Yuryi - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Yuryi Lawristan has been a 'businessman' for a very long time. During a blizzard, he admits a woman, Yvonne, and her two daughters to his building. He and she are somehow seriously attracted to each other from the first, but they don't know why. The story follows their relationship. A number of interesting things is revealed about each of them along the way.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Magic   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Revenge   Violence  

The following characters appear in this chapter:


Yuryi’s mentor and boss, 5’-8’’ tall (1.72 meters), 155 pounds (70 kg), 54 years old, partly bald with gray hair and beard, blue eyes


Yuryi’s previous wife, a wonderful woman, she died forty-two years ago


Yuryi’s Dragon name, he is a Brown Dragon

Yuryi has the Narrative

I awoke the next morning with a familiar feeling. Something warm was on my dick, and I was rock hard again. Was Gretchen that playful still in her old age, I wondered before remembering that my last wife had died forty some years ago. No, it was Yvonne under the blanket, and it had to be her mouth and lips that were wrapped around my cock. She soon realized that I was awake and surfaced. The room was quite chilly outside of the blanket, so anything that she had planned would have to be done under it.

“Are you able to continue?” she asked, as she turned toward me and leaned in to kiss me.

“Yes, what did you have in mind?” I asked with a smile.

“I ... I need you again,” she said shyly. “Why couldn’t I have met you fifteen years ago or so?” she asked.

“Apparently, it wasn’t meant to be then,” I told her as she returned to her back, and I moved over on top of her. My still wet cock easily found her leaking opening, and I filled her up with no hesitation this time. She started pushing back on the first stroke, and we continued for longer than last night, but enjoyed ourselves just as much if not more. Yvonne screamed as her orgasm hit her, and I sprayed my seed deep inside of her before we collapsed on the bed. We both lay there breathing hard for a short time. There was still no Magic in the room when I checked.

“Oh god, I could have used that a lot over the last fifteen years,” she said on recovering. “Do you think we can make up for all of that missed time?” she asked on recovering.

“Possibly, over time,” I told her with a smile. “We need to get up and clean up. I’m sure breakfast has already been served,” I added. We got up, put on our robes and slippers and adjourned to the bath. There was hot water at the sink, and we cleaned up, but weren’t ready to take a shower until the building warmed up, at least some.

Yvonne dressed in her clothes from yesterday, while I donned a wool suit rather than the security guard’s uniform from yesterday. After I dropped the ward around the office and the hall, we found her daughters in the other room waiting for us.

“Have you finished your games, Mother?” Ilene asked in a catty voice.

“We thought you still loved our dad,” the second daughter, Julia, said.

“Zach was in love with racing. That car was his mistress. He loved it more than he did me. Eventually, his luck ran out, and he died in it,” she told them to silence from them.

“We are going down to breakfast. If you want to eat, come along. Later, Yuryi will take us to get additional clothing,” Yvonne told her Daughters after the short silence. The two young women sat up at the mention of more clothes.

“We don’t want to wear stolen clothes,” they told their Mother.

“They aren’t stolen if you already own them,” Yvonne told them just as I had told her last night. “Yuryi owns several of the shops and part of the concessions as well as this building. If he wants to be generous, it’s no one’s business but his,” she finished. The two daughters looked startled on hearing this and looked at me with a different, more interested expression.

The twins followed us down to breakfast. The food court had been cleared of all of the sleeping gear, and the tables had been returned to a semblance of order. The others staying here were sitting around and talking. There wasn’t really much else to do as the storm was still raging outside.

“Breakfast ready in few minutes, Yuryi,” Charlie called on seeing us.

“Thanks, Charlie,” I called in return before turning to Yvonne.

“Go with me to check on the storm,” I told her. Her daughters looked at us suspiciously.

“You two can remain here,” she told them as I took her arm, and we vanished, startling the twins but not most of the rest of those present.

We appeared near the front entrance of the building. Snow had accumulated against the front doors and windows. It appeared to be about 24 inches deep (60 cm) against the glass but tapered to a bit more than 16 inches (40 cm) deep or so. The wind was quieter than it had been yesterday afternoon, but it was still blowing the falling snow around. The sleet appeared to have stopped.

“Still snowing and still windy but less than yesterday,” was all that I said to a very shocked Yvonne.

“How ... how did we get here?” she managed to ask after a number of seconds.

“I transferred us,” I simply said.

“Yes, I keep forgetting that you’re a Magic user. Apparently, a very strong Magic user,” she said.

“Do you have a problem with that?” I asked to judge how she felt about Magic users, and how she would feel or react about what else I would eventually tell her.

“No, not especially. There seem to be good ones and bad ones, just as in everything else. There are those who are seriously opposed to them, at least, that is what you can read in the papers, on the internet, and hear on some talk shows. There are those who support them also,” she told me.

“Good,” I told her appreciating her perspective. “We can walk back if you would rather do that,” I told her.

“Let’s walk back. One transfer at a time is enough for me,” she said with a smile. We started back to the food court holding hands. It took longer but was more enjoyable than transferring.

Charlie had prepared a fine breakfast of eggs and some fried chicken patties along with some toasted burger buns covered in blackberry jam by the time we returned to the food court. There was hot tea and chocolate milk also. We enjoyed our breakfast but didn’t say much. It appeared that the twins were still evaluating my abilities as a Magic user. It was a bit after 9:00 AM before we finished.

“Shall we look at some additional clothes for you ladies?” I asked, as we finished. The area of the food court had warmed up to 50 degrees F by then.

“Where is this store?” Ilene asked.

“It’s on the upper level,” I told her.

