited. It contained an underground cavern system inside of it. The area of the planet where the massive underground caves were located emitted strong electronic waves that blocked most sensor equipment. Thanks to the expense of his survey he was able to see through the interference, and discovered that the waves concealed a massive area were life thrived underground, away from the harsh weather of the surface.

When he sent explorers to further investigate the caverns, he found an entire gigantic lake. The lake was made up of the very oil that Korbba was about to put on Leia’s skin. He found several enormous pools scattered throughout the undercarriage of the planet.

Moreover, he also found a small research station, it was written an ancient dialect. Fortunately, the company he used to take the readings of the planet possessed an archeological droid or the chances are he would have never known what the records said would have been slim.

The records confirmed the identity of the substance contained in the cave. It was a secret stash of the very fluid from legend. Evidently the world used to be a base for a group of criminals who trafficked in the mythological fluids from tens and thousands of years prior.

Korbba snorted softly as he saw his guards approach Leia. “What are you doin-” Leia was cutoff when the guard casually leaned over and pressed something on her corset. The garment immediately split apart allowing the guard to easily take it off her body exposing her breast to the entire court once again. He then reached down and pressed a part on the waistband of her fringe skirt, and the skirt opened up allowing the guard to pull it off her body with ease. Leia did not have to worry about being left with only her thong and heels on because the same guard promptly tossed her skirt on the floor reached down pulled her panties right off her body. Leia’s creamy skin was once again bare for the pleasure to the court of criminals, all of whom leered with unbridled lust.

Leia drew a deep breath as the Gamorrean dipped his hand in a vessel and then plopped it down on her thigh. Leia tried not to think of the “cream” which resembled body oil, it was clear and viscous being applied, the initial sensations started about a minute after the Gammorean started applying the substance to her skin. It felt so warm, it was nice. So nice that she opened her leg slightly on her own so he could get a better angle to rub it in her skin. By the time the guard was her tummy, Leia moaned softly, her pale skin was starting to become flushed.

When the guard reached her breast, she audibly moaned softly in pleasure. This was the most magnificent sensation she ever felt, like every soft caress was a wet suckle upon her skin. The guard began rubbing the cream into her neck she placed her soft hands on his and was caressing it gently as he gave her more of the glorious substance being placed upon it.

He began to rub it into her cheeks, and Leia wrapped her lips around the huge finger of the green orcish alien and suckled long and slow, so much so that it made a loud suction sound. When the oil hit her tognue Leia mind almost melted, her pussy began to immediately throb hard and she wanted nothing more than to touch the huge fat Gamorrean guard wherever she could touch him.

The Gamorrean guard chortled out loud as did the rest of the guards in the room. “Turn around! Slut!”

Leia whimpered submissively as she slowly turned her naked backside towards the room. The Gamorrean took great pleasure in cupping Leia’s ass and rubbing in the cream. By now, Leia was already very responsive to touch. She wiggled slightly to make it easier for the green orc to rub her more.

The guard grinned and continued spreading the cream all over her back and buttocks, taking his time to massage every inch of her smooth skin. Leia moaned and closed her eyes, completely lost in the sensation of his hands on her body.

As he reached her thighs, the Gamorrean’s touch became more intimate. He parted her legs slightly, making room for him to rub the cream into her inner thighs. Leia gasped as he got closer to her most intimate area, feeling a surge of desire course through her body.

The other guards were watching intently as the Gamorrean’s hand moved closer and closer to Leia’s dripping wet sex. She could feel their hungry eyes on her, but instead of being scared or embarrassed, she felt a sense of power in knowing that they all wanted her.

The guard finally reached between her legs and began rubbing the cream onto her labia with slow, circular motions. Leia moaned louder and spread her legs wider, wanting more of his touch.

Suddenly, another guard stepped forward from the crowd and joined in on rubbing the cream onto Leia’s breasts. His rough hands contrasted with the gentle touch of the Gamorrean on her lower half, sending shivers of pleasure throughout Leah’s body.

