The Time of Zeus Book 1: These Three Kings - Cover

The Time of Zeus Book 1: These Three Kings

Copyright© 2024 by Carlos Santiago

Chapter 2: These Three Kings

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 2: These Three Kings - In the aftermath of the Great Titan War, the sons of Cronos—Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades—draw straws to determine their realms. Zeus claims Greece and Olympus, Poseidon takes the sea, and Hades becomes the ruler of the Underworld. Follow their personal journeys as they acclimate to their new responsibilities and face the challenges that come with their newfound power.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   War   Alternate History   Far Past   Paranormal   Magic   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Grand Parent   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Nudism   Revenge   Royalty   Violence  

“No one is truly free except for Zeus.”Hephaestus, Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound (479~424 BC)

The radiant light of dawn bathed Mount Olympus in a golden hue, a celestial testament to the new era dawning upon the divine realm. The assembly of deities watched in awe of Zeus’ victory.

Zeus sat upon his father’s throne on Mount Olympus.

Prometheus watched with bated breath, knowing the significance of this moment for Olympus. Mnemosyne stood as a living witness to the history unfolding before her.

In his inaugural address to the divine assembly, Zeus spoke with a voice that rumbled like distant thunder, resonating with authority and grace.

“Though I drew the largest straw, I recognize that I did not get here alone. All of you helped make this possible. Beyond that, I must thank my brothers, Poseidon and Hades, for dethroning our evil father. As such, though I rule over all, it is through cooperation that we have claimed Olympus and I will recognize that by giving you the freedom to rule your dominions freely.”

While the audience clapped, Gaia and Rhea looked at one another with concern in their eyes.

Then, with a humility that endeared him to the gods and goddesses present, Zeus continued. “I also want to express gratitude to Gaia and Rhea. Both sacrificed so much for us. These two queens have shown us the meaning of selflessness.”

The crowd looked towards the queens and clapped. While the two accepted the praise, the look in Rhea’s eyes warned Gaia that something were wrong.

“To Gaia, the nurturer of all life, and Rhea, my loving mother, I owe immeasurable gratitude. As such, I declare that from this day on, they shall be given time away from the realms of divinity, to dwell exclusively on Gaia’s Island where they will not need to be burdened with the stresses of Olympus. Of course, they will always be our advisors, and they can visit Olympus whenever they please, but as they have given so much, I am sure they will spend their time relaxing as their Olympus deserves this respite.”

Rhea whispered into Gaia’s ears. “I think ... I think we have made a mistake.”

The mind of the Earth Primordial started to see all that they had done. She could see the power that they had given Zeus. It was not just the lightning and thunder, but his control, his popularity, and his throne. With all of that, Zeus’ grandmother saw all that could come from his rule.

With that realization, Gaia breathed softly. “Sadly, I agree.”

When the assembly started to dissipate, Zeus was alone in his throne room with Poseidon and Hades.

“Did you really mean what you said?” Poseidon asked. “About you consulting us?”

“Absolutely,” Zeus said cheerily. “Father’s biggest mistake was not listening to his peers. I want there to be a place for all of us.”

“How?” Hades asked. While Zeus was excited beyond measure, the gloom and defeat of Hades was great because of the solitude he knew was coming.

“There were twelve Titans that were meant to rule Olympus,” Zeus said carefully. “Maybe ... we can find a way to have twelve seats of power for us. One for me, as King. One for Poseidon. One for you, Hades. Nine others. We can fill it out, and we can have a discourse here rather than us potentially fighting. We do not want another war between gods. Do we?”

“No we do not,” Hades bristled. As he knew his destiny was going to be the Underworld, he tried to see the sense in what his brother said. Even as he struggled to agree, he had to admit when Zeus did something right. After all, Zeus would be the King. Hades would have wanted Zeus’ support if he had lost.

“It is sensible,” Hades conceded with a long exhalation.

“Too sensible,” Poseidon said, suspicious. “This didn’t come from you. Did Metis plant this idea in your mind?”

Zeus laughed. “She may have given a suggestion or two.”

“At least you are actually taking advice like you said you might,” Hades said.

“But we all need to get our Kingdoms in order,” Zeus said.

“And that includes exiling our mother and grandmother?” Hades wondered.

“It is not exile,” Zeus answered defensively. He could not stop the edge of irritation from infecting his tone of voice. “I promise it is nothing nefarious,” Zeus added with raised hands. “We all know that our mother had to play a part to be subservient to Cronos. I don’t want her to feel like she has to do that with me as king, but I do need to be able to rule things.”

“Come now, Zeus. Our mother deserves more than that,” Hades said.