“And how are we supposed to get up there?” Julia asked

“We take the escalator. It doesn’t work without electricity, but you can still walk up it,” I reminded her.

The upper level of the building proved to be a bit warmer than the food court, at least the walkways did. We stopped in front of a fashionable women’s clothing store up there, and I dropped the ward on the front of the store. It was dark inside, and I turned the lights on using a bit of Magic before opening the locked front door. All three women were surprised by this. It was chillier inside the store than it had been on the walkway.

“Brrr, it’s chilly in here,” the twins said but quickly forgot about that, as they looked at the clothing on display. The store sold well-made, reasonably priced clothing for women. It wasn’t a high priced department store but sold fashionable clothing that was well made and would last.

“You own this?” the twins asked.

“I’m the senior partner in the company that owns and operates this store. I was the one who hired those working here,” I told them.

“What are we allowed to take?” Yvonne asked.

“Anything within reason. I wouldn’t think you would need more than a few outer clothes and a week or so of under clothing. Perhaps another pair of shoes and a warm jacket. A bit of make-up and thick socks would be okay also,” I told her remembering her cold feet from last night.

The women walked around checking the various items on display and soon started making selections. After a time, the twins had a question.

“Could we get some nightwear?” they asked.

“Yes, that would be alright,” I agreed. “You might want some slippers also,” I reminded them.

It took them the best part of an hour and a half to make their selections along with a good bit of discussion. I had them put everything in shopping bags with the store’s name on them and had the bags lined up in three groups when they were finished.

“Are we ready to leave?” I asked.

“Yes,” they replied. “How are we going to carry all of those bags?” the twins wanted to know, as they had quite a few.

“Carry?” I asked, just before the groups of bags started to disappear. “Why would you need to carry the bags?” I added, as the last group vanished.

“We keep forgetting that you are a Magic user and can do things that most people can’t,” Yvonne said with a small smile.

“But where is our clothing now?” the twins asked in upset voices.

“Why, the clothing is in your room on your bed. You may need some hangers to hang them up. I’ll transfer some from another store,” I told them, before we left the store, and I returned it to its previous condition. All three women, but the twins especially, hurried up to their rooms to take care of their new clothes.

Following a fine lunch, everyone was sitting around the food court talking. Suddenly at about 4:00 PM, all of the lights came on, the heating system started up full blast, and the plug-in radio came to life. The Power had been restored. This caused quite a commotion. The radio station must have gotten their power back before we did, as they were already broadcasting public service announcements from the mayor, the police, the fire department, and the power company. After hearing all of the announcements twice, I turned to Yvonne.

“We need to go up to the office. There are things about me that you need to know. If you intend to stay with me for a time, you should know them in case you want to change your mind,” I told her.

“Alright. Do the girls need to know any of this?” she asked.

“Maybe later depending on how things go,” I told her, as we rose and headed up to the office. The twins were more interested in their cell phones working again than in what we were doing.

In the office, I cast a ward around it and a silence spell so no one outside of it would be able to hear what was said. The bed was still down, so we sat on the end of it, side by side.

“How old do you think I am?” I asked her.

“Based on your appearance, I would say that you appear to be around 46 or 47 years old,” she told me. “But from your virility, you may be a number of years younger,” she added with a smile.

“That’s a good guess, based on what you know. However, I am nowheres near that young. As closely as I can determine, I was born in the year 802 AD in the North Caucasus Mountains,” I told a very shocked Yvonne, who just stared at me for a time.

“But ... that would make you some 1250 years old,” she said in a shocked voice.

“Yes, it would. Previously, I thought that I was born around 850 AD, but I remember my mentor Khizir telling me that I was born in the last years of the reign of the Lawristan clan. Research on the history of the Caucasus reveals that they lost power just after 800 AD and that meshes with other events in my life. Eventually, I adopted their last name as mine,” I continued. She was still staring at me, surprise still on her face.

“There is more, a lot more,” I told her.

“Yes, I would think so if you are that old,” she said.

“My Mother was the favored daughter of a powerful branch of one of the leading families of their village, clan, and tribe. Among themselves, they identified as the Adygh, but they are referred to by others as part of the Circassia.

“She married and got pregnant by a man not approved of by her family ... He soon disappeared and many believed that he had been killed by members of her extended family. Mother was furious on learning this and packed her things and me to leave her family in the mountains. She traveled to the coast of the Black Sea where the Shaosegh and the Natukhay tribes of the Adygh lived. They are looked down upon because they engage in trade. It is also warmer and more humid there.

“I remember, as a young child, moving several times. Though Christianity had come to the Caucasus in the 5th and the 6th centuries along with several other religions, many still believed in a host of pagan gods and in myths such as ghosts, monsters of various sorts, and other demons including Dragons. They also believed in and feared Witches and Wizards.

“My Mother was a renowned healer, but there were still many who feared her and called her a Witch. They believed that she had the power to control the weather and the well-being of livestock. When I was six, we were living in Nikopsis. It was a town south of the Kuban River on the coast of the Black Sea and was a trading center. There was another larger trading city, Tamatarkha, further up the coast near the Straits of Kerch. I would get to know it very well, but that was later, much later, in my life,” I told her.

“I digress from my story,” I said before continuing. “One day, a man appeared at our house. At first, my Mother was startled on seeing him, but she quickly hurried to greet him. Her greeting was much more friendly and passionate than I had ever seen her give anyone. She invited him in and prepared a large meal for him. Later, she introduced him as my Father. He seemed very large to a boy of six, and I was afraid of him, though he seemed very friendly.

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