Feeling overwhelmed and aroused beyond belief, Leah couldn’t help but reach out for one of their cocks. She grabbed it with both hands and began stroking it eagerly as they continued rubbing the cream all over her body.

Leia was lost in ecstasy as she experienced pleasure from all angles –her breasts being caressed by one guard, her clit being teased by another, and her hands working tirelessly on the hard tent the guards’ member. Her mind reeled with pleasure as the guards surrounded her, each one eager to participate in her degradation.

As her body overflowed with desire, Leia could feel a surge of wetness between her legs. She knew that she would not be able to hold back for much longer. The guards noticed her increasing arousal and took it as a challenge.

One of the guards stepped forward and pressed a button on his wrist device, causing a sudden chill to envelop Leia’s body. Her skin prickled and tingled as the cold air seeped into her flesh, making her shiver in delight. The guards laughed and cheered as she cried out in pleasure at the sensation.

Another guard took this opportunity to press his erect cock against her wet pussy, sliding it up and down her slit. Leia whimpered in anticipation as the guard applied more pressure, then it stopped.

“Arrrgghhh Why?!” Leia growled out with undeniable frustration. She was left panting her pussy soaked and her body feeling amazing. She did not even process the fact that it was the drugs of the oil on her body she was lost in her own pleasure.

“No, no, my Leia-kanki, if you want a reward, you need to take care of my needs, crawl up here and do your duty slave slut, or I am going to make sure you stay like this” Korbba declared. Leia panted and nodded her head. She closed her eyes and bit her lips, as if to see if she could be ok with not following his orders. In the end Leia capitulated with a whimper. Then slunk off the chair to her hands and knees and crawled across the floor of the courtyard until she was face to face with a hard cock that emerged from the folds of the Hutt.

Leia could feel her heart racing as she crawled towards Korbba, the Hutt. She was both disgusted and aroused by his massive form, but she knew that in order to receive her reward, she had to please him.

With trembling hands, Leia began to stroke his hard cock and lick the tip with her tongue. Korbba let out a pleased grunt and leaned back on his throne, enjoying the attention from his newest slave.

As Leia continued to please him, her mind wandered to thoughts of escape. She knew that she couldn’t stay here forever and she needed to find a way out as soon as possible or that what she knew five minutes prior to being coated with the cream. Now her every nerve ending sent sensations of euphoria back to her brain. She was even curling her toes in anticipation of even more pleasure.

The other guards watched with amusement as Leia serviced their master. Some of them even stepped forward to grope and fondle her body while she worked. Their rough hands felt so good against her soft skin, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body.

As time passed, Leia could feel Korbba getting closer to climax. She quickened her pace and sucked harder on his cock, determined to finish the task at hand. And just when she thought he was about to come, he suddenly pulled away from her with a cruel laugh.

“Not yet my dear,” he growled as he gestured for the guards to take over. “I want you to be begging for it before I give you release.”

Leia groaned in frustration but didn’t dare protest. She knew that it would only make things worse for her.

The guards wasted no time in taking advantage of Leia’s exposed body. They pressed their hard cocks against her lips and pushed them into her mouth without any warning or concern for her comfort.

Leia gagged as one after another forced themselves into her mouth, using her like a cheap sex toy for their own pleasure. But despite the discomfort, she couldn’t deny that a part of her was enjoying the sensation of being used.

“Enough, I am ready, come on and sit down my Leia-Kanki, pleasure yourself now, or never.” Korbba said. Leia moaned desperately not even caring she had cum caked on her tits and face. The Princess climbed atop the Hutt’s exposed cock and slid down. “Oh ... Oh ... it’s so big!” Leia exclaimed. A statement that made the lecherous crowd erupt in laughter.

As Leia began to ride Korbba’s cock, the other guards surrounded her, stroking their own erections and watching in arousal. The Hutt watched with a satisfied grin, enjoying the sight of his slave pleasuring him and the other guards.

Leia’s pussy clenched around Korbba’s cock as she rode him, the pleasure and pain mingling together in a delicious torture. The taste of cum in her mouth from the other guards only added to her pleasure, making it even more intense.

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