My Exhibitionist Mom- Book Three - Cover

My Exhibitionist Mom- Book Three

Copyright© 2024 by Jill Jacobson

Chapter 21: Mom Breaks Her Arm

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21: Mom Breaks Her Arm - This is what it's like to have an over-sexed, under-inhibited Mom! Follow our adventures, along with our friends and their Moms!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Niece   Aunt   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Group Sex   Black Female   Oriental Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Facial   Fisting   Lactation   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Babysitter   Big Breasts   Hairy   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Geeks   Nudism  

After our humiliating and extremely sexually stimulating episode in the teachers lounge we didn’t speak of anything sexual for weeks, Mom was so embarrassed she could barely face me at all. I thought the whole thing was so exciting that I masturbated thinking about it once and sometimes twice a day. I kept it secret so Mom would not feel worse about the whole experience. I came home one day and found her standing on the edge of a chair on her tiptoes, trying to change a light bulb. She was distracted when she saw me and lost her footing, falling off the chair. When she reached out to stop herself she banged her wrist on the counter and was in such pain she started to cry. After I took her to the emergency room, they put a cast on her broken wrist, and I tried to make her as comfortable as I could back home.

When she woke up from her nap she was a little groggy from the pain medication, and she said it made her excited. “What do you mean by excited, Mom?” I asked. “Well, Honey, you know that I take care of myself, I mean sexually, because I know that you’ve seen me. And now I have this broken wrist, and I can’t do what I usually do.” I said, “Mom, are you talking about masturbation? I can’t belive we’re having this discussion!” She said, “I can’t do anything to myself, and I’m very wet and excited, if I can be honest with you.” “Mom, you can always be honest with me. Do you want me to help you? With my hands? Down there??” “Yes I would, Honey, you’ll have to take my clothes off first. I prefer to be totally nude, I hope you don’t mind.” “No, of course not, Mom. Would you like me to take my clothes off, too, to make things even?” “I would prefer if you didn’t, Honey, so it doesn’t seem like we’re lesbians or anything. You’re simply going to help me reach orgasm.”

“Okay Mom, should I just start?” She nodded, kind of helplessly. I took Mom’s pants off, then her shirt, and she was in bra and panties. I unsnapped her bra, then slipped her panties down. She said, “Here, put this towel over me so it doesn’t look like you’re just masturbating me out in the open. It will be more like a massage.” “It’s only us two here, Mom, but okay. Just tell me how you want me to masturbate you.” I spread the towel over her breasts and pussy, and reached underneath. I felt her hairy bush, and ran my finger up and down a couple times, and I felt the opening get very wet.

“Is this okay Mom?” “Yes, Honey, just keep going. A little slower at first, and I’ll tell you when to speed up.” I ran my finger slowly up and down her opening and her clit, and snaked my finger inside her. She gasped, “Oh! I wasn’t expecting that.” “Does it feel good, Mommy?” “Yes, why don’t you push your finger in and out once in a while.” She was looking down intently at my hand moving rhythmically underneath the towel, and she pulled it down so that her breasts were exposed.

“You don’t mind if I show my breasts, do you? You’ve seen them before, of course.” “No Mom, I think you have beautiful breasts, and I can see they are getting hard.” “Well, there’s no need for you to stare at them, just keep doing what you’re doing under there.” “You mean masturbating you, Mom?” I couldn’t resist trying to get her to say the word. “Yes, Jill, masturbating me. Jerking me off, if you like. Keep going. You can move your finger a little faster now, I’m starting to get close.”

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