The Time of Zeus Book 1: These Three Kings - Cover

The Time of Zeus Book 1: These Three Kings

Copyright© 2024 by Carlos Santiago

Chapter 1: The Game of Chance

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Game of Chance - In the aftermath of the Great Titan War, the sons of Cronos—Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades—draw straws to determine their realms. Zeus claims Greece and Olympus, Poseidon takes the sea, and Hades becomes the ruler of the Underworld. Follow their personal journeys as they acclimate to their new responsibilities and face the challenges that come with their newfound power.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   War   Alternate History   Far Past   Paranormal   Magic   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Grand Parent   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Nudism   Revenge   Royalty   Violence  

“ ... but they themselves cast lots for the sovereignty, and to Zeus was allotted the dominion of the sky, to Poseidon the dominion of the sea, and to Pluto the dominion in Hades.”Apollodorus, The Library (~2nd Century AD)

Peace fell onto Olympus quite well.

With the help of the Cyclopes, the large chain that once bound the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires was put to use. With their newfound skills, the Cyclopes were able to make the material stretch, so that each Titan could be bound within Tartarus.

The sons of Cronos (Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon) carried the Titans one at a time into Tartarus, binding them and locking them away. The Titans had been left in an enchanted sleep thanks to Hypnos. When the Titans awakened, the realm of Tartarus and the chains that bound them would leave them weakened and unable to free themselves.

It was also decided that some of the weaker Titans would be left in Greece, just in case someone tried to free one group of Titans, they could not free them all. A cage of light and adamantine was made. The key was Hera’s bow, which was locked away in a Mountain called Mount Epirus, and the Titans were left in a field of poppy flowers of Hypnos, so they would be able to sleep eternally.

With those things settled, it was fast becoming the question of who would reign on Mount Olympus.

It was in that spirit that each brother reconsidered the date of the straw pull. Each wanted every support to know what was to come, and they each went about their time individually.

The great halls of Mount Olympus were abuzz with wondering who should be their next King.

Poseidon, second son of Cronos, sought out Metis, the former war counselor to the three powerful brothers, Zeus, Hades, and himself. While many questions hung in the air, there was only one that weighed heavily on his mind.

“Metis,” Poseidon began when he was certain that they were alone in one of the many empty palaces on Olympus. His voice was tinged with a potent mixture of curiosity and apprehension. “What are the odds that I might succeed my father and become the King of Olympus?”

Metis regarded him with her penetrating gaze. She took a moment to choose her words carefully before responding. “One in three,” she replied evenly. “The same odds that your brothers face.”

Poseidon furrowed his brow, contemplating the implications of Metis’ answer. “And what if I do not wish to rule over Olympus? What if my heart longs for dominion over the boundless seas?”

Metis offered a knowing smile and a comforting hand. “Then rest assured that, I believe, either of your brothers would willingly trade the sea for the Throne of Olympus if you hold no desire to rule over all the gods and the heights of Olympus.”

“So...” Poseidon trailed off, hoping for exact clarification. “If I were to draw the longest straw and become King of Olympus, you are sure, Zeus or Hades would trade the straw representing the sea to me?”

“I believe so,” Metis replied confidently. “But if you draw the Underworld, you have my sympathy. No one wants that straw.”

Poseidon let out a humorless laugh.

She paused to ask a more serious question. “Why would you not want the Throne of Olympus though? Both Hades and Zeus crave it.”

“Come on, Metis. Both the Underworld and Olympus will take a lot of work to get under control. Whoever is in charge of the Underworld will have to look after the dead and the imprisoned Titans. That will take up a lot of time. And come on! Ruling Olympus. It seems to have a high likelihood of replacement, given both my father and grandfather. But the sea? Come on! It runs itself. I can go out and have fun, and enjoy my time, and only answer to the King of Olympus. There’s no downside.

Metis stared confused. “I think this is the most thought I think I have seen you put into anything.

Poseidon laughed far more heartily in response to Metis. “Oh! You know me. I like doing nothing. I will work hard all day if it means doing nothing for the rest of eternity.”

“There’s the idiot Poseidon I know,” Metis said both disappointed and mildly annoyed by the second son of Cronos. In response, he just grinned.

She was in Rhea’s old palace. Of course she would. After all, it was where she had been raised. It was where Rhea taught her magic, which had been harmed by the Titan War. In the few days of peace, that’s what the winners were calling it.

But were they winners? Hera found herself asking herself more and more. It seemed to her that they were survivors more than victors.

They won Olympus, but they each had been damaged in one way or another. Hera was no longer the bright and hopeful young woman who only ever wanted to be Queen of Olympus.

She never would want to be the Queen how her mother was. Hera saw all the faults in Rhea as a ruler. She had commanded no power or respect. Cronos held all the power.

No matter who the king was, Hera would command the authority as a King’s equal, not as a supplicant or lesser. This led to her current predicament, in her mother’s palace waiting for Hades.

Hades slowly entered, his obsidian eyes reflecting the weight of the world. He regarded Hera with a soft affection. Their connection was damaged from Hades not going into her bed in the last few years of the war, but it was still there, enduring still.

“Hera,” Hades began, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the chamber.

“Hades,” Hera remarked with a cold edge to her voice. Her time away from his bed had made her slightly hurt by the absence.

She regretted that decision almost upon making it as she saw the pain in Hades’ eyes.

“I wanted to talk to you,” Hades said. “But if you are already upset by me, then I should go.”

“I don’t want that,” Hera said, unsure.

“Then what do you want?” Hades asked. Though he tried to keep his temper in check, the god struggled. After all, he had once spent a lifetime within his father’s belly, so emotions that filled him with doom and gloom were easier.