“No ... He’s right,” Poseidon said slowly. “We need to be able to control our realms. If Mother were to be involved in every step, we would resent her, and we just finished fighting one war. I don’t want to start another. This is clearly in the name of peace.”

Hades sighed. While the two did not always take each other’s side over his, he felt like they did. Perhaps that was what it meant to be siblings.

“But you promise Olympus will be available to all of us?” Hades asked.

“You have my word. You will always be welcome on Olympus, Hades. There is no stigma against the Underworld. I only received Olympus, the heavens, and the cosmos through luck. It could have very easily been you or Poseidon who received this throne. We cannot begrudge or punish one another.”

“Another one of Metis’ nuggets of wisdom?” Poseidon wondered.

“I am learning to be respectful with time,” Zeus countered with a teasing smile.

“Thank you for that,” Hades said stoically.

“Then do we need to get our dominions in order?” Poseidon wondered

Zeus pointed to the array of gods and titans that had watched. They were still celebrating. “Let’s have fun. Tomorrow, we will take over our kingdoms. Let’s just enjoy today.

Poseidon looked to Hades and understood the implication. “Let’s go, Aides,” Poseidon said, teasing Hades about the eldest son of Cronos’ title as the ‘unseen one’. Hades had earned that by being invisible for most of the Titan War.

That better never catch on!” Hades grumbled as they went down to the revelry.

Zeus laughed as his brothers left. But when he was sure they were out of earshot, he exhaled deeply. He knew defeating Cronos would be an endeavor, but to be King might be something much worse.

He was meant for battle, and challenges. But Gaia had raised him to lead. He was meant to lead in war and in peace. He would just need to figure out how.

Amidst the celebration of Zeus’s coronation as the King of Olympus, the grand hall of the gods and titans was alive with laughter, music, and revelry. While celebrating Zeus’ happy day, there was just as much revelry about the peace that was overtaking the lands of Greece.

The atmosphere was charged with an air of change and new beginnings. The mighty assembly of deities were talking, exchanging news and promises of seeing one another. Gaia and Rhea were whispering about what to do next. Prometheus was with Poseidon. Mnemosyne and Themis were together. Demeter and Hestia were encircling the container of the Flame of Olympus. Hestia was motioning and saying the fire needed a container of some sort. Metis, was talking to the loyal siblings of Cratus, Bia, Zelus, and Nike. Nyx, Hypnos, and Thanatos were motioning to Hades, the new King of the Underworld.

As the night unfolded and more gods and titans (who had not taken part in the Titan War such as Otus, Letos, Helios and Selene) made their appearances. The divine chatter and joyous laughter reverberated through the hall, punctuated by the sound of celestial music and the aroma of ambrosial feasts.

Amidst the celebration, Hades and Hera found a moment to steal away from the throng. The torches that lined the passageway cast flickering shadows, creating an intimate ambiance. They stood together in the dim light, hidden from the sight of the other revelers.

Hades, the newly appointed King of the Underworld, gazed at Hera with deep affection and concern. He was aware that her destiny was on Olympus, not within the realm of the dead.

Still, his affection for her was long-lasting.

Hera, her eyes reflecting a hint of sadness, returned his gaze. Their whispered words were filled with the weight of their feelings and the uncertainty of the future. Hera made her promise to visit Hades in the Underworld, knowing that their love would remain a hidden ember.

“Hades, I know you will be King in Nyx’s Realm,” she began, her voice soft, “and I have pledged to Rhea that I will marry the King of Olympus, and I cannot break that promise.”

Hades did his best not to recoil from her. She could feel his uncertainty and grabbed his hands into hers.

“But I promise you this, Hades, I will find a way to keep seeing you. I will visit the Underworld, I’ll steal away moments for us to be together, whatever it takes.”

Hades nodded. He was hesitant to believe, but his love for Hera was etched in his eyes. “I understand, Hera. I will wait for your visits.”

“Just do not give up on us because it is hard,” Hera said softly. She touched his chin and kissed him softly on the cheek.

“I promise not to give up on us,” Hades said. Though it was still in his strong, deep tenor, they could both recognize that it lacked its vibrant conviction.

Hera smiled, a mix of tenderness and longing in her expression. She placed her hand on Hades’ chest, right above his heart. “That is all I ask. Remind yourself not to give up on us, Hades. We’re gods; we will endure, and so will our love, no matter what realms or rules separate us.”

As they shared a fleeting, poignant moment in the midst of celebration, Hades leaned down and kissed Hera softly on her lips as a sign that his care for her remained unbroken.

Mnemosyne and Themis conversed in hushed tones, hidden away from the main festivities. The grand hall hummed with divine merriment and echoing laughter, but their discussion held a gravity of its own.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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