The Two Betrayals - Cover

The Two Betrayals

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Life is full of many betrayals, but two of them are precious and loved.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Slow   Violence  

I came home from work and entered my home. It had been a long day. I headed upstairs to check on my daughters. Two beautiful 14-year-old girls slept in rooms opposite each other. They’re not twins, they had different mothers. After taking a few moments to watch both sets of blankets rise and fall I headed to my room wondering if my wife of ten years was awake. She was amazing, the first woman I’d truly loved. A tiny little 5-foot ball of sunshine and light. In the 12 years I’d met her I’d only seen her angry twice and one of those times she called me a ‘meanie.’ She did get madder when I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at that.

I entered my room and saw something horrific, my wife in tears. My heart broke and I rushed to her and took her in my arms and she shoved back at me. It wasn’t enough force to actually move me, but the intent of it struck me harder than a runaway truck. “Steph? Tell me what’s wrong?”

She held up two letters and I took them from her hands, one was handwritten addressed to me and the other was a form letter. I glanced through the handwritten letter and saw a name I dreaded and her plans to come to find me so we could be married and raise our daughter together. I read the form letter already knowing what it said from the mere existence of the handwritten one.

Mr. Phillips

As requested by your attorney we are notifying you of the release from treatment of...


I crumpled the note and then realized I’d need it for a restraining order and began to smooth it out. “Steph, I need to call Mike Carper and get him to apply for a restraining order when I get back, I’ll answer all your questions. I will tell you everything, but I need you to give me a chance to explain.”

She looked at me and for the first time since I met her I saw no light shining out from her eyes, “Is Emily’s mother really your sister?”

“It is a long story. You know me. You know I love you. The only thing I love more than you are our daughters. OUR daughters regardless of who their birth mothers are.”

“But you’re their dad? And your sister is Emily’s mother? Is this why you don’t talk about your family? This is why you didn’t have any guests at the wedding?”

“You know I would never do anything like that willingly. Hear me out at least? Please? Let me call Mike and then we’ll talk.”

“When I met you ... you were this seemingly impossible loving single dad and to find out that you...”

“I’ll stop you right there. I have never done that. I’ve never had sex with my sisters. I never will and I never would. Like I said, it’s a long story. Just let me call Mike.”

I stood up and moved into the bathroom and took pictures of the two notes and texted them to Mike. I’d need to scan them when I had the chance. I called him and left a voicemail, “Hey, Mike. She got out. I need you to get the restraining order started. Call me back when you get up. I need this done ASAP to cover myself if she tries anything.”

I took the time to wash my face and look at my reflection. It had been 23 years since it all began. It had been 23 years since my father died. I could see the age on my face. It was one of those things I never really took the time to notice. You know you’re getting older, but actually taking the time to see was about like stopping to smell the roses.

I entered the bedroom again and got a bottle of water from the minifridge. I quick swig. And I began.

“My family was weird. My father worked hard at the plant 70 to 80 hours a week. The overtime was necessary due to the number of us. He was a good man. Then he died.

My mother, Moira, was a schoolteacher and did her best to make sure the house was clean and we were all fed. She was especially close with my older brother, Steven. He was ten years older than I was and the math showed he was born before she’d even met my father. I never knew why the two were so close, but in a lot of ways she treated him like a second husband. Lots of late-night talks in one of their rooms, sometimes even overnight. Mother-son nights out. After Dad died, he took a job at the plant and he did his best to step in to that role.

My elder sister was a year older than I was and Tabby and I never got along. I never harbored any resentment to her we were just different people.

My same aged sister on the other hand was my perfect sidekick. She was 11 months older than I was. We were what is called Irish Twins I was born in November and she was born in January, though our mother decided to call her April for reasons I’ll never understand. I never did call her that she was always Squire. The Squire to my knight. Squire was my faithful companion. We did everything together. There wasn’t a single human being I was closer to until my 17th birthday.” I closed my eyes and I was there;

23 years ago

I’d just taken off the practice gear and was headed to the shower when my text tone went off from my locker. I opened it and grabbed my phone the text was from Steve: GET HOME NOW!

Knight: Bout 2 shower, then OMW. Why U buy a cake?

Steve: Get home and pack your shit or we’ll call the police.

I sighed.

Knight; “I’m 17, not 18. And you’re not my dad, Stevie.”

Steve: After what u did 2 ur sister ur lucky we let you pack.

Knight: I haven’t done anything to squire

Steve: We know what u did 2 Tabby.

Knight: Haven’t even talked to her in weeks.

Steve: Home now.

I showered then dressed and headed home. It has to be some kind of surprise party. I barely talk to Tabby; we’ve just never got on. It was about three miles between the school and the house I wasn’t in a hurry and ignored the occasional buzzing. I chose to enter through the kitchen door and found my mother, Steve, my uncle Jim and aunt Colleen, and squire sitting at the table.

“If this is a surprise birthday party, you’re supposed to be more chipper and there should be cake.” Not that I’d eat it. Have to be careful. Need to stay fit to keep playing, need to keep playing or they’ll withdraw those scholarship offers.

Moira’s eyes were red. She’d been crying and you could hear the disgust in her voice, “How the fuck could you do it?!?”

“Do what?”

Steve tried to sound threatening, but it turned out like a really angry grasshopper, “We know what you did to her. Quit fucking around and pack your shit.”

“What did I allegedly do? If I’m being accused, I need to know what I’ve been accused of.”

Moira screamed, “We know you’ve been raping your sister!”

I couldn’t contain the laughter, “What the fuck! That’s a good one. Did I shoot Kennedy and fake the moon landing too?”