“I want to know why you stopped coming to see me? Why did we stop making love? Did you lose interest in me? Did one of Oceanus’ daughters catch your eye? Maybe one of the Titanesses?”

Hades looked affronted. “Nothing like that!”

“Then what is it?” Hera asked.

“I know about your promise to Rhea!” Hades shouted back. “I know you are meant to be for the King of Olympus. That is why I distanced myself. I did not want to be hurt if I should not become the next ruler.”

Hera met his gaze with a mix of understanding and resolve. How could she be upset with Hades when his reasoning was sound.

“And you don’t hold my secret against me?”

“Of course not,” Hades said. “I know there are obligations. I would never trap you with me if you are meant to be Queen.”

Hera leaned forward. “Hades,” she said, her voice unwavering, “I made a promise to Rhea, and I intend to keep it, but that does not mean my feelings for you are not any less of a prime.”

In that moment she recalled the Fates’ prophecy about her being Queen.

“Through selfless surrender, your power shall bloom,
And in this act, Olympus shall find its true heir’s room.
His mighty ascension, not forged by scheme or plan,
Through your grace, he’ll inherit the throne’s true span.

Forever you shall reign, your love’s embrace,
Shall guide Olympus in its eternal grace.
In generous grace, your destiny takes flight,
As Queen and King, you’ll lead with love’s pure light.”

She recalled the words perfectly. So much else had been a blur. But she knew those words. She thought it best to surrender to the idea.

“I shall be Queen of Olympus, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t be king.” When Hades gave her a look of doubt, Hera reached out with tender reassurance. “If you are not, I will find a way to still be with you, Hades. You have my word.”

Hades watched her carefully. He learned into her, and in the lonely dark room within Rhea’s palace, their lips touched, sharing a kiss that would serve as a sacred vow.

Beneath the starlit canopy of Gaia’s secluded island, Zeus and Rhea met in the quietude of the night. The soft murmur of the waves caressing the shore provided a gentle backdrop to their clandestine meeting. Moonlight bathed both of them in an ethereal glow, running its light over their skin as intimately as a lover.

Rhea sat on a rock as if it were the most noble chair on Olympus. She was ever the Queen. Her eyes reflected a wisdom of a time long gone by. Her dirty blonde hair flowed in a breeze. She spoke with a soft tone.

“Zeus, my son, are you still intending to have the throne that Gaia and myself have prepared for you?”

Zeus nodded. “I am. I have come to ask what must be done? If there is a price to pay, so be it.”

Rhea’s gaze never wavered. She drank her son in with all of her eyes. Maybe he knew she was undressing him with her eyes, maybe he did not. He was Ouranos in miniature. His hair was a flowing white. He had stubble of reddish brown around his jawline. His muscles were more pronounced than Ouranos. He wore a tunic of white and gold. He had sandals of bronze on his feet and wrapped around his legs.

Ouranos had no need for such mundane trappings. Still, the differences only exemplified who Zeus was. Rhea yearned for him all the more.

“There is a price. More specifically, I will need a few things from you,” she said, licking her lips. She crossed one leg over the other. Her womanhood moistened at the thought of what was to come. “Before I reveal what you must give, you must first agree without knowing what it entails.”

Zeus hesitated, torn between his desire for power and the uncertainty of the agreement. He had fought long and hard against both his father and her husband to get where he was. His whole life had been about harnessing and consolidating power within himself.

All of that would mean nothing if he was not willing to pay the price that his mother had for him.

He nodded. “Whatever you desire, Rhea, shall be yours.”

She nodded back. The salacious smile on her lips slightly caught him aback. “First, as you have given your word, I have seen the strife of wayward kings, and you and I both know that Gaia and Rhea played a bigger part of Cronos’ downfall than others know.”

“What does that have to do with the price I am willing to pay?” Zeus asked, confused.

“We realize that you must have someone by your side that is ready to be queen, but who also understands the nature of what it will take to keep your thrones. Gaia and I would like someone by your side who fought during the Titanomachy.”

“That sounds fair,” Zeus said. He did not voice his opinion as he believed his mother was trying to arrange a marriage between himself and Metis.

“Then you will agree to marry whomever myself and Gaia have in mind?”

“I have already agreed,” Zeus said with a single laugh. “I think we both know I will commit to this.”

“Good,” Rhea said. “I honestly thought that would be the harder of the two things I needed you to agree to.”

“Oh?” Zeus asked, wondering.

Rhea uncrossed her legs. She knew that Zeus’ superior senses would smell the aroma of her desire.

“You see? You will have to give up something physically for the second task.”

Zeus shivered as the scent of Rhea’s womanhood wafted into his nose. Without thinking a stirring of his loins started. He could not help himself. Something about Rhea drew him in, just as Gaia had. Gaia had taken Zeus’ virginity, easing him into manhood, but since, he had laid with Metis, Themis, and he knew the list would be near unending.

Women were his to have and conquer. When their legs were in the air, it was his right to bury himself into them. Only their wet crevices could fulfill them. They were made in a lesser image by Chaos for this purpose. He would fuck, rut, use, and discard them as he needed. Even the thought was making his member slowly grow.

“I am to use magic that your brothers cannot detect, I will need something from you to harness unique power that they are not familiar with.”

Zeus was not sure what Rhea meant, but with the way she breathed, the way she moved, he hoped the Queen of the Titans was saying something in the lines of carnal pleasure.

Rhea stood up. She slowly walked toward Zeus. She could see his engorging erection. Already she saw he was more impressive than Cronos ever was. She slowly moistened and bit her lower lip. How would he compare to Ouranos?

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