Aunt Colleen put on her stern voice, “This is serious. You won’t be allowed to be around her.”

“Wait? Are you actually serious? Who told you this bullshit?”

Moira seethed, “She confessed. Came to me crying. Said you’ve been doing it for months.

“She’s lying.”

Steve added in angry grasshopper, “Either pack your shit or we go to the cops.”

“Then call them. Do a rape kit. You know damn well I didn’t do anything like that.”

Moria shook her head, “You know it’s been too long to collect evidence.”

“Okay? Does she have bruises? Call the police and get some pictures.”

The angry grasshopper added, “We know you drugged her, so you didn’t have to force her after the first time.”

“Jesus Christ? Did she come up with this bullshit? Let’s go to the hospital. Have her get a tox screen. If she’s being drugged it’ll show up!”

“What did you find something that won’t show up? You’re not going to stay where you have access to your victim.”

“Steve! Dumbass! I’ve never raped anyone. Hell, I’m still a fucking virgin cause Nicki won’t let me get past third base. I have 4.0 gpa, I play football with practice every night and games on Friday. I have a job. And every other time I’m awake I have Pete, Nicki, or Squire within ten feet of me. You know I couldn’t do this. You know I wouldn’t do this. Let’s take her to the police and the hospital. Maybe she had a what is it ... A psychotic break! She has to have a reason to make up this shit.”

“Be Glad she doesn’t want to go to the police, cause nothing would make me happier than seeing you in jail. She’s satisfied with you just being gone.”

“Idiot, she doesn’t want to go to the police cause she is lying! I’m happy to take this to the police. Do it. Call 911 right now.”

Moira butted in, “We’re not going to let you victimize her more. Go to your room. Pack what you need. You’ll never set foot in this house again. As of today, I only have one son. You should be glad that Colleen and Jim are willing to put up with you till your graduation.”

“C’mon Squire, you at least have to know I didn’t do this. You have to see reason!” She stood and walked towards me and slapped me. It would be 23 years before I felt something that hurt as much as that slap. “Eventually the truth is going to come out and I won’t forgive you. You had the chance to believe me. You had the chance to see reason.”

I marched upstairs to my room. As soon as the door shut behind me, I turned and threw my fist into the wall. I hit the stud and it broke. Why the fuck would she do this to me? Why the fuck won’t they believe me? They won’t even let me try to prove I’m innocent. Fucking assholes. And Squire ... what fucking bullshit has she been spouting that she turned Squire against me. I grabbed a trash bag and threw my clothes into it. My laptop went into its case. I gathered up all the paperwork, admissions letters, and random crap and threw it in my backpack. I used another trash bag for my shoes and my boots. Lastly, I opened the desk drawer and took my father’s pocket knife and put it in my pocket. I scanned the room looking for anything else I might need. This has to be a prank. I’ll go to stay with the hillbillies for the weekend and come back to my party. No way this is real.

When I got to Colleen and Jim’s place I was led upstairs and to a room. A room with five heavy duty slide bolts on the outside of the door. Colleen announced, “While you’re here you’ll have a curfew of 1045. You’ll be expected to be in your room at that time.”

“I assume you’re locking me in?”

“Of Course I don’t want to risk you trying to do to me what you did to your sister.”

“Is there an ensuite at least? What am I supposed to do if I need to pee?”

Jim then handed me a twenty oz bottle he’d been spitting tobacco juice into.

“Lovely.” I entered the room and set my stuff down and heard the slide bolts be activated behind me. The room was spartan. A bed, a dresser, and a desk with a desk lamp comprised the furniture. There was a window which opened. I slipped through it. There weren’t any trees near the house so it would be at best a 30-foot drop to the ground. I could do it if I had to, but I wasn’t willing to risk it as it could fuck up a knee or an ankle and tank my plans. I did now have a suitable place to pee though. I did what had to be done and reentered the room. I laid down and hoped this was a prank.

The next day Nicki broke up with me. The guys on the team started giving me shit. It wasn’t outright bullying; they’d get tossed off the team if they did that. It was annoying though. Things like a few rapist and sister fucker signs taped to my lockers, a lot of terrible jokes at my expense, and any time there was an opportunity during practice they went full force. Every action was designed to make me lose my religion. It was now a well-known fact that I was guilty of a crime I wasn’t sure even happened and people acted accordingly. I kept my head down and tried not to let it bother me. Though occasionally I would catch Squire’s gaze and the hatred in her eyes would level me. Nicki started dating George Brown the running back within a week of our breakup.

It was a month later in the prep for our final game of the season that I took a rather bad hit in practice and had to bow out early. Pete joined me. He’d been my only friend since the accusation. The only one who could see the truth. Pete threw out, “Why don’t you just fight back? You lay out a couple of them and they’ll at least leave you alone.”

“They won’t actually hurt me. They can’t win the game without me.”

“You know that protection ends on Friday right?”

“Yeah, I do. But I’ll still need to keep my cool. My father ... Before my father came to this shithole he did some bad things. He learned a lot and got out of that life. Though he taught me a lot of things he had learned in it. He taught me that I had to be calm when everyone else was emotional. He taught me that if I wanted to get ahead, I had to think and figure out what people wanted and more importantly WHY they wanted it. Motivation informs every action a person takes. He taught me that hard work was rewarded. He made me understand that I had to keep my intentions close to the vest.”

I flashed back to the quarry. Whenever my father wanted to teach me something he drug me out there. This was when I was 8. He seemed taller in my memory than he was in life, “I’ve never been more disappointed in you.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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